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26 October 2018
REVIEW: Most Haunted - Series 22 Episode 08 (26th October 2018) - Leopard Inn Part 1
Today is my Birthday! And yes even on my birthday I put my celebrations to the side, I leave my presents to be opened later, and instead I sit down to review an episode of Most Haunted.
I think maybe the woos are right when they say I must lead a very sad life.
Well don't you worry, I am celebrating it proper tomorrow night. Where I will be making first contact with the Spirits one on one! "I am getting a J name, and a D name, does Jack mean anything to you? And Daniel or Daniels?"
The upper floors of the Leopard Inn are now deserted rooms and corridors that were once part of a Victorian hotel, and some of the boarders seem to have stayed.
When there is not enough money to do 10 separate investigations for a series of 10 episodes, what do you do? You double up. But with 3 episodes left to be filled, but only enough money to pay for one investigation, that means we get a three parter. And this is part 1. So expect there to be a LOT of shenanigans in these episodes. We have had a right few stinkers, and last nights episode (7) was an utter disgrace when it comes to making a TV show, the most lazy episode in the history of Most Haunted. So with this being the first of a three parter I have high hopes.
And we are at ANOTHER pub/hotel. But wait what is that 4 legged creature I see. IT'S WATSON! Boom! That is a guaranteed 1 point out of 10 for tonight's episode. Fingers crossed for Lou's Bum Bag and we are truly in business.
Worth noting that the Pub is on a main road, like right on the road, so anyone making noises outside will easily be heard inside.
We are primed by Yvette in the voice over that this is one of the most haunted locations in the entire country. Yet despite this Watson is walking about without a care in the world.
Do the ghosts hide during the day? Despite the fact that most ghost sightings are during the day. Just a few flaws for you to think about.
Did you know that despite what they may lead you to believe, Most Haunted only actually film for a couple of hours in any location, the rest of the time they sit about having cups of tea and then go home.
We are then shown a shot of a corridor, from a static camera, and doors are closing on their own OFF CAMERA. Karl and Stuart run out grab the camera and go check in the rooms to show there is no one in there.
Seems strange that they would leave a camera filming a corridor in the middle of the day, while they are in another room talking. Almost as if the whole scene was set up.
Very easy to fake the doors closing on there own. And at no point do you actually see any doors close, you just hear them close, or see shadows of the doors.
Hilariously we are now in another corridor with a static camera filming, and a doll is chucked from an OFF CAMERA position, into the corridor, this is so fake but quite amusing.
Karl takes a good 10 seconds to get the camera off its tripod and approach the room, giving Stuart, sorry I mean the ghosts plenty of time to hide.
One of the tricks that magicians will use is making you believe you are seeing an entire scene but in fact the angle of the camera is masking exactly where the magic is happening. So for example, note how during these scenes the camera will enter the room filming quite high, this is so the ghost Stuart who is crouched down by the door can simply crawl out of shot out of the room and stay behind Karl. Then as Karl is in the room and looking around the ghost Stuart can bugger off.
Any time a camera films up in a suspicious manner, you can assume that is the reason why.
HOWEVER in this case, this is not how they did the doll throwing trick. (in my opinion)
The doll is physically thrown by someone in the room, after it lands and has stopped moving the shot is cut, whoever threw it (Ghost Stuart) then leaves the room, filming is resumed, and then Karl picks the camera up off the tripod. You see by having the camera static like this, it means you can cut the footage without much of a chance of anything in the shot changing. Although they have been caught out a few times, I am reminded of the cabinet door slamming, but a clock on the wall giving away the fact 18 seconds was cut.
If you don't believe me, watch the doll throwing scene on as big a screen as you can, and you will see the tiniest of imperfections as the scene is cut and restarted. The audio of Karl is added in post production to give the impression it is all one shot. Also note the fake cobweb hanging down, this is moving, the cut is AFTER Karl has moved the camera, he then sets it down and then there is the cut when the upper cobweb which was moving is now out of shot.
So two possible ways for them to perform this trick. A simple camera edit is the easiest to do. But a ghost Stuart hiding and then escaping either from the other door or by crawling out is also pretty easy to do. Any noises he makes are easily covered by Karl muting the sound when he swears.
Glen has now arrived, Watson is no where to be seen. I have heard that Watson does not like Glen.
And before you know it they start hearing taps.
After the previous episode I am truly sick of taps and knocks, such a waste of time and I will now ignore any segments of them talking about taps and knocks.
As Yvette and Glen's tapping segment is finishing, Karl nearly drops the camera, and blames the ghosts.
Yvette has now met up with the rest of the crew, and claims to have seen an orb with her bare eyes! Of course this was OFF CAMERA.
Stuart makes a slight breathy noise, and Yvette claims it is a growl, yet clearly it was nothing of the sort.
Half way through the episode.
Yvette is asking the ghosts to make a noise with their face holes. Karl points out the noise of the traffic outside, but says it is obvious what is outside and what is inside.
More taps and knocks. BORING!
