Showing posts with label James Randi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label James Randi. Show all posts

17 June 2024

James Randi: A Legacy of Truth and Skepticism

Image: James Randi Educational Foundation

By Jon Donnis

Early Life and Beginnings
James Randi, born Randall James Hamilton Zwinge on August 7, 1928, in Toronto, Canada, is widely celebrated for his work as a magician, escape artist, and most notably, a scientific skeptic and debunker of paranormal claims. Randi's fascination with magic began at a young age, inspired by a visit to a carnival where he witnessed a performance by the great magician Harry Blackstone Sr. This early encounter sparked a lifelong passion for the art of illusion and a commitment to uncovering the truth behind seemingly supernatural phenomena.
Career as a Magician and Escape Artist
Randi's career as a magician took off in the 1940s and 1950s, during which he performed under the stage name "The Amazing Randi." He gained acclaim for his daring escape acts, often compared to those of Harry Houdini. Randi's feats included escaping from straitjackets, chains, and even a locked coffin submerged underwater. His skill and showmanship earned him a place among the top entertainers of his time.
Transition to Skepticism
Despite his success as a magician, Randi's true calling lay in investigating and debunking paranormal and pseudoscientific claims. His deep understanding of the tricks and techniques used by magicians gave him unique insight into the methods employed by so-called psychics, faith healers, and other purveyors of the supernatural.
In the 1970s, Randi began to focus more on exposing frauds and educating the public about critical thinking and scientific skepticism. He frequently appeared on television shows, such as "The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson," where he famously exposed the tricks used by psychic Uri Geller. Randi demonstrated that Geller's spoon-bending and other feats could be easily replicated using basic sleight-of-hand techniques.
Founding the James Randi Educational Foundation -
In 1996, Randi founded the James Randi Educational Foundation (JREF), a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting critical thinking and a fact-based worldview. The JREF became known for its "One Million Dollar Paranormal Challenge," which offered a prize of one million dollars to anyone who could demonstrate paranormal abilities under controlled scientific conditions. Despite numerous applicants, no one ever claimed the prize, further underscoring Randi's assertion that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
Literary Contributions
Randi authored several best-selling books that combined his flair for storytelling with his commitment to skepticism. Some of his most notable works include:
  1. "Flim-Flam! Psychics, ESP, Unicorns, and Other Delusions" (1980): This book is a thorough examination of paranormal claims and a masterclass in scientific skepticism. Randi debunks a wide range of phenomena, from psychic surgery to UFOs, using a combination of investigative journalism and his deep knowledge of illusion.
  2. "The Truth About Uri Geller" (1982): In this book, Randi takes a direct aim at the claims of the famous spoon-bender, detailing his methods and exposing him as a fraud. The book serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of accepting extraordinary claims without rigorous scrutiny.
  3. "The Faith Healers" (1987): Randi delves into the world of faith healing, exposing the deceit and exploitation behind many high-profile healers. His work highlighted the importance of protecting vulnerable individuals from those who would prey on their desperation and hope.
High-Profile Investigations
Throughout his career, Randi took on numerous high-profile investigations that brought widespread attention to the importance of skepticism. One such investigation involved Peter Popoff, a televangelist who claimed to have divine knowledge about his audience members. Randi revealed that Popoff's "miraculous" insights were actually fed to him through a hidden earpiece by his wife, who gathered information from prayer request cards filled out by attendees.
Awards and Recognition
James Randi's work earned him numerous accolades, including a MacArthur Foundation Fellowship in 1986, often referred to as the "Genius Grant." This recognition cemented his status as a leading figure in the skeptical movement and acknowledged his contributions to public understanding of science and critical thinking.
Later Years and Legacy
Even in his later years, Randi remained active in promoting skepticism and educating the public. He continued to give lectures, appear in documentaries, and inspire a new generation of skeptics. His impact is evident in the many organizations and individuals who carry forward his mission of fostering critical thinking and debunking pseudoscience.
James Randi passed away on October 20, 2020, at the age of 92. His legacy, however, lives on through the countless lives he touched and the enduring principles of skepticism and scientific inquiry that he championed. Randi's life is a testament to the power of truth and the importance of questioning the extraordinary.

