Welcome to BadPsychics, your trusted resource for uncovering the truth behind fake psychics and debunking supernatural claims. We are committed to promoting skepticism and critical thinking, providing you with clear and factual information about the paranormal and pseudoscientific practices. At BadPsychics, we celebrate the power of science and rational inquiry. Our mission is to expose fraudulent psychics and unverified supernatural phenomena, empowering you with knowledge.
25 June 2018
How the fact that psychics can’t beat the odds prove they are frauds
Psychics/Mediums are known as the intermediaries between the ordinary man and the supernatural. Due to their apparent ability to interact with those in the "afterlife" and their access to supernatural powers, many would have thought that psychics would by now be barred from partaking in the lottery or playing casino games owing to the fact that they would be matching the right combinations all the time but alas, that’s not the case. Even when given the room to partake in the lottery, psychics regardless of their supposed supernatural ability, tend to perform terribly like the rest of us. This simple fact, therefore, makes us doubt them and ultimately leads us to end up calling them frauds.
In this article, we are going to share with you the ‘tools of the trade’ used by fraudulent psychics. While there are a majority of fraudulent psychics out there, it's important to also know that there are psychics who genuinely believe they have the abilities they claim, so although they are fake, they are not necessarily frauds in the literal sense. Think you have psychic powers, why not prove it here on their website?
The Forer Effect
Fraudulent psychics are experts when it comes to using the Forer effect. The Forer effect is a technique used by psychics which will make you feel and think that what’s being said is targeted to you only. In doing this, a psychic will make some claims, these claims will feel like they apply to you only, but this is not the case. Rather, the claims are just general claims which may apply to anybody more so to a particular age group or sex. For instance, the psychic may say at times, social anxiety has been a problem area for you. For most people, this is actually true so it's not a targeted but just a general claim.
Reading Subtle Reactions
Many psychics though fraudulent have managed to hoodwink many people into thinking that they are genuine by simply becoming masters at reading subtle reactions. Fraudulent psychics often speak slowly or very fast. Speaking slowly or fast has nothing to do with communication being relayed to the psychic by a supernatural power but it's all a trick to read subtle reactions. Psychics who speak slowly will be reading one’s reaction after every word they utter. When they see certain reactions, they know whether they have hit a right spot or not. If they hit the right spot, they continue but if not, they backtrack and blame the supernatural powers for not communicating clearly. Psychics who speak fast bank on the fact that if they speak as many ‘claims’ as possible, either one or more will resonate with their audience.
Observant with Minor Clues
Fraudulent psychics are also very observant especially with the stuff that people do not consider serious or important. Psychics have mastered spotting and reading clues. Clothing and how one dress can tell a psychic if someone is married or not. Behaviour also says a lot about a person. Speech patterns also tell one’s story. A marriage or engagement ring also does tell a lot about a person. A psychic that has been in ‘business’ for a long time, therefore, can use these minor clues to tell the audience what they want to hear.
The point of all of this is to consider what is really going on. Is someone really communicating with the dead, seeing the future, or past. Or are they trying to manipulate you, telling you what they think you want to here.
My advice is to save your money and never go to a psychic, but if you still decide to go, make sure you record everything, That way after the event you can go back and listen, count how many questions they ask you, see what you gave away compared to what you thought the psychic told you.
It might take you a while to see the tricks, but when you do, it becomes a whole lot easier in the future to see them again.
And remember, no psychic has ever beat the odds, won the lottery, or put a casino out of business.
11 June 2018
Never buy a pregnancy prediction from ‘Readings by Gail’, ‘Candles and Cauldrons’ or anyone else
The following article was sent to me, the author wishes to remain anonymous due in part to the vile abuse we received after the previous article, as such you can direct all your abuse to me on Twitter @TheBadPsych
Back in September 2015, BadPsychics published an article entitled ‘A Warning About Gail Cuffe aka Psychic123UKReadings’, which you can read here.
Little did we expect the response that it would unleash. It eventually resulted in Ms Cuffe changing the name of her Facebook page from ‘Psychic123UKReadings’ to ‘Readings by Gail’. We strongly suspect that this was so the article would not be linked to her if anyone Googled the name of her business.