If you sat in any old British house that has a wood frame, wooden floors etc and just sat in silence, you will hear knocks, creaks, it is just normal noises, it is the house breathing, as temperatures drop wood contracts. Air pressure in a house can make things move. Open a door of a closed room and you are creating pressure.
Have you ever noticed how every single time a crew member sees something like a shadow, or a "white shape" it is ALWAYS in the opposite direction to what the camera is filming in.
OMG They have caught an actual apparition! I can clearly see a ghost Yvette right behind human Yvette!
Suddenly a fork is thrown OFF CAMERA.
As they examine a fork, another piece of cutlery is thrown OFF CAMERA.
As I seem to repeat myself all the time, after the first thing is thrown any REAL investigator would set up multiple cameras covering every angle and every person. This is cheap to do as everyone has smart phones. If you believe the lies from the last episode they have at least 7 broadcast quality cameras too. Yet instead what do we get, Karl filming himself, and Stuart filming Karl filming himself.
We are 30 minutes in, and this is dragging a bit. As it is the same nonsense over and over again.
Every time something is thrown it is always behind either Karl or Stuart just as they are filming in the opposite direction. For any doubters, they simply have the item in a pocket and when filming with one hand they throw the item behind them with the other.
The lack of any of it ever caught on camera is proof it is not ghosts. Just think, this is series 22, and they have never ever, not once, never caught anything being thrown from it's start position. Even by pure blind luck, if any of this was real they would have caught something. Not to mention the sheer amount of CCTV that also films everything, we never see any footage from any location from the CCTV. Now ask yourself why.
Glen is on his own looking at a chair that is doing chair like stuff.
Yvette is wondering why the ghosts are throwing cutlery and not big things. I am guessing that ghost Stuart cant fit a chair in his pocket.
Also no sign of Fred this episode.
Yvette throws the cutlery down the corridor, and they film the corridor in the hope the ghosts throw the cutlery back, as expected nothing happens.
We then get a voice over, and Yvette is telling us that after she asked the ghost to say hello, in the sound edit they heard something very faint. So we get the enhanced sound, and yes it sounds like someone saying hello.
However since we have multiple people present and anyone can easily say hello under their breath without moving their lips, the obvious solution is that someone present said it, but it was not heard live, and then they found it in the edit. It could also easily have been added in post production. Yvette claims it is one of their best pieces of voice phenomena to date. But evidentially it holds no weight and can be easily dismissed.
Glen has been very quiet today, I am guessing they are saving his bits to fill up part 2 and 3.
Yvette is hearing breathing/growling noises in the toilet.
We then hear another breathy noise as Karl starts to speak.
We then get multiple replays, also bizarrely they debunk themselves, as they show the footage from Stuart's camera which does NOT pick up any noise. So only Karl's camera picked it up. Listening to it carefully it sounds like this is a post production edit and not something that was actually picked up at the time.
Yvette has made some graffiti on the floor, writing an alphabet and asks the ghosts to tap for her. But because who normally does the taps cant see clearly enough, there is no response and Yvette says they will come back to it later.
We then get another disembodied voice. This time it says "Demon"
Again to me it sounds like a post production edit.
Remember how they have a fake name in the credits as the person who edits the show, and we showed everyone it was really Karl?
Back with Glen and he hears some footsteps and correctly states it is just the other team. However we get this flash up on screen.
Clearly Glen will know where the others are, they all know where each other is at all times, they are on walkie talkies, they don't want someone walking into the back of someones shot etc. So this is just another attempt to convince viewers more is going on.
Yvette claims she can feel pressure on her Adams apple, like someone is trying to choke her. I think she might be remembering some of her late night sexcapades with a certain smug man who likes to keep his hands in his pockets.
And with that the episode ends.
Now you might watch this and think that a lot happened, but let's take a look at what actual evidence they caught. Erm..... Nothing. EVERYTHING that happened happened OFF CAMERA. The doll being thrown came from OFF CAMERA, the cutlery being thrown was thrown OFF CAMERA. The breathing sounds etc could all easily be added in post production, if not performed live by someone OFF CAMERA.
They didn't capture a single unexplained event in this episode, but I am sure if you read the comments from the fans after this episode has aired they will be convinced the place is haunted and that Most Haunted caught some of their best ever evidence.
Also other than the opening shot, Watson never appeared again, I guess they didn't want him chasing after the cutlery and bringing it back to Karl or Stuart.
And Lou's bum bag also did not appear.
I will however give this episode a 2 out of 10. They did make the effort with the doll, they did throw some forks and spoons about, and Karl did spend 10 minutes in the edit room adding some sound effects, so at least they made the effort, and if you compare that to the previous episode where they were just lazy, I can admit I appreciate it, even if it is all fake as hell, and only a fool would think any of it was real.
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By Jon Donnis
25 October 2018
REVIEW: Most Haunted - Series 22 Episode 07 (25th October 2018) - Ancient High House in Stafford
I have been thinking, usually when they air episodes once a week, I have a whole week to dread having to write the review, at least with the episodes airing every night, I can get them out of the way nice and quickly, and when the series is done I can go back to being a normal human being, and not having to watch god awful fake TV, instead I can watch WWE Professional Wrestling and watch Giants fight Midgets. Now that is real life!
