16 April 2024

Canadian Man Sentenced to 10 Years for $175M Psychic Mass-Mailing Fraud Scheme

AI Image

By Jon Donnis

Scheme Defrauded Over 1.3 Million Victims in the United States

In a significant legal development, a Canadian man, Patrice Runner, 57, has been sentenced to 10 years in prison for orchestrating a massive psychic mass-mailing fraud scheme that pilfered over $175 million from more than 1.3 million victims in the United States. The sentencing, which took place Monday, April 15th, 2024 in the Eastern District of New York, follows a two-week trial that ended with Runner's conviction in June 2023.

Runner, a Canadian and French citizen, was found guilty of several charges, including conspiracy to commit mail and wire fraud, conspiracy to commit money laundering, as well as multiple counts of mail fraud and wire fraud. The scheme, operational from 1994 to November 2014, preyed on vulnerable individuals, particularly the elderly, through a barrage of personalized letters purportedly from well-known "psychics" Maria Duval and Patrick Guerin. These letters promised recipients wealth and happiness in exchange for a fee.

Despite the personalized nature of the letters, investigations revealed that they were essentially identical form letters sent en masse to tens of thousands of victims weekly. Runner, along with his accomplices, obtained names of susceptible victims by trading mailing lists with other fraudulent schemes. Contrary to the promises made in the letters, neither Duval nor Guerin were involved in sending them, nor did they receive responses or send additional letters after victims made payments.

Runner managed the entire operation throughout its two-decade span, directing his co-conspirators who operated the scheme through a Canadian company. To conceal his involvement, Runner utilized a network of shell companies registered in Canada and Hong Kong while residing in various foreign countries.

Spanish authorities facilitated Runner's extradition to the United States in December 2020, leading to his federal charges and subsequent conviction.

Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Brian M. Boynton emphasized the collaborative effort involved in bringing Runner to justice, acknowledging the assistance provided by various international agencies and the Canadian Competition Bureau.

Inspector in Charge Chris Nielsen of the US Postal Inspection Service (USPIS) Philadelphia Division condemned Runner's actions, highlighting the exploitation of vulnerable Americans and affirming the commitment of Postal Inspectors to combat such predatory schemes.

Four other co-conspirators, Maria Thanos, Philip Lett, Sherry Gore, and Daniel Arnold, had previously pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit mail fraud in connection with the scheme.

The investigation was led by USPIS, with prosecution handled by the Civil Division's Consumer Protection Branch. The Justice Department's Office of International Affairs played a crucial role in securing Runner's extradition.

The US Department of Justice issued a warning to the public, urging vigilance against fraudulent schemes, particularly those involving psychic, lottery, prize notification, and sweepstakes scams. Individuals who suspect elder fraud are encouraged to contact the National Elder Fraud Hotline for assistance and support.

For more information and resources on combating elder fraud, individuals are directed to visit the Justice Department's Elder Justice Initiative webpage and the Consumer Protection Branch's enforcement efforts page.

Elder fraud complaints may be filed with the FTC at www.reportfraud.ftc.gov or at 877-FTC-HELP. (United States Only)

The sentencing of Patrice Runner marks a significant milestone in the fight against transnational fraud, underscoring the commitment of law enforcement agencies to safeguarding vulnerable individuals from financial exploitation.

4 April 2024

Mayor of Agde Arrested for Corruption Scheme Involving Clairvoyant

Image: (Gilles d'Ettore, Mayor of Agde - Twitter)

By Jon Donnis

The idyllic town of Agde, nestled in the picturesque southern region of France, has found itself embroiled in a scandal that sounds straight out of a mystery novel. Gilles d'Ettore, the mayor of Agde, was arrested and accused of corruption after falling prey to a bizarre scheme orchestrated by a local self-proclaimed clairvoyant.

The shocking revelation came to light when authorities uncovered a web of deceit spun by a 44-year-old woman who purported to possess supernatural abilities. Describing herself as a clairvoyant, medium, and healer, she allegedly manipulated her voice to mimic that of a "supernatural force" during phone calls to Mayor d'Ettore and several other prominent individuals in the community.

According to reports from the Béziers prosecutor's office, Mayor d'Ettore, along with some of his family members and close friends, received calls from the woman, during which she used a masculine-sounding, calm, and husky voice to create an illusion of communicating with a supernatural entity. This ruse led Mayor d'Ettore to believe in her purported abilities, ultimately resulting in him granting her numerous favours.

