14 June 2017

Review: Most Haunted Series 5 (or 19) Episode 10 (Standon Hall in Staffordshire Part 3) - REALLY to air Friday 16th June 10pm

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
That was the first day of God's creation.
On the second day, God created the sky.
On the third day, God created the land, the oceans and all the plants.
On the fourth day, God created the sun, moon and stars.

Hang on a second, 3 days passed and then God created the sun, well how could 3 days pass without the sun? A day is defined as one rotation of the Earth in relation to the Sun!
Can someone have a word with God please and tell him he messed up please!

Right then we are back for the 3rd part of an incredible 3 part special of Most Haunted at Standon Hall in Staffordshire. Lets quickly recap the first two parts. We revealed that there was no history of hauntings at Standon Hall at all before it was purchased by an entertainments company for the soul purpose of running it as a tourist attraction for ghost hunting groups. Part 1 we exposed using Most Haunted's own footage how Karl clearly swiped a knife which was then thrown a minute later. See here.
Next up the 2nd part, and we exposed yet again how Karl swiped a knife, and then threw it at himself in from arms length. We then also totally exposed a 100% faked scene in which a sideboard door closed by itself OFF CAMERA, and how they edited 18 seconds out of the footage. See here and here    

So 2 episodes of their big 3 part special and each episode has shown a moment of blatant fakery that we have exposed. Not only that but some of their own biggest fans have started to question Karl on his own facebook page.

Now heads up I asked if anyone spotted anything in the 3rd part for me to look out for and I've been told there is nothing too blatant, just more running about like headless chickens, but I will try my best to make it entertaining, if only for myself.

So lets open up Karl's secret draw, put on our rubber gloves, and pull out his favourite blart sock, and peer inside for this weeks official blurb.

"Ghostly goings-on with Yvette Fielding. In the final part of the team's scariest search to date, something in Standon Hall lets the team know they have outstayed their welcome."

As the show starts I want I want to remind everyone, this show is clearly advertised "for entertainment purposes only". OFCOM themselves have designated that this show is NOT a serious paranormal investigation, and that it should not be taken as such and that it is entertainment only. In other words this show is officially a spoof show. It is based on a 1992 BBC show called Ghostwatch, please google it if you have never heard of it.

First thing is the replays from the previous episode, and we get the hilarious shot of Karl throwing a knife at himself, and accidentally flinching BEFORE it hits him, we then get the wheelchair moving on its own and totally not pushed by Fred who quickly ran and hid elsewhere while Karl pointlesses checked in every direction except the one the wheelchair was pushed from.

I recently got "told" on Twitter by a MH fan that you can tell it is real, as none of them are actors.
Just for clarification. Yvette Fielding is a trained actress, and before her Blue Peter days she even had a starring role in a show called Seaview.

They start off from where they finished off the last episode, with Yvette pointing out to camera that Glen is showing off for someone, she then winks to the camera, and sucks her finger in a seductive manner.

Karl has Fred stomp about so that the ghost can replicate the stomps in the afterlife.
All very scientific stuff this is.

You know someone pointed out something to me which I would like everyone who reads this to try.
Watch Most Haunted while wearing headphones. Apparently the main audio in the show that is picked up from the cameras is very close together and almost mono. Meaning that you hear the same thing pretty much through your left and right ears. But certain things like growls etc come through in full stereo. The theory being that these are added in after the show in the edit room. If you spot any blatant example of this please do let me know.

Here is Karl standing in the least manly way anyone has ever stood.

As they walk up the stairs, the camera is facing to the floor, and OFF CAMERA a sound is heard, and something has been thrown.

So less than 4 minutes in and a fork grill thing has been thrown OFF CAMERA.
Karl is now acting the big man and challenging the ghosts to throw something at him.
Keep in mind that earlier in the night Karl wants us to believe that a ghost threw a knife at him (That left no damage whatsoever). That has all been forgotten now and he is asking for the ghosts to throw something else at him.

Suddenly another bang, and a teacup has been thrown OFF CAMERA and smashed. As for who threw it, it wasn't Fred, and it wasn't the cameraman, the only other person there was Karl who was OFF CAMERA.

Are you seeing a trend yet?

Back to Yvette and Glen, and notice the light on the ceiling! Clearly not dark at all.

Nearly ten minutes in and I am already bored. Too much walking back and forth, nothing ever caught on camera, no effort at all being made here.

Another bang, Karl is OFF CAMERA, despite the the cameraman trying to claim he was in front of him, a simple backwards toss by Karl as he walks past the cameraman here. Again all OFF CAMERA.

Fred then claims to see something coming up the stairs, a "Big black mass". They then leg it in the opposite direction.

The three of them are now running about aimlessly in some poor attempt at a Benny Hill skit.

Karl stops and now is contemplating his life choices. Did you know that Karl once claimed that he turned down a part in the Tom Cruise blockbuster movie "The Last Samurai" because he had to film Most Haunted. Just consider that for a moment, Karl claims he was offered a part in a movie that took $500 Million in the box office. A film starring one of the biggest names in Hollywood, and he turned it down so he could film Most Haunted.

In other news I was offered a part in the film Avatar, but you know I had to write a Most Haunted review so just couldn't make time to do it, but honestly I was offered the part. I have no proof of course, so you will just have to take my word on that one.

