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15 February 2019
REVIEW: Most Haunted - Hodroyd Hall Pt 3 - Airdate 15/02/2019
Welcome back to the UK's most popular and most read weekly review of Most Haunted.
I have been asked to publish the following from our resident nasty evil skeptic, Mr Juan Donnis.
"Last week Most Haunted claimed that they were speaking to a ghost called "Henry Harries", we even pointed out that he died 7+ miles away and not just outside like Fred had claimed. But that is not all, since last week someone else did more research and found out that Most Haunted had simply read the newspaper cutting (the same one we published) and then repeated the same mistakes the cutting had made, on the show. Proving 100% that Yvette Fielding had cheated. Since both her fake communication with the ghost, as well as Fred's prior research all matched the cutting, but didn't match the truth. The truth is, there was no Henry Harries at all!
You can read the full investigation at
Of course this is not the first time they have been caught cheating, and the "Haunties" will surely find a way to explain this latest lie."
Anyway with that out of the way.....
I am your host Jon Donnis, a world renowned believer in all things woo, so get yourself comfortable, and enjoy this weeks review.
"As Yvette leads her team in the last episode of the Hodroyd trilogy, they search to uncover the truth behind one of its most endearing mysteries."
Before we start, feel free to print off the Most Haunted Drinking game I have prepared.
My advice would be to start with shots of whiskey, only fair we drink spirits when talking to spirits!
We start off with the highlights of the previous episode, showing all the 100% legitimate ghost activity that happened. Including the ghosts throwing coins from where Karl and Fred were stood.
And before you know it we are back, and we are back with Karl and him hearing footsteps. Although the audio would suggest the footsteps were added in post production, clearly this difference in sound quality can be explained by the fact that ghosts do not have physical feet.
Here is Glen in mid-investigation, many of you wont know this, but by filming his neck-beard instead of the ghosts, he is actually proving that ghosts exist. I have not quite worked out how that is, but trust me, every real investigator knows that you have to film yourself instead of the area you are investigating. But this only counts if you are investigating ghosts, imagine if a crime scene investigator was examining a crime scene and just took photos or videos of themselves, how ridiculous and unprofessional that would be! Luckily Glen is a seasoned professional so knows exactly what he is doing.
It seems that while Glen was filming himself, a door has opened all by itself.
Glen then thanks the ghosts for opening the door, which goes against the claims that he is the resident skeptic. Could it be that he is just playing a part and not really a skeptic?
Yvette starts singing Ring of Roses, so take a drink, as that would clearly come under "When someone whistles or hums a song"
Rick is filming himself, so much like Glen he is following the ghost hunters rule book.
Yvette starts tapping the bath, but the ghost isn't ready yet so doesn't reply.
Karl is getting scared in the attic, so has decided to leave the area.
Annoyingly UKTV are now forcing ads when watching the show online. That was one of the few pleasures in watching online that you could watch the show in 45 minutes instead of 1 hour.
Back on and Yvette is still waiting for something to happen. As nothing does, Yvette meets up with some others and puts her hand on a table.
Karl has gone and got Rick to keep him company in the attic.
Have you ever noticed how Karl always says hello to the ghosts in such a way that he would expect a response, further proof it is all real.
Yvette has seen a real life orb moving across the wall. OFF CAMERA.
Ok I cant keep this pretence up any longer. Yvette saw a god damn insect, not an orb. Just because you see something move in the corner of your eye, or something move in the distance when it is dark, does not make it an orb. Like seriously guys, how unbelievably stupid do you have to be to think every little thing is an orb. An orb by the way is what spiritualists like to say are the first stages of a spirit manifestation. Well guess what, no "orb" has ever manifestated into a spirit, or anything. And now because 100% of orbs found on photographs/videos were debunked OVER A DECADE AGO, we have to put up with idiots saying that they saw an orb with their own eyes. OFF FREAKING CAMERA! Give me a break. Apollonius Christ some people are dumb.
Ok where was I.
Oh yeah, the guy in the middle is trying to lift a table with his penis.
This episode is 16 minutes old already. And I am already half a bottle down on the cough medicine, and I don't even have a cough! (7%)
I was wondering why we had not had any coins thrown yet in this episode, and then suddenly Karl empties his pockets of coins.