Furthermore, we were inundated with a flood of messages from angry former customers. They all had remarkably similar stories to tell, which usually fell into the following pattern:
1. Customer buys a reading from Gail Cuffe
2. Customer either
Never receives the reading from Ms Cuffe, or
Receives the reading, but compares it to readings that his/her friends have bought – and discovers that they are identical, word for word.
3. Customer confronts Ms Cuffe and demands the money back
4. Ms Cuffe refuses, bombards the customer with abuse, and blocks the customer from her Facebook page
With regard to point 4, even we were taken aback by the extent of Ms Cuffe’s abuse. She isn’t merely unpleasant to customers. She actually attacks them with the most foul-mouthed language imaginable, which have occasionally included threats.
In fact, to illustrate this, we’d like to share a few screenshots, with kind permission from her former customers.
The first few images are particularly interesting because they also show a very common technique in action. Psychics and mediums frequently claim that they are forced by law to put up the "For entertainment purposes only" disclaimer. This is a lie - as Jon Donnis (who runs this site) has explained many times. There is NO law preventing someone from claiming that they are a genuine psychic/medium if they want to. The real reason that psychics use this disclaimer is to try to avoid giving refunds when the customers attempt to get their money back.
You can click on the screenshots if you wish to enlarge them.
In the first one, we can see Ms Cuffe using her disclaimer as an excuse:
In the second, she gets very confrontational by e-mail – again by referring to the disclaimer:
In the third, she goes ballistic at a customer who tried to get a refund via PayPal. The customer had made an administrative error online and somehow, a claim for £28 was accidentally submitted instead of £3.99. At any rate, the customer did not expect the abuse that Ms Cuffe then gave her:
But it doesn’t end there. In screenshot 4, Ms Cuffe hurls insults at a customer who misunderstood an offer that she posted on her Facebook page:
And finally, in screenshot 5, she issued a very sinister, aggressive threat towards someone who confronted her over her behaviour:
Sadly, despite the multiple complaints, Ms Cuffe has continued to ply her trade as a self-proclaimed psychic and medium. And incidentally, she isn’t the only person in her family to have got in on the act. Her daughter, Hayley Cuffe runs a Facebook page called ‘Candles and Cauldrons’ – which specialises in selling tat like candles and ornamental stones, plus magic spells to bring the customers good luck, wealth, love, weight loss, etc.
Clearly, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. One of our eagle-eyed readers spotted something very strange about the testimonials that Hayley Cuffe posts from supposedly satisfied customers who have allegedly had a windfall after buying a magic ‘finance spell’ from her.
For instance, on 18 October 2016, this post appeared on the Candles and Cauldrons page:
“Just in?” Really? Well, that’s odd – because almost a year before that, on 9 November 2015, Hayley Cuffe posted this:
Note how the testimonials are almost identical – except for the initials of the otherwise-anonymous ‘satisfied customers’.
Further investigation into this photo also uncovered something intriguing. Because it turns out that the image was originally uploaded on 18 May 2015, to an Instagram account called ‘scratchcard.winners’:
And you can view it here.
Isn’t it weird how a random Instagram account could have access to this scratchcard six months before a customer won £100 with it? And how a second person also managed to win £100 with it a year later? And then how both customers sent near-identical messages of thanks to Hayley Cuffe?
Now, for some readers, complaints about the Cuffe ladies might be old news. However, we decided to write this follow-up post due to the fact that some of the recent messages we have received involve very disturbing stories – centred around pregnancy predictions, which both ‘Readings by Gail’ and ‘Candles and Cauldrons’ offer.
This issue was briefly touched on in the previous article. But it needs to be spelled out clearly here why you should NEVER EVER purchase a pregnancy reading – be that from Gail Cuffe, Hayley Cuffe or anyone else!
First of all, let me draw your attention to the following table, taken from this article in the Huffington Post:
Note that the odds of a woman getting pregnant are initially pretty good. But they decline dramatically after the age of 35. This means that women only have a limited window of opportunity in which to have children and it is vitally important that they do not waste time.
Now, take a look at this post which Gail Cuffe made in September 2017:
As you can see, she actually claims that one of the women will fall pregnant over two-and-a-half years later. It is incredibly dangerous to wait that long – especially if you happen to be in you mid-30s or older.
Let us not forget this message posted by a devastated former customer called Sheena, who was around 40 when she made the mistake of buying a pregnancy reading.
