Welcome to BadPsychics, your trusted resource for uncovering the truth behind fake psychics and debunking supernatural claims. We are committed to promoting skepticism and critical thinking, providing you with clear and factual information about the paranormal and pseudoscientific practices. At BadPsychics, we celebrate the power of science and rational inquiry. Our mission is to expose fraudulent psychics and unverified supernatural phenomena, empowering you with knowledge.
10 April 2016
Ghosts Are NOT Real - Jesse exposes the Ghost Hunters for the frauds they are.
At least one-third of all people believe in some kind of ghost, and TV shows about "paranormal investigation" are on every other channel. But WHY? Not a single shred of scientific evidence has ever been demonstrated for ghosts. Jesse exposes the Ghost Hunters for the frauds they are, conducts a ghost "social experiment," and asks if believing in ghosts might actually be DANGEROUS.
7 April 2016
Proof of Ghost Adventures Fakery - EXPOSED!
Reddit user Yorambo noticed that the exact same scream is heard in two separate Ghost Adventures episodes.
Here is his post
"Hey you guys, long time Ghost Adventures fan here. Was just watching the season 10 halloween special, and realized something.. when Nick hears the scream when he goes into the oubliette, he is completely stunned. However, the scream is the EXACT same noise as they hear in the Lincoln County Hospital in season 11. Did anyone else notice this?"
This is not the first time the show has been faked, and of course ALL shows like this fake stuff, they have to otherwise they would not get commissioned since nothing would happen.
I have seen some hilarious excuses from GA fans explaining this fake scream. One of the more ridiculous excuses was that it was a fox, and that fox screams always sound the same!
And you though the Most Haunted fans were dumb!
Anyway enjoy!
Video Backup incase above video gets removed.
Deluded energy shield master takes on a martial artist!
One of my favourite things is watching people who believe they can use Chi, or other Eastern mystical bullshit as a form of self defence, there are a few great clips out there. Truth is there is no such thing as an invisible energy shield, but it does seem that these idiots really believe in it, that is until they get punched in the face!
This deluded energy shield master takes on a professional martial artist and it ends predictably.
15 March 2016
Talking to the Dead: James Van Praagh Tested
Here is a classic investigation into James Van Praagh, showing exactly what he is, what he does, and how he does it
8 March 2016
Mediumship is Impossible, but will it always be?

Lets first see what the official definition of mediumship is
Mediumship can be defined as follows: The process whereby a human instrument, known as a MEDIUM or CHANNEL, is used by one or more discarnate, spirit personalities for the purpose of:
Presenting information, verifiable or otherwise.
Causing so-called paranormal activities to occur.
Channeling forth certain types of energies.
Manifesting themselves for objective examination and/or identification.
Lets put it into simplified terms. Mediumship is a living person communicating with non-living person.
Now when I used the word impossible, I often get criticised, people will say
"How can you know it is impossible, have you tested every medium on the planet"
"You can't prove mediumship does not exist"
To answer the first statement, I don't need to test every medium on the planet, history has shown us that mediums cannot back up their claims.
And to answer the second statement, you cant prove a negative, can you prove that invisible midgets wearing pirate hats did NOT just sing a symphony on Jupiter? Of course not, but that doesn't mean it ever happened.
Science and specifically biology tells us that when we die, and our brain ceases to have activity, that's it for us, we are dead, no coming back.
As of today there is zero % proof of life after death.
Now here is my question, I know mediumship is impossible because science tells me so, but will it always be so?
Travelling to the moon in the year 1876 was impossible, travelling to the moon in 1925 was impossible.
But in 1969 it became possible after it was achieved by the late Neil Armstrong.
He did it not in a magic car, or by going through a wormhole he did it by using rocketpower.
So what does that tell us? It tells us that with technological advances, almost anything is possible eventually.
So how does this pertain to mediumship?
It is pretty clear to most intelligent people that mediumship in its current form is not only impossible but always will be impossible, but mediumship in the broader sense of the word "To communicate with the dead" may not always be impossible, how? well that's where we go back to science and the advancement of technology.
If mediumship is the ability to communicate with the dead, well what if in the future we develop a way to digitise our thought patterns, our very mind transferred to a computer, we would in a way continue to exist long after our body, our brain and our mind had long turned to dust. So to communicate with such a digitised version of someone could be considered mediumship.
What about if in the future we are able to communicate with a parallel universe, identical in every way to our own, except that life started on the other Earth say 20 years after it did on our own.
You could speak to your own dead mother years before her death in the other universe. Would that not be a form of mediumship?
There are many more ideas, all of which are rooted deep in science and technological advances, and not in spiritualism or the church.
So keep in mind when I say something is impossible, it doesn't mean it will always remain impossible, but it may mean that you need to redefine that what it is we are deeming impossible in the first place.