1 June 2021

Interview with James Randi from 2009

Interview conducted by BadPsychics member Phil Jenkins in 2009.

Following the sad passing of the Amazing Randi I thought I'd republish this interview that we conducted in 2009......


The Blackpool Magic Convention is world's biggest annual convention of its type; regularly attracting over 3500 magicians from around the globe. For three days attendees are treated to performances and lectures from some of the worlds leading conjurors including Jeff McBride, Rudy Coby, Wayne Dobson and James Randi.

I was lucky enough to catch up with James Randi in the main concourse of the Winter Gardens and he kindly answered a couple of questions.

Question = Q
James Randi = JR

Q. Have you heard of the Badpsychics website?

JR. Yes.

Q. Do you think that it's a worthwhile venture or do you think we're fighting a battle we can't win?

JR. Unfortunately, I can't answer that. For me to give a specific answer I'd have to do some research into the website; in order to see how successful it had been in the past at achieving its goals. Having said that, anything that helps to educate people can't be a bad thing.

Q. Last year Uri Geller was presented with a 'Services to Magic' award what do you make of that? (This was a question that I heard several times over the weekend)

JR. Geller would accept an award for being the 'best dog in show' if it meant publicity. What you must remember is that it was presented to him by David Berglas (former President of the Magic Circle) who's a friend of his. What I can't understand is why David has started to take his side; after all David Berglas was the first person in the UK to expose Geller for what he is… a fake. I've not seen David for sometime but I certainly intend to put him on the spot when I do.

It's also interesting to note that Geller is starting to change his stance. He no longer wants to be called a Psychic instead he prefers the term Mystifier. Personally, I think he's created a monster that he can longer control. Over the years various governments, companies, etc have spent millions of dollars researching his claims. Just imagine what these organisations would do to Geller if he was to ever admit that he doesn't have any special powers; that he'd lied to them. I can see the lawyers queuing up now. A similar thing happened to the Fox sisters (spirit rapping) and Elsie Wright & Frances Griffiths (Cottingley Fairies) once the monster was out of it's cage they couldn't stop it.

Q. Do you believe in God?

JR. In my view atheists fall in to two categories; those who do not believe full stop and those who are willing to believe should they be presented with sufficient evidence. I would say that I fall into the second category. As it is I don't see any evidence for an afterlife.

Q. Do you think that there are any special powers be they magic, psychic or esp, that might be proven over the next 15 years and are there any mysteries you can't explain??

JR. Yes, there's one… Sophia Loren! How the hell she can look so good at her age is a mystery to me (laughs). To answer the first part of your question… no. I don't believe that anything like that will ever be proven.

Q. What do you make of faith healers?

JR. These are some of the worst kind of Woo merchants. Over the years I've had lots of visits from people asking for help after one of their relatives got involved with one of these individuals. The stories are very sad "Mother has given all her money to a faith healer, she's penniless" etc. I'll offer advice where I can but often they don't have a legal leg to stand on. Not only that but many people won't go to court because it would mean admitting they've be duped.

One of the worst healers I came across was Peter Popoff who was making approximately $4 million dollars a year 'curing' people. I took Steven Shaw (better known as the mentalist Banachek) and a camera team from the BBC to investigate one of his meetings; what we found was absolutely disgraceful. Steven managed to get close to Popoff and quickly reported back that he (Popoff) was using an ear piece. We quickly set up a scanner and started to monitor the venue, within seconds we started to pick up transmissions that were being sent to Popoff by his wife. She was giving him the details of various people in the audience; what their name was, where they were sitting, what was wrong with them, etc all of which Popoff would repeat out loud to the amazed audience. Some of what was broadcast was sickening racist comments that I won't repeat here. Another thing which emerged was the use of wheelchairs as a gimmick. People would be wheeled onto the stage and subsequently cured; rising from the wheelchair and walking away. Only problem with this was that these people didn't need a wheelchair; they were just put in one in order to get them onto the stage. Then Popoff worked his magic on them and to the audience it looked like he'd cured them. The final thing we found was possibly the worst of all. In order to gain access to the venue you had to be vetted by Popoff's security team who were under strict instructions not to allow any seriously ill people in to the building. We filmed a mother with her 8 year old son who was seriously ill being refused entry; she was absolutely desperate and had been following Popoff around in the hope of meeting him but was always denied access. Finally, out of shear desperation she pushed past the security guards and managed to confront Popoff. She pleaded with him to help her child. Placing his hand on the child he said "God cure this child, I know you're busy so if you can't do it right now can you do it some time in the future. Whether it's in half an hour, a week or years from now cure this child'. What a cop out! The woman was then hustled away and thrown outside. We had the whole episode captured on film and were prepared to expose Popoff but then his lawyers contacted the BBC and threatened to sue them if they showed the footage. This would hold up the film for years and would be extremely costly; the BBC backed off and the film was never shown. Fortunately, I was able to arrange for some footage to be shown on the Tonight Show and this time we were able to include the prompting from his wife. In 1987 Peter Popoff filed for bankruptcy.

