4 November 2014

BadPsychics Archive - Tony Stockwell Exposed - I'm Famous and Frightened 2 - LivingTV - 16th July 2004

Over the years we have exposed many psychics, but one psychic always seemed like the ugly fat bloke who gets put through on X-Factor as a bit of a joke, and that person is Tony Stockwell. Completely devoid of any talent whatsoever, back in the mid 2000's by riding on the backs of the likes of Colin Fry and Derek Acorah, Tony Stockwell managed to carve out a little career for himself. And he even managed to weasel his way onto a TV show!

Now as expected the TV show was the lowest of the low, a celebrity reality show! But during that show, he was accused of being a fraud. So here from the famous BadPsychics Archive, we take a look back at what happened.


Tony Stockwell

Location: I'm Famous and Frightened 2 - LivingTV
Date: 16th July 2004

On the first day of this Live celebrity investigation of Aberdeen's Fyvie Castle, Celebrity Mockney Medium Tony Stockwell conducted a Table Tipping demonstration.

The usual rountine took place, all the celebs had their fingertips on the table, at first nothing happened so celebrity medium Tony Stockwell put his hands on the table.

As soon as he did the table started rocking, at this point celeb believer Daniella Westbrook left the table and stood back to watch. Every time the table started rocking Tony Stockwell moved back, as soon as he did the rocking of the table diminished.

Later on, after the main show had gone off air, there was an extra live show, celeb believer Jeff Brazier stated that he believed that Tony Stockwell was pushing the table, Daniella Westbrook also admitted that something dodgy was happening although she did not accuse Tony Stockwell.

A bit later on in the night Jeff Brazier made this comment.

"He was definately blaggin' it, and if he blags that, who's to say he doesnt blag it all"

To sum up, two people who took part believed something dodgy was going on, one even stated he was sure that Tony Stockwell was rocking the table.

Again keep in mind Jeff Brazier is a self confessed believer of the paranormal and a fan of Tony Stockwell.

So was this an instance of psychic fraud?

I will as always let you make your own mind up.

Source: LivingTV's I'm Famous & Frightened 2 Live Television Broadcast

3 November 2014

Exposed: Magicians, Psychics and Frauds - AKA James Randi An Honest Liar

Renowned magician James 'The Amazing' Randi has been wowing audiences with his jaw-dropping illusions, escapes and sleight of hand for over 50 years. When he began seeing his cherished art form co-opted by all manner of con artists, he made it his mission to expose the simple tricks charlatans have borrowed from magicians to swindle the masses.

This entertaining film chronicles Randi's best debunkings of faith healers, fortune tellers and psychics. It documents his rivalry with famed spoon-bender Uri Geller, whom Randi eventually foiled on a high-profile television appearance. Another target was evangelist Peter Popoff, whose tent-show miracles and audience mind-reading were exposed as chicanery when Randi revealed a recording of Popoff's wife feeding him information through a radio-transmitter earpiece.

In telling Randi's strange, funny and fascinating life story, the film shows how we are all vulnerable to deception - even, in a surprising twist, 'The Amazing' Randi himself.

Watch on BBC iPlayer for the next month for free

1 hour, 25 minutes


29 October 2014

Caught on hidden camera: 'Psychics' claim to banish harmful spirits

Have you ever wondered if your house is haunted? You can hire self-described psychics who claim they can channel the dead and remove bad spirits from your home but their services don't come cheap.

The Rossen Reports team set up appointments with several psychics, then rented a brand-new home in a New Jersey suburb where no one has ever lived, and rigged it with a dozen hidden cameras.

20 October 2014

The Skeptic Weasel, A secret cassette recording, and the common denominator

Every day I have to go through the comments left on this site, moderate them, delete the spam, approve genuine comments and delete the violent threats and abuse.

However this comment caught my eye, which is why I will give it a post all on its own, and answer some things put to me, since they make some very direct accusations.

I will say that the name of the author an "Ed Stoner" is obviously a fake name. However I wonder if this really is one of Sally Morgans thug like family members, or just one of her misguided fans? Either way I invite them to publish whatever they claim to have on me and I will happily face the consequences. Although of course I know what they are saying is nonsense, I would never want to be accused of hiding things or lying about something in my past, say for example when Sally Morgan LIED about not knowing who Brian Dowling was on her TV show despite the fact she had given a reading to him a few years prior for a magazine! No I would never want to do that now would I?