Watch as Karl waits for Rick to look the opposite direction and move forward, so that Karl can chuck the coins behind them. I had hoped that Rick was an innocent bystander, but I cant believe that Rick didn't realise exactly what happened here.
Now let's pretend that this coin throwing nonsense is really ghosts, making coins out of thin air, and then dropping them exactly where Karl is. How could the MH team prove this was all legit? The easiest option is to bloody well use more cameras. But they refuse to do that. Despite the fact that no one in history has ever filmed something appearing out of nowhere on a ghost hunt. Credible footage of that happening would be worth millions. Yet Karl refuses to stump up a few hundred quid on a bunch of cheap portable cameras. Or even ask people to use their smartphone. Either he is an idiot, or he is faking and knows he cant fake if there are a lot of cameras about.
I wonder if someone could count up all the coins ever thrown on Most Haunted. I assume that if a ghost was to throw a coin, you would keep it, so in theory Karl should have a huge collection of these ghost coins at home. And they should match up perfectly in number to every coin ever thrown on Most Haunted. Anyone fancy working out the number?
Karl asks the ghosts to make a heartbeat noise. Even though ghosts do not have hearts.
Rick and Karl both seem very happy, but nothing is being picked up on camera, so all a bit pointless.
And another set of ads.
Yvette is still by that table, and asking the ghosts to effect Beardy. Nothing happens.
This episode is really dragging.
Yvette is hearing taps, and gets all excited, again all pointless as "evidence" since we cant see everyone's feet.
Karl asks the ghost to tap for yes or no etc, so take a drink people!
And back with Yvette and she asks the ghost to make a noise with its voice! That's another drink!
Both Yvette and her team, and Karl and his team are asking questions of the ghosts. We cant hear any replies, so we are literally watching people ask and answer questions to no one. This is absurd.
Suddenly Yvette gets all excited and decides to lie on the table. Glen can hardly control his raging boner.
Never in Glens life up until this point as he wished that all the camera batteries would go dead at once.
The table remains still, despite Glen nervously shaking.
And another ad. I am starting to wonder if UKTV have paid the adblocking companies on Chrome to let their ads through, as I have never had ads before.
"Do something to me, no not you Glen" - Yvette Fielding
Yvette sits up, she has waited too long for something to happen.
Beardy decides to "have a go" on the table. This is not how Glen had imagined the night's events were going to play out.
While moving his hand back and forth, Beardy hilariously claims it feels like the tale is moving.
Of course it is not actually moving, and you will note the position of the camera that is in the worst possible position to show any kind of movement on the table. And any static camera set back to get everything in frame would easily prove the claims.
While talking about the table moving, the other bloke reveals that it had moved like this when Glen had been on it, but we haven't seen that footage. So clearly they all had a go on the table. I wonder if Glens pocket bulge was a bit awkward to show on camera?
Karl and Rick are going from room to room desperately trying to find the fireplace where someone allegedly was killed. The ghost isn't doing anything.
Wow they are not as stupid as I assumed, and they did put the camera down to film them. Of course it doesn't show all the feet of the table, or the bloke on the right in full, but for the idiots of Most Haunted, this is pretty cool.
Suddenly the table with Beardy starts to levitate about a foot off the ground! WOW, we finally have proof. Oh wait that never happened. How strong is this cough medicine?
Ok Beardy is claiming the table is undulating back and forth, the length of his body, and the people touching the table all confirm this. HOWEVER Beardy is clearly moving his feet which is causing the movement. How this got through the edit room I have no idea. He is literally using his feet to create a slight momentum on the table. It is only a slight effect but it is clearly his feet that is creating the slight rocking and not the ghosts.
The Jabroni brothers (in law) have decided this is the fireplace the ghost died in, despite there being no proof either in the records, or from the ghost that this is the case, they have just decided that it is, and that's that.
Fred has strangely been missing in action on this episode, other than at the start when they replayed his coin throwing. I wonder if he went outside for a smoke and the door locked behind him.
Suddenly out of nowhere you can clearly see Beardy's soul leave his body. Incredible evidence right there.
