31 May 2017

Review: Most Haunted Series 5 (or 19) Episode 8 (Standon Hall in Staffordshire Part 1) - REALLY to air Friday 2nd June 10pm

♪♫♬Glen likes to put his hands on Y̶v̶e̶t̶t̶e̶ "A Vet"♪♫♬
♪♫♬Some say he does it for a bet♪♫♬
♪♫♬He's hiding a boner♪♫♬
♪♫♬No longer a loner♪♫♬
♪♫♬Delete your web history don't forget♪♫♬

Ladies & Gentlemen, we are back once again for my world famous Most Haunted review.
So pull out your favourite blart sock, get that vaseline ready , prepare your Cadbury alley, for we are at Standon Hall in Staffordshire for the first of a three part extravaganza!

"More paranormal sleuthing with Yvette Fielding. A fearful team begin their three-part investigation of the mysterious Standon Hall in Staffordshire, despite being built in 1910 and having no history of hauntings whatsoever, the MH team will investigate it. Will someone fall over again and blame it on the spirits? Will Glen smirk with his hands in his pocket, will Karl ever find out the truth, will Fred throw something, find out only on Most Haunted"

Did you know when you login to the UKTV website and try to watch Most Haunted, you have to click a button answering if you are over 15 to watch, and then you have a disclaimer stating the show is for ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY. It is as if they are telling you it is fake, and then laugh at those who think it is real.

With no sign of Watson now for a good few weeks, I am wondering if he has been "accidentally" run over by Yvette while reversing her 1982 Vauxhall Nova?

We open up with Yvette doing her usual voice over about the location, she asks is this just people's overactive imagination or is Standon Hall really Haunted? Fair questions, which I could answer right now.

And right away they cut away from Yvette to a Yvette voice over stating that you can see a face in the glass panels behind her!

At the best it is pareidolia, personally I can't see any face, can you? Leave a comment if yes.
Also I hate to say this, but Yvette is looking quite busty today too. Oh no I am getting those naughty feelings again, I was warned about this by my Priest!

No sign of Watson still, remember what I said earlier in the series, the moment anyone gets more popular than Yvette they are soon written off the show.

Yvette and Glen then come into the building TOGETHER, nothing suspicious here, completely innocent.

I wish my wife looked at me the way Glen looks at Yvette.
Glen has his hands in his pocket, and a smirk on his face, so all is normal there.

Glen tells Yvette he has been working out, so she tenderly feels his bicep, impressed by the size of his bulge, they walk off up the stairs to further explore the building.

A door has already shut on its own, and they discuss some of the cameramen's experiences, Glen then admits that he believes in Stone Tape Theory, so to put that in context, the show's resident "skeptic" believes completely in a 100% unproven, paranormal claim.

Yvette just cant keep her hands off Glen this episode, and just looks directly into his eyes while he talks.
In other unrelated news Karl Beattie is not present during this scene.

Yvette hears a tap, and asks "are there many of you watching us?"
And with that lets take a look at the ratings for Most Haunted through April/May.

Most Haunted April 22nd - 367,000 viewers (Episode 2 with the faked footage)
Most Haunted April 29th - 301,000 viewers
Most Haunted May 6th - 353,000 viewers
Most Haunted May 13th - 278,000 viewers
Most Haunted May 20th - 292,000 viewers

There is no date available for Episode 1, and the ratings for the 26th May episode not released yet.
What can we ascertain from these ratings? Well they had a nice number for the episode where they spent a fortune on publicity, and getting footage of the Stuart overlay video effect in the papers and online websites, it then dropped, before going back up again, and then 2 weeks with a lower rating. These numbers are way up on last year, where some weeks they struggled to even get in the top ten.

Ok back to Greg tapping with his foot, sorry I mean the spirits communicating through tapping.
A quick pan with the camera reveals there is at least 6 people involved with this scene.

Karl has now appeared and is giving his worthless opinion on the tappings, it definitely seems like they are trying to set the viewer up to be prepared for a lot of "events" to happen later in the investigation. And since this is a three parter filmed over two nights, it is almost as if they already know that they will have a lot of "activity", which is strange.