Q. Have you ever been threatened?

JR. Yes, lots of times usually by telephone or email. I just pass the information on to the FBI. Sometimes I'll get a call back saying the 'problem' has been dealt with.

Q. Can you tell us about the TV series you had in the UK in the 80's?

JR. The programme was called James Randi - Psychic Investigator which I believe was wrong. I am not a psychic investigator I am an investigator of psychics; but it was their programme so I had to go along with it.

I'm amazed we had so many people apply for the programme considering what it was we were setting out to achieve, i.e., to expose fraudulent mediums etc. Some of the candidates did get quite volatile when things didn't go their way.

I remember we had a Psychic Medium called Maureen Flynn appear on the show. She did a sitting for one of her clients; it was typical cold reading. Afterwards we interviewed the client to see how accurate she had been and he said how good she was. One of the questions we asked him was 'how many names did she bring up'. The gentleman was adamant that she had only brought up about 6 names and that most were a hit. We then showed him a transcript of the sitting and pointed out that 37 names had in fact been mentioned. He still wouldn't listen; which just goes to show how difficult it is to change the views of a believer.

Q. How do I enter the Million Dollar Challenge?

JR. It's quite simple. You fill out the form on the JREF website and send it in. Basically, you have to tell us what you can do and with what accuracy. If you are accepted to take the challenge you must first take a preliminary test and if you score high enough on that you are then invited to take the main challenge for the million dollars. To date no one has gotten past the first test.

Also, I should like to mention that there have been many claims by psychic, mediums, etc that the million dollars doesn't exist. Well, I can assure you that it does and anyone can apply for proof just by asking. The fact of the matter is that none of the psychics, etc who are making this claim have ever asked to see the proof.


I would like to take this opportunity to thank James Randi for his time.

Interview conducted by BadPsychics member Phil Jenkins in 2009.

22 October 2020

RIP James Randi

The Randi Foundation have revealed that James Randi has died, aged 92.

Truly one of the greatest voices in skepticism in history, he will be truly missed.

An inspiration to me personally, and a hero, I only spoke with him a few times, and he once listed us a "recommended reading" on his website, he helped us massively, and allowed us to grow, he didn't need to do that, but he appreciated the work we were doing and wanted to help us. For that I will be forever grateful.

Thank you to James Randi for everything you did in your life. Rest in Peace.

19 January 2017

James Randi talks about psychic fraud (mediums, homeopathy & more)

Legendary skeptic James Randi has devoted his life to debunking frauds and investigating paranormal and pseudoscientific claims

Legendary skeptic James Randi takes a fatal dose of homeopathic sleeping pills onstage, kicking off a searing 18-minute indictment of irrational beliefs. He throws out a challenge to the world's psychics: Prove what you do is real, and I'll give you a million dollars.

3 January 2017

James Randi - Secrets of the Psychics Documentary (Full)

James "The Amazing" Randi is the perfect mix of Science and Magic, a true conjurer of visual machinations that can fool our senses while, at the same time, explaining to us how our senses are fooled.

In my opinion this is the best example of a "human mind debugger", he gets right into the machinations of analog tricks and sees how our brains mistakenly manifests them as a possible reality. Randi also teaches us that illusion and trickery may be comforting to the human mind, but truth is far much more wonderful as it shows us the machinations from the chaos, the sense as well as the awe in both the tricks and the real world.