After a moment Beardy's soul re-enters body forcefully through his colon, and then the episode ends.
This was a poor episode, like really poor, and continued the trend of the previous two episodes. You can tell money is tight at Most Haunted when they drag this rubbish out for 3 episodes.
The ONLY thing that happened in tonight's episode was Karl throwing some more coins OFF CAMERA.
That's it. Nothing else.
I refuse to even score this episode. One of the worst ever made.
Review by Jon Donnis
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By Jon Donnis
8 February 2019
REVIEW: Most Haunted - Hodroyd Hall Pt 2 - Airdate 08/02/2019
I would like to start off with an apology.
After I published last weeks review, I was accosted by a group of social justice warriors. One in particular launched a verbal barrage at me, which to be honest caught me by surprise.
Their anger was directed at me due to a single line in last weeks review. A line which was complimenting Yvette Fielding. At first they had misread it and thought I was insulting her, but even after pointing out that I had complimented her, it was already too late, the talons were out and I was to be their prey. I had complimented Yvette on her high waisted jeans which in turn complimented her figure, something we don't see very often due to her love of huge Premier League Manager coats.
I commented that for a 50 year old woman how good she looked. However there was one specific group of words the SJWs had been offended by, that being "post menopausal".
They took offence that at first why couldn't a woman who was "post menopausal" be sexy, and then when they understand I had said the opposite, they then took offence that I used the term at all.
Accusations of "Casual Sexism" were thrown at me, and they even tried to get various women's right campaigners to attack me too.
To avoid any issues, I edited the line and removed the words "post menopausal".
The abuse carried on, and I was basically described as being insidious, a misogynist, and various other anti-man terms. I believe at some point "Toxic Masculinity" was also thrown in there.
So with that I would line to apologise to all the social justice warriors out there, to all you signal virtuing feminists on Twitter I am very sorry. It was never my intention to offend, and there is nothing that hurts me more than a bunch of miserable, childless, middle aged, "bob cut" cat ladies to be annoyed with me, or to be upset in any way at what I write. These articles are always written off the cuff, with no pre-planning, no real thought, I try to amuse people and give light in what is a very dark subject matter.
So with that apology, in honour of the social justice warriors, who always have #FBPE in their twitter name, the following review will be 100% politically correct, pro belief and pro woman.
The following synopsis of the episode was written by an unpaid intern at UKTV, who surely deserves to be paid, as it contains the kind of poetic, thoughtful preamble of the legendary James Madison. And it thoroughly deserves our attention and respect.
"Yvette and the team are put to the test at Hodroyd Hall, as activity seems to be all around them, and something is following them."
As the episode starts we come face to face with this disclaimer, a disclaimer they are forced to air due to the evil male overlords at OFCOM who are paid off by white billionaire men who support Brexit.
Sadly there is no escape, but you can rest assured that Most Haunted is most definitely NOT entertainment! It is the complete opposite.
We are back at Hodroyd Hall for part 2 of this special 3 part investigation.
If you remember in part 1 we had some spirits drop some coins right next to where Karl was standing. Clearly the ghosts only did this so that horrible nasty skeptics would blame Karl, thus proving that ghosts are real, and these evil ghosts clearly wanted to set Karl up to be mocked.
Yvette is with Karl and Fred, and they have the laptop set up to record for EVPs, and Yvette is talking out to the ghosts, asking them to make some noise and tap out.
Yvette is pointing out letters on the laptop and asking the ghosts to tap if the letter matches their name. What a clever and genius idea to communicate with the spirits this is. Although it is unlikely that a spirit would even know what a laptop is, or understand how a keyboard works, not to mention the way the typed letter appears compared to how words were written hundreds of years ago, that doesn't matter.
And for those toxic men out there that would ask such asinine questions like "If a ghost can throw a coin or make a tap/knock on the floor, why cant it press a key on a keyboard which would take a fraction of the effort than throwing a coin" I say to you, shut up. We don't need your toxic masculinity around here. It is clearly easier and much quicker for a ghost to see someone point at a key and then tap the floor, than it would be to just type out their name.
