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11 March 2018
REVIEW: Most Haunted - Series 21 Episode 9 (16th March 2018) Manor House in Tamworth
Welcome back to my world famous, award winning review of Most Haunted. After the excitement of the "As Live" specials, and the first trailer for Most Haunted The Movie we are now back to normal, with a regular episode of Most Haunted Off Camera.
Before we get started, what is it with people involved with Most Haunted not being able to understand how the trending system works on Twitter?
Usually when TV ratings are down, Karl and Yvette will turn to "Twitter Trends" as a way to prove that people care. The only problem is that Most Haunted never trends! It just does not trend in the top 20, but Yvette and Karl and their fans all claim that it is top 3, or top 2 trend.
I've exposed this on twitter (@TheBadPsych) they are confusing UK Trends with Trends for You.
UK Trends are what people in the UK as a whole are tweeting about. Most Haunted never ever makes this list. It is a small show on a very small network with not many viewers.
Trends for You, are what you and people you follow / follow you, are tweeting about. So of course on Karl and Yvette's little twitter trending list it is showing Most Haunted, but that is because they have it set to show Trends for you instead of UK Trends. This is the default setting on Twitter I believe.
Yvette also went to an external website which monitors Twitter, and at 12:30am right after the two hour special of Most Haunted had finished, set the time to ONLY check hashtags in the past 2 hours, and low and behold Most Haunted was there but still only 3rd. She did this because there was nothing else on the TV that would encourage people to tweet in the UK, only The Last Leg (which got 1st with a few hundred thousand tweets), and then some other random discussion about something I don't recall. Most Haunted had only a few thousand tweets.
So please do not buy the lies from them. Also a quick message to Karl, if you quote everyone who compliments you, adding the "#MostHaunted" tag, and doing it 100 times, it still only counts as 1. So you are not actually helping make it trend, as much as you try to fiddle the system. This is part of Twitters system to stop bots creating trends by automatically tweeting the same tag thousands of times.
And now the lesson on Twitter is over, lets scrape that blurbage off Watson's paws and take a read.
"Spook-searching with Yvette Fielding and the Scooby Gang! Something eerie wants to make itself known when the team arrives at a beautiful manor house in Tamworth with a history of paranormal occurrences."
Most Haunted scrapes into the Top 10 of most watched shows on REALLY, I wonder why Karl never tweeted about that!
I would expect the ratings to rise considerable for the As Live specials though, if only for the doll stunt.
1. Something will be thrown OFF CAMERA.
2. Karl will hear a noise that he will then have to edit in to the footage.
3. Watson will do something that is typical to all dogs the world over.
4. Yvette will go "Ssshhhh".
5. Glen will get touched many times.
So the first shot of the entire episode is of this poor teddy bear, I hope this is not a sign of things to come in this episode.
The return of Watson, always a good sign.
The Manor House in Tamworth is a lovely pub and restaurant, I have been there many many years ago.
It is NOT haunted, although management will say it is as part of advertising.
Yvette is running through all the ghost stories of the Manor House, usual stuff.
Happy that Yvette got onto the Benidorm cast, playing the character of Leslie.
So one of the things they like to do on Most Haunted is claim things have happened before the investigation has started, as a one off this could have some interest, but when you do it every week it starts to come across as a bit too obvious.
This week a chair has fallen over OFF CAMERA, clearly looks like one of the crew knocked it over as they left the room.
As for who it was, it was Producer Louise Jones,
She literally runs past the chair, then the chair falls back, yet Yvette Fielding claims this is "activity".
I know they think the Most Haunted fans are a bit dim, but this is a push even for them.
They show the replay endlessly.
Yvette then claims she heard a clicking in her ear.
Again all before the investigation has started.
The whole point of this is to show that they don't fake things, as things happen when they are not even investigating, or trying etc.
Glen has his waistcoat, a hand in his pocket and smug look on his face. Some things never change.
Looks like Glen has downed a bottle of Vodka to help him get through the evening's investigation.
With Watson wondering around this Pub/Restaurant, I am curious as to if they were given permission by the management, you are not supposed to allow animals into Pubs and Restaurants due to the health hazards. Perhaps this is why The Manor House only gets 4 stars on the Food Hygiene Ratings and not 5.