One of the favours included hiring five members of the woman's family and close acquaintances to work for him, with her husband securing a position as the technical service director at the Agde mairie (city hall of Agde). The mayor's trust in the clairvoyant was so profound that he considered her to be like a daughter until evidence shattered the illusion.

The unraveling of the scheme began when investigators presented Mayor d'Ettore with a video demonstrating the woman's voice manipulation tactics. It was at this moment that the mayor realized he had fallen victim to a well-orchestrated scam. Despite acknowledging his gullibility, Mayor d'Ettore has vehemently denied any wrongdoing.

The fallout from this scandal has not been limited to Mayor d'Ettore alone. The clairvoyant, along with her husband, who holds a significant position within the Agde mairie, have also been implicated in the corruption probe. Both individuals have been detained and questioned, facing allegations of deliberate deception and corruption.

The investigation into this intricate web of deceit began in October 2023 and has since escalated, with the Béziers public prosecutor's office initiating criminal proceedings against multiple parties. As the investigation continues to unfold, the scandal has cast a shadow over the tranquil town of Agde, leaving its residents bewildered by the extraordinary turn of events.

2 April 2024

Self Proclaimed "Ex-CIA" Psychic Major Ed Dames Claims on Missing Toddler's Discovery Challenged

Major Ed Dames
Image: (Major Ed Dames - Amazon)

By Jon Donnis

In a case that has gripped France, the discovery of the remains of missing toddler Emile Soleil has taken a perplexing turn, with doubts now cast upon the claims made by Major Ed Dames, a former CIA psychic. Emile Soleil, a two-year-old who vanished without a trace from the French Alpine hamlet of Le Vernet last July, saw an unexpected breakthrough this Easter weekend when his remains were unearthed in a field, reigniting speculation and prompting a reexamination of the investigation.

Emile Soleil
French toddler Emile Soleil

Major Ed Dames, 74, emerged into the spotlight after asserting that he identified the location where Emile Soleil's body was found using a clairvoyant technique known as "remote viewing." Dames, who claims he was part of a clandestine US espionage project that later inspired the movie "The Men Who Stare At Goats," claims to have honed his psychic detective skills during his tenure with the joint CIA and Army Psychic Intelligence Unit.

Often when there is a missing child, psychics will come forward and make various claims, often without real evidence, usually as a way to gain attention for themselves.

Make sure to read Flim-Flam!: Psychics, ESP, Unicorns, and Other Delusions by James Randi - https://amzn.to/3U0VdAz as a way to educate yourself on all such maters.

According to reports, Dames sent emails to local authorities in December pinpointing the area where he believed the toddler's remains would be found. However, questions have emerged regarding the reliability and veracity of his claims, particularly in light of the circumstances surrounding the discovery of Emile's remains.

The revelation that Emile's bones were found in a field that had previously been searched by law enforcement shortly after his disappearance raises suspicions about the timing and manner of their placement. Mayor François Balique of Le Vernet speculated that the remains may have been moved back to the site, a theory supported by sources close to the investigation.

The discovery of only a single part of the body, the skull, further complicates the matter and raises doubts about the possibility of natural causes such as animal interference. While drones and sniffer dogs scour the countryside for additional evidence, investigators are faced with the daunting task of unraveling the mystery surrounding Emile Soleil's disappearance and death.

Despite the claims made by Major Ed Dames, skepticism persists regarding the efficacy of remote viewing and psychic abilities in solving criminal cases. The history of "remote viewing" traces back to various government initiatives, including the CIA's Stargate Project, which aimed to investigate the potential applications of extrasensory perception for intelligence gathering.

However, critics argue that the scientific basis for remote viewing remains dubious at best, with many attributing perceived successes to chance or selective interpretation of data. Rational explanations, such as cognitive biases and subconscious cues, offer alternative perspectives on seemingly inexplicable phenomena attributed to psychic abilities.

As the investigation into Emile Soleil's tragic fate continues, the role of psychic detectives like Major Ed Dames raises important questions about the intersection of belief, science, and justice. While some may find solace in unconventional methods, others emphasize the importance of evidence-based approaches in solving complex criminal cases. In the pursuit of truth and justice, discerning fact from fiction remains paramount.