The ghost has revealed his name is Henry Harries, and he was 55 when he died and he died in May 1901.
Idiot "Septics" would just say that Yvette researched a name before hand, and just typed it out. But why would she do that? She has no possible motive. And you cant prove she cheated, therefore it is all 100% real.
Glen, Darren (the man with excessive facial hair), and Rick, the relative of Yvette who bravely stepped in at the last minute, and refused to be paid, are also investigating an area, but aren't getting much luck. Clearly the spirits are female, and the last thing they want is to be left alone with 3 men.
Especially when one has facial hair which is a clear sign of toxic masculinity.
Back with Yvette, Fred and Karl, and Karl asks Fred to check his records, and low and behold there was indeed a man called Henry Harries who died at 55, right outside the location, and this totally backs up everything the ghost told Yvette, and 100% proves the existence of ghosts.
There is no way Yvette could have possibly researched this beforehand, and as you know we must always "believe all women" in everything they say, as they are always honest and never lie, even if they are actively making money from the claim.
UPDATE: The excellent Ellis Moon (Twitter @theshadowplane) has spotted something that I would like to share.
"Henry Harries did not die just outside the Hall as Fred implies.
He died at Race common Road Barnsley which is 7.5 miles from Hodroyd.
Article from Sheffield Evening Telegraph 11/05/1901 as proof."
As soon as the episode has finished I will ring the JREF and demand they hand over $1m to the Most Haunted team, but to write it only in Yvette's name as the men cant be trusted.
Yvette now wants Henry to spell out a word or sentence to describe how he felt when he left this world and went to the next.
The word he spells is "Bliss".
Yvette asks him if he is happy and if he is with his family, and he says yes.
I am assuming he knew that the very trust worthy and honest Most Haunted team would be investigating the place where he had this terrible accident and decided to just pop by and visit so he could relive his death, purely for the benefit of a TV show that airs to a few hundred thousand people.
Yvette is still asking questions to Henry, and although to a man the questions would sound really idiotic and patronising, Yvette says it with such authority and grace that as a strong independent woman, the ghost is clearly impressed with her intelligence and replies each time.
The Toxic Duo and Rick are still together, and although it is not shown on camera, and I have no way of knowing, I am sure they were objectifying women, and making disgusting noises with their bottoms, and burping too.
But on camera, they are talking to the ghosts and nothing is happening, clearly the ghosts are not impressed by them.
19 minutes in and Yvette is still at the keyboard translating ghost taps to words. It is this kind of serious investigating that proves that Most Haunted is real. And although some would say they are just trying to stretch out the episode and fill time, clearly those people have never been on a real investigation.
If a ghost was tapping while Yvette pointed at letters, some very idiotic people would suggest that Yvette, nor anyone else present would need to see what letter she was pressing, but clearly that wouldn't work, because sometimes ghosts look through the eyes of the living, so would need for Yvette and/or Fred to see what she was doing, so the ghost would know when to tap.
And just because 100% of experiments of this nature that have ever been conducted IN HISTORY, fail when the people taking part are blindfolded, doesn't mean it doesn't work, it just means it didn't work that specific time, and any way, what would a man know about science and investigating? Just because 853 men have won the Nobel Prize compared to just 51 women, just means that men have male privilege and women are held back.
The teams all change up, and brother and sister are investigating together again.
Karl is in the attic on his own.
He is hearing knocking and seeing "movement", that although is OFF CAMERA, does not mean he imagined it or is lying.
Fred is also on his own, and is hearing bangs and knocks.
This guy, who I have no idea of his name, is stood with his buttons on his shirt undone, if that was a women she would be slut shamed, and called all manner of horrid names, but because this is a white man, no one bats an eye lid. And it is this kind of toxic masculinity that is destroying society. Look at him with his sleeves turned up, it is like a slap in the face of Dame Millicent Fawcett.
Also they are hearing knocks and bangs from the ghosts, nothing on camera though.
Glen has gone back to his MacBook pro to listen out for EVPs.
Yvette with her brother are hearing shuffling noises.
Karl is still in the attic and is getting very nervous. Almost as if something is about to happen.
Clearly the ghosts are psychic as a door suddenly slams shut.