It also turns out that Sheena was not the only person to have been hurt by Gail Cuffe’s inaccurate pregnancy predictions. Another customer by the name of Charlotte bought a pregnancy prediction and was told she would conceive in April or May. Instead, Charlotte’s husband died in April that year. Charlotte then contacted Gail to say how upset she was – but never got a response:
In addition, I came across this post on the Baby Center website about a woman who had become completely addicted to pregnancy readings. Not only did she keep on spending money on Gail’s inaccurate predictions, but also splashed out on baby accessories, believing that she would soon conceive.
Alas, when women want to have children, it can often escalate into desperation. And it is shockingly common for them to develop a real addiction to purchasing pregnancy readings – because they just want someone to give them hope.
Now, in the interests of fairness, we must point out that Gail Cuffe and her daughter are not the only psychics to have allegedly taken advantage of this vulnerability. And on that note, I’d like to end with a cautionary tale, started by a woman who became obsessed with buying pregnancy readings.
It’s an extremely long forum thread, so to make things simpler, I have pulled out a few key posts for you. In the first screenshot, the writer explains that she has bought pregnancy readings from Gail Cuffe (psychic123) and Suzy Rayne (who runs the ‘Psychic Baby Readings’ site).
A few days after that, she decided to purchase a third prediction – this time from Mary Akinson who ran a (now defunct) website called ‘Destiny Leafs’.
About a week afterwards, she finally got the reading from Mary and was a bit nonplussed that it didn’t tie up with what Gail and Suzy had predicted:
But then, to top it off, she then ordered another baby prediction, this time from someone called Debbie who ran a site called ‘Panrosa readings’ – which has also since shut down.
This was the reading she got from Panrosa – which she vowed would be the last one that she would purchase, as things were now getting a little expensive:
Nonetheless, she did inspire several other women on the forum to purchase pregnancy predictions from multiple psychics. The next few weeks were spent chatting amongst each other and waiting to see whether the predictions would come true. And slowly but surely, a couple of them started to become disillusioned with what the psychics were saying. This post, in particular, caught my eye:
Followed by this one, about the infamous Ms Cuffe:
In fact, of all the women who received psychic readings, predicting that they would get pregnant in August – only two of them actually did. Which is statistically what you would expect from women who actively trying to conceive. Although the thread had started off in a light-hearted manner, many of the women ended up getting very upset, which you can read in detail on this page.
As for the original creator of the thread, she made one final post, almost a year later and admitted that all the readings had been a complete waste of time and money.
That just about says it all. An expensive lesson which was learned the hard way. It only remains for me to add that if you are having problems getting pregnant, then the person you should consult is a doctor/gynaecologist. And not – under any circumstances – a psychic!
29 April 2018
UPDATED: Facebook Psychic Brodie Mcdougall Humiliated After Her Fake Readings Go Viral
UPDATED: Scroll to the bottom for an update. 29/04/2018
Facebook is full of fake psychics selling £10 readings. And because of the low price, most people don't take them very seriously, and rarely complain once they realise they have been scammed. And unfortunately for a Facebook Psychic by the name of Brodie Mcdougall, she has found herself humiliated after one of her god awful readings went viral on Twitter (54,000 likes, 12,000 Retweets), and then to make matters worse it got picked up by the media.
For once I don't even need to expose a psychic, when they are this bad they expose themselves.
This all started when Twitter user Matthew Currie decided to share to the world a reading his friend "Niamh" had received.
And if all of that wasn't bad enough, someone replied with the following.
Brodie Mcdougall without doubt you are one of the worst Facebook Psychics I have ever seen, and it is already such a low bar. I wont even put you on the Big BadPsychics List, you are too bad to even make that list. I am tempted to create a new list called "The Big Humiliated Useless Fake Psychic List" just for you to sit on alone, but that is too cruel even for me.
Time for you Brodie Mcdougall to quit flogging terrible readings on Facebook and get a real job.
By Jon Donnis
Update: 29/04/2018
After posting this article a few things have come to light regarding Brodie Mcdougall.
The first one being she seemingly has at least 15 Facebook accounts, all with the same name, but different profile photos. What does this mean? Honestly I have no idea. But it is very suspicious to have so many facebook accounts all under the same name, and all seem active. Does Brodie Mcdougall even exist as a real person, or is she a character made by someone purely to flog fake psychic readings? If you know please let me know too.