Great little light on Watson's collar.
As Yvette is talking to Glen there is suddenly a noise, and a plate has been thrown....... OFF CAMERA.
Despite Yvette not looking in the direction of where the plate landed, nor reacting till after the bang, she is now loudly exclaiming that she saw the plate flying behind the cameraman (Karl).
Yvette wants to put a "locked off" camera on some trolley, saying she thinks it could possibly move, so there is your early spoiler, the trolley is going to move.
I wish I could find me a woman that looks at me the way Glen looks at Yvette.
After getting touched up by Yvette here, Glen had to sit down for a good few minutes and awkwardly hide something in his pocket. Very unusual.
Luckily for Glen the lights are turned off, (Despite it still being bright outside). And the investigation proper begins.
Here is a brief shot of the trolley that Yvette has told Karl aka the Ghost to move later.
But how can a ghost possibly move such a light object on wheels?
Watson is panting, so clearly he is thirsty, and has wondered off looking for water, this is explained as Watson being scared of ghosts and buggering off.
Of course as soon as Yvette finds him, he is perfectly happy to follow her back upstairs and to the exact place they claimed he was scared of.
We then get a few minutes of all different crew members calling Watson's name, and him walking back and forth, somehow this is translated into him having a lot of energy and being excited by ghosts.
The fact he is in a pub/restaurant, and the place will have all manner of interesting smells for a dog, seems to escape Dog Expert Yvette.
Karl has decided to go up into the tower area on his own, and thinks that this is acceptable camera work, filming up his nose and in his ear.
There is a very very faint sound that could be interpreted as a child giggling. But this could easily be someone outside. Possibly added in post production, if it is a one off then probably someone outside, if we get a load more then definitely added in the edit room,.
Watson is getting some good air time in this episode. A dog doing dog things is more interesting than anything else. Watson is still panting, give the poor dog some water.
Stuart declares that Watson is not happy, not happy at all. When in truth the dog is fine, he is not crying, or moaning, at worst he has been panting, something that Bulldogs do a lot due to respiratory disease because of over breeding. People, please do not buy so called pure breed dogs, it is cruel and encourages a market of puppy farms and inbreeding. If you have to buy a dog, go to your local rescue home.
Watson has seen the "Fire Exit" sign and slowly walks through the door, in the hope of escaping from Yvette forever. Unfortunately Yvette catches up, and decides he is causing too much trouble and locks him in the control room with the producer, and hopefully a bowl of water.
I guess that is the last we will see of him this week.
Karl is still up in the tower and panting almost as much as Watson. As a heavy smoker, it seems he runs out of breath easily. He also is a bit clumsy with his lighter at times I hear.
Suddenly another creepy noise, this was very suspicious, and sounded like a post production edit, even through my tinny laptop speakers.
There is then another creepy sound a bit like a sharp intake of air. It's all getting a bit silly now. Another post production edit for sure.
And another giggle, oh you get the idea.
I think you can caption this one yourself!
Stuart hasn't done much this episode, I am guessing his antics will be kept for part two.
Suddenly Yvette smells something she describes as being like a sewer, I am guessing her tummy problems have returned.
Luckily Stuart is there to blame it on the drains.
As Glen, Yvette and Stuart leave the area where Yvette had dropped one, the filming suddenly goes a bit strange, I cant quite put my finger on it, there is no video edits or anything, just a bit strange, like the frame rate has dropped. suddenly there is a noise and something has happened OFF CAMERA. I think the plate from earlier has simply been kicked here. Just a strange scene all round.
Karl still up in the tower is convinced there is an ear on the floor in the corner.
It does look a bit like an ear, perhaps a prank played by one of the staff members of the pub knowing that Most Haunted would be filming? Or just a coincidence of something that is there resembling an ear. For some reason Karl doesn't pick it up or investigate it in any way other than filming it.
You then hear a "Whoah..." which is obviously Stuart's voice. But Karl acts like it is a ghostly noise.
Then we hear footsteps on the stairs, again a post production edit.
Back with Yvette and Glen, and Glen is checking on his laptop for noises before the plate noise. And there is a wretching sound, or a "yea", but for some reason the words "Get out" are put on the screen, which only goes to force auditory pareidolia on the viewer.