Now unfortunately the door slams right at the moment Karl turns his camera away, so we dont actually see it slam. But it was definitely ghosts, in fact you know it is ghosts because as he turned the camera away the ghosts created a slight blur in the footage so that skeptics would think there was an edit, and that Karl just closed the door himself, and added in the sound affect afterwards. But no that was not what happened and it was definitely ghosts.
Remember that ghosts are by their very nature crafty, so will always wait until the camera is facing away before doing something, and although a second camera would catch them out, the ghosts know that Most Haunted only have 3 cameras between them. Also the presence of real ghosts will cause the audio to be affected and make it sound like audio has been edited in post production.
Fred is on his own, and as he walks towards the corner of a room, I thought that he had dropped a coin, but it is then revealed that it was in fact a ghost who had thrown it but from Fred's position.
The coin lands tails up, something the ghost did on purpose to completely throw off the narrative they had been pushing in the last episode of coins always landing heads up when thrown by ghosts.
Again further proof the ghosts are crafty. And to prove just how crafty, the ghost again waits for Fred to point the camera the other way, and throws another coin which lands tails up.
Yvette Fielding intelligently asks the ghost to make a noise with its voice. Because ghosts are famous for making noises with their voice as any real investigator knows.
Yvette has seen something move in the hallway, luckily her brother Rick is filming the back of her head, and therefore protecting the viewer from seeing something that could give them nightmares. It is the thoughtful attitude of men like Rick, who enjoys drinking soymilk, as well as calling for white people to stop being so racist when they smirk, and who self identifies as a feminist that really makes shows like this great.
I wish we had more men like this, stay at home house husband type men who let their wives order them about, and who always insist on the woman driving the car, and even when the woman cant get into the parking space, he would never dare ask to park for her, because he know that even if it takes her 243 tries she will do it eventually and anyway it would be much better than a man parking, even if he did get in the space first time.
Yvette is convinced she is seeing a small child playing, but sadly the camera is not picking anything up.
Back with Karl, his battery is dying, and the footage cuts as he sees something and the episode ends.
I have decided against giving this episode a score, as who am I, as a man to judge a TV show that features a woman. So I suggest everyone score the episode yourself.
I look forward to part 3 of this investigation.
Upon re-reading this review, it appears that I assumed the genders of everyone on the crew, and clearly to do this would be transphobic, therefore I would like to apologise to the LGBTTQQIAAP community.
Review by Jon Donnis
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By Jon Donnis
1 February 2019
REVIEW: Most Haunted - Hodroyd Hall Pt 1 - Airdate 01/02/2019
Imagine if you went on your podcast and you reported news about Most Haunted that you got from a parody twitter account with a few hundred followers, who in turn copied that news from BadPsychics, would that make you incompetent or pathetic? Just curious.
Also in unrelated news I am willing to go on ANY believer or pro psychic PodCast to be interviewed or just to give my opinion. You only need to ask. Trust me I am PodCast Gold!
And with that let's take a look at some sticky, dirty, nasty blurbage from those stuck up nerds at UKTV.
"Hodroyd Hall - an all-but-deserted manor house that boasts murder, death and intrigue among its history - becomes the setting for one of the most intriguing investigations to date."
First thing you will notice in the title of this review is that this is another multi-part episode, this time it is 1 of 3. Yes 3 episodes. Basically that means 3 times the money for a 3rd of the effort.
Yvette is showing off shoulders! YVETTE IS SHOWING OFF SHOULDERS!
The end is nigh, the end is nigh, all run away, the end is nigh.......
What a refreshing change to see Yvette in her summer clothes, although I expect she will don a hoody the moment Glen is around, he aint getting his hands on her naked shoulders, even with a thin layer of material to protect her. For a woman in her 50s, Yvette has a good figure, good for her. No jokes about the turn ups please, this isn't 1996.
Tonight they are in the Yorkshire dales at a place called Hodroyd Hall which according to Yvette is teeming with ghosts. (Spoiler: They don't find any ghosts)
She actually first wore this top a couple of years ago on This Morning.
Who needs Mel Crump when you have an over 50s Yvette Fielding in tight high waist jeans looking half her age?