Ed Stoner has left a new comment on your post "Does Sally Morgan's Husband John Morgan have a his...": 

Speaking of which, as a scientific group who partake in genuine study unlike your embarrassing mess, bought to our attention we are reliably informed that you made a series of racial slurs and homophobic hate speech when you was aged 23. Apparently one meeting was recorded and rusting away on an old cassette.

Hypocrisy springs to mind. After all we all say things we regret. Apologise to Sally and her team. Keep it civil. We know who was really behind it.

You are a Bad Skeptic and fraudster lapping it up from the big names of Colin Fry and Derek Acorah who you refuse to properly criticise unlike others. Not to keep them sweet, no the cat is out of the bag. We know why. The same reason you can afford to lounge abroad most of the year. You would never share the real reason or print this on your poxy blog.

Have you ever heard of the lowest common denominator? That person looks you in the face every morning you stare at the mirror.

You are commonly known as The Skeptic Weasel. You are a disgrace to genuine skeptics and scientists who are not in it for fame, money or immature kicks. 


Please do name this "scientific group" who claims to have a cassette tape of me at 23, you see at 23 I was not involved in skepticism in the slightest, in fact if memory serves me correct I was working in a Batley's Cash and Carry, full time, trying to save money so I could move out of my parents house!

As for racial slurs, as someone who grew up with a dark olive tan due to my ethnic group, I have had to deal with racism much of my life, I have even had racist abuse from psychics, and one such psychic even had the help of a "famous" skeptic who appeared on Most Haunted to try and cover up the racist abuse directed at me, and also threatened me too!

You see as a victim of racist abuse for many many years, to say I have made racist slurs is rather pathetic, but even more pathetic is to say you have a recording of me on cassette from 13 years ago! Please I am begging you, send me this recording and I will happily publish it here.

As for homophobic speech, well I am not gay, but I have many times spoke out in favour of Gay rights, just see my Twitter feed for that. Have I used derogatory words for gays in my time? Probably yes, when I was very young and at school, much like other kids in their early teens, I probably did call someone gay just for the way they looked, you see this is what CHILDREN do, NOT adults like John Morgan. Children say dumb things, ignorant things. Where as grown men working in a professional public capacity really should never say such things.

But I can categorically say I have never made a homophobic comment as an adult, and in a serious offensive manner. Although when I have visited Nightingales in Birmingham, with my friend Drew, I will admit to calling him a "big poof" when he strutted across the dance floor towards me with his feather boa flapping behind him.

So NO I will not apologise to Sally and her team, in fact I will keep making public times she has lied to the public, mislead people, and make unsubstantiated claims about her mediumship

Next you claim that I do not properly criticise Colin Fry and Derek Acorah! Do you know I am the WORLDS FIRST PERSON to fully expose Derek Acorah as a fraud! Yep the first person in the world to publish evidence of what he was doing.

Notice I just called his mediumship fraudulent, yet he does not sue me!

And Colin Fry, well here is another history lesson for you, when BadPsychics was first created the FIRST EVER ARTICLE was about Colin Fry and the Trumpet Incident, a story that had been hidden for over a decade I made public and got HUGE visitor numbers. Hell that article still gets big numbers.

I have written more about Derek Acorah than any one else on this site, so please don't say I give either an easy ride, just because I remain on talking terms with both, and can meet them face to face does not mean I do not criticise.

You also infer that somehow they are bankrolling me, or paying me off, how utterly ridiculous, I do not "lounge" about abroad most of the year. I am Greek, so I live in Greece. It is cheaper to live here than to live in England. Do your homework, we all know Sally Morgan does!

And on to your final comment, firstly I am not a scientist, never claimed to be one, have no interest to become one. So I couldn't care less what they think of me. As for the skeptical community, I have learned to accept and ignore their jealousy of me and my site, afterall I have done more for skepticism when it comes to exposing psychics and mediums than pretty much anyone else in the UK.