Some more claims of seeing shadows etc, all very boring, when suddenly we are introduced to Rose!

Rose Hillan is apparently the Assistant Producer on Most Haunted, and from this shot of her, she is looking very fit. Could we finally have a woman to replace the legendary Mel Crump as the resident fitty on the show?

Rose Hillan has instantly become the most credible, most honest, most interesting person on Most Haunted, and since Watson's demise, we have a new hero to get behind.

Karl talks very favourably about the lovely Rose. And then cuts across to Yvette who is stood like this.

I cant see Rose lasting long with Yvette already jealous of her. And Karl giving her the crafty eye too.
I assume she will be in these 3 episodes, and then gone never to be seen or heard of again.

The fake night filters have been added to the cameras, and the investigation proper has now begun.

Karl and Yvette have separated from the rest and have headed downstairs into an area with boilers and so on. 30 seconds in and they are having a barney, and arguing with each other.

Back with the others and Glen has his laptop out, but is not letting anyone see the screen, luckily I know Russian hackers who showed me exactly what he has on his laptop.

As they are stood there, Fred starts talking to the forces of evil and darkness, and hilariously Greg/Darren?? comes out with a loud "for f*cks sake are we really doing this?" directed at Fred, which is possibly the funniest moment of the whole series, and also the feelings of every viewer.

Did you know that Yvette Fielding's Grandmother is from Cyprus! Just another thing we have in common.

Ok back to the show, and they are hearing tappings by Fred, who has one hand in his large pocket.

Yvette has heard a growl type sound, they investigate and realise its the sound of a door closing, now they kind of expose themselves here, because if a door had to open and then close for something to go through, then it is definitely NOT a ghost, it would be a real person.

Glen and Fred are now claiming they can hear a faint musical instrument being played.

Back to Yvette and Karl and Yvette says the following "My hair looks like pubes again"
No joke, she says that, that is not me being funny, or anything she literally says her hair looks like pubes AGAIN. I don't know what to say to that. Karl makes a few rude comments, Yvette claims she is called a silver fox and admits her pubes are grey. Yes that really happens. To change the subject she quickly pretends to have heard a noise.

Just a note, here is Yvette's hair when Karl met her, you can make of that what you will.

Here is an interesting article about Standon Hall.

"Controversial plans have been passed to turn a historic listed building into a house - despite concerns from residents it will actually be used as a 'haunted house' attraction"

Well it seems that their concerns have come true. Every week Most Haunted seem to investigate places that amount to being tourist attractions due to claims they are haunted.

Where is Stuart? Not seen him at all so far. Hmmmm.

27 minutes in, and I am starting to get distracted, and rather bored. Lets hope for a big ending to liven things up. Only so much of Karl and Yvette pretending to hear things and see shadows I can put up with.

Next up we hear a wimpering noise, they replay it, and 100% it's a pigeon, I guarantee you, I hear the exact same sound every morning and it drives me mad.

It has just occured to me that I might have confused Greg and Darren, so please keep that in mind when I mention names.

Darren is now claiming that they have been hearing a piano being played, and something like a tuba, yet incredibly us the viewer have heard no such thing.

The entire episode up until this point has only had a few taps, some random far away sounding noises and a shadow that they never got any footage of.

Nothing has been thrown at all, maybe that is because Stuart is not present, and Fred was told off for getting caught a few episodes back. I suspect that instead of ruining the effect of a big ending by having lots of things thrown, they will keep it to just one thing being thrown. Let's wait and see if I am right.

The whole group is now back together, so if you are going to throw anything here is the best time to do it with 10 minutes left.

Some good facials in the shot above. They move into a kitchen area. Darren has a headache. There is also a smell in the kicthen of dead pig, that or Yvettes bottom problems have returned. I suspect if they are going to do a "throw scene" it will be in the kitchen, since there is a lot of metal aboutt which is great for making noises with.

