Showing posts with label Tony Stockwell. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tony Stockwell. Show all posts

27 July 2015

Tony Stockwells "Psychic Detective" Exposed

Another article exposing Tony Stockwell and specifically his TV show.

This article originally appeared on 26th August 2005

by Graham Smith

A woman’s anguish over the mysterious death of her father over 30 years ago has been cruelly exploited by a TV psychic’s programme to be screened next week.

Sandra Chisolm was only 12 years old when her father, John, was lost in the Arctic Ocean along with 35 other crew members of the Hull based trawler Gaul. 

When approached by a production company making an episode of “Psychic Detective” for the Living Television Channel, she agreed to take part to try and find some closure over the loss which has affected her life, and health, since 1974. The “Psychic Detective” is Tony Stockwell who now claims his “powers” have seen what really happened to Sandra’s father and the crew of the GAUL. Five years ago, four sets of human remains were recovered during a Government backed survey and search of the trawler’s wreck, which led to a Public Inquiry which judged that the ship and all its crew were lost naturally, in the heavy seas at the time of the loss. 

But Stockwell told Sandra that her father and 17 others of the crew were taken off the ship, and the other crewmen were shot prior to the ship’s sinking. He claims psychically overhearing two crew of the GAUL discussing what was to be the trawler’s fatal voyage prior to its departure from Hull, and “hearing” them discussing that a spy would be put on board the GAUL and landed secretly in Russia, during what was to be its last voyage. 

“The whole thing is a cheap con,” 

said Sandra, remembering waiting by the dockside in Aberdeen as the four sets of human remains found on the wreck were brought back in 2000, hoping that one of the bodies might be her father, so ending her years of anguish.

“The programme makes out that it was me who approached Tony Stockwell asking him to investigate my father’s death. This is rubbish, they first approached me, telephoning me and then arranging for me to come down to London to meet him, a meeting that they actually filmed. I remember at the time the film production people asking me over and over again, to state in several different ways that it was that me who wanted to meet Tony. At the end of the final day of three separate interviews they wanted me to say on film that I was happy with his findings about what had happened to my father and the GAUL’s crew, but I would not. Tony Stockwell is about as psychic as my dog.”

“They have cheapened a very serious story, which has affected many people’s lives as well as mine, for a piece of cheap television. The great majority of the “psychic sessions” that were filmed with me were not used in the finished programme. It was an elaborate con to gain my confidence before they shamelessly manipulated my story to fit in with Stockwell’s Psychic “discoveries”. I spent hours filming, often in great discomfort due to my medical condition, and much of what was filmed has not been used, only the edited parts which make Tony Stockwell appear to be something he most definitely is not.”

Initially the production company claimed that Stockwell knew nothing of what he was supposed to be investigating, but as filming began Sandra became suspicious that someone had been researching both her background and the details behind the ship’s loss.

“When he started coming out with things about Russians and submarines it was obvious it had been gleaned from other people’s serious work on the Gaul mystery,” said Sandra, “His eventual conclusion, which he passed on to me, was that my father and others had been taken off the Gaul, given new identities, and that my father had lived a long and happy life, had six children and died with the sun on his face. It’s disgusting. The whole operation was cheap skate and contrived.”

“They have played with my emotions for their own ends .It was so easy to see through them.”

Stockwell told Sandra that her father would not have been able to get in touch with her during his “new life” because of the fear of repercussions, not only for him in his new life Russia, but for me and the rest of his family back here in Scotland.

Sandra Replies: 

“If I was not a strong hearted person I could have been taken in by his rubbish. It is not based on any psychic ability at all, just trickery and manipulation.”
And as Sandra says, this programme does not just exploit her emotions. All the families of those 36 men who sailed on the GAUL are equally being exploited. Only 4 bodies were found on the wreck, and returned to their families in Hull. As Sandra says, Stockwell’s “discoveries” will now tell them that these 4 men were shot before the ship sank. And the families of the other 32 missing crewmen will wonder where their loved ones ended up. Were they also shot, or did they end up happily resettled in a new life in Russia, unable to communicate with their folks back home?
Initially the production company for Living Television, IPM, agreed to let Sandra see the finished tape before the original planned transmission in the spring. However, it was only when she refused to take part in a promotional story for the rescheduled programme that she received it.