Ok back to MH and no sign of the lovely Rose Hillan yet. Clearly she is determined to stay off screen.

It is the highlight of Glens day as Yvette is touching him on his hand. Just imagine the raging boner Glen has at this point. Lets just hope he doesn't have to stand up for a while.

Back with Karl and Fred, and a noise is heard OFF CAMERA, something has been thrown.

Part of a walking frame I think is what was thrown, and the white bit of plastic above, looks like a condom! No joke, Karl kicks it and it is a condom. In completely unrelated news Yvette and Glen were in this area earlier, I wonder if they saw anything?

They keep walking around, another bang, OFF CAMERA.

They go into a room. Karl claims to have seen a reflection in a window. Nothing is caught on camera surprise surprise.

Back with Yvette and Glen and they speed up the footage of them holding hands on the table and the table is shown to move very slowly. They speed up the footage by 500%. Now the fact that people are touching the table would explain 100% why the table is moving. Think of it like when you put your feet up on a table or a stool or something, and every ten minutes you have to pull it closer to you because without realising you have pushed it. This is what happened here.

Well that or Glen's throbbing erection has been pressing on the table and that moved it!

Karl walks into a spider web, and you get his first genuine reaction of the series this year.

Suddenly another noise, and something has been thrown OFF CAMERA!
Notice how whatever is thrown is always thrown in the opposite way to the way the cameraman (Greg/Darren??) is filming.

They find what has been thrown and it is a tile, and here is the first slightly dodgy moment.
The cameraman moves the tile with his foot into the middle of the corridor.

Notice the bit from the walking frame to the left of the shot.
Karl then says "Is there anything up there?" and gets the cameraman to film the ceiling.
When the shot comes back down to the floor we get this shot.

Notice what's missing while the camera was pointing upwards? Yes the walking frame thing. Maybe it is behind Karls foot I hear you scream. Well no here is a shot as Karl walks off the shot.

Glen's condom from earlier can still be seen to the right of Freds foot, but where is the other bit? It is almost as if someone picked it up while the cameraman was told to film the ceiling. I wonder if this shot and the earlier shot of the the walking frame bit being thrown were filmed in the opposite order?

Embarrassingly we then get the return of a Most Haunted classic, that of the orb!

Even Yvette uses the word "dust" when talking about the orb.
Glen starts to check his recordings for EVPs and we cross back to Fred and Karl.

A wheelchair has moved OFF CAMERA.

Then there is a noise and something has been thrown behind the cameramans head and OFF CAMERA. For the first time though it really could not have been Karl or Fred as they were in shot. Whatever was thrown they don't seem at all interested in and just decide to leave which came across as really strange, as the noise it made was quite substantial. So I put my headphones back on and rewatched the scene. And that noise is not part of the original scene, it has been added after, it ends too abruptly.

The time for this is 22 minutes exactly, go to the UKTV website, and check for yourseves, put your headphones in, and listen to the noise that whatever was supposedly thrown makes.

In my opinion this is 100% a post production edit, Please do as I did, listen to it through headphones and let me know your opinion.

Anyway, everyone on the team is now back together, and it is time for more Benny Hill running about nonsense. There was a funny moment when Yvette replies to Karl after he says he saw someone, with "What? You mean a real person?"

As if that is the most unlikely thing she has ever heard.

For your information I am now cutting my toe nails. A Wheelchair has turned itself around OFF CAMERA.

They show a reply of people running past the wheelchair as it was facing the other way, the problem is anyone BEHIND the cameraman could simply have grabbed it and spun it around as everyone else was running and not looking, or filming it.

Bizarrely Karl encourages them all to split up again and sends Greg and Yvette off together.

Good to see I am not the only one getting bored with all of this.

Yvette thinks she can see something. (The camera is not showing anything)
She quickly runs to Glen and and wraps her arms around him tenderly, Glen seizing his opportunity grabs Yvettes arm and holds it firmly to his own body. His heart beating strongly, his blood rushing through every vein in his body. EVERY VEIN. He lets out a slight whimper and a slight wet noise can faintly be heard.

Yvette insists she saw a man, as they go to investigate a wheelchair has been moved. OFF CAMERA

The irony is, that as Yvette describes the ghost she saw, she is describing Karl perfectly. She even admits she thought it was Karl at first.

We then get mutiple replays of the scene despite the fact it doesn't show anything other than Yvette putting her acting classes to good use.

Karl and Fred split off and are upto their old tricks. An old Bird cage is tipped up OFF CAMERA.

Back with Yvette and Glen, they are casually chatting, then there is a noise, and a wheel chair has been pushed again in the distance (OFF CAMERA)

Yvette then calls Karl on the walkie, who then suspiciously comes walking from the corridor just past where the wheelchair was pushed. So clearly he pushed it, ran back up the corridor and then waited for the call to come back down. So obvious.

Yvette then proudly states that it is one of the most active haunted locations they have ever investigated. I wonder if they have any money invested in the hall itself? Remember we know it has absolutely no history of being haunted before an entertainment company purchased it. Seems like something Karl and Yvette would invest in don't you think? And the fact they have done a 3 parter here, and then with Yvette making such claims?