And with that here is some Blurbage I found on the foot of a Giant.
More ghoulish fun. The team are at the Ancient High House in Stafford which is said to be haunted by long-dead spirits. There, Gregg feels something is playing with him.
First of all this is not a two part episode! So that's a nice relief.
I suspect this episode will be another borefest sadly.
It is opening shots like this that makes me wish that someone like Kelly Brook was hosting this show. Now she would definitely bring in the ratings.
The lack of build up, "upcoming on" vignettes etc, is really making me think they will phone this episode in. So I am truly dreading watching this episode.
I will however do my best for you guys to make it vaguely entertaining.
4 minutes in and Glen has already arrived. I guess we gonna get a lot of chat now to fill time.
Already they are getting tapping and knocking. Glen correctly points out how creaky the wooden floor is, but this is dismissed by expert Yvette, and it is definitely ghosts, and not of the many many people present.
In the last episode we saw how Glen might approach a woman in a club to chat them up, well here we get to see him in mid chat up. Notice how the one leg is crossed over the ever, showing a powerful yet casual stance.
Yvette is now manhandling the rocking chair in the hope that the ghosts will repeat the knocking sound.
Some more knocks and the sound of a door closing OFF CAMERA.
Glen is doing his best to be skeptical, but is quickly shut down by Yvette.
The walk around is done after 10 minutes and the investigation proper begins as they pretend to turn off the lights.
Everyone is quickly split up into solo "vidguals".
The Ancient High House in Stafford is a museum, so a lot of mannequins which are always spooky, plus as a tourist location there has to be lots of stories made up to get the punters in.
As we go from person to person they are all making the same claims, footsteps, tapping and so on.
Also we are supposed to believe that each person has their own camera, and they are all investigating at the same time. THIS IS NOT TRUE. We know they at most have 3 cameras, sometimes only 2. So the idea they all have their own camera is nonsense. This will be filmed 2 at a time at most, and then all edited together to make it appear they are all investigating at the same time.
So at any point of filming, the rest of the crew will just be standing about possibly outside the room of the solo "Vidgual", so any knocks, noises, tapping etc, is easily put down to someone just outside.
Shame none of these have mechanical elements inside to make them move, that would be funny.
Yvette shows us her "O FACE".
Never felt sorry for Karl before.
Also she is hearing taps etc, you can also clearly hear other people talking, whether that is people outside on the street or others in the location. So the location is not controlled in any way.
We then get a reply showing the sound of a girl laughing, as I said the location is not controlled in any way.
The quick switching between people and then all of them saying they can hear knocks is getting boring quick.
Lets take their claims at face value, and say that they are all investigating in different rooms on their own. They would all be in adjacent rooms, they are all knocking and asking for ghosts to repeat it, they could literally just be hearing each other do that, any footsteps are just the person in the next room, any talking is just crew members taking a break, and woman's laugh could be Yvette or Lou or some random make up lady laughing.
This is NOT a serious investigation. And that is if you take their claims at face value, despite the fact we know they have lied by claiming everyone has their own camera and is investigating different rooms on their own.
So come on fans of Most Haunted, which is it? They are either lying about their investigations or they are hearing each other. This is no different to you being sat in your bedroom and a sibling being in the next room and you hear them move about, or you hear a parent come up their stairs. You MH fans are young, I get it, but you also cant be that stupid as to think ghosts are making these noises.
20 minutes in and I am going stir crazy. No Watson to amuse me, no Lou to shake her bum bag.
Also because they are in a museum, I highly doubt anything will be thrown since they would have been strictly told not to touch anything behind the barriers.
I am getting seriously frustrated now because they are making no effort to even pretend to be serious. They are claiming they can hear footsteps but those footsteps we know are just other crew members walking about in various rooms.
In one way you could say they are not faking anything, they are just being either incredibly ignorant, or knowingly ignorant of what is going on and then filming themselves looking all surprised and excited.
The solo "vidguals" are finally over and they have paired up.
"Is anyone there, knock once for yes, twice for no"
This whole episode is just taps and knocks, possibly the most lazy way of making a paranormal investigation spoof TV show.
Anyway if you follow me on Twitter you may have seen a rumour I exclusively revealed. Now I will repeat it here, but I will also make it very clear I have not confirmed this, so it is just an unfounded rumour, but it did come from a very reliable source (Most Haunted Mole). The rumour is that Karl Beattie and Fred Batt have had a bit of a falling out. Apparently Fred is a bit sick of it all, and has had enough, now for those in the know, Fred Batt pretty much bankrolls the whole show, he pays for everything, so without him there is no show. For now he is still involved, but the future is very uncertain, especially if Fred decides to leave. The money from UKTV is no where near enough to make episodes, which is why they do the live events, as that is where they make money. The future is uncertain.
While I wrote that various people heard knocks and taps. Nothing else happened.
