
8 February 2017

An Analysis of Psychic / Medium Charlie Kelly. Is he the real deal or a fake? Part 1

I often ask believers in the paranormal to give me the name of a psychic or medium that they are convinced is the real deal. I ask this because I see it as a challenge, and also a way to prove that any medium, however popular, or acclaimed they are can be exposed. I have yet to come across a single medium in the world that was the real deal, or used methods that I could not see through. So when Cathy, the owner of the "Light afterlife" Spiritual forum said that she had received a reading from a medium called Charlie Kelly, it piqued my interest. Now of course the first thing I did was ask if she had a copy of the reading itself, and as is often the case, the answer was no. But she insisted the reading she had was real, and the classic line of "he knew things that there was no possible way he could have known" was thrown out.

So to understand Cathy herself claims magic powers, and has even sat in spiritual circles, in fact she once sat on the floor, in the dark, put on a silly voice and channeled the spirit of a dead sailor! Yes really. Well when I say really, I mean that is what she claimed. Of course the truth is it was all make believe, but that is a different story. Now for some reason Cathy has a few fans, and people who believe every word she says, so when she claims a medium is the real deal, her little band of followers believe her. So I decided to see if I could find a reading by Charlie Kelly, and see if he really was the real deal, or if he was like all other mediums, and just using known techniques to fool the gullible and vulnerable. Can you guess yet what I found?

Now I contacted him on Twitter using my @JonDonnis account, and asked him straight out if he had some readings that he was proud of that he could show me. He said yes, then disappeared. Now luckily for me, I managed to find a recording of a "gig" he performed at the Healing Hearts Centre in Essex. It was an unedited raw audio recording, that lasts about 65 minutes. I found someone to transcribe it for me. You can listen to the recording below, so you can see that my transcription of the event is fair and honest.

Download recording from Dropbox - by clicking here
Please note for some reason when I first tried to downloaded it, it made my computer freeze, not sure why, so if you do click to download, please be aware of that, and just be patient and it will work eventually.

Again any downloads are at your own risk, although the second link seems to work fine.

Huge thanks to the awesome Julie Mollison for transcribing this for me too.

On to the readings of which there are a few. Unfortunately he does jump back and forth a bit, and some parts were hard to figure out what was being said, but we did our best with what we had, obviously we are working with audio only, so we can only assume what clues were given away visually.

I have interjected my comments in red.

Charlie Kelly - in bold font
Member of the Audience/Client - in regular font
Me (Jon Donnis) - in red font

Most of you have seen me work, you understand that I'm not going to go direct unless I have to force the issue so just listen to what I’m saying and we will take it from there yeh? 

Yes yes.

Lively bunch I see, where’s the hecklers gone now?  Ok so I don't know have you been in the mens’ toilets and used that tap in there? I had to use the tap in there and I washed my hands after I went to the loo and soaked myself and so I'm standing under the dryer trying to dry my suit, it looked like I had wet myself, as I am about to stand in front of you lot so a little bit awkward anyway so just listen to what I’m saying and we will go from there yeh. 

A likely story!

So I am aware of a gentleman and he doesn't seem to make a great age so I'm late 50s early 60s with this gentleman but I've got a serious lung condition, there is a serious problem respiratory wise.  I don't think it's cancer but I am aware that this breathing condition is really really heavy for him.  I get a very local feeling to him I think, I think I'm in Romford or connecting to Romford in some way and there is some sort of connection to the car plant or a car plant with him, I am very very aware of that with him as well.  So ok just two of you, that will do! So you understand the lungs?  


And my guy at the back but it's not cancer I don’t think it's cancer.. sorry? 

No, he did have cancer.

Ok so where to start here, Romford is known as having a Ford plant in the 1950's, and employed a large amount of people at the time. I am guessing that Charlie Kelly did a bit of research on the area, but then again pretty much every big town and city manufactured cars back in the day, it was most likely just a guess.

But Charlie completely bombed here by saying it wasn't cancer!

Also notice that he said a local connection, then says Romford or connecting to Romford, this is a means of covering himself, since the Ford plant employed thousands of people, and many would have travelled into Romford as well as lived in the area.

He did, so I'm not with you mate so thank you for speaking up, you understand where I am, ok.  

