Welcome to BadPsychics, your trusted resource for uncovering the truth behind fake psychics and debunking supernatural claims. We are committed to promoting skepticism and critical thinking, providing you with clear and factual information about the paranormal and pseudoscientific practices. At BadPsychics, we celebrate the power of science and rational inquiry. Our mission is to expose fraudulent psychics and unverified supernatural phenomena, empowering you with knowledge.
26 November 2024
BOOK REVIEW: The Faith Healers by James Randi - A Riveting Exploration of Faith Healing And A Must-Read for Critical Thinkers
17 June 2024
James Randi: A Legacy of Truth and Skepticism
- "Flim-Flam! Psychics, ESP, Unicorns, and Other Delusions" (1980): This book is a thorough examination of paranormal claims and a masterclass in scientific skepticism. Randi debunks a wide range of phenomena, from psychic surgery to UFOs, using a combination of investigative journalism and his deep knowledge of illusion.
- "The Truth About Uri Geller" (1982): In this book, Randi takes a direct aim at the claims of the famous spoon-bender, detailing his methods and exposing him as a fraud. The book serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of accepting extraordinary claims without rigorous scrutiny.
- "The Faith Healers" (1987): Randi delves into the world of faith healing, exposing the deceit and exploitation behind many high-profile healers. His work highlighted the importance of protecting vulnerable individuals from those who would prey on their desperation and hope.
1 June 2021
Interview with James Randi from 2009
22 October 2020
RIP James Randi
The Randi Foundation have revealed that James Randi has died, aged 92.
Truly one of the greatest voices in skepticism in history, he will be truly missed.
An inspiration to me personally, and a hero, I only spoke with him a few times, and he once listed us a "recommended reading" on his website, he helped us massively, and allowed us to grow, he didn't need to do that, but he appreciated the work we were doing and wanted to help us. For that I will be forever grateful.
Thank you to James Randi for everything you did in your life. Rest in Peace.
We are very sad to say that James Randi passed away yesterday, due to age-related causes.
— Randi Foundation (@jref) October 21, 2020
He had an amazing life. We will miss him.
Please respect Deyvi Peña’s privacy during this difficult time.
19 January 2017
James Randi talks about psychic fraud (mediums, homeopathy & more)
Legendary skeptic James Randi has devoted his life to debunking frauds and investigating paranormal and pseudoscientific claims
Legendary skeptic James Randi takes a fatal dose of homeopathic sleeping pills onstage, kicking off a searing 18-minute indictment of irrational beliefs. He throws out a challenge to the world's psychics: Prove what you do is real, and I'll give you a million dollars.
3 January 2017
James Randi - Secrets of the Psychics Documentary (Full)
James "The Amazing" Randi is the perfect mix of Science and Magic, a true conjurer of visual machinations that can fool our senses while, at the same time, explaining to us how our senses are fooled.
In my opinion this is the best example of a "human mind debugger", he gets right into the machinations of analog tricks and sees how our brains mistakenly manifests them as a possible reality. Randi also teaches us that illusion and trickery may be comforting to the human mind, but truth is far much more wonderful as it shows us the machinations from the chaos, the sense as well as the awe in both the tricks and the real world.
For several decades, Randi has gone on to expose hundreds of psychics and teach millions across the globe about how they could be fooled into believing in a system which could potentially make them vulnerable to trickery and perhaps psychical harm.
Randi is not afraid to go against popular opinion, as shown in his battle against so-called psychic Uri Geller in the late 1970's and early 1980's.
Randi has also gone against the bizarre practice of faith "healing" and contacting the deceased, and has exposed the cruel, callous and cynical nature of the people who claim to be performing "God's will", such as Peter Popoff.
Randi has also warned us time and time again about the fraudulent practice that is homeopathic medicine and how it is essentially water solution, dished out as hocus-pocus medicine.
James Randi is the founder of The James Randi Educational Foundation, an organisation that attempts to bring reason to world by luring potential psychics into a trap, baited by a million dollar prize to prove their psychic "powers". "powers" here is a kind of vague term,as Randi knows, so the tests are usually on the so-called psychic's terms. No self-acclaimed psychic has ever won the prize.
Whether or not some form of psychic power exists is still an open question, however many psychics often do not properly gauge their so-called skills and instead brag about them, hence scepticism about such claims should not be so strange to their ears.
Unfortunately the vast amount of psychic powers they have seem to remove all self-esteem as many psychics are often uneasy about Randi's reasonable request and attractive million dollar reward.
30 November 2014
Skeptic James Randi challenges psychics
10 June 2014
James Randi - Secrets of the Psychics Documentary (Full)
James "The Amazing" Randi is the perfect mix of Science and Magic, a true conjurer of visual machinations that can fool our senses while, at the same time, explaining to us how our senses are fooled.
