Welcome to BadPsychics, your trusted resource for uncovering the truth behind fake psychics and debunking supernatural claims. We are committed to promoting skepticism and critical thinking, providing you with clear and factual information about the paranormal and pseudoscientific practices. At BadPsychics, we celebrate the power of science and rational inquiry. Our mission is to expose fraudulent psychics and unverified supernatural phenomena, empowering you with knowledge.
25 January 2017
LiveScifi Exposed! - Caught Faking Paranormal Evidence
Is LiveScifi a genuine paranormal channel or not? No. In this video you'll see how the people at LiveScifi faked a video using a wire.
Someone saw this fake video and decided to show it before Live Scifi deleted it from their channel.
LiveScifi Debunked seems like an overstatement though. Even the videos they present don't seem to be too convincing.
LiveScifi has shown themselves to fake evidence to make you think they're genuine paranormal investigators. They slipped up and exposed themselves. Live Scifi is fake.
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This is the originally uploaded LiveScifi exposed video now it has been reinstated by Youtube:
Check out their Youtube Channel
24 January 2017
Clairvoyant ordered to pay damages to client she forced into prostitution
A fake psychic in Japan has been ordered to pay £690,000 (€800,000) by the Tokyo District Court in damages to a female client she forced into prostitution, local media is reporting.
The Court ruled that the "fake psychic had conned the woman, and convinced her that she owed thousands to the psychic and that she had made her pay off the debt by working as a prostitute and then the psychic kept nearly all of her income, roughly 90 million yen.
The psychic, who was not named in the local media, managed to convince her victim to move into a flat that she owned, and then forced her to sell her body as a way to pay rent as well as the other money she had convinced the victim that she owed to the psychic.
On Wednesday the Presiding Judge Sotaro Tomuro stated...
“The fortune teller fuelled the woman’s fears by leading her to believe that she owed her a lot of money,”
The victim, who was looking for 100 million yen in damages, had begun seeing the psychic back in 2008 and had been relying on the psychic for advice in all aspects of her life.
In 2011 she had moved into the appartment and had started working as a prostitute, which according to court records lasted until 2013.
The court was told that the psychic forced the victim to live on just £1 a day.
Another day and another victim of a fake psychic.
At least this time the victim has fought back and won in a court of law, but for the years of her life that has been lost to Prostitution, that she will never get back.
By Jon Donnis
23 January 2017
You are All Delusional, You're Just Too Delusional To See It
Unfortunately, we’re all victims to our own cognitive biases and our experiences.
But what happens when our knowledge contains information that we assessed from a situation where insufficient information is provided? We fill in the blanks.
This is a big part of the reason people are prone to believe in lies. And once they believe lies, they’re open to accepting more lies.
This video is intended to help you understand critical thinking and open-mindedness.
People usually assess reality using their experiences and emotions rather than facts.
My goal with this channel is to fix that. Facts should be trusted first because they are… well, they’re facts.
People often dismiss science because they think they know something that science doesn’t.
Or they admit their ignorance and proclaim that the subject is too difficult, so its considered “supernatural”.
There are many psychological tricks people use to unintentionally convince themselves.
So in a way, you’re all delusional. But you’re just too delusional to see it.
In this video you'll learn about critical thinking, emotional intelligence and what it means to be open minded.
Disclaimer: I do not exempt myself from any criticism towards humanity as a whole.
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21 January 2017
A Look at Holly Bell and her haunted plastic bag - Sacramento Paranormal Investigation and Research Team Exposed
Holly Bell is the co-founder of Sacramento Paranormal Investigation and Research Team. Sounds good doesn't it. Before i go further, lets quote her entire bio, so you can get an idea of who she is.
"I am the co-founder of Sacramento Paranormal Investigation and Research Team. My group has been to a number of investigations but we have been working on missing person cases lately and my own house due to the number of apparitions we have captured over the past year. The amazing part is all of these spirits can only be seen through the reflection in my mirrors in my bathroom. After many attempts to rid my home of spirits I decided to slow down and listen which has changed everything I've ever known about spirits."
We have another self proclaimed expert on the paranormal, they run a ghost hunting group, and put videos and photos on the internet.
Most of the photos are of herself in a mirror, and then desperately trying to find something in the reflection that vaguely resembles a dead child, or demon or something else ridiculous.
Here is example 1 taken from her Facebook page.
Description with the photo reads
"I am cleaning my tablet and found this picture from 2 months ago. Just another piece of evidence to add to my crazy haunted house file."
Yes this is "evidence" of the paranormal!
Clearly the reflection of the flash has highlighted wipe marks on the mirror, and may you can make out a face if you really squint your eyes, at the absolute best this could be put down as pareidolia, but personally I cant see anything clear at all. If you can please leave a comment.
Next photo
No description with this photo other than it being from a crazy night.
I assume it was posted because of the artifact to the left of the image.
They would call this evidence of the paranormal. I would call it an eyelash on the lense.
Photo 3
The description reads
"My bud Renee and Cofounder of SPIRIT Paranormal took her family out for some fun and paint balls. When she took a selfie she realized she was photo bombed by the Spirit of a little girl. Her daughter was in the back seat but she is not a blond and she was on the other side of the backseat."
Now most of the photos she shares are the ones in the mirror which are awful, or orbs or rubbish like that.
This photo I really like, as it really does look like a face!
This is another example of pareidolia, he face appears on the head rest of the back chair.
No real explanation here as it is just pareidolia, but it is quite a good one.
"Pareidolia is a psychological phenomenon involving a stimulus wherein the mind perceives a familiar pattern of something where none actually exists"
Photo 4
Photo 4
This photo was taken in a cemetery in Vacaville, California. Kinda looks like a claw right?
Clearly this is something close to the lens of the camera and out of the focal range.
Could be an insect, could be a spider, could be a spit end? Could be a lot of things, and in a cemetery too, it's hardly the cleanest of places is it. One thing for sure is that it is not a demon claw.
Anyway you get the idea, they publish these photos as "evidence" of the paranormal, they never offer up any potential rational explanations, instead jumping to the paranormal explanations instead, usually a dead girl.
Anyway you get the idea, they publish these photos as "evidence" of the paranormal, they never offer up any potential rational explanations, instead jumping to the paranormal explanations instead, usually a dead girl.
What this means is that despite calling themselves experienced investigators, they are just uneducated people messing about in the dark. Would you pay to go on a ghost hunt with Sacramento Paranormal Investigation and Research Team when they consider this evidence?
And lastly, you are probably wondering why I titled this article the way I did. Well it is all because of this excellent video.
The description reads "Video of a spirit playing with a plastic bag"
Have a watch, and ask yourself, is this a haunted plastic bag? I will let you make your own conclusions as to the cause of this. Please leave a comments.
By Jon Donnis
By Jon Donnis
20 January 2017
Debunking Joe Powers' 'Psychic' Secrets feat. Richard Wiseman - The Man Who Contacts The Dead
After Derren watches Joe live, he reviews the footage with psychologist, author and magician Richard Wiseman (Quirkology) and they figure out his techniques used in the show.