Karl starts talking about the place and states that everything has been happening around them and that nothing has actually been thrown at them. Erm Karl, did you forget the knife? These people are so dumb they cant even remember to repeat their own lies.

And with that the episode draws to a close.

Another waste of a couple of hours of my life.

This really was a poor episode, and no sign of Rose, so I have to give this a 0/10

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By Jon Donnis

9 June 2017

Is this proof that Most Haunted faked paranormal activity? Series 19 Episode 9 (Standon Hall in Staffordshire Part 2)

I was contacted by one of our excellent BadPsychics readers who spotted something in Episode 9 of Most Haunted at Standon Hall that I missed in my review.

During the episode that airs on REALLY at 10pm June 9th, about half way through the episode Karl is apparently doing some filming on his own, he filmed a wheelchair moving on its own, and then a door on a sideboard unit apparently closing on its own.

Now it is the sideboard we want to pay attention to, first up I want you to go watch the footage, direct on the UKTV website then I encourage you to fast forward to exactly 24 minutes and 35 seconds. And watch the scene play out. See anything funny here?

Karl has placed his camcorder on a tripod, giving it a fixed location, and any time something happens when a camera is in a fixed location, you can assume something dodgy has gone on, remember the video overlay effect on episode 2 to fake the ghost? Well there is an edit here that is almost impossible to detect. Karl moves the camera to the left and just as the sideboard goes out of view, the recording is stopped, the door on the sideboard is closed, and Karl quickly returns to the camera and starts recording again, moves the camera back to the right and the door now appears to be closed as if by unseen forces. Now Karl would need to be quick in this edit due to things like shadows changing position, weather changing, a cloud etc, so he had to do it quick. Now of course the believers out there will be shouting "No Jon that's a lie, it was really a ghost, Karl never lies, we trust him 100%"

First up remember Karl lied about being a real life Samurai before Most Haunted became a thing and he got called out by experts in the field, so lying is not beyond him, hell in the same episode as this he bounces a knife off his own face!

Well how do I know there is an edit in the recording, well Karl made one mistake, he didn't notice that there is a clock on the wall above the sideboard. You didn't notice it either did you? Go on be quick, go check the footage again, and concentrate on the second hand. Not the hour hand or the minute hand, but the faint second hand that counts the seconds. Now what do you see?

Watch it again, count in your head from just before the camera starts to move as you can see it clearly from when it is static, as there is a slight blur when the camera starts to move.

When the camera first starts to move the clock shows 1:30:17
When the camera moves back to the sideboard the clock shows 1:30:46

I know my screenshots are not perfect so I really do encourage you to go to the UKTV website and look for yourself.

That is 29 seconds difference. Yet if you count in your head, or even get a timer out, only 11 seconds pass. And if my maths are correct that means that 18 seconds are missing. Now as you are sat there reading this thinking I am a maniac, just stop what you are doing, and count to 18 out loud. Now ask yourself, is that enough time for Karl to press one button on the camera to pause recording while it is in a static position, walk over to the door, close it, then walk back to the camera, start recording again and then finish the scene?
I would say it is plenty of time. And as for the noise of the door slamming, that is easily added in later.

As far as I am concerned this is conclusive proof of Most Haunted and specifically Karl Beattie faking paranormal activity, and he is exposed by his own poor quality of work.

Again don't just take my word for it, go to the UKTV website and watch for yourself, am I wrong?

100% credit for spotting this goes to my new favourite BadPsychics reader
Ellis Moon give her a follow on @theshadowplane

7 June 2017

Review: Most Haunted Series 5 (or 19) Episode 9 (Standon Hall in Staffordshire Part 2) - REALLY to air Friday 9th June 10pm

What if I am wrong? What if I have always been wrong? What if there really are ghosts and all along I have just been denying it, desperately ignoring all of the evidence just so I didn't have to admit I was wrong? What if there really is an invisible flying Loch Ness Monster humming the theme tune to The A Team while flying past my window? What if there really are midget aliens living on Mars who smoke cigars in the shape of trumpets? What if I was wrong about all these things? What if Yvette Fielding really is a nice lady, and has always been 100% faithful to Karl Beattie? What if Monkeys can really speak in perfect English but only do it when no humans are about? What if? To some these ideas seem ridiculous. But some people do believe. Do you?

Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, People of all ages, genders and particulars. We are back once again for our world famous review of Most Haunted! Yes we have no lives, we are sad pathetic people who sit in our mothers basements watching a show we hate just to complain about it. Yay us and our trollish ways!

First up time to empty Karl's filthy scum ridden blart sock and have a look at his dirty blurbage.

"Spooky scripted series with Yvette Fielding and her Scooby gang. The team continue their mammoth investigation of Standon Hall. Yvette has some harsh words for Karl when he follows the script exactly, and performs a prepared stunt with a knife (again) and takes a completely 'not' dangerous risk."

By now you will have hopefully read our article exposing last weeks episode whereby we showed that Karl and only Karl gimmicked the whole knife throwing incident, if you have not seen that, quickly go to HERE  and read it.

Now surely he wont try the same trick in this episode would he? Not when his own production footage caught him out and exposed him! No, no way he would be that stupid. (Clue. He does exactly that because he is that stupid!)