So please note that the medium so far has got everything wrong, wrong person, wrong condition, so quickly moves to someone else hoping to make things fit later down the line.

I know that with him he was a very earthly man very grounded down to earth man and I'm not sure if he is mechanical in there. (​Yeh) ​but he would have served some sort of apprenticeship or something through that line of work you understand that? 

It's my dad he passed with lung problems.

Yeh yeh don't tell me I tell you.  

He worked in Fords as a mechanic.

So this client has just told Charlie that his dad died with Lung problems and that he worked in Ford as a mechanic. Now remember Charlie did mention Lung problems earlier, but that was to someone else, and many people have Lung issues when they did, it is a very common problem.

Charlie also said he was not sure IF the person he was with was a mechanic, he actually stated he was on some kind of apprenticeship or something connected to it, This is about as vague as it gets, but to the client after the event, I am sure they will tell people "Oh the medium KNEW that my dad was a mechanic at Ford, and had lung issues" when the truth is that he said some of that to someone else, got it wrong, and then the client actually told him all the details. This is how cold reading works!

Thats cool that’s absolutely cool, don't need to convince me, I tell you you don’t have to convince me. 

Easy to say that AFTER someone has already given you all the information. You already got one person completely wrong, moved on to someone else, who then made fit things you said. 

So I know that with this he has got this very dry banter about him. I don't know if he is joking actually you know like I have to double check myself I don't know if he is winding me up or if he's not winding me up.  I'm sure you would understand when he was joking, but for everybody else they wouldn't know they would kind of look at you and then make sure that he is that way, you understand that as a personality with him? 


So a mechanic was a bit of a joker, liked his banter. Literally just described every mechanic in history.

I know that with him this is progressive this condition that he’s got so I don't know if you shouted it out to me I tried to stop you shouting it out to me but got a strong feeling with like its COPD or emphysema that kind of feel there. 

Yeh thats right.

Yes Charlie the client TOLD you that their father died with lung problems, they gave you the information and now you are repeating it back to them. Cold reading.

Ok and I know that with this he held back from going anywhere getting any help for way too long, way way too long, and it will be alright starts off as a cough or something like that or the shortness of breath and I'm alright, I'm alright, sort of 3 months later get to the doctor go and have a look and before too long I need medication, I need help breathing, you understand that?  


Here he describes the typical attitude of a man of that generation. It sounds specific to the audience and the client, but the truth is that it was very very common for men to avoid the Doctor, say they are fine, and so on.
Even today men are dying in their thousands from prostate cancer due to embarrassment, guys get your bum checked, no shame, afterall its the doctor who has the horrible job, you just lie on your side and think of Raquel Welch and you will be fine.

Good good.  I know that with him as well that there is this dreamy kind of aspect to him, he's got this vision of providing for everybody.  Now I know that sounds generic as a dad but he really meant to do it you understand?  

I know what that means.

Even Charlie is starting to realise how generic and vague he is getting now!

and I know with him it's what gets him up in the morning, it's what drives him forward, it's what keeps him going, not for self, not for material, not for money but for the provision of family.  You understand? 


You understand ok thats good. 

Just before I go to your message I am aware of he must have received like a gift from Fords or a gift from Gates, I think it's a watch he's showing me, I think, but I know that you must have that because I know he is making me aware of that, that he’s been giving this gift in that sense for service or for redundancy or something like that you understand? 

I know that's related.

Again very common, nothing specific here. Happens in many industries of that time, and even today to get a watch upon retirement etc, and of course when someone dies, the watch is passed down to a family member.

That's absolutely brilliant so why is here for you today why is he coming in?  Now Immediately I want to wind you up, this kind of banter with him that almost it's like a kick up the bum sort of always pushing you forward always trying to get you going and it's like for me he feels like or for you it felt like you were always trying to receive praise from him in some way and although he wouldn't openingly give you praise I think you know you got the praise when he kind of ... some form of acknowledgement you would understand that ok. 

Well I got praise tonight.

What praise? Did I miss something? Charlie is again using well known characteristics common to many men of that generation. 