The skeptics I respect, respect me back, whether it is Derren Brown using my material on his site, or James Randi giving me a nice plug on his site. Do you really think I care of the opinions of jealous skeptics running tiny little websites desperately trying to copy me and then sending me abuse under assumed names? Water off a Greek ducks back!

As for being in it for the fame, didn't you already state that I dont show the real me? If I wanted fame my big ugly face would be plastered all over this site, if I wanted fame and money I would accept the weekly invites to appear on radio and TV shows. Did you know in the last 4 years I have agreed to only one interview, and even in that my face was not shown.

I have no interest in fame and money, My only interest is the message of education that I try to spread, that being how psychics and mediums do it.

But you did get one thing right, I do get a kick out of watching people who claim to be psychic fall on their arse, have their careers ruined and even watch as their own fans turn against them.

Anyway that's it from me for today, need to clean my yacht and collect my Gold bars from my private island.

By Jon Donnis
Follow me on Twitter @JonDonnis

18 October 2014

Most Haunted Ratings Update - Episodes 6, 7 & 8 - Updated

So we are back with our Most Haunted Ratings Update!

First lets remind ourselves for the ratings for the first 5 episodes

Episode 1 - 362,000
Episode 2 - 371,000
Episode 3 - 324,000
Episode 4 - 318,000
Episode 5 - 229,000

It was quite clear for anyone to see that there has been a steady decline. So how have episodes 6, 7 and 8 done, did Most Haunted grab back its audience or continue to lose them?

Episode 6

Well its good new for Antix and Most Haunted fans as the ratings are way up from Episode 5.

In fact Episode 6 gained roughly 55,000 viewers compared to Episode 5.

Could this be a case of old fans coming back and giving the show one more chance?
Finally Most Haunted may have turned the corner, and finally start to fight back against the dominance of Ghost Adventures which is clearly the UK's number 1 paranormal investigation show! Well the only way to find out is to look at the ratings for Episode 7, and I have them right here! So get ready!

Episode 7

And it's disaster.

Despite fans coming back for Episode 6, they obviously were not impressed as Most Haunted Episode 7 lost the 55,000 fans they gains for Episode 6, and then lost another 30,000 views! Ouch! That has got to hurt!

What about Episode 8?

Well the good news is they move back up into second place, the bad news is they lose another 3000 viewers/

Episode 1 - 362,000
Episode 2 - 371,000
Episode 3 - 324,000
Episode 4 - 318,000
Episode 5 - 229,000
Episode 6 - 286,000
Episode 7 - 199,000
Episode 8 - 196,000

So lets look at the ratings overall.
One theme is common here, fans were willing to give Most Haunted a chance, and time after time they feel let down and leave in their thousands!

From a ratings high for Episode 2 of 371,00, Most Haunted has lost 172,000 viewers!

That is a huge amount to lose, but more embarrassingly for Most Haunted is that they are being trounced by Ghost Adventures, a show which in itself is just a copy of Most Haunted, only done better. Dont get me wrong, that show is just as faked and as much of a spoof as Most Haunted, but it is clearly more interesting to the viewers and not only have they stolen Most Haunted viewers they are keeping them too!

My source at UKTV tells me that they would be willing to pay only £5000 for another series of Most Haunted, which is the same amount they paid for this series. So the question remains will Fred Batt be prepared to bankroll another series of Most Haunted? Or will he finally cut his losses and leave Antix to go Bankrupt? Only time will tell.

But one thing is clear, Most Haunted simply doesn't have the pull it once did.

Although perhaps you cant blame Most Haunted totally for that, you see when Living TV which was then purchased by Sky, ended Most Haunted, they only handed back the name "Most Haunted" to Antix, the format and pretty much everything they used to do is still owned by Sky, that is why the show was forced to change, meaning no mediums, which like it or not was one of the main attractions of the original show. Also no skeptic on the investigations. And the biggest one is that Most Haunted Live is also still owned by Sky, so no Live show like we all remember.

Is this the end for Most Haunted? It is looking that way, but in the world of TV you just never know, but if I was UKTV I would be looking at the ratings and wondering do I really need Most Haunted when I have Ghost Adventures which is superior in every way?

By Jon Donnis
Follow me on Twitter @JonDonnis