30 minutes gone, and you can now clearly and quite loudly hear people outside on the street talking, shouting, playing etc.
Out comes the Ouija Board, or as Yvette called it "The Tapping Board".
These ghosts are so boring.
Ok so Yvette is gonna point at a letter and if the ghost taps then that will be the letter used to spell out the name. Seems like a hard way to do things.
For the record it is not an actual Ouija Board, it is a photo of one on Glen's laptop.
The ghost is spelling out the name WILLIAM, it always seems to be William.
We get a replay of what we are told is a child's cough, could be anything.
They are trying to talk to this ghost, but the subject matter is so tedious it makes me want to poke my eyes out with a fork.
Karl has literally pulled up the info on this person on his phone, and then Yvette is asking the ghost to confirm with taps, Karl could literally just be tapping his foot here since he already knows the answer.
Yvette gets excited after Fred confirms the various names that have been spelled out.
As this episode comes to an end. I am not sure what to say. I though the Ruthin Hall episode was the worst I had ever seen, this episode might be even worse.
"Knocking is my favourite thing" - Glen
Nothing is thrown in this episode. No one faints, no one falls, nothing happens. The episode is a failure.
I refuse to even give this episode a no score, it does not deserve it.
Episode Ends. Horrible.
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By Jon Donnis
24 October 2018
REVIEW: Most Haunted - Series 22 Episode 06 (24th October 2018) - Ruthin Castle Part 2
At the end of what was the worst episode of Most Haunted in history, we were promised that Part 2 of the investigation at Ruthin Castle would include people passing out and all manner of craziness, so that and that alone has encouraged me to keep going and review another episode. I have taken 5 Vicodins, and downed half a bottle of Jack Daniels and it is only 11am, but I think it will be enough to get me through.
Also a quick thank you to anyone who has donated Amazon Gift Vouchers to me, (all 2 of you) I really do appreciate it. Each of these reviews takes about 90 minutes to do, and I have no ads on the site so it really is a thankless task, so getting the nice messages really does mean a lot.
So with that, I look down and see I have some nasty sticky blurbage on the bottom of my shoe, What does it say?
Spook-searching. The team continue their investigation into Ruthin Castle and one of team is hit hard and has to leave. The others search for whatever is lurking there.
I can only hope all the filler for part 1 was purely so they could have all the entertaining stuff in part 2. If we get more filler, I may be forced to repeatedly flush my own head in the toilet.
They start off with the "Last time on Most Haunted" clip. Really shouldn't be more than 10 seconds. But they seem to stretch it for a few minutes. You literally get the entire part 1 in 2 minutes. You do not need to watch that episode at all.
We start off and we are back with Karl and Stuart in the room where they thought they heard a bang.
Karl claims that something is moving stuff yet instead of setting up 10 cameras covering every angle, which if all of this was real would get 100% proof, they instead stick with the one camera method, and Karl has his crappy little torch.
Stuart decides to put the camera down, and as he is doing that there is a bang. But nothing is caught. The camera is set on a table, which means they can now easily edit things or do camera trickery with little effort needed.
We cross to Yvette, Glen and Fred, who are in what looks like the restaurant area, so many plates, knives and forks to be thrown, but so far nothing. (Spoiler: Nothing is thrown in this room, and Yvette admits that she doesn't want anything thrown as they don't want a big bill at the end of the night)
Fred is keeping his hands in his large pockets.
Back with Stuart and Karl, and with them both on camera, a door round the corner that is OFF CAMERA supposedly slams. Of course we do not see it slam, and we have no idea if it was open or closed, or if someone was hiding round the corner, again a quick reminder that footage is all edited after, so for all you know Yvette could have been stood round the corner and just slams the door. The way they edit it, makes you think she or the rest of the crew are all in different places at the same time, the truth is we have no idea who is where and when, and any time a camera is set down for a shot, you know something dodgy will happen.
Again a simple smartphone or two left to film all angles would shut me up in a moment.
Stuart makes the comment he is feeling light headed. I wonder if this is a set up for something later?
10 minutes in and all we have had is a door closing, OFF CAMERA.
We have new teams put together, and Karl, Yvette and Glen are now going up to the room above Room 222.
Yvette comes up the stairs and claims she feels dizzy, so again another pre-cursor to what is to come, this is all a bit too scripted for me.
"Can you make a noise with your voice please" - Yvette Fielding.
As opposed to your what??? Your arse?
We get a shot of some dumb meter, but they turn the filter off which totally exposes how light the location is. They try to tell us it is pitch black, and they cant see where they are going, but clearly its pretty well lit up.
And here is the light bulb at the top of the stairs!
Yvette is crouching down after claiming she is gonna pass out.
Now with Fred and he is claiming to be feeling weak and that something is draining his energy.
I imagine the script meeting before filming went something like this.
Karl - Ok guys tonight one of us needs to pass out.
Stuart - I'll do it, done it a few times before I know how to fall.
Fred - I can give it a go Karl, although I need to watch out for my dodgy hip.