For several decades, Randi has gone on to expose hundreds of psychics and teach millions across the globe about how they could be fooled into believing in a system which could potentially make them vulnerable to trickery and perhaps psychical harm.

Randi is not afraid to go against popular opinion, as shown in his battle against so-called psychic Uri Geller in the late 1970's and early 1980's.

Randi has also gone against the bizarre practice of faith "healing" and contacting the deceased, and has exposed the cruel, callous and cynical nature of the people who claim to be performing "God's will", such as Peter Popoff.

Randi has also warned us time and time again about the fraudulent practice that is homeopathic medicine and how it is essentially water solution, dished out as hocus-pocus medicine.

James Randi is the founder of The James Randi Educational Foundation, an organisation that attempts to bring reason to world by luring potential psychics into a trap, baited by a million dollar prize to prove their psychic "powers". "powers" here is a kind of vague term,as Randi knows, so the tests are usually on the so-called psychic's terms. No self-acclaimed psychic has ever won the prize.

Whether or not some form of psychic power exists is still an open question, however many psychics often do not properly gauge their so-called skills and instead brag about them, hence scepticism about such claims should not be so strange to their ears.

Unfortunately the vast amount of psychic powers they have seem to remove all self-esteem as many psychics are often uneasy about Randi's reasonable request and attractive million dollar reward.

30 November 2014

Skeptic James Randi challenges psychics

We’re joined by James Randi, the magician and escape artist who has spent most of his career debunking the claims of psychics and paranormalists.

10 June 2014

James Randi - Secrets of the Psychics Documentary (Full)

James "The Amazing" Randi is the perfect mix of Science and Magic, a true conjurer of visual machinations that can fool our senses while, at the same time, explaining to us how our senses are fooled.

In my opinion this is the best example of a "human mind debugger", he gets right into the machinations of analog tricks and sees how our brains mistakenly manifests them as a possible reality. Randi also teaches us that illusion and trickery may be comforting to the human mind, but truth is far much more wonderful as it shows us the machinations from the chaos, the sense as well as the awe in both the tricks and the real world.

For several decades, Randi has gone on to expose hundreds of psychics and teach millions across the globe about how they could be fooled into believing in a system which could potentially make them vulnerable to trickery and perhaps psychical harm.

Randi is not afraid to go against popular opinion, as shown in his battle against so-called psychic Uri Geller in the late 1970's and early 1980's.
Randi has also gone against the bizarre practise of faith "healing" and contacting the deceased, and has exposed the cruel, callous and cynical nature of the people who claim to be performing "God's will", such as Peter Popoff.
Randi has also warned us time and time again about the fraudulent practise that is homoeopathic medicine and how it is essentially water solution, dished out as hocus-pocus medicine.

James Randi is the founder of The James Randi Educational Foundation, an organisation that attempts to bring reason to world by luring potential psychics into a trap, baited by a million dollar prize to prove their psychic "powers". "powers" here is a kind of vague term,as Randi knows, so the tests are usually on the so-called psychic's terms. No self-acclaimed psychic has ever won the prize.

Whether or not some form of psychic power exists is still an open question, however many psychics often do not properly gauge their so-called skills and instead brag about them, hence scepticism about such claims should not be so strange to their ears.

Unfortunately the vast amount of psychic powers they have seem to remove all self-esteem as many psychics are often uneasy about Randi's reasonable request and attractive million dollar reward.

27 March 2014

James Randi on Happy Days

James Randi on the show "Happy Days". In 1978 Randi appeared as a guest on the show playing himself "The Amaz!ng Randi". The Fonz recommends Randi for a benefit show.

21 November 2013

James Randi on Sylvia Browne's death

When Sylvia Browne died, Montel Williams offered this sappy eulogy:
A beacon that shined [sic] for so many was extinguished today, but its brightness was relit and will now shine forever for many of us from above.
To explain to this apparently dense man where his judgment has reverted to the level of a 5-year-old, I’ll point out that Browne was not at all funny "ho-ho" but frightening – to anyone with any compassion. She fed eagerly on the insecurities, the grief, the need and desperation, of her victims. They turned to her for help, at great cost -- $850 for a 20-minute telephone chat as she squatted before the TV camera like a taloned Jabba the Hutt confronting Luke Skywalker – played by Montel – and graveled out anything-but-funny, unfounded, useless, and damaging pap that added to their confusion and pain – but which made Montel and his sponsors ecstatic, because they could hear those cash register sounds as their products slid off store shelves.