I have also heard that she also flogs readings on Snapchat, and much like Facebook she also has multiple accounts on Instagram. Combining all of these profiles, she has tens of thousands of followers, so a very big pool of gullible people to get money out of. This smacks to me of a professionally organised system, and not just a random young woman selling readings online.
Also after posting this article I had a lot of people send me their readings from her. The vast majority were very generic stuff, so I wont republish here, as it is not that interesting. One thing I did notice though was that she likes to tell people that they are going to have a baby, as that seems to be a very common trend.
Anyway I have chosen this reading as one that really amused me from all that were sent in.
If you have had a reading from her, please take a screenshot, and send it to me.
Feel free to contact me through Twitter @TheBadPsych or Facebook
And if they amuse me I might just add them here.
By Jon Donnis
3 April 2018
FACT CHECK: Does Most Haunted get 30% more viewers today than 10 years ago?
Claim: Most Haunted gets 30% more viewers today, than 10 years ago.
Lets take a look at the stats to see if this is true.
Most Haunted airs on a Freeview channel in 2018. REALLY is accessible to everyone who has a TV. So that is roughly 27 million people who have the ability to watch if they so chose.
Season 21 - 2018
19 Jan. 2018 Ep01: 301,000
26 Jan. 2018 Ep02: 204,000
02 Feb. 2018 Ep03: 228,000
09 Feb. 2018 Ep04: 281,000
16 Feb. 2018 Ep05: 194,000
23 Feb. 2018 Ep06: 143,000
02 Mar. 2018 Ep07: 236,000 - (As Live Special)
09 Mar. 2018 Ep08: 247,000 - (As Live Special)
16 Mar. 2018 Ep09: 208,000
23 Mar. 2018 Ep10: 255,000
In 2008, Most Haunted aired on pay channel, Living TV, this was only accessible if you paid for an entertainment package from Sky TV or Virgin TV. And had a much smaller potential audience compared to today.
Season 10 - 2008
19 Feb. 2008 Ep01: 228,000
26 Feb. 2008 Ep02: 186,000
04 Mar. 2008 Ep03: 258,000
11 Mar. 2008 Ep04: 260,000
18 Mar. 2008 Ep05: 304,000
25 Mar. 2008 Ep06: 266,000
26 Mar. 2008 Ep07: 356,000
27 Mar. 2008 Ep08: 404,000
28 Mar. 2008 Ep09: 373,000
29 Mar. 2008 Ep10: 373,000
30 Mar. 2008 Ep11: 480,000
01 Apr. 2008 Ep12: 344,000
08 Apr. 2008 Ep13: 194,000
15 Apr. 2008 Ep14: 203,000
22 Apr. 2008 Ep15: 222,000
29 Apr. 2008 Ep16: 204,000
The highest rated single episode from season 21 had 301,000 viewers.
The highest rated episode from season 10 had 480,000 viewers.
The average episode rating for Season 21 is 267,000
The average episode rating for Season 10 is 290,000
Claim: Most Haunted gets 30% more viewers today, than 10 years ago.
20 March 2018
REVIEW: Most Haunted - Series 21 Episode 10 (23rd March 2018) Manor House in Tamworth Part 2
After doing my best to avoid writing this review, I have been forced to do so by the higher ups here at BadPsychics towers.
The good news is that this is the last episode in the series! The bad news, I still have to watch it. So with no further ado I look deep into Derek Acorah's bag of future events which he gave me in 2003, and pull out the blurb for this week's episode.
"Spook-searching with Yvette Fielding and a bunch of homeless chimpanzees who walked in off the street! The team continues its investigation into the Moat House in Tamworth as objects fly and a little girl's doll seems to tell a tale."
It is always worth checking out the comments after each review, usually after an episode has aired on the TV, people will give their opinion of events that have happened, or if they have spotted something I have missed they will mention that, and I encourage everyone to join in.
These reviews are always just my opinion, and when there is a stunt on the show, my opinion might not be right, it is often just an educated guess, and I rarely go back and watch something twice, so feel free to comment, and if you think I am wrong about something, make sure you tell me.
First up my predictions for the episode.