Karl has started imagining things now, claiming that someone was stood behind Glen, but clearly there is no one there.

As they leave the kitchen and Karl being the last person out, suddenly there is a loud noise, upon investigation Yvette finds a large knife on the floor.

As always the knife was thrown off camera, so most likely Karl just chucked it with his spare hand as they were leaving the room, that way there was no risk of accidentally hitting anyone.

There is also a fly present, which I have decided to call Keith, and hopefully he is the new member of the team. Karl decides that flies are a demonic sign. Well of course they are.

Now if this was a real investigation, what you would do is put the knife carefully in a plastic bag and seal it, then later on dust it for finger prints, and if any were found compare it to all of the crew members, but of course instead of doing that straight away Yvette picks up the knife and throws it against some ladders that are on the floor to recreate the original sound. Do you see how unprofessional this is? It is not a real investigation, never has been, not even on day one of the very first series over a decade ago.

Endless replays of Karl overacting, and ridiculous analysis of the whole thing which was NEVER caught on camera.

A bit more talking, and the episode ends.
So the only real talking point was the knife at the end, it wasn't caught on camera, so instantly it becomes worthless as evidence of anything. Karl was the last person to leave the room, he is known for throwing knives, spoons, forks, you name the type of cutlery and he has thrown it.

Another very poor episode, no Watson, no GORT. We only got 3 seconds of the beautiful Rose Hillan, so all in all a disappointing episode, where nothing of value happened.

It is another 0/10 from me, and a few hours of my life I will never get back.

I hope that in some way I have entertained you today, if I did why not donate an Amazon Email Gift Voucher to me to show your appreciation.


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Just send any voucher too webmaster@badpsychics.co.uk

This is the best way to show your appreciation for the work I do. So if you enjoy the site, then how about donating me a voucher, and I promise I will only spend it on good stuff like video games or whiskey! And if not thats ok too. I will keep doing my reviews regardless.

Please leave your comments below.

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We are also on Facebook, just search BadPsychics and you will find us.

By Jon Donnis

25 May 2017

Review: Most Haunted Series 5 (or 19) Episode 7 (The Ripon Prison in Yorkshire) - REALLY to air Friday 26th May, 10pm

♪♫♬Old Mother Hubbard♪♫♬
♪♫♬Went to the cupboard,♪♫♬
♪♫♬To give the poor Watson a bone;♪♫♬
♪♫♬When she came there,♪♫♬
♪♫♬The cupboard was bare,♪♫♬
♪♫♬And so poor Watson had none.♪♫♬

If you have witnessed cruelty to animals, like putting them in danger, or leaving them hungry, you can report such people to the RSPCA

Also a big thanks to all of you who donated Amazon Gift Vouchers to me after last week's review. very much appreciated.

And with that said we can start our latest review of the UK's worst fictional drama, Most Haunted.

So while Karl stops playing with his Rusty Sheriffs Badge, lets take a look in the spunk sock at the blurb for this weeks episode.

"Spook searching with Yvette and co. The team attempt to stay the night at the old prison in Ripon where they have some lingering former inmates for company."

If you recall last week they were in the workhouse in Ripon, so this week I am guessing they are doing the prison. A place that without any research on my side I am assuming is now a tourist attraction, and "being haunted" is part of its gimmick.

We start off with a replay of these two numpties.

The guy on the left was David "Random Stoner" Ault if you recall. A professional actor who sells audio book ghost tours. The other guy, no idea, and don't care.

Some more replays from last week, no set up, no intro, just straight into replays, how very bizarre. We get to see Yvette (Also a professionally trained actress, although you would never guess) feigning surprise when her name of Henry Lupton that she got from the Hasbro Ouija Board was found by Faker Fred in his book, that Yvette 100% definitely did not see off camera, honestly M'Lord I found him like that.

Now I hate to admit that I missed something, but upon watching the replay of the book, I noticed something else.

Yes Fred's thumb is pointing at the word imbecile.