Promotional material for the programme quotes Stockwell as “helping Sandra Chisolm unravel the mystery of the Gaul”.

“Rubbish,” she said, “He did nothing for me, and I said so to the programme makers. The finished item makes it appear that I am satisfied but nothing could be further from the truth. They have exploited my personal grief for a cheap piece of dramatic television.”

“The truth is I wish I had never met them.”

“Psychic Detective” is on the Living Television Channel at 10-30pm on Tuesday August 30th."

By Graham Smith

DISCLAIMER: - This article is full copyright of Graham Smith and may not be reproduced anywhere without permission.

BadPsychics Classic - Father Wins Apology After Television Psychic Tony Stockwell Is Accused Of Libel

We often get asked about Tony Stockwell, much of what we published exposing him was lost when the old BadPsychics site closed down, but I have found out some old articles and will republish them for everyone to enjoy.

Originally Published - 2010/6/30
Another news story of the damages paid out to cancer sufferer Mr Clemance, after his daughter appeared on TV show with Tony Stockwell, and further proof of the dishonesty of Tony Stockwell.

The following story has been reproduced from It does not necessarily represent the position of

A cancer stricken father-of-three has been awarded £8,000 compensation after being falsely accused of being a criminal by a TV psychic.

Housebound Brennan Clemance was horrified when he watched the programme, broadcast as part of the Psychic Academy on the Bio channel in July last year. The programme was subsequently made available on You Tube where it has been viewed almost 2,000 times.

During the programme, TV psychic Tony Stockwell, who appears all over the world, said to Mr Clemance’s daughter Jenna: Do you see there? How your father had ever been to prison or has links with crime? Do you know that?

Jenna replied: Yes he does, yes, yes.

Stockwell went on: Is that OK for you?

Jenna: Yes that’s true, yes.

Jenna went on: He mentioned about my father being in prison…I actually only found this out a few weeks back. With Tony mentioning it, it’s got me; I’ve got questions that I want to ask my father now.

Shortly before that part of the programme, Stockwell had said: “Psychics have to tune in their minds. It’s not a guessing game.”

The reality is that 59-year-old Mr Clemance was diagnosed with cancer of the oesophagus at the age of 37 and since then has had numerous operations. The former production worker, who has been partially sighted since birth, has rarely left his home in Darwen, Lancashire, in the last 22 years.

Mr Clemance has now won an apology and damages totalling £8,000 from A&E Television Network, which is responsible for the Bio channel, which is available to millions of viewers of Sky and Virgin Media services. The programme is also broadcasting an apology on Thursday night.

Mr Clemance’s other daughter, Kim, 25, who acts as his full-time carer, said: “We have been to hell and back in the last year.

“My sister became obsessed by psychics and by what they were telling her. Her appearance on the Psychic Academy and the false accusations were the culmination of this.

“My father and I were asked if we also wanted to take part in the programme but we told them we didn’t because we don’t believe in this kind of thing.

“We were therefore appalled when the programme made its completely unfounded allegations without making any attempt to verify if they were true or not.

“Tony Stockwell is supposed to be a professional psychic but this programme proves that they don’t always get it right. It was a sensational allegation in the middle of a boring programme.”

Mr Clemance’s solicitor, Ian Carruthers, of professional negligence specialists’ Armstrongs Solicitors and, said: “It is totally unacceptable that a supposedly responsible television company with access to millions of viewers can air completely false allegations.

“To watch the programme on the Bio channel was bad enough, but then to discover it was also on You Tube made things even worse.

“Mr Clemance has suffered substantial damage to his reputation, as well as enormous distress, anxiety and embarrassment.

“This is a seriously ill man who has required 24-hour care for almost 20 years – not a criminal with a prison record, as the programme made out.”

Mr Clemance’s daughter Jenna, who appeared with Stockwell, has since apologised to her father for the hurt she caused by taking part in the programme.

