20 November 2016

Another Fake Psychic - Exposing the "Hollywood Medium Tyler Henry" (PART 2)

Another look at the latest medium getting some popularity in the US!

Make sure to check out The Chamber Boys

Another Fake Psychic - "Hollywood Medium" Tyler Henry Takes Advantage of Tragedy (PART 1)

Tyler Henry, the Hollywood Medium is fake, like any medium. But what he does is disgusting.

Make sure to check out The Chamber Boys

28 October 2016

Celebrity Haunted Hotel Live Exposed - Caught Faking on Day 1

Not that anyone cares, but Most Haunted was replaced this year by UKTV due to the "rope incident" from last year and the bad press they got, well they replaced it with Celebrity Haunted Hotel, with various "celebrities" and the idiots from UKHaunted would be the "Crew"

Well the show has been universally panned on social media for how awful it is, but whats worse is that on the very first night the show was caught cheating.

If you spot anything dodgy on the show, feel free to let us know by leaving a comment under this article, please include links to screengrabs of videos, you can also Tweet us @TheBadPsych 

Here are some videos

Video Backups incase the above get removed

14 October 2016

Celebrity Haunted Hotel Crew leaked

If you already follow us on Twitter @TheBadPsychthen you will already know who will be running the investigations on Celebrity Haunted Hotel on UKTV channel W. I wont spoil which celebrities will be on, as that will actually be a nice surprise for some people, but the Most Haunted wannabes, I have no problem spoiling!

The question now is, "Who is the Celebrity Haunted Hotel Mole?"


21 June 2016

Gary Mannion Finally Comments On Being Exposed as a Fraud in the seance room

After constantly removing any negative comments from his social media pages, Gary Mannion has finally made something of a statement regarding the videos that 100% show him faking a physical mediumship seance.

Here is what he has to say

"Gary Mannion
Statement: A bigger statement will come soon for now what I will say is. In regards to the seance in question. The room was searched before the seance started, I was searched by 2 independent people, I was tied up by 2 independent people, we had the end cut of the cable ties as we normally do so that they could be proved to be the same cable ties at the end. I went into trance, I woke up at the end of the seance still cable tied. At the end of the seance the 2 people who tied me up were asked to recheck the cable ties and everyone else was given the chance to check the table ties before they were cut off. My team also state they were in control throughout the seance. 

A bigger statement will come sooner. In the mean time I understand people have a lot of questions but if your going to put hurtful nasty comments I will simply block you. This whole incident may of thrown the spiritual movement into disarray and i think thats a good thing. Those who have been to my seances before judge me on what you have experienced for yourself. Going forward I will strive to gather as much evidence as I can and continue to work in more and more lighted conditions. A bigger statement will follow in the near future if thats not enough for you feel free to unfriend me and not comment to my posts!"

So basically he is claiming that him walking around in the dark was merely spirit controlling him, and that he is completely unaware of what was going on.

Well with regards to him being tied to the chair with cable ties, firstly magicians have been escaping their ties for years, there are many methods. Sometimes a chair will have removable arms that simply lift up allowing the psychic to slid their arms out, however in Gary Mannion's case, we already know how he removed himself from the ties, as one of the people who tied him up has spoke out, here is what they had to say.

I was one of those two people. The 'mediums' hands were hanging off the chair so the only place for the cable ties was half way up the forearm and not tightly around the wrist.  I can promise you I will never be so trusting in the future."

So if you cant picture this, basically Gary Mannion would position his arms in such a way that he would be tied around the thicker part of his forearm as opposed to his wrists. Once the seance had started, all he would need to do is pull his arms towards his body, and the cable ties would have enough room in them that he could simply slip his arms out of them, and then back into them at the end of the seance. This would mean that the same cable ties would be on him at the end as were in the beginning. So his insistence that the cable ties were the same is meaningless, as the method of his escape has already been explained.

Often if a psychic/medium is tied at the wrist, then they will escape in one of two ways, the arms of the chair will detach and the arms with the cable ties on can simply slide off, or if the chair is a solid mould plastic chair, then an associate with scissors, simply cuts them off, and adds new ones at the end, this is the reason why they play loud music, or get people to chant or sing along, its nothing to do with raising the vibrations instead it is to cover up the noise of the ties being cut.

Remember believers, just because YOU cannot explain how a trick is done, does not make it any less of a trick. You being convinced does not equate to proof or true evidence.

Gary Mannion got caught cheating, and instead of just holding his arms up and admitting his fraud, he is trying his best to think of a way to cover it up. And yes that did work for Colin Fry after he was caught cheating in very very similar circumstances, but the difference here is that we have the video of Mannion cheating, and that video will live for ever!

If you have still not seen the videos you can do so at the following links

Waving a spirit trumpet about

Naked waving his arms about (NSFW)

Touching a man and moving the chair he is sitting on

Removing his shirt and swinging it around to create a breeze of body odour!

UPDATE: - 29/06/18 
Sadly Gary Mannion has been on something of a rampage getting any videos of him committing fraud in the seance room removed from the internet. The cover up has started and he is throwing legal claims and all sorts about.

Only one of my uploaded videos remain, which on it's own is still pretty damning.