As soon as Glen arrives Yvette quickly covers up. And now Glen is in a mood and refusing to even look at Yvette. He even wore his smartest sports casual jacket as he was hoping tonight would be the night. Oh well.
Yvette is talking about the place, and we have Ghost Monks, Nuns, Children, you name it this place has it all.
We are told the story of a maid who was pushed into a fireplace by someone and killed, and despite there being no proof of this, we are are being primed to believe that there will be a ghost maid on the show later on.
Glen has calmed down now, and he is doing his best chat up/lean pose. This is the one he gets all the ladies with.
The walk round is complete and the investigation begins.
I have mentioned before a number of times that episodes in general are filmed in a few hours. This idea that they are spending an whole night at a location is a lie. They arrive, they eat, chat, set up, film for a few hours, then leave. For a 3 episode run they need no more than 2 hours and 15 minutes of footage, and keep in mind they can film different people at the same time. So even a 3 episode investigation can be filmed in just over a couple of hours.
Anyway they switch night vision on and almost immediately something is thrown OFF CAMERA as they are leaving the room, Yvette Fielding screams and we have a little piece of brass or copper that has been thrown.
Just a reminder, ANYTHING and EVERYTHING that is thrown OFF CAMERA is NOT a ghost.
It is scientific fact that ghosts do not throw things unless a camera is filming them.
I re-watched the footage, and it would be Karl who chucked this, he was last as they left and he waited till the second camera was filming away from him. This will be a common trend throughout the episode.
It is in this segment that we get our first look at the returning Rick Fielding, (The brother of Yvette) he left the show after Series 4, so it has been a long time since he has appeared.
So in this new series we have had Yvette's daughter and now her Brother. Both working for free. They really must be skint.
Even Watson hasn't appeared yet.
I really cant remember if Rick was credible or not, anyone remember if he used to throw stuff when he last appeared.
Notice the huge light on the camera, just in case you thought they were really in the dark.
There is more pointless talking and then another bit of pipe is thrown, OFF CAMERA, and just behind Karl again. Not seen Stuart yet? Maybe they gave him the night off?
So again I know I repeat myself way too often, but real investigators, after the first thing was thrown, they would place cameras in all corners and cover 100% of the room. If you don't have enough proper cameras, you can use smartphones, of which everyone has.
Instead on Most Haunted they just keep on going, no controls, no camera coverage. Just the same old sillyness, and that is how you know the show is 100% faked. Because if it was real, what I suggested, is the first thing they would do every time.
We then get a hilarious scene as Yvette starts to look for Fred who has done a runner, and Yvette just repeatedly shouts FRED, FRED, FRED etc.
It reminded me of this.
They find Fred and he says he had to leave as he suddenly felt overcome with nausea.
I wonder if he tried to do that same trick he did once before whereby he pretended to pass out, but then no one bothered to find him, or when Yvette did find him, she never had the camera on her, so it was a pointless stunt. Also if you remember when he tried that before, his own camera exposed the whole thing as fake, which we showed, so that would be why he never had a camera on him this time.
Back to the investigation, and there is a sound of something being thrown OFF CAMERA, sounded like coins, they investigate, then the sound again and Yvette finds an old one penny.
Another coin is thrown OFF CAMERA, and again it is from behind Karl. So Karl is definitely the one throwing the coins, and remember we caught him doing this once before.
And another coin, again OFF CAMERA and right by Karl.
I wonder if these are the exact same pennies he threw in a previous episode?
Someone needs to check Karl's pockets.
Worth noting that Glen doesn't appear to be in this scene at all.
And more coins thrown, OFF CAMERA.
Getting a bit silly now.
"I can barely hear it with me ears" - Beardy Bloke.
They seem to have moved on from the coins now, probably since Karl doesn't have any left and Yvette has pocked them all. So now we get the odd groan and tapping and so on. Usual rubbish.
Glen has re-appeared, and he seems to be in a different location with Beardy.
No coins for them, just really faint taps that could be anything.
Back with the gang, and more coins and bits are thrown, again OFF CAMERA, and from Karl's area.