Definition: imbecile
a stupid person.
synonyms: fool, idiot, cretin, moron, dolt, halfwit, ass, dunce, dullard, simpleton, nincompoop, blockhead, ignoramus, clod....

Was this a subtle nod towards all of the Most Haunted fans who think this show is a real paranormal investigation? Or was it a nod to me, the biggest idiot of all who writes about them? I will let you decide.

Finally the show proper starts and Yvette's first words are that the prison is now a museum! I called it didn't I!

Since Watson the Most Haunted Bulldog wasn't allowed on last weeks episode, I am guessing he wont be on this episode either.

Remind me again why they decided to have a dog on the show?

Disclaimer: In no way are we suggesting that real life actor David Ault actually smokes any illegal substance, we are making fun of the character he is playing on a spoof TV show. Whether David Ault smokes or not is of no real interest to us.

David Ault is back, hope he isn't using some of his audio book in this interview, otherwise what would the point be of paying him money for it!

Glen, Yvette and Fred are in a room together, Glen points out the handcuffs on the wall, then says he is hoping to hear some moaning and groaning, and all said with a glint in his eye while staring straight into Yvettes soul. Nice to see Yvette with some pink lipstick on too. Luckily Glen is dressed all in black.

Yvette has left Glen and Fred alone to put off any suspicions, although as you can see in this photo above, Karl had been lurking about in disguise all along. Also Glen has been told to stop his flirting, so has his finger on his lips, much like we used to at school. And in other news, "teacher student fantasy" is one of the most googled topics on Glen's internet search history.

Yvette is begging the spirits to talk to her, just one person talk to her. It's just like high school all over again for her.

Worth noting that Glen gets referred to as the Resident Skeptic by Yvette, despite the fact he produced a video declaring footage they found as "the best evidence ever" even though it was really a video overlay digital effect.

Fred has thrown something off camera and Glen is looking for it now. Funny how Fred always has his hands in his large pockets, how about someone film inside his pockets.

15 Minutes in and nothing has really happened. 

Karl and Stuart are now together in a corridor. Mooching about. Guessing they are planning something soon.

We hear what Stuart describes as a bicycle bell in the background. Guessing that is a gimmick they will play up to later on.

Karl sits in a room alone, and asks the spirits to touch him. He just wants to be touched people, it's been 4 years since he had anyone touch him intimately, poor guy.

We hear Stuart shouting in the background, we cut to him thanking the ghosties, he has found a bicycle (surprise surprise) and yes it has a bell on it! What an amazing coincidence.

He then talks about an incident that has just happened, yet bizarrely we are not shown that footage.

He claims he heard a key put in a door, we get this exciting close up of an empty key hole.

"Clitoris is derived from the Greek word for clitoris, kleitoris, which in turn comes from kleio (to close, as with a door or latch), perhaps in reference to those portions of the labia minora that enclose the clitoris, or to the clitoris as a metaphorical gateway to the vagina."

Back to Karl and he is sat alone, realising that he has wasted most of his adult life with very little to show for it. He slowly reaches for a shotgun, his finger trembles on the trigger......

Suddenly there is a noise, the door has moved slightly (off camera), Karl puts the shotgun down, and goes to investigate. Wow that was a close one. First ever death on a spoof paranormal investigation show nearly happened then.

Please check out National Suicide Prevention Lifeline if you are ever having any such thoughts, there is always people out there to help you. They are sick of hearing from me though, I usually ring them after I have finished writing each review of Most Haunted.

25 minutes in and still nothing of interest has happened, other than a few creaking doors, and a bicycle bell ringing OFF CAMERA!

Karl starts talking about the energy there, how it is freezing cold and electric.

Notice Karl's eyes, if it was really dark wouldn't his pupils be massive? Instead they are perfectly normal. It is almost as if they are faking night vision with some kind of filter. Of course that is nonsense though, as we all know Karl's white hair would appear dark in night vision wouldn't it........

Wow this episode is boring. They better be building to a big finale, or else I have just wasted a few hours of my life.

Stuart is coming up the stairs to rejoin Karl, he tells of all these amazing things that have happened, yet we have not been shown any of them, his camera is definitely working as we are seeing a duel screen shot.