Ok, well that's good that's brilliant so I know that with that he’s got this acknowledgement that I need to give you that I feel that it's finally going in the right way, it's finally sorting itself out and it feels like it has been a little bit too gloopy for too long and now you can start to move your life forward, you can start to take the right direction, things are starting to drop into place.  So I feel like I need to say well done but I am not giving you it, it's got that kind of feel to it for me ok.  So I leave a tremendous amount of love with you thank you for working with me. 

Ok, so we get it people yeh?  


Good good! 

So that is the end of reading number 1 (or 2 if you accept he bombed the first person)
Now lets look at what really happened.
The client revealed that it was their father who died, that he died of lung related problems, and that he was a mechanic.

Those 3 major points were all given to Charlie by the client, this is undeniable. Charlie Kelly actually said that he was not sure if he was "mechanical", the client gave him that. Charlie's original comment regarding a connection to a car plant in Romford was to a completely different person! So do not confuse that. The client told Charlie that his dad worked at the Ford Plant, not the other way around.

I repeat myself here a bit as I want you to understand how cold reading works in instances like this.
It is all about being vague, using ambiguous language, which makes the medium sound accurate after the event, but the reality is the medium asks questions, and the client gives all the information. Everything else is just guess work using typical characteristics of the age of the kind of person being described. The thing about humour, banter, not seeing a doctor, working for the family and so on.

Ok I would say that the first reading it is pretty clear to see that Charlie is not really communicating with the dead, but hey I might be wrong, maybe he was just warming up, other than the cancer mistake, and someone telling him everything which he then repeated back to them, it wasn't that bad, lets see if he gets better.

So I’m going to throw a bit of a curve ball in here now, because I needed a safety net with that one,

You know I am really surprised he said this, because this is actually insider terminology used by mediums. They will always have a "character" that they can use over and over again, which will almost always get them a hit, sometimes it is the young man who died on his motorbike, sometimes an older man with chest pains, you get the idea, these are actually called "safety nets" in the industry. Safe bets, usually thrown out first to get the night going, or used mid way if readings are going poorly. Just thought I would mention that as it surprised me to hear him use the term Safety Net.

so this was my first one but I bottled it, so is there anybody in the room that would have lost someone through something like a natural disaster, or the tsunami or something like that?  I am very aware of this natural disaster feel to it.  Come on, where are you? No. No loose connection there because I feel like I need to talk about a couple who that would have passed in that way, no, not to worry I’ll bench it for now.  Oh I can't, sort of half towards the back there, no-one there, no-one understand this, not to worry I’ll leave it for a moment. 

Bizarrely this is the second time in the past few months I have heard a medium go this route, and they also failed miserably. Regardless this was a total fail, cant really comment any more.

Ok, ok so I'm going to work with a lady that steps forward now, this lady is about 4 foot 10 so she is tiny compared to me.  I know that with her she feels like she’s got quite a large family so a number of children there.  Dark haired but I mean quick really quick with her tongue, really fiery and I know that this is consistent for her character throughout her life.  Her passing feels very very difficult at the end so transition is a big issue I know that I am in and out of coherence with her and I know that it's very very difficult with that there is a generic kind of losing of weight or being in a bed for a long time I don't want to talk about that I need to talk about this lady’s character there and when I say children I am sure its either 9 or 11 it's something like that, she had 11 or lost 2 and was left with 9 something like that right up there with the high figures.  Who understand that? 

I’m wondering if it’s my great grandmother and she had 12 children.

Great grandmother, a little bit far for for me, a little bit far.

I'm the youngest of nine.

You're the youngest of nine?  Mum’s in the spirit world and she has got a very quick, yeh? There was one more hand where was that other hand, no, don't want it now, there was another one over there weren't there, no ok it must be you can I work with you?


Yes this is as confusing as you think.
This is how cold reading works, you throw out something and you see who bites. You let teh client give you all the information and you use it back at them.

Notice how Charlie says this dead woman had 9 children, then 11 children, then she might have lost 2.
The client then suggest it is their Great Grandmother that had 12 children! Can you see how people are desperate to connect. They then reveal that they are themselves the youngest of 9. Charlie is not sure about this person, and even tries to go back to other people who put their hands up.