Last week we had a brief 3 second introduction to the lovely Rose Hillan, that was by far the highlight of the show, will we see her again, I hope so.

We start of this weeks episode with a short montage of everything that happened last week. Including the ridiculous nonsense with the knife that no one fell for.

Since this is a part two, we get no proper intro or walk about, as we are straight back into the investigation with Yvette talking about how concerned she was with the knife being thrown by Karl onto some ladders that have feelings. Think of the children people! Think of the baby ladders who will have to go the rest of their lives without the parent ladders! Think of the conversation when mommy ladder marries another ladder, and the child looks up to his new daddy and says
"You are not my real ladder, you are just my step ladder"

As Glen looks lovingly towards Yvette, Yvette shows her alligiance to the "Vaterland" (Fatherland)

I was recently asked on the BadPsychics forum if Most Haunted really use night vision, or if it is a filter like I state. Well here is a shot of Karl with his camera, notice the big powerful light on the top, and also the lack of shadows on his face from the lights pointed at him. By the looks of this, it is a simple black and white filter being used, and the area is very well lit.

Seems like they will just carry on with noises and shadows which is a shame, as usually you can fast forward through the first half of the episode to get to the nonsense. Now I have to pay attention to all of it.

Karl is at the back again and hears another "clatter", as usual OFF CAMERA (are you starting to see a trend with this show yet? Everything happens off camera! How would the ghosts know where every camera is and how to avoid ever being caught on them?

Now during this episode the camera caught Glen showing something to Yvette on his laptop, but it couldn't quite be made out, so I did some "CSI Shit" and I found the unedited picture he was showing her. Click on the image above to bring up a bigger version and you can see for yourself what Yvette was looking at.

Karl is now back down in the kitchen, and we get our first shot of the knife rack that became so interesting in last weeks episode, I have put a time code underneath so we can keep track of what is and what is not on the rack. This time code is direct off the UKTV website, so it is 5 Minutes and 53 Seconds out of a total of 45 minutes for the episode, just so you can double check yourself as I know you naughty believers always think I am upto something.

Notice how the knife that was thrown yesterday is no longer on the rack. 7 Knives on the rack.

They hear a noise. Fred seems all to quick to say a knife is thrown, but we don't see any knife, Karl claims he caught it all on camera, and Fred seems quite surprised by this.

We are constantly cutting between Yvette and her stooges and Karl and Fred, which really does make it hard to keep track of a realtime timeline.

Karl points the camera at himself and Fred who are stood at the door, of course another noise is heard, but because we can't see more than Fred and Karl's upper bodies, both their hands are out of shot, however it does look to me like Fred is the culprit here, just from his movement. But I could be mistaken. Have a look yourself, at the 7 minute 50 second mark, Fred's movements match perfectly to him throwing something underarm, and then the noise of something landing and making the noise. Ask yourself if these people were honest, why not set up a single cheapo camcorder on a table the other side of the room, to film them at the door?

Another noise is heard, of course not on camera, and they leave the area pretending to be scared.

They rejoin Yvette and the others. They talk about things for a while, nothing happens, Karl insists he wants to go split up again, Fred quickly states he will go with Karl.

Karl and Fred go back to the Kitchen. And they find a knife.

Yes that is the same knife as the one from the previous episode. But also if you scroll back up this page a bit, you will notice this knife was NOT in the rack earlier from before anything was thrown. So in my opinion either Karl or Fred (Most likely Fred) has swiped this knife, and pocketed and threw it.

Karl picks the knife up and adds it back to the rack. So the previous photo of the rack at 5 minutes in showed 7 knives, now with Karl replacing this one, it shows 8. Just want you all to keep track.

We cut back to Yvette and gang.

Glen has gone in a mood and is now refusing to take part, such a big baby, and all because Yvette wouldn't touch his mini Glen.

Yvette starts talking to the ghosts.

We cut back to Karl and Fred, and guess what, something is missing!

I've zoomed in on the knives, count them. Now quickly scroll up and compare to the previous photo from before we cut to Yvette. Yes a knife is missing, the one second from the right has gone, in less than a minute of TV time, but including an edit away from Karl and Fred to Yvette and then back again, a knife has disappeared.

Now don't you think it would have been smart to set up one separate camera pointed at those knives constantly? Afterall if you are scared of knives being thrown by the ghosts, and you are claiming that twice a big knife has been thrown, and come from the same location, wouldn't it be smart if you were trying to find evidence of paranormal activity that perhaps you might want to film there? So from experience we know that every time a knife goes missing, it usually gets thrown minutes later. I do wonder how they are going to do this, as clearly it needs to be more than just a knife being thrown on the floor off camera, they done that twice now, and first time Karl threw it, second time Fred threw it, they need to do something big!

We cut pointlessly back to Yvette and gang.

Glen has picked himself up and has stopped being a big moody bear.

Yvette starts whistling a really annoying tune.

Back to Karl and Fred, as they prepare for the big stunt.

Karl is clearly holding th camera with his left hand, and Fred is stood to Karls left too.
Karl's right arm is being held in a strangely high position. I wonder why?

Karl prepares himself by turning his head to the left and then boom!