28 March 2024

Exposing the "Seatbelt Psychic": The Unveiling of Thomas John in Operation Pizza Roll

Susan Gerbic, Thomas John, Mark Edward
Image: (Susan Gerbic, Thomas John, Mark Edward, - skepticalinquirer.org)

By Jon Donnis

Time to revisit "Operation Pizza Roll" 7 years after the event. 17 Minute documentary at the bottom of the article if you want to scroll down to watch.

In the world of psychic phenomena, Thomas John gained notoriety as the "Seatbelt Psychic" for his purported ability to communicate with the deceased and offer insights into the future. However, his rise to fame was met with skepticism from some corners, leading to an intricate investigation by skeptics Susan Gerbic and Mark Edward. Their meticulous efforts, dubbed "Operation Pizza Roll," ultimately uncovered evidence suggesting that Thomas John's abilities were not as supernatural as he claimed.

The Rise of Thomas John:
Thomas John, born Thomas John Flanagan, gained prominence in the psychic community for his alleged gift of mediumship. He claimed to have the ability to connect with spirits of the deceased and deliver messages from the afterlife to his clients. His charisma and purported accuracy in readings garnered him a substantial following, with appearances on television shows and high-profile events enhancing his reputation as a psychic medium.

Operation Pizza Roll:
Skeptical of Thomas John's claims, Susan Gerbic and Mark Edward initiated Operation Pizza Roll in an attempt to scrutinize the authenticity of his psychic abilities. The operation, named humorously after Gerbic's fondness for pizza rolls, aimed to conduct undercover investigations into various mediums and psychics to uncover any fraudulent practices.

"Gerbic and Edward attended John's show using aliases, and John "read" them as a married couple. During the entire reading, John failed to determine the actual identities of Gerbic and Edward, or that they were deceptive during his reading. All personal information he gave them matched what was on their falsified Facebook accounts, rather than being about their actual lives." - Wikipedia Thomas John

Unveiling the Deception:
Gerbic and Edward employed a multi-faceted approach to expose Thomas John's alleged fraudulence. They utilized a combination of online research, undercover investigations, and critical analysis of his performances to reveal inconsistencies and potential methods of deception.

Online Research: Gerbic and Edward delved into Thomas John's background, examining his public statements, media appearances, and testimonials from clients. They sought to identify patterns or discrepancies in his claims that could indicate deception or manipulation.

Undercover Investigations: As part of Operation Pizza Roll, Gerbic and Edward attended Thomas John's live performances and private readings incognito. They observed his techniques, interactions with clients, and the accuracy of his readings to assess the validity of his psychic abilities firsthand.

Critical Analysis: Gerbic and Edward applied their expertise in skepticism and deception detection to analyze Thomas John's methods. They scrutinized his use of cold reading techniques, vague statements, and psychological manipulation tactics to uncover potential strategies for simulating psychic phenomena.

Exposing the Truth:
Through their exhaustive investigation, Gerbic and Edward amassed compelling evidence suggesting that Thomas John's claims of psychic ability were fraudulent. They documented instances of cold reading, vague statements, and reliance on cues from clients to construct seemingly accurate readings. Additionally, they uncovered inconsistencies in Thomas John's public statements and testimonials, casting doubt on the authenticity of his purported abilities.

Impact and Legacy:
The revelation of Thomas John's alleged fraudulence in Operation Pizza Roll sparked widespread discussion and debate within the psychic community and among the general public. It served as a reminder of the importance of skepticism and critical thinking when evaluating extraordinary claims, particularly in the realm of psychic phenomena.

While Thomas John's reputation may have been tarnished by the exposure, Operation Pizza Roll highlighted the significance of rigorous investigation and scrutiny in uncovering deception and promoting a greater understanding of the limitations of purported psychic abilities.


Footnotes and Further Reading:
Gerbic, Susan, and Mark Edward. "Operation Pizza Roll: Exposing Thomas John, the Seatbelt Psychic." Skeptical Inquirer, vol. 42, no. 4, 2018, pp. 28-33. - https://skepticalinquirer.org/exclusive/operation-pizza-roll-thomas-john/

Hyman, Ray. "Cold Reading: How to Convince Strangers That You Know All About Them." The Skeptical Inquirer, vol. 26, no. 2, 2002, pp. 42-46.

Wilson, Ian. "The Psychology of Spiritualism: Science and Seances." The Skeptic, vol. 21, no. 3, 2018, pp. 22-27.

Inside the Secret Sting Operations to Expose Celebrity Psychics.

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