Also notice the big light on Karl's camera.

Still think they are being honest with you?

We hear another loud noise as Stuart is off camera. 
Stuart is still going on about this bell. Endless replays.

Imagine if you wanted to fake the bell noise, all you would need to do is record it on your smartphone, then press play while it is in your pocket out of sight.

Everyone has decided to regroup for the big finale, well it is in the script you know.

Glen is keeping his distance from Yvette here since everyone else is present.

31 Minutes gone, and still nothing has really happened.

Karl positions himself between Glen and Yvette in an act of control, his hands cupping his blue balls.

At least 7 of them in this small room now, Yvette claims to hear noises. Could be any of them. Laptop battery power is going down. (Faulty battery)

Even Yvette is now begging the ghosts to do something. Stuart claims to hear steps in the corridor. Nothing is picked up on the microphones.

They all go back in the room, Stuart leaves his camera filming in the corridor. I hope we get another overlay edit, that would be cool, but would they dare do that twice after getting caught out the first time?

Fred is now talking to the prince of darkness, but I doubt Ozzy Osbourne will be paying much attention.

We hear the bell again, but everyone is in the room! It must be the ghosts. There can be no other possible explanation.

Some footsteps are heard. Yvette hears a growling sound. (Glen's stomach again perhaps?) Because all of the batteries etc keep going low, Stuart has been sent to get more, but we are told this in a voice over edit. Hang on a second this sounds well fishy.

Now we cut to the outside the room footage, and as Stuart is walking past he falls over right in front of the camera. Aaaahhhh now I understand why they had to edit in the voice over, as up until that point we were being lead to believe that Stuart was in the room with them.

Stuart claims he was pushed (by a ghost) despite the fact the floor is uneven, and he clearly just tripped. Now on the replay his fall matches perfectly with Fred asking the spirits to push one of them. Stuart starts his fall just off camera, so we don't see his feet. I wonder if they edited together the footage of Stuart falling to match what Fred said.

I reckon Stuart fell for real, but they decided to use it, so edited things together to make it all connect.
Endless replays etc.
I do think that should have been the final scene, the big finale, but alas they have 5 minutes to burn, so the teams have split up again, so perhaps they have something else set up?

Worth noting they have not had any tappings this episode, but then again it looks like they have concrete/stone flooring, so the tapping wouldn't carry as well as on wooden flooring.

Karl is talking to the camera, and they do this ridiculous effect to make it seem like the camera has cut out. If the battery had gone dead, it would just stop recording! It would not show white noise, you imbeciles!

We then get an EVP played back through the laptop, and there is no clear words, but Fred tells us it says "Not Guilty", personally I couldn't hear that, but as with all EVP's it is evidentially worthless anyway, so ignore it.

And that's it, the episode ends. Another truly awful episode, nothing really happened.

0/10 again. I really should give it a minus score because of the lack of Watson and GORT, the two most charismatic members of the team.

I hope that in some way I have entertained you today, if I did why not donate an Amazon Email Gift Voucher to me to show your appreciation.


Just click the link above, and you can donate anything from £1 to £1 Million!
Just send any voucher too webmaster@badpsychics.co.uk

This is the best way to show your appreciation for the work I do. So if you enjoy the site, then how about donating me a voucher, and I promise I will only spend it on good stuff like video games or whiskey! And if not thats ok too. I will keep doing my reviews regardless.

Please leave your comments below.
Tweet me on @JonDonnis and send your abuse to @TheBadPsych
You can also join the Forum and share your thoughts there.
We are also on Facebook, just search BadPsychics and you will find us.

By Jon Donnis

18 May 2017

Is this the moment Most Haunted's Fred Batt is caught throwing something on Episode 5?

I had a few people tweet me a clip of Fred Batt from Episode 5 of the new series of Most Haunted at Weir Mill in Stockport which aired on May 12th. Unfortunately the clips they sent me were from them filming their TV which obviously isn't ideal. But I had Kevin Batchelor contact me with the exact time stamp of the incident, so with that I decided to make a clip of the event and I present it to you below.