Yvette decides it is time for a breather as her backside is twitching, yes that is exactly what she said.
This brings great joy to Glen.
Yvette then grabs Glens hand and drags him out the room, probably to help fix that twitching problem.
Glen is having the time of his life here.
Karl is still hearing noises in whatever part of the building he is now in. Anything with Karl these days can just be dismissed as it is just ridiculous.
Karl over acts as he nearly falls down the stairs.
As the episode comes to an end, they are back analysing the sound from Glen's laptop, and for some reason they have slowed it down, because as you all know Ghosts speak in super fast English that can only be understood at half speed. And because they have already primed the viewer to believe the ghost is saying "Get Out", you start to hear that yourself.
The trolley never moved so I am guessing they are saving that for next week.
However as they show the "Next time on Most Haunted" highlights, they are playing sound effects, of children playing, giggling, crying etc, now these are audio effects to make things for the next episode seem more creepy etc, they are NOT part of the investigation, but the problem with this is that it is admitting that they do have such sound effects readily available to be used. And therefore give away that the sounds Karl claims to have heard earlier were most likely from the exact same sound effects folder on his laptop.
And with that the episode ends.
This was a poor episode, a plate was thrown OFF CAMERA, a dog did doggy things, and Karl pretended to hear noises that he then added in post production.
Very very poor episode. 1 out of 10, and I only give it a 1 because of Watson seeing the fire exit and buggering off.
Just one more episode in the series to go, then I can have some peace.
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By Jon Donnis
9 March 2018
Duck of Truth exposes OmarGosh and Moe Sargi and their Fake Paranormal Videos
OmarGosh and Moe Sargi encounter a ghost, a demon or a serial killer virtually every week. Except that they really don't.
Even those who believe in real ghosts will very rarely claim the paranormal activity you see in these ghost videos.
In this video I'll debunk some of their alleged ghost sightings and expose the magic tricks they use to create their fake paranormal videos.
Disclaimer: I don't hate Moe Sargi, OmarGoshTV or anyone else involved. I'm just pointing out that their ghost videos are fake.
*** Support Duck of Truth on Vidme or Patreon ***
Twitter: https://goo.gl/B86OfM
Facebook: https://goo.gl/WjWQdo
EXCLUSIVE: Trailer for Most Haunted The Movie
Most Haunted The Movie is the final chapter in the epic story of Most Haunted, Their biggest and best stunts, most crazy set pieces and more.
Opening in Cinemas 2018
3 March 2018
REVIEW: Most Haunted As Live - Series 21 Episode 8 (9th March 2018) Codnor Castle
The best thing about a good backlash is that Most Haunted will always make things worse for themselves, and with that we go straight into Codnor Castle part 2, we continue straight after the events of Part 1. (Catch up here)
Stuart has just used a remote trigger to set a doll on fire, Yvette nearly spoiled it by giving the game away when she asked "what is that" and pointed at the gimmick used that was hidden inside the doll, this was quickly called a "sound box" because you know, these ancient haunted dolls are known for their modern technology that allows them to make sounds aren't they?
Pretty much something like this was used to set the doll on fire. I wont spoil it too much as it is a magicians trick, and they shout at me when I reveal how things are done.
So with that.....
Quick Blurb
"Spook-searching with Yvette Fielding and co! The foreboding Codnor Castle cottage maintains its attack on the team with dramatic effect, causing Yvette to call an early end to their night."
Predictions for tonight's episode.
1. Something will be thrown OFF CAMERA.
2. A ghost will display an incredible ability to balance.
3. Stuart will saying something that makes him look stupid.
4. Fred will do something suspicious.
5. A big stunt to finish the episode that will make the doll on fire trick look lame in comparison.
Titles roll, and we are back in the room.
We get to see the doll back in its box
(If you want to see I uploaded it here https://i.imgur.com/gYGiinL.jpg, for some reason the image is being picked up as being "shocking", I am guessing the automated bots out there think it is real!)
We get a ridiculous discussion about what to do with the doll, and they take it outside where it cant do any damage.
They then carry on the investigation as if nothing happened.
Again the magnitude of what has just happened IF it was real is totally forgotten. That's how you know it's all fake.
Stuart and Beardy are talking, no one is listening.