Using his right arm he throw the missing knife at himself in as safe a manner as he can, sideways.

He then bizarrely holds the top of his head even though it hit him in the face, and still manages to hold the camera facing him pretty still. Now lets just say you got hit in the face by a knife that you did not expect, would you hold onto the camera and without issue manage to keep filming yourself perfectly?

Despite the knife clearly hitting him in the side of his face, he is still holding the top of his head! This is pretty funny stuff.

Now the give away that he is throwing it at himself is that he closes his eyes BEFORE it hits him, unfortunately it is almost impossible not to flinch when you are throwing something at yourself, as you cant help but prepare for impact.

Here is a GIF that shows him clearly close his eyes before the hit and prepare himself.

Is that blatant enough for you? Don't believe me, go to 17m10s on the UKTV offical airing of the episode, freeze frame it yourself, and tell me am I lying?

Ask yourself why his right hand was so high before the stunt, when clearly he didn't need it to hold the camera. Ask yourself why the camera never pointed away from his face despite the fact he claims a ghost threw a knife at him.

They find the knife on the floor, and of course it is the one that is missing from the rack that I pointed out earlier. Guessing he wasn't brave enough to hit himself with the big knife from the previous episode, so went for this lighter knife.

Karl comes back to Yvette and the others, and then has a barny. I wonder here if Yvette's anger is legit here, not because she believes for one second that Karl was really hit by a knife thrown by a ghost, but that he is throwing a knife at himself, after all accidents can happen. Even with a well rehearsed stunt like this.

Also worth noting that Fred and Karl are both laughing at this. Just stop for a moment and put yourself in the position they are claiming that Karl was put in. A ghost throws a knife at your head, and just a minute later you are laughing and joking cause you are being told off by your wife. If this was real, the whole shoot would have been shut down instantly. No arguments, no messing about, everything would be shut down. You would get everyone to leave the building. And you would go through the footage with a fine tooth comb, hoping to have caught something on camera that you could analyse. But no. They go back to Yvette, laugh and joke about, and carry on with the investigation.

This is a TV show, TV shows have strict health and safety rules. If a knife had been thrown by an unseen force for real, the show would have ended right there and then, and an internal investigation conducted.

Good news. GORT is back! So far this season he has been a complete waste of time and money! So they leave him roaming the building as they leave for the night.

Sweet baby Jesus we are only just about half way through the episode. Shoot me now please!

We are back in daylight and in colour and Yvette starts a walk through that is usually reserved for the beginning of an episode.

Next up is a hilarious moment whereby Karl is filming a corridor for no reason whatsoever, and a wheelchair suspiciously rolls into view.

Now as Karl goes to investigate, he films EVERYWHERE except the wheel chair itself, giving ample time for whoever gimmicked it time to move out of the way. Now either it was pushed and the person left through a door to the right side (Option 1.) or it was pulled with some fishing wire by someone hidden off to the left (Option 2.). Now if it is Option 2, when Karl investigates ahead they could easily escape back down the corridor where he came from. Or it was GORT (Option 3.)

Either way this was a blatant set up, and a ghost 100% did not push a wheelchair conveniently into shot while Karl was filming a corridor for no reason as at all.

Karl eventually returns to the Wheelchair, and finally has it fully in view, he asks the ghosts to move it again and can you guess what happens next? Absolutely nothing.

Karl keeps filming this time at the opposite end of the room.

First the before shot.

And then the ghost waits patiently for Karl to move the camera away from the scene and the moment he is not covering the desk, the door closes on it.

Karl investigates and pretends to not know what happened.
We get 5 replays of the door closing OFF CAMERA!

Fast forward a few hours and Karl and Yvette are outside in the dark, claiming to have seen a figure in the distance. (OFF CAMERA) Karl sees it again and goes off on a chase.

They go back into a building and start searching. Of course they find nothing, and nothing is caught on camera.

We do however get a brief shot of the lovely Rose.

Wish she would move the camera so we could see her pretty face!

Right something interesting happens at exactly 29m 15s. It is hard to make out, but you can hear a very faint whisper that is one of the crew, sounds like "right just see"??? Not sure, but as soon as he says it, Yvette then claims to hear something and runs off back across the area. Almost like a prompt for them to do the next bit. I'd love someone with better sound system to record this and see what they say.

Karl then notices another wheelchair in a different position to where he left it. Of course despite having a static camera filming there earlier, he moved it so did not catch any footage of the wheelchair moving, another crew member admits that they walked through the area with Fred earlier, but that they didn't move it.

We are getting more pointless running about as Karl and Yvette keep claiming to see someone, of course NEVER on camera. All this running about reminds me of Benny Hill! Anyone fancy making a montage and adding the Benny Hill music?

At least this running about is a nice change from the usual boring investigations.

Finally we get to see a bit of the lovely Rose. Although she is hiding behind Glen, so guessing she has no interest in appearing on the show, which is a shame.

Yvette is calling out to the ghosties, they are ignoring her as usual.
Strangely not had any knocking or tapping this episode.

They carry on with the investigation, and notice how they don't have the filter on now. This is usually how bright it is when they are investigating, no lights in the room are on, just the lights on the cameras, so you can get a good idea with this shot how bright it is during an average investigation.

