3 February 2013

Colin Fry Trumpet Incident News Report

The following is a video reporting on the incident by Meridian Focus.

Quote from clip:

“Those events lead some to accuse Colin Fry of fraud. But his explanation was later accepted by leading figures in spiritualism. He had agreed to talk to Focus about his career at his home in Hayward’s Health but when he found out one of our questions was about that controversial séance he changed his mind. He shouted at us, told us to leave and called us dishonest. He also threatened us with legal action if we mentioned the fraud allegation in this programme.”

Colin Fry was exposed by The Psychic News originally.
Here is a scan of their own report. Click image to enlarge

Originally going under the name of Lincoln, after being exposed by The Psychic News, he started going by the name Colin Fry.

The "Trumpet Incident" happened back in 1992, over 20 years ago, yet still Colin Frys TV show is repeated regularly on cable TV channels, and he still performs in front of thousands of fans each year.

I will leave it up to you the reader to dissect all of this information and make your own mind up, but I will ask you this question, if Colin Fry's career started with fraud, did it ever stop?

And why does Colin no longer do public demonstrations of his physical mediumship?

Before I go, here is a rare photo of Colin Fry supposedly in a trance during a seance, that stuff coming oiut of his nose and ears is apparently Ectoplasm, any resemblance to rolled up toilet tissue is purely coincidental!

22 January 2013

I Miss Most Haunted, and by Most Haunted I mean Stuart Torevell

Its been a long time since Most Haunted left our screens, and I hate to say it, but I kinda miss the show! I don't mean the bastardised version of the show that aired after series 6, I mean everything before that!

When Derek Acorah was King, and Stuart Torevell amused us all with his faking.

And since I was just nosing about on Youtube, I found a couple of BadPsychics exclusive videos dedicated to Stuart Torevell that I created, the second video was even sang by a BadPsychics forum member!!

Anyway enjoy!

Derek Acorah The Song!


Derek Acorah
Derek Acorah
Derek Acorah
Derek Acorah

Derek Acorah's coming to town
Speaking to all the dead people underground

Sam is his spirit guide
He's known him two thousand years
They get on like a house on fire
They go out for a few beers

When Derek Acorah comes to town
Speaking to all the dead people underground

Live psychic readings
For entertainment purposes
Call from a BT landline
As mobile costs may be higher

When Derek Acorah comes to town
Speaking to all the dead people underground

He used to played for Liverpool
Under the guidance of Shankly
But couldn't make the first team
Probably due to his dodgy knee

When Derek Acorah comes to town
Speaking to all the dead people underground

He's best friends with Colin Fry
Television's most popular medium
They do a lot of work for charity
Channel two three three on sky

When Derek Acorah comes to town
Speaking to all the dead people underground

Derek Acorah
Derek Acorah
Derek Acorah
Derek Acorah

16 January 2013

BBC South West on the evils of homeopathic "vaccines"

Sam Smith presents an investigation of homeopathic "vaccines" (14th January 2013, BBC South West, Inside Out). The pills contain nothing whatsoever, but are promoted for serious infections like whooping cough and even meningitis. Of course they don't work, and if a child dies because if their use, that should constitute manslaughter.

As far back as 2006, homeopaths were caught out recommending their sugar pills for prevention of malaria. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/programmes/newsnight/5178122.stm
Even Peter Fisher, the Queen's homeopathic physician (that isn't a joke) said that the practice made him "very angry"

The MHRA (Medicines and Health regulatory Authority) has been warned about this for many years by bloggers, and even by a BBC Newsnight programme, but it has done nothing. Neither has the General Pharmaceutical Council. These expensive bodies have failed shamefully in their duties.

The Department of Health has done nothing either. On the contrary, they have hindered efforts to ensure honesty.

14 January 2013

"The Future of Skepticism Online: Crowd-Sourced Activism" - TAM 2012

Skeptic blogs and podcasts are plentiful and excellent, but often end up "preaching to the choir" of the already skeptical. Are there ways to use other online tools to reach out to the general public? Tim Farley of WhatsTheHarm.net and Derek Colanduno of "Skepticality" give you the answer in this workshop from TAM 2012.