Yvette - If I do it does that mean I get an extra donut when we finished?
Lou - I refuse, I do not want to risk damaging my bum bag, it's got my fags in it.
Glen - Well I am not falling over, but I will play along and say I feel a bit light headed if you like.
Karl - Ok, during the filming, everyone when you get chance, just claim to be dizzy, or tired, you know the drill, I will give an instruction later as to who will take the fall.
Suddenly we are with Fred and his camera goes off and we get the above message on screen.
Guessing Fred pressed the off button by mistake. That or all of science is wrong and a ghost did it.
Here we get a glimpse of how Glen will approach a woman in the club to chat her up.
Stuart gets excited when he realises he can see his own breath.
We are about 25 minutes in and nothing has really happened.
So if you add that 25 minutes with the 45 from the first part, that is 70 minutes of Prime Time TV where nothing has happened. These 70 minutes could easily have been condensed into maybe 5 minutes. No wonder UKTV don't want to pay more for Most Haunted.
Karl has buggered off to set up the next stunt leaving Glen and Yvette on their own. Just what Glen wanted.
Glen is faking some ghost breaths to make Yvette scared, and get her to snuggle up to him all scared, all very crafty.
Glen admits he has got really hot and bothered. I wonder why. Even Glen says he is feeling light headed now.
Stuart and the other bloke have a worthless K2 meter, and are talking to the ghosts and watching various lights come on and off. A complete waste of time and evidentially worthless, but you know what idiot ghost hunters are like, if they haven't got a gimmicky piece of equipment with lights on that they don't understand how to use, they don't feel like they are working hard enough.
Seriously guys wave a banana in the air, when it comes to science, the results of waving a banana about is worth as much as any K2 meter.
Stuart admits that it is electrical energy that sets the K2 meter off, as he holds it by the ELECTRICAL CAMERA, not to mention the Mobile Phone in each of their pockets, the various mic packs and torches as well.
But no, it cant be any of that, it must be the ghosts right?
Suddenly we cut to this shot.
We hear Karl's voice, and we realise that Fred is on the floor, supposedly unconscious.
But I thought his camera had turned off? HUGE plot hole here. The camera is clearly working. But was turned off so that Fred could carefully position himself on the floor to pretend to have passed out, but not before switching the camera back on. That or he did the stunt but it looked crappy in the edit room so they decided to cut it out.
At least when Stuart would pretend to pass out he would do it on camera.
Karl then runs to find Yvette to get First Aid, instead of just calling an ambulance straight away. Fred is an old man, if this was real he could have had a heart attack, a stroke or anything, but instead of checking him, checking his pulse, his breathing, and calling 999 straight away, Karl wonders off to find Yvette, who is upstairs. Not Lou who will be downstairs in a kitchen area watching monitors etc. He goes to get Yvette so they can film them all running down to where Fred is. Karl reveals that Fred is unconscious, Yvette's first thought is "maybe it is this place", only later does she say we need to call an ambulance.
Her first thought was ghosts.
This is how you know it is all set up.
They pick up Fred's camera which had supposedly turned itself off, but is now on, and make sure to film Fred, who is now waking up.
Yvette in voice over claims that Fred was checked over by paramedics, and his night investigating was over, and so they carried on. At no point did they show any ambulance, or paramedics, which lets be honest would make great TV. There was no marks on Fred, no cuts, no bruises.
My guess here is that he performed the fall, but it looked really crap on film, so they edited it out and put that dumb notice on screen which makes no sense, hoping no one would realise the huge flaw that the camera never stopped recording since it was on when Karl found him.
Really badly thought out stunt here, poorly executed, and I am sure they wish that Stuart would have been chosen to do it, as he would have made it all much more dramatic. I could even imagine him having a concealed razor blade and "juicing" himself like they do in Pro Wrestling so that you get real blood poor down your face.
Karl, Stuart and Yvette go to the area where Fred was knocked out by evil spirits, to see if anything else will happen.
With all the junk, old furniture and so on dotted about the place, open floor boards etc, any noises could easily be put down to rats, cats, foxes, any kind of small animal.
Glen is playing on his laptop. An interesting Avatar pops up, making an unusual gesture to it's lady garden, How very strange, I managed to grab an image, you might need to zoom in to see it properly.
Glen then asks the camera man to leave him alone in the room, as he has some private work he needs to take care of.
Yvette, Stuart and Karl are off investigating an area and can hear rustling and noises, a bit like a rat or small animal. Yvette is convinced it is a ghost. Suddenly something right next to where Stuart is standing is knocked over OFF CAMERA. Yvette screams and panics, so I am guessing Stuart never told her before hand he was gonna do it. So obviously him.
"I challenge you to attack me" - Karl Beattie to the Ghosts
Yvette is not happy with Karl for challenging the ghosts, Has she forgotten Karl is a fake Samurai?
"I challenge you to attack Stuart" - Karl Beattie to the Ghosts
Other than a few noises and shadows OFF CAMERA, nothing happens.
Karl hears a ghost rat and jumps, which pisses off Yvette who then bites her tongue. No blood.