And she let 10+ years go by yet never tried for the JREF million-dollar prize, as she’d agreed to do when we both appeared together on Larry King Live so many years ago…

I agree with JREF President D.J. Grothe that we do not celebrate her death, even as we criticize the way she lived. But I’ll be quite frank with you, I cannot mourn at Browne’s passing — she really hurt far too many people, and always so unapologetically.

It's unfortunate that she only stopped hurting so many people by dying.

5 November 2013

James Randi - Fighting the Fakers

James Randi has an international reputation as a magician and escape artist, but today he is best known as the world's most tireless investigator and demystifier of paranormal and pseudoscientific claims. Randi has pursued "psychic" spoonbenders, exposed the dirty tricks of faith healers, investigated homeopathic water "with a memory," and generally been a thorn in the sides of those who try to pull the wool over the public's eyes in the name of the supernatural. He is the author of numerous books, including The Truth About Uri Geller, The Faith Healers, Flim-Flam!, and An Encyclopedia of Claims, Frauds, and Hoaxes of the Occult and Supernatural.

22 October 2013

Meet the Amazing TAMers: James Randi

Joel Guttormson, Outreach and Event Coordinator for the Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason and Science interviews speakers from TAM 2013 presented by the James Randi Educational Foundation.

Questions provided by the Mile High Sanity Project:

Produced by the Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason and Science

Editing by Stage 2 A/V Productions -

10 September 2013

James Randi - Secrets of the Psychics Documentary (Full)

James "The Amazing" Randi is the perfect mix of Science and Magic, a true conjurer of visual machinations that can fool our senses while, at the same time, explaining to us how our senses are fooled.

In my opinion this is the best example of a "human mind debugger", he gets right into the machinations of analog tricks and sees how our brains mistakenly manifests them as a possible reality. Randi also teaches us that illusion and trickery may be comforting to the human mind, but truth is far much more wonderful as it shows us the machinations from the chaos, the sense as well as the awe in both the tricks and the real world.

For several decades, Randi has gone on to expose hundreds of psychics and teach millions across the globe about how they could be fooled into believing in a system which could potentially make them vulnerable to trickery and perhaps psychical harm.

Randi is not afraid to go against popular opinion, as shown in his battle against so-called psychic Uri Geller in the late 1970's and early 1980's.
Randi has also gone against the bizarre practise of faith "healing" and contacting the deceased, and has exposed the cruel, callous and cynical nature of the people who claim to be performing "God's will", such as Peter Popoff.
Randi has also warned us time and time again about the fraudulent practise that is homoeopathic medicine and how it is essentially water solution, dished out as hocus-pocus medicine.

James Randi is the founder of The James Randi Educational Foundation, an organisation that attempts to bring reason to world by luring potential psychics into a trap, baited by a million dollar prize to prove their psychic "powers". "powers" here is a kind of vague term,as Randi knows, so the tests are usually on the so-called psychic's terms. No self-acclaimed psychic has ever won the prize.

Whether or not some form of psychic power exists is still an open question, however many psychics often do not properly gauge their so-called skills and instead brag about them, hence scepticism about such claims should not be so strange to their ears.

Unfortunately the vast amount of psychic powers they have seem to remove all self-esteem as many psychics are often uneasy about Randi's reasonable request and attractive million dollar reward.

23 March 2013

The Randi Show - Coincidence

Randi tells the tale of a very coincidental elephant sighting and why it's so easy for laypeople to assign paranormal cause to random events that seem suspiciously contrived.

18 November 2011

The Randi Show - Episode 1

The Randi Show is a biweekly video podcast produced by the James Randi Educational Foundation. James Randi himself discusses news from the world of science, pseudoscience, and the paranormal. Plus, he shares some stories from his amazing life. In this episode, Randi explores the latest news in cold fusion. Has it finally been achieved?