In my opinion it shows Fred throwing something when he thinks the camera is not on him.
Now I am sure that some people will think I have edited the video, or manipulated it in some way, so here just for you cynics is how you can see for yourself.

First go to UKTVPLAY and start watching the episode, then you need to fast forward to 26m:39s.

What do you think? Leave your comments below.

16 May 2017

Review: Most Haunted Series 5 (or 19) Episode 6 (The Ripon Workhouse in Yorkshire) - REALLY to air Friday 19th May, 10pm

Welcome to my latest review of Most Haunted, a show so bad that Antix Productions literally have to pay the media to cover it! Also in other news.....

And lets get on with things, first up we have to untie that spunk ridden blart sock and have a good old look at the blurb.

"Hunting the haunted with Yvette Fielding! The Ripon Workhouse in Yorkshire is said to be teeming with undead souls, one of which seems to be following the team around... "

The first shot of the night and Yvette is walking into the Ripon Workhouse, and they have forgotten to edit out her sighs of boredom! Really, watch it, and listen! So funny.

We get a nice little voice over covering the history of the Workhouse as well as some bizarre stock video footage from old workhouses, mixed in with some of Karl's dodgy camera work.

3 minutes in and I am already starting to think of ways to amuse myself.

Even this model in the Workhouse has had enough of Most Haunted, and he isn't even a real person.

We get a quick interview with a random stoner they found on the streets, sorry I mean "Museum Volunteer David Ault", and much like last weeks Jane woman, who it was claimed was a legit witness, but was really a wannabe paranormal investigator with ties to the location, David Ault is actually an actor and even sells a 30 minute audio ghost tour of the event! Wonder how much he got paid for his appearance, if at all? He is also an astrophysicist too apparently.

He is annoyingly likeable, especially as I like to hate everyone, I think he could easily replace someone like Glen who really is a waste of space on the show. But then again those in the know understand why he is really there.

So far no sign of Watson the MH Bulldog. I am guessing he didn't get the call to appear this week.

Before the investigation has started they are already hearing noises from the floor, the fact that there is at least 7 grown adults in the room as part of the crew, makes this whole segment pointless. Especially as it is revealed right after that there are two staff members also present at the location.

Even Glen says that he is excited, despite the fact this is just normal floor board creaking noises due to the amount of people, as well as taps that could be coming from anywhere and anyone.

We then have a ridiculous situation whereby Yvette then Glen hold fingers up to Stuart and ask the ghost to tap out how many fingers are showing.

Still no sign of Watson, so I will assume he is not on the show this week. And that is another reason for you not to watch.

Funny how every time there is a tapping noise, someone has their hands in their pocket. I am sure that is just a coincidence, and not someone making that noise, but then again when you have nearly a dozen people on an investigation, including actors, and staff members who lets be honest want the place to appear haunted as it helps their visitor numbers, can you trust anything you see and hear?

Right after the above shot, there is a squeeking sound, which instantly stops after Karl takes his hand out of his pocket.

Next they move to a room and a light fixture is swinging, Stuart says it must be the ghost children, although funnily enough you would only be able to reach the light if you were an adult man as Karl then demonstrates. No camera footage shown either from CCTV or anywhere else to show the light start moving, therefore its pointless evidence, as anyone off camera could have done it and then hid.

Next a noise is heard, again off camera, they go investigate and it is a brush of some kind.

Again any CCTV in the location would have picked it up, but we never see such footage, I wonder why.

Stuart proudly states that no human could have thrown the brush, it is impossible he says.

We not if someone did it who was stood right there, and then hid immediately after.

You would think that if you were getting things thrown in every investigation you do, you would invest in say 20 go-pro cameras, and just place them all around. Yet they never do that, I wonder why.

21 minutes into the episode and so far we have had.....
a brush thrown - Off Camera
a light fixture swung - Off Camera
faint taps and noises - evidentially worthless due to lack of controls.