Yvette has now seen a face in the dark. OFF CAMERA.
Yvette hears something, gets scared and admits she is becoming hysterical and wants to leave.
And with that the episode ends.
Compared to Part 1, this was much improved, but still realistically nothing actually happened.
The big stunt of Fred passing out was completely messed up.
And other than a few of the usual bangs OFF CAMERA and Stuart knocking something over, this was another waste of an episode.
The previous episode (Part 1) go a NO SCORE. This episode I will be kinder and give it 1 out of 10.
That 1 is purely for Stuart getting excited when he realised he could see his breath.
Other than that another easily missable episode, perhaps only the Fred passing out cock up is the only thing worth seeing, just so you can realise how badly they did with this stunt.
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By Jon Donnis
23 October 2018
REVIEW: Most Haunted - Series 22 Episode 05 (23rd October 2018) - Ruthin Castle Part 1
3 days and 3 reviews, what is wrong with me! Why do I punish myself like this?
Could it be because it bring visitors to my site? Could it be because Karl Beattie himself pays me big money to promote the show? Could it be that I am a glutton for punishment?
Well who knows the real reason why, but what I do know is that I have found some dirty blurb for you for tonight's episode!
More supernatural shenanigans. Ruthin Castle in Wales pushes Yvette's team of ghost hunters to the limit and at least one of them doesn't make it to the end. But who?
Please let it be Karl, please let it be Karl. (Spoiler: EVERYONE makes it to the end of this episode)
So we are at Ruthin Castle in Wales, and yes it is another two parter, and another attempt for them to save money and pay the crew half but get twice as many episodes.
Yvette is giving a voice over of the local stories of the Castle and guess what? WE HAVE A GREY LADY! How very original.
Another glamorous location for Yvette as you can see. But where the hell is Watson? I am guessing after he kept fetching things that Karl and Stuart thew in the previous episode, he has been left at home.
I suspect this episode is gonna be a bore fest with a lot of things happening OFF CAMERA. Feel free to skip to the end of my review to see the final score I give. But then skip back, if I have to suffer through watching this crap then the least you can do is suffer through reading it.
Glen has appeared and even he is mocking the claims of there being a Grey Lady. Yvette insists she is real.
This is a suspiciously long conversation between Yvette and Glen at the start of the show, we are nearly ten minutes in and all they have done is walk in a few rooms and talked about what anyone could find out off wikipedia, I am guessing this is classic filler.
After 10 minutes of filler they finally put the black and white filters on and start the investigation.
Yvette has a crappy wind up torch. Antix are struggling with the budget these days it seems.
Outside with Fred, Stuart and Glen, and Fred is talking Latin to an old rock. Yes really.
Karl is on his own in what used to be a mortuary, but now is just a load of old boxes with files in them.
Worth noting that Yvette does not put on as much eye makeup as she used to.
15 minutes in and nothing of note has happened. Like nothing at all.
Fred is trying to summon Lucifer Prince of Darkness.
God I hope this is not one of those episodes whereby the deliberately don't fake anything so that their idiot fans can claim this is proof they don't fake things. (Spoiler: It is just that)
It says something when the highlight so far of this series was the Producer's Bum Bag.
Oh those were the days.
As I am watching this and nothing is happening all I can think is "have I ever given a minus score before?"
Down with Karl and there is a bang, as usual he is down in a cellar like area, I am guessing those ghost rats are back.
In other news Karl's receding hairline is getting further back on his head. Although to be fair I am not one to talk, My hair is currently in a race against itself, either to turn white or fall out.
Yvette is still trying to push her "call back phenomena", she then explains what it means to the ghosts. Its a bit like when you are a kid and you try to give yourself a cool nickname and keep using it in the hope others will start using it for you, but it never catches on and you just look like a fool.
Did you know that at school I was known as "The Body Adonis". True story. Honestly.
This episode reminds me of a football game that ends 0-0, with no shots on target, no incidents, and no fouls.
Karl is doing his best to kick some things OFF CAMERA to make noises, but with it not really making good TV he decides to leave the cellar area.
Glen - "Where shall I put this"
Yvette - "Just stick it in there"
The highlight of Glen's day right there people!
Karl has met up with Stuart and they have gone to Room 222 which is supposedly haunted.
Suddenly with Yvette, Glen and Fred there is the sound of a little whimper, it is clearly a cat. No doubt about that, but we get endless replays and enhanced sound.
30 minutes in and nothing has happened, other than a cat whimpering, Karl kicking a box, and Fred asking for Lucifer to turn up.
Even Stuart and Karl have sat down now as they are so bored.
Suddenly there is the sound of footsteps upstairs so they jump up and run upstairs. A door closes. Finally a bit of excitement. Ok excitement is a stretch, but it is better than nothing.
Karl declares proudly "That's paranormal" because there was no one upstairs when they had a look.
Worth noting that the sound of someone walking could easily have been added in post production.
Karl and Stuart then mess about in a room for 5 minutes, opening and closing doors.