4 November 2014

BadPsychics Archive - Tony Stockwell Exposed - I'm Famous and Frightened 2 - LivingTV - 16th July 2004

Over the years we have exposed many psychics, but one psychic always seemed like the ugly fat bloke who gets put through on X-Factor as a bit of a joke, and that person is Tony Stockwell. Completely devoid of any talent whatsoever, back in the mid 2000's by riding on the backs of the likes of Colin Fry and Derek Acorah, Tony Stockwell managed to carve out a little career for himself. And he even managed to weasel his way onto a TV show!

Now as expected the TV show was the lowest of the low, a celebrity reality show! But during that show, he was accused of being a fraud. So here from the famous BadPsychics Archive, we take a look back at what happened.


Tony Stockwell

Location: I'm Famous and Frightened 2 - LivingTV
Date: 16th July 2004

On the first day of this Live celebrity investigation of Aberdeen's Fyvie Castle, Celebrity Mockney Medium Tony Stockwell conducted a Table Tipping demonstration.

The usual rountine took place, all the celebs had their fingertips on the table, at first nothing happened so celebrity medium Tony Stockwell put his hands on the table.

As soon as he did the table started rocking, at this point celeb believer Daniella Westbrook left the table and stood back to watch. Every time the table started rocking Tony Stockwell moved back, as soon as he did the rocking of the table diminished.

Later on, after the main show had gone off air, there was an extra live show, celeb believer Jeff Brazier stated that he believed that Tony Stockwell was pushing the table, Daniella Westbrook also admitted that something dodgy was happening although she did not accuse Tony Stockwell.

A bit later on in the night Jeff Brazier made this comment.

"He was definately blaggin' it, and if he blags that, who's to say he doesnt blag it all"

To sum up, two people who took part believed something dodgy was going on, one even stated he was sure that Tony Stockwell was rocking the table.

Again keep in mind Jeff Brazier is a self confessed believer of the paranormal and a fan of Tony Stockwell.

So was this an instance of psychic fraud?

I will as always let you make your own mind up.

Source: LivingTV's I'm Famous & Frightened 2 Live Television Broadcast

13 July 2014

Charlie Brooker's You Have Been Watching review Fake Psychic Tony Stockwell

You Have Been Watching (Charlie Brooker)
Frankie Boyle - Sarah Millican - Reece Shearsmith

You Have Been Watching is a British comedy panel game presented by Charlie Brooker, produced by Zeppotron for Channel 4 and filmed at BBC Television Centre (pilot and series 2) and Riverside Studios (series 1) in London. It first aired on 7 July 2009, for a weekly eight-episode run.

Each week Brooker is accompanied by a panel of three guests. The focus of the quiz is television - before recording, guest panellists watch selected episodes of various television shows. They may then be asked to suggest hypothetical improvements to the format, critically assess it, or to answer quiz questions on the content.

14 December 2013

Pretend Psychic Tony Stockwell criticised by Charlie Brooker on You Have Been Watching

Clip from You Have Been Watching, a great clip criticising a load of crap psychic quackery.

16 July 2004

Tony Stockwell Exposed - Location: I'm Famous and Frightened 2 - LivingTV

Location: I'm Famous and Frightened 2 - LivingTV
Date: 16th July 2004

On the first day of this Live celebrity investigation of Aberdeen's Fyvie Castle, Celebrity Mockney Medium Tony Stockwell conducted a Table Tipping demonstration.

The usual rountine took place, all the celebs had their fingertips on the table, at first nothing happened so celebrity medium Tony Stockwell put his hands on the table.

As soon as he did the table started rocking, at this point celeb believer Daniella Westbrook left the table and stood back to watch. Everytime the table started rocking Tony Stockwell moved back, as soon as he did the rocking of the table diminished.

Later on, after the main show had gone off air, there was an extra live show, celeb believer Jeff Brazier stated that he believed that Tony Stockwell was pushing the table, Daniella Westbrook also admitted that something dodgy was happening although she did not accuse Tony Stockwell.
A bit later on in the night Jeff Brazier made this comment.

"He was definately blaggin' it, and if he blags that, who's to say he doesnt blag it all"
To sum up, two people who took part believed something dodgy was going on, one even stated he was sure that Tony Stockwell was rocking the table.
Again keep in mind Jeff Brazier is a self confessed believer of the paranormal and a fan of Tony Stockwell.

So was this an instance of psychic fraud?
I will as always let you make your own mind up.