No point commenting on this, you get the idea.
Thankfully just over 10 minutes left.
Glen, Fred and someone else have now gone down to the cellar, and now it is Fred who is throwing coins OFF CAMERA.
A real skeptic would instantly check everyone's pockets.
As they look around on the floor like idiots, do any of you remember when Yvette Fielding claimed that One Direction star Harry Styles sent her sex texts and wanted to have an affair with her, and then when she got called out on the claims she quickly backtracked and denied it all. If you don't remember this, the story can be read here.
More coins are being thrown OFF CAMERA.
Glen finds one and says the immortal line
"It's heads up, what are the chances?"
Well Glen, I can tell you right now, it is literally has a 50% chance of being heads up.
Just like the earlier segment of Karl throwing coins, now Fred is throwing them. And it just goes on for so long and is way too obvious.
And yes a few of them are landing heads up, but please note we NEVER see any of the coins thrown, it is all off camera, so there is nothing stopping Fred or anyone placing the coins heads up on the floor, and throwing something else to make the noise.
Clearly Rick hasn't forgot how to film himself on a ghost hunt.
And after a few more coins, the episode ends on a total anticlimax.
We get some preview footage of the next episode and that is it.
This was a bad episode, like really bad. The only thing that happened was Karl and Fred chucking coins OFF CAMERA, and Karl chucking some brass pipe bits at the start, that is it. Nothing else happened, what a complete and utter waste of my time.
So with that, for the complete lack of effort, I am giving the episode a MINUS 2 out of 10.
One of the worst episodes they have ever aired.
Review by Jon Donnis
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By Jon Donnis
25 January 2019
REVIEW: Most Haunted - Antwerp Mansion - Airdate 25/01/2019
It's that time of the week you all look forward to, no it is not your colonoscopy, or your smear test (both of which you should definitely have done if needed) no it is nothing as pleasant as either of those things, it is time for Most Haunted, and mores specifically my punishment due to crimes committed in a previous life, my review/recap of Most Haunted.
Before I start you may notice on Twitter (@TheBadPsych) I often moan about the fact that people like Karl Beattie, or his little Hauntie minnions like to brag that the show is "Trending" and I go to really small lengths to prove them wrong. And show how they are confusing UK Trends with "Trends for you". People seem to think that I do not want to admit the show is Trending, or that I am lying and so on. Well you may notice that I also use the #MostHaunted hashtag, so I am literally helping them trend. If Most Haunted does trend then that means more people will see my tweet, and read my review. I benefit, if the show really does trend. So there really is no reason for me to lie. I just want people to be honest.
The ONLY legitimate place to see if a show is trending is on Twitter itself, and specifically in the "Trending in the UK" place. Anything else is not a true Trend, but instead just things people associated with you are talking about. Learn the difference people.
Talking about imbeciles, here is the blurb for this weeks show.
"The team visits Antwerp Mansion in Manchester and are soon surrounded by unexplained activity - with at least two members of the crew pushed to their limits."
Let me start off by saying what a thoroughly nice blouse Old Yvette is wearing here. Makes a change from her Arsene Wenger coat she usually wears.
This week is a rare one off episode that is not a two or three parter.
They are at Antwerp Mansion, a place that has been a nightclub, a snooker hall, and best of all a "Gentlemen's Club"
As Old Yvette starts her first piece to camera, I notice a lot of cabling around the property, in the property, on the walls and so on. So instantly you know that any K2 Meters will be completely useless.
No sign of Watson so far which is a shame, Glen has appeared and already he has decided the place is not haunted, and he would be correct.
Yvette is already hearing tapping and banging, in this large empty building. It must be ghosts and not rats, mice, cats or other more likely living creatures.
Sadly Yvette has put her Managers coat on, and asks Glen how big his expectations are for this evening, he misunderstands, and blatantly exaggerates.
The walk-around is over and the investigation begins. And the first thing we notice is that there is no New Yvette! And instead we are stuck with Fred. I guess that means I don't have to refer to Yvette as "Old" any more. How sad. I quite liked New Yvette (Mary Beattie).