1. Something will be thrown OFF CAMERA.
2. Karl will do something suspicious.
3. Karl will have suspicious bulges in his back pocket.
4. Jon Donnis will try to be funny.
5. Stuart will get an old saying slightly wrong.
We get to see highlights of the previous episode, including Lou running past a chair and the chair falling down right after. Of course everyone knows she caught it with her coat, but as usual it was OFF CAMERA.
Worth noting as the highlights run that the episode with the doll catching fire finished as 3rd most watched for the week, but the episode with Karl setting his arm on fire finished 1st. This is a marked improvement after they struggled to get in the top 10 for the previous weeks. But still the ratings are down compared to 10 years ago.
Ok these highlights are going on forever. Do we really need 5 minutes of highlights?
And we are back investigating, and the sound of a motorbike outside is very loud, just proving how close they are to a road. I can only imagine that Watson has seen his chance to get the hell out of dodge and has buggered off for good.
As they skip between the various people on the show, I am suddenly reminded how awful last weeks episode was.
Fred is reading from his "How to be a demonologist book"
Yvette and Karl are stood about, Yvette is apparently talking to a ghost through her smartphone.
The first device which could even be called a smartphone, or pocket computer was made in 1992. I hope this ghost didn't die before then, or he would have no idea what is going on.
Stuart is with Glen and Beardy. Stuart is taking the lead, and he sees an orb, but sadly just states that it was dust, then we get a replay.
Yvette then gives a voice over. "Is it dust, an insect or an orb, you decide"
If you decided that it is an orb, you loose 10 internet points. So make a note as I will be checking at the end. If you said dust or an insect you gain 10 internet points. These can be redeemed at any internet delivery station.
Karl's pockets look suspiciously full, so I suspect a ghost might throw something soon.
Yvette is acting scared as if something might get smashed near her, a plate or something, well Yvette, if you keep Karl and Stuart in view, you truly have nothing to worry about.
Faint footsteps can be heard, of course it is definitely not one of the 10 plus members of the crew present.
Karl is running about like a right numpty. I think he is waiting for the right chance to throw something.
We then get a faint noise, could be a cat? Somebody suggested to me that these noises might be playing through someone's phone, literally have a load of sound effects set up, one press, and job done, you have a ghostly noise.
A phone has apparently fallen from its base OFF CAMERA. Yvette picks it up and has the following conversation.
Yvette. Hello.
Ghost. Ye-ahello.
Yvette. Is anybody there? Tap once for yes, twice for no.
Ghost. Yep, I just said hello. How can I help you?
Yvette. Is that you making the noise?
Ghost. What noise? Oh you mean my cat, yeah sorry about that.
Yvette. Did you die here?
Ghost. Die? No, don't be silly, I died in the hospital, got run over by a Bulldog on a motorbike.
Back to the investigation, a faint dog barking, sounds like a child's laughter according to Karl.
Here is a challenge to everyone reading this, tonight, turn everything off, and sit in silence, all those little creaks and noises you hear are 100% definitely ghosts, they are not the natural noises of a house with wooden beams and floorboards naturally contracting, or animals outside.
You know in Greece my house is made of concrete as all houses in hot countries are. Funnily enough at night there is no creaking, guessing the ghosts don't like the hot weather.
Yvette is scared so has a tight grip of Karl's hand, Karl unimpressed shows her his clenched fist. I bet Glen watched this episode back and was cursing the fact he wasn't in this scene instead of Karl. It would have been his hand she would have tightly gripped.
Yvette gathers everyone up together, and they do some table tipping on the uneven floor.
The table rocks every so slightly, on the uneven floor. This was clearly the ghosts and not any of the 5 people touching it. When they stop touching the table, the ghosts decide to stop rocking the table on the uneven floor.
Usually when this happens to me in the pub, I get a beer mat and put it under one leg of the table, this instantly stops the ghosts from rocking it. I wonder why the Most Haunted crew never thought of this?
Fred has seen something the other side of the room, so Beardy points his camera in the opposite direction towards Yvette, and the other cameraman keeps his camera firmly facing the whole crew.
It is almost as if they are making a faked TV show and not filming a true investigation into the paranormal.
I think I have just solved the mystery of why they have never filmed a ghost in the history of the show.
Glen is rolling his eyes here more than usual, he is not impressed at any of this.
His body language gives it away every episode.
All the noises they have heard in this episode so far could be put down to cats, dogs or birds.