In my opinion this is the best example of a "human mind debugger", he gets right into the machinations of analog tricks and sees how our brains mistakenly manifests them as a possible reality. Randi also teaches us that illusion and trickery may be comforting to the human mind, but truth is far much more wonderful as it shows us the machinations from the chaos, the sense as well as the awe in both the tricks and the real world.
For several decades, Randi has gone on to expose hundreds of psychics and teach millions across the globe about how they could be fooled into believing in a system which could potentially make them vulnerable to trickery and perhaps psychical harm.
Randi is not afraid to go against popular opinion, as shown in his battle against so-called psychic Uri Geller in the late 1970's and early 1980's.
Randi has also gone against the bizarre practise of faith "healing" and contacting the deceased, and has exposed the cruel, callous and cynical nature of the people who claim to be performing "God's will", such as Peter Popoff.
Randi has also warned us time and time again about the fraudulent practise that is homoeopathic medicine and how it is essentially water solution, dished out as hocus-pocus medicine.
James Randi is the founder of The James Randi Educational Foundation, an organisation that attempts to bring reason to world by luring potential psychics into a trap, baited by a million dollar prize to prove their psychic "powers". "powers" here is a kind of vague term,as Randi knows, so the tests are usually on the so-called psychic's terms. No self-acclaimed psychic has ever won the prize.
Whether or not some form of psychic power exists is still an open question, however many psychics often do not properly gauge their so-called skills and instead brag about them, hence scepticism about such claims should not be so strange to their ears.
Unfortunately the vast amount of psychic powers they have seem to remove all self-esteem as many psychics are often uneasy about Randi's reasonable request and attractive million dollar reward.
27 March 2014
James Randi on Happy Days
21 November 2013
James Randi on Sylvia Browne's death
A beacon that shined [sic] for so many was extinguished today, but its brightness was relit and will now shine forever for many of us from above.To explain to this apparently dense man where his judgment has reverted to the level of a 5-year-old, I’ll point out that Browne was not at all funny "ho-ho" but frightening – to anyone with any compassion. She fed eagerly on the insecurities, the grief, the need and desperation, of her victims. They turned to her for help, at great cost -- $850 for a 20-minute telephone chat as she squatted before the TV camera like a taloned Jabba the Hutt confronting Luke Skywalker – played by Montel – and graveled out anything-but-funny, unfounded, useless, and damaging pap that added to their confusion and pain – but which made Montel and his sponsors ecstatic, because they could hear those cash register sounds as their products slid off store shelves.
And she let 10+ years go by yet never tried for the JREF million-dollar prize, as she’d agreed to do when we both appeared together on Larry King Live so many years ago…
I agree with JREF President D.J. Grothe that we do not celebrate her death, even as we criticize the way she lived. But I’ll be quite frank with you, I cannot mourn at Browne’s passing — she really hurt far too many people, and always so unapologetically.
It's unfortunate that she only stopped hurting so many people by dying.
5 November 2013
James Randi - Fighting the Fakers
22 October 2013
Meet the Amazing TAMers: James Randi
JREF: http://www.randi.org
Questions provided by the Mile High Sanity Project: http://www.milehighsanityproject.com
Produced by the Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason and Science
Editing by Stage 2 A/V Productions - http://www.stage2.com
10 September 2013
James Randi - Secrets of the Psychics Documentary (Full)
In my opinion this is the best example of a "human mind debugger", he gets right into the machinations of analog tricks and sees how our brains mistakenly manifests them as a possible reality. Randi also teaches us that illusion and trickery may be comforting to the human mind, but truth is far much more wonderful as it shows us the machinations from the chaos, the sense as well as the awe in both the tricks and the real world.
For several decades, Randi has gone on to expose hundreds of psychics and teach millions across the globe about how they could be fooled into believing in a system which could potentially make them vulnerable to trickery and perhaps psychical harm.
Randi is not afraid to go against popular opinion, as shown in his battle against so-called psychic Uri Geller in the late 1970's and early 1980's.
Randi has also gone against the bizarre practise of faith "healing" and contacting the deceased, and has exposed the cruel, callous and cynical nature of the people who claim to be performing "God's will", such as Peter Popoff.
Randi has also warned us time and time again about the fraudulent practise that is homoeopathic medicine and how it is essentially water solution, dished out as hocus-pocus medicine.
James Randi is the founder of The James Randi Educational Foundation, an organisation that attempts to bring reason to world by luring potential psychics into a trap, baited by a million dollar prize to prove their psychic "powers". "powers" here is a kind of vague term,as Randi knows, so the tests are usually on the so-called psychic's terms. No self-acclaimed psychic has ever won the prize.
Whether or not some form of psychic power exists is still an open question, however many psychics often do not properly gauge their so-called skills and instead brag about them, hence scepticism about such claims should not be so strange to their ears.
Unfortunately the vast amount of psychic powers they have seem to remove all self-esteem as many psychics are often uneasy about Randi's reasonable request and attractive million dollar reward.
23 March 2013
The Randi Show - Coincidence
18 November 2011
The Randi Show - Episode 1