Showing posts with label Ben Murphy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ben Murphy. Show all posts

8 August 2007

Exposed Psychic "Goldy" Attacks Sceptics Over Madeleine McCann Psychic Whores

The following article was originally published 8th August 2007.

Recently on this website we have attacked the psychics who have in a desperate attempt at self publication, travelled to Portugal and tried to get involved in the Madeleine McCann case.

People like Diane Lazurus and Ben Murphy, as well as Amanda Hart who have released press releases telling of their psychic predictions and so on.

To this day NO psychic has been able to find Madeleine, or offer the police any help whatsoever.

(10 years later in 2017 as I republish this, the above statement still stands as a statement of fact)
Well now we have a PROVEN FRAUD in Goldy, a psychic who was exposed as such on BBC's The Bullshit Detectives cheating, attacking us sceptics for daring to critisise these media whores.

On Goldys latest MySpace Blog she writes:


The skeptics have yet again criticised the 3 british psychics who at their own expense went to Portugal to see if they could pick up links or clues to finding madeleine. The skeptics once again came to their own conclusion these psychics were going to make a name for themselves and for no other reason.

We came to this conclusion due to the FACT that the psychics named released public press releases to the newspapers, and also due to the fact they have NOT actually found Madeleine or offered any REAL help to the investigation.


Genuine psychics dont need to make a name for themselves they already are established.

Not a single psychic in history has been able to prove they are genuine, you especially, in fact you are a proven fake.

As for the psychics mentioned, the very fact they released press releases should tell you that their only interest was that of publicity.


Did the thought that people really care about others not cross their mind, did the thought that if any of the psychics were able to find a clue that would lead to whereabouts of maddie that a child just may be reunited with her parents?

There is nothing more I would like than for Madeleine to be found alive, but if it does happen, it will be the hard work of the Portugese police and foresics, as well as the British detectives working hard.

It wont be because of 3 self proclaimed psychics contradicting each other, and releasing PR info to the media.

Ask yourself Goldy why they didn't just find Madeleine, and quietly be happy with their acheivement, instead we had this self promotion off the back of a very sensitive case.

For the record the family did NOT ask for any psychic help, and in fact due to their Catholic backgrounds would be very strict against the use of psychics.


why do skeptics not give psychics the benefit of the doubt before they jump on the so called band wagon so they could in turn say 'told you so;! did these skeptics put their hands together at any time and pray for this missing child?

We don't give these frauds the benefit of the doubt because they do not deserve it. They are self proclaimed unproven Acorah wannabes, people who go to every Audition for a psychic on TV, trust me I know I have seen them.

As for saying a prayer, well who should I pray to? God? I would be more interested in asking YOUR god why he would allow Madeleine to be taken in the first place.


doubt it cos whilst they are writing about what they have no knowledge about someone out there really cares enough to pray and get involved in physically doing something genuine to help.

And what exactly have you done Goldy?
In the past 40 years of your horrid little life, what have you ever done to actually help solve a crime?

On the BadPsychics team we have real police officers, people who have worked on serious cases, helped solve real crimes with real detective work.

You throw stones, when in fact you should be ashamed of yourself.


does it matter what type of person visits the scene of the crime if it brings a result?

Yes, it matters if that person is giving false hope, sending police on wild goose chases, upsetting the parents and so on.


whilst its healthy being a skeptic its sick knocking others for doing something they believe in, at the same time, without skeptics challenging us there would be no science.

What is sick is trying to make your name off of the back of the abduction of a young child, releasing press releases just to get your name in the papers in conjunction with a missing child case. That is sick Goldy, and you are sick for supporting these people.


I lay my hat off to the 3 british psychics who have laid their name on the line to help find a little girl taken from her parents. I wish you every success and all the love in the world in accomplishing such a difficult psychic and physical task.

You lay your hat off? I am sure that will mean a lot to them.

Personally I feel physically sick that there are evil scum out there who would committ such a heinous crime like abducting a child, I really don't give a shit about the feelings of a couple of frauds trying to make their name off of the back of such a crime.

30 May 2007

Diane Lazarus Latest Psychic To Jump on The Hunt For Madeleine bandwagon

Originally published 30th May 2007

First we had Amanda Hart & Ben Murphy jumping on the Madeleine McCann case purely for self gain and publicity, and now we have Diane Lazarus.

In a story on Sun Online it is said that she is travelling to Portugal today to join the hunt for Madeleine McCann.

She has made various claims about Madeleine, including the following:


Maddie was targeted after being secretly watched by her abductors, including one woman

Firstly as a psychic why didn't YOU Diane see this before it happened, and try and stop it?


She is in Spain after travelling by car on main roads from Portugal and is being well looked after

So why are you travelling to Portugal for?
You are only interested in getting publicity for your poor excuse of a career.
First you get interviewed in The Sun, maybe you are hoping to get on TV too.


One of the culprits has olive skin, dark hair and a drawn, skinny face

Wow you have just covered pretty much the majority of the people in Portugal.


I hope going to Praia da Luz will give me the leads to where exactly she went from there. I feel she could be in Spain.