Yvette has found a broken wineglass on the floor, and she is well pissed off. That was the last glass. She then realises she can drink her special "Escape from Karl" wine direct from the bottle, and all is good again.
There is something written on the beam above Yvette, I asked an associate of mine to pop to the Manor House in Tamworth and get a photo of it.
I wonder what that could mean? And I wonder if Karl calls Yvette by her old school nickname of "Red" any more?
Anyway there is a suspiciously placed doll, face down in a bucket.
Luckily it is in water, so no chance of it catching fire.
As Karl picks the doll up, you can hear the faint sound of an Owl in the background. Yvette gets scared. I am guessing ghosts that live in dolls now make Owl noises? Especially when they are in a tower.
Karl is nervous, so I am guessing he is feeling anxious about a stunt he is to perform later.
We then get a few minutes of people standing about, hands on hips.
Fred is adamant there has been some kind of sacrifice up there with a doll.
And not some of the staff who sneak up there for a crafty fag, leaving this as a set up, knowing full well the Most Haunted team would be investigating.
They then decide to leave the tower. Instead of leaving first, Karl directs the cameraman, who then films the doll, and suddenly there is a smash, while the camera is showing the doll, and surprise surprise, something has hit Karl on the top of the head. Now the problem with this scene is that it takes a bit too long from the moment the cameraman decides to film the doll, to Karl hitting himself on the head. (OFF CAMERA). All just screams of being faked, and the cameraman watching Karl, waiting for him to do it.
Yvette checks the cameraman and Karl for any glass in their hair. Now despite the glass hitting Karl in the head, there is no mark on him.
As they talk about it, a plate has been thrown OFF CAMERA from someone down the stairs, most likely Stuart chucking the plate up.
Here is an idea for Karl, since he claims they have hardly any budget and cant afford expensive cameras to be placed around the location, how about you just buy 5 cheapo dashcams. They can be set to record in 2 minute loops, so you don't need a big memory card. Every room you go in, you place the 5 cameras to cover all angles. If nothing happens, you move on. If something happens, you have guaranteed coverage of the incident, and from multiple angles, in night vision too. And the cost of all of this? Less than $100.
Back with Stuart and Glen, and Glen has clearly lost the will to live at this point, he has been stuck with Fred first, then Stuart, all he wants is 10 minutes alone with Yvette to work his magic.
Now even Karl has had enough of all the faking, so they decide to have a 5 minute break to set up the next stunt then get back to it.
Glen finally gets to investigate with Yvette, and they have gone back up to the tower with the doll in the bucket. Did you know I was in a band at school called "Doll in the Bucket" we were a heavy metal quartet.
Have you ever noticed the resemblance of Stuart's head, and an orange?
Anywho, Stuart and Karl are together, so I am assuming the big finale is coming soon.
Now hilariously, Stuart goes into another room, but it is pitch black, and the camera picks up nothing, which is strange since they are supposed to be filming in night vision. Watch this scene carefully. Night vision shows everything, even when it is practically pitch black. Yet here we are getting shadows, darkness and so on.
Suddenly there is a noise, and Karl has chucked a plate behind him OFF CAMERA, as he tried to walk in shot, as if to prove it couldn't be him.
We cut back to Glen and Yvette, and Yvette winks and asks Glen "How do you feel", he replies with a smirk and says "exhausted". I believe is experience what is known in the business as an "alphabet orgasm".
Suddenly a noise, the cameraman states it was above them, Yvette insists it is below them, even says "trust me". How can she be so sure she is right here? The only way would be if she already knew what the noise was.
Yvette then accidentally calls Darren, Glen, I know this happened in the bedroom with Karl once, she screamed out Glen's name. Karl was not impressed.
Yvette managed to talk her way out of it by claiming she had said "Clem".
Luckily Karl didn't know what that word means, so just accepted it.
Stuart is asking the ghosts to close the door. If only the ghost of Larry Grayson was there.
More noises, things being thrown all OFF CAMERA.
"There's an old saying, be careful what you ask for" - Stuart Torevell.
Yvette finds a plate on the floor, and the episode ends. No big ending, no big finale, just some highlights of the two episodes. What an anticlimactic ending.
Complete waste of an episode. Nothing really happened. No Watson, just some taps, and a few plates thrown off camera.
I give this episode a 0 out of 10.
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By Jon Donnis