Again it astounds at me how they are treating the audience here. If a Haunted Doll had really just caught fire, you would shut everything down, cameras off. Call the police, the fire brigade, you would simply not just put it in a box outside and carry on as normal.
"I'm being thick here now" - Stuart Torevell.
Karl with some classic camerawork here, making sure to film himself and the others instead of you know, the ghosts.
Stuart is getting a good stubble on his head, he will need a good shave tomorrow.
Now there is a very obvious camera edit here at 6 minutes and 20 seconds, even though Stuarts voice does not get edited. So we are getting audio from one device being played over a different video stream. And the moment you realise that, you know something fishy is about to happen. And low and behold we get...
We then get a couple of quick edits to bring everything back together. And the scene continues.
As Karl reaches the scene he gives out the most ridiculous and over the top gasp I have ever heard.
I am sure if you watch the scene you can figure out how it is done. Just a matter of using the audio feed from one camera, and playing it over the other, allowing one camera to be stopped for a moment, Stuart to put the chair in place, pick the camera up. A couple of quick back and forth edits to resync the sound, and job done. A simple fake poltergeist moment, all done OFF CAMERA of course. And apparently a constant recording hence why Stuart is talking non stop in the build up.
Stuart wants to get everyone to see the chair to make a point, but Karl just wants to move on.
Stuart says this is "classic" and like something out of a 1970's horror film.
Not quite Stuart. Not quite.
Back with Yvette and they have found a coin, and have heard a scratching noise. Glen asks the ghosts to make the scratching noise again using the coin, and nothing happens of course.
Whoever this crew member is, he is claiming that he has has a spasm in his chest, he is blaming the ghosts. Although I more suspect that it was the large kebab he had earlier in the day. From now on he will be known as "Gaviscon".
You know, a friend of mine once died of heart burn. I can't believe "Gav is gone".
Ok enough sillyness, back to the sillyness.
For some reason Yvette is fascinated with an old window. Insisting it has been opened.
Stuart and Karl go back upstairs.
Karl scares himself after seeing his own shadow, insists it was a dark ghostly figure.
Stuart is asking the poltergeist if they mean them any harm, there is no response.
Back with Yvette and she can hear low rumbling noises, however we already know that Stuart and Karl are directly below them.
Yvette is whistling at the ghosts. The ghosts are not whistling back.
Glen holds onto his laptop, like he wishes Yvette would hold onto him. In the scene above, he just stands in quiet contemplation for a good 45 seconds, imagining what a different life he could have had.
Back with Stuart and Karl and suddenly something has been thrown OFF CAMERA. It is a mug. No wait we are the mugs for watching.
Ok it is a tea cup, but if I said that I couldn't do my mug line, so deal with it.
Yvette and gang join Karl and Stuart downstairs.
Karl is talking about how he smells of smoke because of the smoke upstairs, even though he was no where near the doll when it was on fire.
Yvette finally sees the stool balanced on the door, she is suitably impressed.
Yvette has gotten hold of Glen's laptop, unfortunately he never had time to close the image he was looking at, I cant quite make out what it is though, maybe if you click the image above and see a large version and zoom in, you will.
Yvette asks the ghosts if they can hear her.
"Tap once for yes, twice for no"
The ghosts do not care, they have got better things to do, like balance stools on doors.
Fred knocks the table by accident and Yvette tells him off. " BE STILL"
That's quite funny.
She is now moving her finger over the laptop, waiting for the ghost to knock so she can press the key.
Worth noting that depending on how old this ghost is, he or she may have no comprehension of what a laptop even is.
This segment seems like a bit of a time waster.
Yvette starts then getting annoyed with the ghost (Karl) for not tapping at the right point to spell something out.
Karl making sure the ghost has a clear view of what Yvette is doing so it knows when to tap.
The ghost has conveniently gotten Yvette to type "RUN OR DIE".
SPOILER, No one dies tonight. Just imagine the lawsuit.
Yvette then accidentally gives away the end of the show, as Karl asks the ghosts to do something, Yvette points out that a doll has just been set on fire, and that people have had their arms burnt before. And she even says "Who's to say they cant set your coat on fire." Come on Yvette, you are either giving Karl ideas here, or you are spoiling the whole show.
Don't worry, just ten more minutes to go before we get to the good stuff, be patient.