They hear a noise and run to investigate. They find nothing, and you hear quietly in the background someone say "they have security cameras here"
Yvette then reveals she is not worried about the ghosts and thinks it sounds like a real person!
So I wonder if this was an unexpected noise. Most likely an animal, but maybe a naughty human who knew they were filming. Remember Antwerp Mansion is in a busy built up area.
There is then a really weird sound, and it is revealed to be a mechanical noise coming from a security camera which the owners had told them do not work. (A likely story). So you now know nothing will happen anywhere, where the security cameras are.
Yvette in her big coat while other cast members in T-Shirts and thing cotton shirts.
They are still hearing noises, but clearly they could be anything since we now know various equipment is on. And they are also in a built up area, with traffic outside, other houses and so on.
Since Fred is in this episode, I am guessing this was either filmed before he and Karl had fallen out or after they had made up.
Karl, Stuart and Glen have a competition to see how can perform the Power Stand the best. Stuart wins, but that is mainly due to him wearing Wellies, despite being in doors.
And without even realising 19 minutes out of 45 have passed, so we are already nearly half way through the episode.
They play a replay of what they claim is a child humming, but it could be anything, it could be a crew member humming, the noise of a cat, anything.
Yvette is talking to the ghosts but not a great deal is happening other than the odd footstep.
Glen and Yvette has gone down to the cellar... ALONE.
Fred and Beardy are in another part of the basement. They are hearing noises which could easily be a cat meowing.
Karl is with Stuart, in another area. As expected there is a noise as something has been thrown OFF CAMERA.
Glen is very close behind Yvette with a filthy smirk on his face.
We cut to Stuart and Karl, and there is something dodgy going on here with the filming, I can't put my finger on what, but it doesn't seem to affect anything that happens, so I assume it was just a dodgy edit to match things up.
Yvette has found some balls on the floor left by other ghost hunters, so clearly this is a location that makes money from gullible idiots who sell ghost tours to even more gullible idiots.
They hear a hum, and Glen replicates it by getting very very close to Yvette, I can not say whether his jeans were up or down at this point as it is off camera.
Glen pulls up his trousers, and checks the laptop for EVPs.
Karl and Stuart are still hearing noises and things being thrown OFF CAMERA.
Glen has checked the laptop and it hasn't picked anything of interest up. So that was a waste of time.
Ok they go to Stuart and Karl and there is a blatant bit of fuckery going on here with the sound.
Stuart saying "It's either behind us or above us" has clearly been added in post production, as it is not on the same level as the rest of the audio, then as soon as he says it something is thrown OFF CAMERA.
My guess here is that as Stuart was throwing something, either he didn't deliver his line, or it sounded poor due to the action of throwing something hard enough to break, so they got him to rerecord it after.
Karl comes up with the ridiculous theory of "Audible Stone Tape Phenomena"
There is another noise OFF CAMERA. Stuart shouts, and then Karl is strangely silent, another dodgy audio edit there.
The problem they have is that they are in a relatively small place, so as they try to fake things, throw things etc there isn't much room to do so, and you need to be careful NOT to catch it on camera, which is making all their shenanigans come off poorly.
"It was almost something in the future" - Stuart Torevill.
Yes Stuart is alluding to ghosts making noises in the future that they are hearing in the present.
Here is a photo of Yvette for all you young teenage boys reading this.
You can have that for free!
Glen asks the ghosts to thrown a coin, and then we cut to Beardy and Fred, and suddenly coins are dropped OFF CAMERA. I assume by the cameraman who I have no idea who that is.
We get a few more bangs, steps and taps and so on, but nothing of note.
And with that the episode ends.
And what a boring investigation it was.
Nothing happened on camera. We only really got a few coins dropped by the cameraman and Stuart throwing something against a wall OFF CAMERA.
No Watson, No New Yvette. Just a very lazy episode which I imagine they filmed in about 2 hours or less. Small crew too which means more cost cutting.
I cant really give this episode even 1 point, nothing happened, and very little effort was put into faking stuff. I wonder if they were a bit worried about those security cameras which were supposed to be turned off as the only time anything did happen was in the basement where there are no security cameras.
I give this episode a 0/10
Review by Jon Donnis
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By Jon Donnis