Showing posts with label Paula Barstow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Paula Barstow. Show all posts

9 August 2017

Pretend TV psychic Paula Barstow aka Lillyanne and her ridiculous haunted doll

Do you remember pretend psychic Paula Barstow aka Lillyanne? We reported on her getting caught giving multiple people the exact same reading a while back. Check that out here

Anyway she is back, and this time she is going along with this new craze of filming a haunted doll, and letting the gullible idiots watching report on things that happen. Usually its an orb that is seen, or a cobweb or something just moving in the air around the doll. Well during her video something amazing happened. The doll that was sat perfectly happy on a chair, suddenly decides to fall on the floor!

On 8th of August 2017, Lillyann posted the video with the headline.

The video in question can be found at this direct facebook link, so you can download it and check it out yourself. The time frame is roughly 42 Minutes and 50 Seconds in to start watching from.

Now usually such nonsense would not even warrant a comment from me. As clearly any such videos of things happening with haunted dolls can be explained away with such ease that a child could debunk it. The only reason I am talking about it today is purely due to the fact you can clearly see the wire in the shot that is apparently pulling the doll to fall.

Now in her defence Lillyann has claimed that it is not wire, and that it is just a hair of some kind.

Well I have created a GIF, sped it up a bit so you can see the doll fall. Unfortunately you always lose a bit of quality on these, but you can make out the wire in the bottom left of the image. Also don't just take my word. Click on the link I gave previously and watch the original recording.

Here is a still shot in the best resolution I can muster. Click on the image to open it larger if you need too.

As you can see there is quite clearly something attached to the hand of the doll, that pulls it.

Again let me stress this very clearly, I encourage you to go watch the original video, go to the time frame I mentioned, open the video full screen on your device, and watch the event unfold. Now ask yourself what is more likely?

The doll is haunted, and moved and fell completely of its own accord, and that there just happens to be a random hair that just happened to be connected to the arm of the doll and that it led off camera.

Or the doll was pulled using the wire/hair.

Using a long piece of hair is the easiest way to fake such an event, as they are almost impossible to see. 


If you believe this to be a real haunted doll, then please leave a comment, I would love to hear people defend this.

We are always on the look out for things like this whereby a psychic pretty much exposes themselves with their own utter incompetence, so if you ever spot anything please get in touch.

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By Jon Donnis

10 February 2016

Fake TV psychic Paula Barstow aka Lillyanne sends almost identical readings to dozens of customers

"A WELL-KNOWN psychic sent identical “letters from heaven” to dozens of bereaved customers who paid her to contact their lost loved ones.

Karen Brannigan handed £38 to medium Lillyanne in the hope she could contact her late mother.

She got a letter back with a message that the psychic claimed had come from the dead woman.

But Karen found out other customers had received the same message.

She said: “I knew right away that something was wrong. It just didn’t ring true.”

Lillyanne’s representatives claim an administrative error meant one letter had been copied and sent to multiple customers.

But Karen, who lost her mum five months ago, is furious and she fears many more vulnerable people could have been ripped off."

Read Full Story at

Here is the fake cold read she sent to multiple people in the hope they would never find out!