The lovely Rose Hillan again makes it into shot! Good for her. Easily the best thing to happen to Most Haunted since the lovely Mel Crump.

All this running about and fannying around has wasted a good 15 minutes of the episode, which is good, as now just about 8 minutes left.

Karl is now investigating some lights being turned on. Again off camera. So they are now looking in and out of some rooms.

Karl points down a corridor and says to the cameraman there is someone there and to run after him, we get some running about and suddenly a bang, and when they go into a room a vase has been smashed on the floor. OFF CAMERA!

They keep searching rooms, the idea being that because there is no one in them, it MUST have been a ghost that threw the vase, or made other noises and so on. This way of thinking is ridiculous.

Here is a theory for you all, perhaps GORT is behind all of this, GORT hit the wheelchair and made it move then he scarpered off in the opposite direction. GORT hit the table with the vase on, knocking it on the floor. GORT knocking into doors etc would explain all the noises they have heard. A shadow from GORT showing against a wall and moving could make you think you have seen someone.

And because GORT is supposedly self controlled, he was left to roam about. Just a thought, although lets say you wanted to use GORT to fake some things, what better way than someone to sit way off camera with the remote control and get him to do things, he is small enough that you can drive him off under a chair or something to hide after an event. And because the way they run about looking for things they always make out they are looking for a person or a ghost, no one thinks to look for a small remote controlled car with a GoPro strapped to his roof!

They even now cut to GORT, and have him driving about, so we know he is present and ready to be used.

As the episode comes to a close, as Glen is walking ahead Yvette comes close to the camera and says
"Glen is being very brave, I think he is showing off"

I wonder who he could possibly be showing off for or who he is trying to impress?

We are told that even more horrors will come next week, and the end credits roll and we are done.

So what did I think of the episode, well a lot did happen, they clearly put some effort into the stunts this week, even if they were all pretty easy to debunk. Throwing the knife against his own face was probably the highlight, that was quite funny.

And due to the fact we saw the lovely Rose on camera a few times and even heard her speak that pushes up my score for the episode to a lofty 4/10 I cant give the episode any higher since there is no Watson AGAIN, Stuart is no where to be seen, and I can only imagine if he had been present what better stunts he could have been involved with. And we got GORT too, if only in brief segments.

I hope that in some way I have entertained you today, if I did why not donate an Amazon Email Gift Voucher to me to show your appreciation. Over the past few weeks I got a few vouchers sent through to me which I was very happy about, and I put them towards a new Liverpool FC training shirt which I have no ordered. So thank you to the two people who have donated. Very much appreciated. Every penny counts!


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This is the best way to show your appreciation for the work I do. So if you enjoy the site, then how about donating me a voucher, and I promise I will only spend it on good stuff like video games or whiskey! And if not thats ok too. I will keep doing my reviews regardless.

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By Jon Donnis

4 June 2017

Did Karl throw the knife? Most Haunted Series 5 (or 19) Episode 8 (Standon Hall in Staffordshire Part 1) - aired Friday 2nd June 2017

This season of Most Haunted has been an interesting one, mainly due to the fact we caught two moments whereby they blatantly faked paranormal evidence, we had the overlay video effect of Stuart pretending to be a ghost, which coincided with a huge PR push by Most Haunted, and then video of Fred clearly throwing something. Well in  Episode 8 (Standon Hall in Staffordshire Part 1) that aired Friday 2nd June 2017, the big stunt was a knife being thrown off camera. Well usually when something happens off camera, it is done to stop annoying people like me exposing it.

Well thanks to some of our excellent BadPsychics members, we have spotted something interesting.

First take a look at the whole scene as recorded by Ann B, and see if you can spot anything interesting.

Watching the whole seen in context of what is about to happen, it is prety obvious that Karl gets everyone to turn their backs (and cameras) on him and look outside after he claims he saw something. That in itself would give him chance to swipe the knife, ready to be thrown seconds later. 

But there is no footage of him taking the knife, or throwing it, so even if you are suspicious, the claim that a ghost did it can still be claimed (however ridiculous that sounds).

Well what if the knife has moved BEFORE it was thrown?

Take a look at this.

At about 15 seconds into the footage above, you can clearly see the knives on the rack on the wall.

So as Karl tells everyone to turn around and look outside the knife is clearly still on the rack.
As the footage rolls, we cut from Karls camera to that of Darren I think or Greg, can never tell them apart. So now Karl is off camera, and we can not see his camera feed.

We get a few jumps between different feeds, then we get this shot at 49 seconds into the footage above.

Notice anything strange?
Lets take a closer look.

Notice anything missing?

Lets put the two shots of the knives side by side.

Have you spotted the change? Yes when everyone was turned around, and Karl was stood next to the rack of knives, the knife that is later to be thrown, has disappeared.

So the question is, with Karl stood right there, within feet of the knives, nobody looking at him or filming him, a knife that is later to be thrown has been removed from the rack. So has a ghost picked it up, and is now just holding it waiting for the best chance to throw it? Or has Karl swiped it ready for his stunt in just a few seconds time? Note how right after the footage showing the knife missing, they all decide to leave pretty much straight away, Karl is the last person leaving the room and would have only have had to hold the knife for a few seconds. He then tossed it back to where he was stood before, and hope it landed in a decent place and not hidden under a counter.