The teams are split up again.
Notice the poor quality of the shot here, that is because it is legitimately dark while they film here. Remember when the image is clear and sharp, it is perfectly light. When the image is grainy like above, that is when it is dark.
Just a few seconds later, the cameraman switches the light on the camera on, and you can see the difference instantly.
I am just pointing this out as quite often they will try to make out how dark it is, or how they cant see where they are going, most of the time this is simply a lie.
Glen is up in the attic all on his own, time for a quick hand shandy, but then he remembers he needs to record some footage for the show, so starts talking to camera.
Back with Stuart, and beardy is hearing footsteps.
Glen is filming his laptop as it records potential EVP.
It's all gone a bit boring, I suspect this is the calm before the storm.
But as long as Yvette is with Karl, Karl wont do anything, he needs to get rid of Yvette first and get Stuart involved.
Greg then does a fart, Yvette assumes its the door behind him, so investigates, but the door makes no noise when moved, thus proving Greg had farted. He probably had the same lunch that Gaviscon had earlier.
Yvette then conveniently decides that everyone should meet up and then Karl and Stuart can go off to investigate on their own. Hmmmm. Big stunt coming soon I guess.
Karl keeps checking his jacket pocket for something, not sure what, maybe he is looking for his lighter or his Rizzler paper? Maybe he fancies a roll up? Who knows.
Yvette tells everyone to meet up in the attic. Hopefully Glen has had chance to finish his Shandy from earlier. Strange that no one noticed the ectoplasm in the corner of the attic.
Stuart and Karl are together now.
They go into a bathroom, and then hear a noise on the stairs. (Building the tension folks).
They investigate and find nothing.
Major props to Fred here for some excellent "Manspreading".
Not sure what they really think could happen here.
Back with Karl and Stuart and there is a noise, a cup has been thrown OFF CAMERA, but has not smashed this time.
We get some lovely shots of the cup.
We go split screen and Fred is asking the ghosts to do something to Stuart and Karl.
Stuart has a breath from his inhaler, perhaps he knows that things are about to get a bit smoky?
Now, during this whole split screen scene, there is no audio coming from Stuarts camera, we then get a overdub of Stuart saying "Let me just get a..." as he films away from Karl, then there is some flashing lights, Karl's arm has caught fire.
Now at no point do we see Karl's face or Stuart's face during this scene, we cut back to Yvette, so that whole scene was dubbed over.
This is the best frame I could see that shows the fire clearly.
As for how this could be done, easiest way would be to simply light some firepaper, like what magicians use, and what was probably used as part of the doll stunt. The reason that they dub over the sound is so that you don't hear Karl using the lighter, and it allows them to fully concentrate on the stunt when they do it, and not have to worry about what they say to make it sound convincing.
Everyone gets together again, Karl goes outside and we get lots of shots of people sniffing Karl's arm.
"Like a stuntman" - Stuart Torevell
Yes Stuart actually says that line.
Strangely there is no burn marks on the coat, or Karl's arm, which would point to flash paper being uses, as it burns very quickly. So would not cause any damage.
If your coat "spontaneously" caught fire, would you then put it back on after the fire is out? Karl would.
Yvette decides that it is time to end the investigation, but first they go to check the doll. The doll is fine.
Glen looks rather unimpressed by the whole thing, and the episode slowly draws to an end.
Ok how do I score this. The chair on the door frame was a bit silly, but was awkwardly filmed, but still it was a nice little stunt. The big finale of Karl catching fire, well it had to be filmed using the "shaky cam" method, as otherwise it would look a bit crap, so they filmed it in such a way that it would have a better impact. So I give them props for that, although the audio dub was a bit dodgy. They should have burnt Karl's coat to make it all seem more convincing. But I am guessing he cant afford a new coat right now.
Overall an ok episode, only 2 scenes worth watching, and perhaps really you only need to watch the last 5 minutes to see the good stuff.
I give this episode a strong 3 out of 10. Good effort but poor execution.
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By Jon Donnis
2 March 2018
Fraudulent Psychic Laurie McQuary Gets Exposed On Camera!
Are these people selling false hope? YES of course they are!
These people are grief vultures.
I wish the British media would take on these frauds and expose them.
Exposed in this video
Laurie McQuary