This episode is 100% proof of why you shouldn't try to stretch these investigations into two part episodes, as it means you have to have so much filler. This episode is the perfect example of why the ratings for most Haunted are in the toilet. compared to 10 years ago.
10 years ago Most Haunted specials would regularly get over 500 thousand viewers.
Glen's body language here will be matching every viewer watching this tonight.
Even the biggest of fans will be disappointed in tonight's episode, but sadly they will also use it as proof that Most Haunted is real as they even show investigations whereby nothing happens, therefore they must be legit.
After Glen tries to have a thought of his own, Yvette puts him back into his place with a swift slap round the side of his head. Not surprisingly after she assaults him, he starts walking a bit awkwardly, almost as if he is trying to hide something that has grown in his jeans.
Karl whistles and gets S̶t̶u̶a̶r̶t̶ the ghost to whistle back.
And mercifully the episode ends.
We get a short preview from next weeks episode, and we are done.
This was the single worst episode in the history of Most Haunted.
Truly awful. How this ever got cleared to be aired is beyond me.
I will give this episode a special NO SCORE, it does not even deserve the dignity of getting a minus score.
If you read this article before watching the episode, trust me you will miss nothing.
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By Jon Donnis
22 October 2018
REVIEW: Most Haunted - Series 22 Episode 04 (22nd October 2018) - Bate Inn - Part Two
I hate myself, I want to punish myself, I despise myself. And the only way I have found to correctly deal with my self hatred is to force myself to watch and then review episodes of Most Haunted. It is my version of self flagulation.
And with that said, here is my review for Part 2 of the Bate Inn investigation.
Scary stuff! The team continue to investigate Macclesfield's oldest pub and are soon under fire from poltergeist activity. Glen's scepticism is put fully to the test.
Don't you just hate it when they say things like that? "hey are gonna put Glen's Skepticism to the test". Yet we all know he is fully aware the show is faked, he knows what goes on, and he doesn't care because he picks up a pay check. (Spoiler: Nothing happens when he is present that would stump even a passing skeptic)
Anyway we start with a preview of what is to come, hopefully to wet the whistle of the viewer, but the truth is it will only make people roll their eyes and probably turn over. We also get a recap of the previous episode, for a true recap click on the Most Haunted tab on the menu and go read my review.
Also at 10pm tonight on Ch4 is "Celebrity Call Centre for Stand Up to Cancer", it is for charity so definitely worth watching. I watch Most Haunted so you don't have to!
Seems that they are trying to fill as much time as they can. A good 5 minutes of each episode is either a recap or a preview of what is to come.
Not even joking, here we are at 4 minutes 30 seconds + and they are still on the "Last time on..." screen.
Fred was pretty quiet in part 1, I wonder if he will have more to do in part 2.
We start off and he is talking to Yvette.
"I am not a psychic but I have a vision of children" - Fred Batt
Stuart is excited about a door opening and closing downstairs, there is no sound of the hinges, which would go to show there is very little friction on the door, and if not locked any kind of breeze or air pressure would easily make the door move.
We get a good few minutes of the door moving a bit and Stuart getting excited. At no point does anyone go down stairs to look at the door, to check if anyone is there, to set up a camera. No they just look down from the stairs.
Karl is still talking to the ghost rats in the cellar as they scratch and run about by the barrels.
Again despite having his iPhone in his pocket, he just walks around with his main camera pointing at him.
Why not set up your mobile to film you from the opposite side of the cellar, to prove it is not you chucking stones etc. There are electricity outlets down there, so the phone could be plugged in, so no bullshit claims of the battery draining.
Glen is talking to his laptop, perhaps hoping he will "accidentally" connect to one of the special web chat videos he is a regular on.
"Are there any spirits here in this bar...?" - Glen
Yes Glen there are, Johnnie Walker and Jim Bean to name just a couple.
I assume this was filmed early in the year, looks like Glen has put on some timber after having a good Christmas!
Back with Stuart and Yvette on the stairs and they spot a shadown down below, which is clearly the shadow of whoever is down there fannying about with the door.
Remember Ghosts do not have physical form, so they would not, if real cast a shadow, only a real person could.
If we are saying ghosts have physical form, then why is there not a single piece of credible footage anywhere, in history? This is the problem with idiot ghost hunters, they cant even make their minds up one what it is they think they believe in.
Stuart says there is definitely a shadow down there!
I wonder what could possibly be causing a shadow down there, especially when the cameraman has a big strong light on his camera which is lighting up the back of Stuart as he waves his hands about.
I half expect him to say
"Look the shadow is waving back at me just as a wave at him"
To be fair it is not Stuart who is causing the shadow to move, there is someone down there OFF CAMERA moving about, it is plain to see. Probably Karl. Remember this show is filmed out of order, so just because they cut to an edit of Karl in the cellar does not mean that he was in the cellar as they cut away from Yvette. This is television folks. Trust nothing!
Finally after 5 minutes of doing nothing, Stuart is told to go and investigate, he does NOT take a camera with him, which makes him investigating completely pointless.