As usual I will get accused of manipulating the footage, and so on, so here is a link to the UKTV site, where you can go watch the episode yourself.

It is Series 19 episode 8, so you can find it. The clip above is about 37 minutes into the episode, so you can find it all.

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This is the best way to show your appreciation for the work I do. So if you enjoy the site, then how about donating me a voucher, and I promise I will only spend it on good stuff like video games or whiskey! And if not thats ok too. I will keep doing my reviews regardless.

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By Jon Donnis

31 May 2017

Review: Most Haunted Series 5 (or 19) Episode 8 (Standon Hall in Staffordshire Part 1) - REALLY to air Friday 2nd June 10pm

♪♫♬Glen likes to put his hands on Y̶v̶e̶t̶t̶e̶ "A Vet"♪♫♬
♪♫♬Some say he does it for a bet♪♫♬
♪♫♬He's hiding a boner♪♫♬
♪♫♬No longer a loner♪♫♬
♪♫♬Delete your web history don't forget♪♫♬

Ladies & Gentlemen, we are back once again for my world famous Most Haunted review.
So pull out your favourite blart sock, get that vaseline ready , prepare your Cadbury alley, for we are at Standon Hall in Staffordshire for the first of a three part extravaganza!

"More paranormal sleuthing with Yvette Fielding. A fearful team begin their three-part investigation of the mysterious Standon Hall in Staffordshire, despite being built in 1910 and having no history of hauntings whatsoever, the MH team will investigate it. Will someone fall over again and blame it on the spirits? Will Glen smirk with his hands in his pocket, will Karl ever find out the truth, will Fred throw something, find out only on Most Haunted"

Did you know when you login to the UKTV website and try to watch Most Haunted, you have to click a button answering if you are over 15 to watch, and then you have a disclaimer stating the show is for ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY. It is as if they are telling you it is fake, and then laugh at those who think it is real.

With no sign of Watson now for a good few weeks, I am wondering if he has been "accidentally" run over by Yvette while reversing her 1982 Vauxhall Nova?

We open up with Yvette doing her usual voice over about the location, she asks is this just people's overactive imagination or is Standon Hall really Haunted? Fair questions, which I could answer right now.

And right away they cut away from Yvette to a Yvette voice over stating that you can see a face in the glass panels behind her!

At the best it is pareidolia, personally I can't see any face, can you? Leave a comment if yes.
Also I hate to say this, but Yvette is looking quite busty today too. Oh no I am getting those naughty feelings again, I was warned about this by my Priest!

No sign of Watson still, remember what I said earlier in the series, the moment anyone gets more popular than Yvette they are soon written off the show.

Yvette and Glen then come into the building TOGETHER, nothing suspicious here, completely innocent.

I wish my wife looked at me the way Glen looks at Yvette.
Glen has his hands in his pocket, and a smirk on his face, so all is normal there.

Glen tells Yvette he has been working out, so she tenderly feels his bicep, impressed by the size of his bulge, they walk off up the stairs to further explore the building.

A door has already shut on its own, and they discuss some of the cameramen's experiences, Glen then admits that he believes in Stone Tape Theory, so to put that in context, the show's resident "skeptic" believes completely in a 100% unproven, paranormal claim.

Yvette just cant keep her hands off Glen this episode, and just looks directly into his eyes while he talks.
In other unrelated news Karl Beattie is not present during this scene.

Yvette hears a tap, and asks "are there many of you watching us?"
And with that lets take a look at the ratings for Most Haunted through April/May.

Most Haunted April 22nd - 367,000 viewers (Episode 2 with the faked footage)
Most Haunted April 29th - 301,000 viewers
Most Haunted May 6th - 353,000 viewers
Most Haunted May 13th - 278,000 viewers
Most Haunted May 20th - 292,000 viewers

There is no date available for Episode 1, and the ratings for the 26th May episode not released yet.
What can we ascertain from these ratings? Well they had a nice number for the episode where they spent a fortune on publicity, and getting footage of the Stuart overlay video effect in the papers and online websites, it then dropped, before going back up again, and then 2 weeks with a lower rating. These numbers are way up on last year, where some weeks they struggled to even get in the top ten.

Ok back to Greg tapping with his foot, sorry I mean the spirits communicating through tapping.
A quick pan with the camera reveals there is at least 6 people involved with this scene.

Karl has now appeared and is giving his worthless opinion on the tappings, it definitely seems like they are trying to set the viewer up to be prepared for a lot of "events" to happen later in the investigation. And since this is a three parter filmed over two nights, it is almost as if they already know that they will have a lot of "activity", which is strange.

Some more claims of seeing shadows etc, all very boring, when suddenly we are introduced to Rose!

Rose Hillan is apparently the Assistant Producer on Most Haunted, and from this shot of her, she is looking very fit. Could we finally have a woman to replace the legendary Mel Crump as the resident fitty on the show?

Rose Hillan has instantly become the most credible, most honest, most interesting person on Most Haunted, and since Watson's demise, we have a new hero to get behind.

Karl talks very favourably about the lovely Rose. And then cuts across to Yvette who is stood like this.