In other words you are gonna stick you nose in their business, try and see what others are saying and that pretend that you "saw" that before.


I have also picked up that they cut Maddie’s hair and made her look like a boy.

Strange that at least a couple of members of our forum said the same thing. It is the typical thing a kidnapper would do.


Quite honestly I don’t think Madeleine has come to any harm. She will be returned to her mummy and daddy.

I pray to god you are right, because if you are wrong, I will come down on you like a ton of bricks, remember Sylvia Brown and the Shawn Hornbeck case, that will be nothing.

(As of August 16th 2017, 10 years later, Madeleine has NOT been returned to her parents or been found alive or dead)

I feel there are a few people, including a woman, involved in the disappearance.

Wy dont you give us names, locations, ANYTHING, instead of this bullshit.


I don’t think the culprits are British. I thought the prime suspect Robert Murat was innocent from day one.

We will hold you to this Diane, don't you worry.


Diane will spend four days on the Algarve after being invited by a close friend of Gerry and Kate McCann, both 38.

As devout Catholics I am assuming that the PARENTS of Madeleine know NOTHING of this, and in fact would be disgusted that you would try to raise your profile of the kidnap of their poor child.


I would never go to Portugal without the consent of the family.

Really? Yet you would happily go to the newspapers and advertise the fact.


Hundreds of people have contacted me to see if I could help.

Prove it


Even Bonnie Tyler, who is one of my best clients, has been in touch.

Then Bonnie Tyler is a fool


I will have to be careful not to ruffle feathers with the Portugese police because I don’t know how they feel about psychics.

I hope they lock you up and throw away the key for wasting police time.

14 May 2007

Amanda Hart & Ben Murphy In Sick PR Stunt - Missing Child Madeleine McCann

Originally Published May 14, 2017

By Jon Donnis
Very rarely does a psychic make me want to throw up my dinner in disgust........ ok quite often they make me want to throw up my dinner in disgust, but this time it is even worse.

Many of you will have seen in the news the story of Madeleine McCann, the young "photogenic" child that has gone missing in Praia da Luz in Portugal.

Well the they still haven't found the poor child, but guess what, two of the UK's most incredulous 'psychics' have apparently flow to Portugal to join in the hunt for Madeleine.

Amanda Hart from St Albans and Ben Murphy from Watford are the two psychics in question who believe they can help, of course self promotion doesn't come into it.

Well it does actually, these two non-entities in the psychic world have stooped lower than I thought possible.

This is the kind of sick stunt I would expect from Sylvia Brown.

These two 'psychics' through a PR agency, released the press release about them travelling to Portugal.

Amanda Hart you may remember as being one of the failures on Channel 5's Psychic Challenge program, in fact she was so bad it was laughable.

You can check out exactly how poorly she did at John Jacksons excellent site

As for Ben Murphy, he is not much better, his claim to fame is that he helped in tracking down the murderer of teenager Sally Anne Bowman, the truth is he did nothing of the sort.

You can see what Ben Murphy said at this link
Click Here

Forum member Meercat took a look at his claims regarding this case.
Here is what he had to say:

The information he gives is so vague.

Sally first showed me how a man grabbed her from behind.

He could have said "Did a little jig". It's irrelevant.


He was wearing gloves and a hooded top, but his face was blanked out.

Cant say for certain at this time what the offender was wearing at the time of the attack, although a hoody and gloves seems to be standard issue for murderers theses days.


He had stabbed her quite a few times

As was reported before he made his comments.


She then showed me a handbag with some writing on the side and also some of the things from her bag - a phone, some keys.

It was reported that her white Prada bag was missing. I think its safe to assume a teenage girl out on the town would have in her bag a phone and keys.


Sally Anne then showed a man in his bedroom taking a clear bag containing a few of her personal items out of a wardrobe.

Again, at this point its not known if the offender had a bag like this in his wardrobe.

From the bedroom she showed me a park. In the park she showed me a small hill where there was a tree and a man kneeling down at the tree.

"She said that these items are buried here and the man comes back to look at them.

Why the hell doesnt he go and find them then?


I was also given the name Justin while in meditation.

Must have been Timberlake then as the man arrested for her murder is Mark Dixie.

I feel sorry for the mother to be in such a state of grief that she actually grasped at the 'help' this fake came up with.

If he had said "The murderer is a 34 year old chef who will be arrested on DNA evidence following a fight in a pub" I would have been impressed.
The Police and Forensic Science solve cases, 'Mediums' don't.

Details of the man arrested can be found By Clicking Here

These psychics are no more than parasites, and what makes it worse is that they are not the only ones.

It has been reported that the police and media groups are currently being deluged by psychics making offers to help, although the police are not taking these offers seriously.

So far it seems to be only Amanda and Ben who have flown over to "start their own investigation"

I really don't know what to say about these two psychics.

These people are the lowest of the low, the sickest of the sick, truly fame hungry parasites.

If Hell exists then it will have a seperate wing just for psychics like this.

Further Reading
Tony Youens looks at Ben Murphy

John Jacksons write up of Psychic Challenge with Amanda Hart