Also during this scene, notice that Yvette is pointing a strong torch down the stairs too, so another way to create shadows.
The ONLY correct way to investigate this would be to put ALL of the lights on, set up 3 cameras at the bottom of the stairs covering all angles, and then wait.
Riveting footage of Karl claiming that the noises in the cellar that he is hearing are "not natural". Poor ghost rats might take offence at that.
Notice how they use 3 shots in one here to convince you that all three shots happened at the same time.
Yvette is now singing again, she is really pushing the ghost children angle. They hear a sound downstairs and they all run to see. The door is open again, of course no camera was put down there. And a ball has appeared. Remember how they said in Part 1 that they would put a camera on the ball. Clearly they did not.
Glen is seeing things and seems incapable of debunking a very simply thing.
He claims there is no source for some lights that appeared on a wall. Yet he has his laptop open and the light on his camera.
Karl is now claiming that barrels are moving, yet he didn't think to leave a camera filming them.
I expect he is doing some basic edits here, and moving them himself and adding in the sounds later.
Glen has picked up a whisper on his laptop. Could be anything, so worthless as evidence.
20 minutes in and this episode is dragging. A lot of filler much like the first episode.
Yvette doesn't want her photo taken by Glen, she knows all to well what he will do with that photo later!
Straight in the special "Yvette Folder"
Now a barrel has moved, two easy options for this, when he was filming the opposite way, he simply kicked it with his foot and it rolled a bit. Or the audio has been recorded later and Karl hidden off camera simply moved it. Either way because there is only one shot it is impossible to eliminate fraud.
Stuart is now complaining about the battery draining on his camera. Think they need to buy a new battery.
Funny how the batteries on their mic packs, watches, mobiles etc never seem to run low.
Glen finally gets some skin to skin contact with Yvette, but it is only a finger tip. But better than nothing.
Karl and Stuart are now on the stairs again, some interesting audio edits here whereby they go completely silent. Something very dodgy here, I am guessing they cut some audio of Karl directing Stuart what to do next, so I am expecting a stunt here or something.
As expected there is a noise and some panic.
Then as Stuart pans to the staircase again, there is a bang and a blatant video edit. And a door that was stood up is now lying flat on the floor. Then the ball from earlier is suddenly thrown down the stairs.
The video edit to look for is at exactly 30m38s if you watch through the UKTV website.
They have used this editing trick before to move things that cant be done quickly.
100% fakery at this point. The ball is chucked by Stuart most likely, who would have it in his hand.
Again there is only 1 camera filming all of this. A simple cellphone plugged into a wall filming them both from across the way would be able to instantly debunk all of my criticisms, but we all know that everything I am saying is true.
Also this pub has CCTV, did Most Haunted ask them to turn off the CCTV? If not, then lets have a look at it!
Notice before the edit Stuart is not out of breath, after the edit he can hardly catch his breath, almost as if he had been running about, moving heavy doors and so on.
The biggest problem with the door stunt was the setup wasn't detailed enough. Poor planning.
Yvette decides to gather everyone together for a group "vidgual".
Time for some glass divination.
No controls put in place.
And as you would expect with lots of people touching the glass, it starts to move. Clearly being pushed by the people touching it.
Again a simple control here would be to place a single marble or small ball on top of the glass, and then a flat piece of wood on top of that, and everyone put their fingers on that.
Another simple control is a small thin piece of smooth cloth just on the top of the glass and people put their fingers on that, if anyone is pushing then the cloth would move.
This is basic stuff that an 8 year old could think of to prevent fraud.
Remember when Yvette once tried to do this with gloves on, and got caught pushing the glass?
Go look for it on Youtube.
Glen is now insulting the ghosts using all the insults that Yvette has called him over the years.
Fred spouts some Latin sounding bullshit.
Thankfully only about 10 minutes left now.
There is a noise and the door is open, Yvette claims to see shadows, note that everyone is pointing their torches down there as well as the light from the cameras.
Another bang and a small stool has been thrown OFF CAMERA.
Yvette acts all surprised.
Remember she is a trained actress you know!
The glass is moving about on the very very smooth table. Now Yvette is asking the ghost of Fred's foot to knock to spell out its name. "William" She is asking the ghost to look at her mobile to help her spell out his name. The idea that a ghost would even know what a smartphone is is ridiculous.
The name is William Harris and he died in 1862.
Fred checks his notes and amazingly there was someone who was there called William Harris who was a servant and he worked there in 1851. I wonder if they forgot the year when they were doing the knocks?
Apparently the ghost is happy and doesn't need their help. Yet we are supposed to accept that this ghost hangs about an old pub for the past 160+ years.
And thankfully that is the end of the episode.
This might very well be one of the worst episodes I have ever seen of Most Haunted.
There was no Watson in this episode, and Lou's bum bang was not shown on camera, therefore I am forced to give it a 0.5/10
The 0.5 is only awarded since they did make an effort to do a video edit to put the door on the floor, but the set up was so poor that it just didn't work very well at all.
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By Jon Donnis