So that is 21 minutes wasted when it comes to paranormal research, well 21 minutes and the previous 18 and a half series of Most Haunted. Funny how no mention of Stuart and his cut face from last week. Guessing they saw the replays and realised he just tripped over.

I hear that locations have to sign legal documents stating they have to turn off CCTV for any Most Haunted investigation, as well as non disclosure agreements, meaning they cannot reveal anything they see.

Yvette asks the spirits to make a noise with their voice, and then hears a growl that is clearly Glens stomach, but he denies it, even though the replay shows him grimmace at the exact moment of the growl.

Thats the exact moment Glen does a belly fart. We get 4 replays of this, no joke 4 replays of Glen's stomach rumbling.

We cut back to Karl, Stuart and Fred, and they hear another noise........ OFF CAMERA, this time a Green piece of soap as been thrown.

Just consider this for a moment, a ghost supposedly has the ability to pick up a physical object the size and weight of a piece of hard soap, but can only do it in the dark and off camera. Why are believers not suspicious? Why do they take such things as proof?

It looks like we might be about to go a bit old school!

Yvette asks the ghosts to push the table, but nothing is happening, its a pretty big table so without a proper gimmick (rod attached to someones arm) I doubt it will move. And it doesn't so they move on. Perhaps Yvette thought it would be easier to push. We know she has been caught pushing tables back in the old days with Derek Acorah.

This is a boring episode, I am warning you. 30 minutes in now, and the cameraman is making clicking noises with his mouth

So pretty much this is the routine of Most Haunted.
"Was that you?"
Must be a ghost.

We have had Glens stomach rumble and Greg clear his throat, both being used as evidence of ghosts.

These three idiots are now at the table. Nothing happens at the table, Stuart gets up, something is thrown OFF CAMERA, they look about, find nothing.

I wish my girlfriend looked at me the way Glen looks at Yvette.

More science as they have now pulled out a "Hasbro" Ouija board and Yvette is pointing at letters hoping for taps. Meanwhile someone else is listening out for EVPs.

As Yvette is spelling out this dead ghost's name, we are shown a replay of a whistling sound, which is blatently just someone's nose making a whistling sound, probably the cameraman.

So thats a nose whistle, Glen's stomach and Greg clearing his throat. All claimed to be proof of the paranormal.

You could instantly add some credibility to this whole charade if you blind folded yvette while she was scanning her finger over the Ouija board, but no that would mean doing things properly, as opposed to Yvette just remembering something she looked up before they started filming, at least Derek Acorah would put on some kind of performance for his blatant cheating.

Fred has found the name of Henry Lupton in his book which matches perfectly what Yvette had been spelling out on the Ouija board. I imagine many eyes will roll at home during this scene.

They play back a noise from the EVP which is supposed to be "Henry", cant hear it myself.

Yvette claims what they just got with the Ouija Board is "jaw dropping", yet bizarrely they all forgot to act surprised and excited and instead are all a bit bored sounding.

And then the episode ends quite abruptly. Although we do get this hilarious shot of someone falling over on the next episode.

Cant quite see who it is, but it must be Stuart.

Anyway it is another episode without a single piece of evidence. No Watson. No big stunt.

Total waste of time. I will give this episode a Minus 4/10, so that is worse than a 0/10

Truly awful uneventful pathetic desperate episode.

I hope that in some way I have entertained you today, if I did why not donate an Amazon Email Gift Voucher to me to show your appreciation.


Just click the link above, and you can donate anything from £1 to £1 Million!
Just send any voucher too webmaster@badpsychics.co.uk

This is the best way to show your appreciation for the work I do. So if you enjoy the site, then how about donating me a voucher, and I promise I will only spend it on good stuff like video games or whiskey! And if not thats ok too. I will keep doing my reviews regardless.

Please leave your comments below.
Tweet me on @JonDonnis and send your abuse to @TheBadPsych
You can also join the Forum and share your thoughts there.
We are also on Facebook, just search BadPsychics and you will find us.

By Jon Donnis