I cant see Rose lasting long with Yvette already jealous of her. And Karl giving her the crafty eye too.
I assume she will be in these 3 episodes, and then gone never to be seen or heard of again.

The fake night filters have been added to the cameras, and the investigation proper has now begun.

Karl and Yvette have separated from the rest and have headed downstairs into an area with boilers and so on. 30 seconds in and they are having a barney, and arguing with each other.

Back with the others and Glen has his laptop out, but is not letting anyone see the screen, luckily I know Russian hackers who showed me exactly what he has on his laptop.

As they are stood there, Fred starts talking to the forces of evil and darkness, and hilariously Greg/Darren?? comes out with a loud "for f*cks sake are we really doing this?" directed at Fred, which is possibly the funniest moment of the whole series, and also the feelings of every viewer.

Did you know that Yvette Fielding's Grandmother is from Cyprus! Just another thing we have in common.

Ok back to the show, and they are hearing tappings by Fred, who has one hand in his large pocket.

Yvette has heard a growl type sound, they investigate and realise its the sound of a door closing, now they kind of expose themselves here, because if a door had to open and then close for something to go through, then it is definitely NOT a ghost, it would be a real person.

Glen and Fred are now claiming they can hear a faint musical instrument being played.

Back to Yvette and Karl and Yvette says the following "My hair looks like pubes again"
No joke, she says that, that is not me being funny, or anything she literally says her hair looks like pubes AGAIN. I don't know what to say to that. Karl makes a few rude comments, Yvette claims she is called a silver fox and admits her pubes are grey. Yes that really happens. To change the subject she quickly pretends to have heard a noise.

Just a note, here is Yvette's hair when Karl met her, you can make of that what you will.

Here is an interesting article about Standon Hall.

"Controversial plans have been passed to turn a historic listed building into a house - despite concerns from residents it will actually be used as a 'haunted house' attraction"

Well it seems that their concerns have come true. Every week Most Haunted seem to investigate places that amount to being tourist attractions due to claims they are haunted.

Where is Stuart? Not seen him at all so far. Hmmmm.

27 minutes in, and I am starting to get distracted, and rather bored. Lets hope for a big ending to liven things up. Only so much of Karl and Yvette pretending to hear things and see shadows I can put up with.

Next up we hear a wimpering noise, they replay it, and 100% it's a pigeon, I guarantee you, I hear the exact same sound every morning and it drives me mad.

It has just occured to me that I might have confused Greg and Darren, so please keep that in mind when I mention names.

Darren is now claiming that they have been hearing a piano being played, and something like a tuba, yet incredibly us the viewer have heard no such thing.

The entire episode up until this point has only had a few taps, some random far away sounding noises and a shadow that they never got any footage of.

Nothing has been thrown at all, maybe that is because Stuart is not present, and Fred was told off for getting caught a few episodes back. I suspect that instead of ruining the effect of a big ending by having lots of things thrown, they will keep it to just one thing being thrown. Let's wait and see if I am right.

The whole group is now back together, so if you are going to throw anything here is the best time to do it with 10 minutes left.

Some good facials in the shot above. They move into a kitchen area. Darren has a headache. There is also a smell in the kicthen of dead pig, that or Yvettes bottom problems have returned. I suspect if they are going to do a "throw scene" it will be in the kitchen, since there is a lot of metal aboutt which is great for making noises with.

Karl has started imagining things now, claiming that someone was stood behind Glen, but clearly there is no one there.

As they leave the kitchen and Karl being the last person out, suddenly there is a loud noise, upon investigation Yvette finds a large knife on the floor.

As always the knife was thrown off camera, so most likely Karl just chucked it with his spare hand as they were leaving the room, that way there was no risk of accidentally hitting anyone.

There is also a fly present, which I have decided to call Keith, and hopefully he is the new member of the team. Karl decides that flies are a demonic sign. Well of course they are.

Now if this was a real investigation, what you would do is put the knife carefully in a plastic bag and seal it, then later on dust it for finger prints, and if any were found compare it to all of the crew members, but of course instead of doing that straight away Yvette picks up the knife and throws it against some ladders that are on the floor to recreate the original sound. Do you see how unprofessional this is? It is not a real investigation, never has been, not even on day one of the very first series over a decade ago.

Endless replays of Karl overacting, and ridiculous analysis of the whole thing which was NEVER caught on camera.

A bit more talking, and the episode ends.
So the only real talking point was the knife at the end, it wasn't caught on camera, so instantly it becomes worthless as evidence of anything. Karl was the last person to leave the room, he is known for throwing knives, spoons, forks, you name the type of cutlery and he has thrown it.

Another very poor episode, no Watson, no GORT. We only got 3 seconds of the beautiful Rose Hillan, so all in all a disappointing episode, where nothing of value happened.

It is another 0/10 from me, and a few hours of my life I will never get back.

I hope that in some way I have entertained you today, if I did why not donate an Amazon Email Gift Voucher to me to show your appreciation.


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This is the best way to show your appreciation for the work I do. So if you enjoy the site, then how about donating me a voucher, and I promise I will only spend it on good stuff like video games or whiskey! And if not thats ok too. I will keep doing my reviews regardless.

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By Jon Donnis