So keep in mind Charlie is speaking to a room full of people, I am not sure on the exact number, but usually these types of shows have about 50-100 people, all grieving, all have lost people, and all desperate to connect. It is perfect fodder for a fake medium. And again saying that someone in spirit had 9 or 11 kids sounds like a lot? Well you go back to that generation and large families were very common, and by him throwing out a few different numbers, it allows him to cover more possibilities, and allow the client to make things fit.

I'm going to use her character because you would understand mum’s character is ridiculously powerful, yeh? Ok.  So there’s is no mincing of words with her if you asked her does my bum look big in this dress you would get a yes if it did.


A quick note here, when performing cold reading as Charlie is here, you always want your victim to only answer yes or no during the reading, it is an old trick and it allows the medium to gather information while at the same time controlling the reading, the last thing you want is the client asking too many questions, because then you get caught out.

Regarding this little old lady character he has come up with, it is another very common "safety net" character that I have heard many many times before used by many different mediums.

Little old lady, big family, strong personality. From that generation of "pull your socks up and get on with things", pretty much all of us can relate to that kind of character, which is why it is a "safety net" character used by so many mediums, almost always guaranteed a hit, even more so in a large audience.

Ok so no she is not saving any airs and graces for the scenario you understand that.  I feel like she has upset a lot of people with this direct way to her which has caused like rifts within the family. Some rifts are still present now where some family members still don't talk because of these rifts.  Ok, now I know that with her I am not sure if she swears, I'm not sure, I don't need to tell you me but I know that the power of it is very direct like swearing.

Yeh, she did swear.

When you have large families, there are always rifts, this is a simple fact of life. I have a very large family going up 3 generations above me, and there are always people who fell out with others, every type of character imaginable. Don't believe me? Take this little old lady character, and go ask your mom if that character fits anyone in the family. I bet it does! Also notice that Charlie has not given a single name yet? That is actually quite strange, usually you get the "is there anyone here who would understand a John who liked to be called Jack?" (That is a classic safety net line by the way).
You would think that if you were a dead person floating about, and want a medium to connect to your grieving child in the audience the first thing you would say is
"Hey Charlie, tell Derek Johnson that his dead dad Brian Johnson is here in spirit and wants to pass on a message"

Instead we get nonsense like a short lady, with sharp wit, and swears a lot, thrown out to an audience of 50 - 100 people!

She did right, ok, I’d better be careful with my message then eh.  So I know that with her you understand that mum is tiny, a tiny lady but she is like a firework, you know like once you lit her you got so many minutes to get out of the way boom that's the way she is and I feel like all the males are frightened of her as well so like we don't want to upset her let's get away, you're on your own with this scenario now, you understand that. Now I am aware that with her there must have been quite a serious illness before her passing or the cause of the passing there was an illness beforehand like for me it feels likes an operation or something like that.

She had several but not close to when she passed but in her lifetime she was really poorly.

So Charlie is wrong here quite clearly. He was actually treading on pretty safe ground here with what he was saying, so to get it completely wrong is actually more unusual!

Then forgive for that I've got like a fraction of a second to translate this energy into words. Then would you understand that one went wrong, it feels like a negligence of some sort or something went wrong.

At my birth yes.

So he blames the fact that he has only a fraction of a second to translate the energy into words! I've not heard an excuse like that before, for being completely wrong, so well done Charlie on that.

Now notice how Charlie then asks a question, a rather vague question, and what happens? The client gives him all of the information.

Ok so I am happy that it still fits, I'm not here to make it fit, but I am aware of that 

But it doesn't fit Charlie, you were wrong, you asked a really vague question, the client gave you the information, and then you claim you are not trying to make it fit, but that is exactly what happened.

and this negligence has not caused her lifelong problems but at the time was like life or death scenario with it, you understand that? 


Quickly rewind here, Charlie claimed she had the illness close to her passing, he was wrong, the client revealed the information that she had had several illnesses and was really poorly in her life!
Now Charlie is repeating back that information to the client, and getting the confirmation.
Now again this is cold reading 101. After this event I am sure the client went away and told people that the medium knew all about their dead mother, knew they were close to death during their life and so on. Truth is Charlie got most of the things wrong, and the client told him everything, That is why you always need a recording and should never trust your own memory of a reading.

​I feel that she is quite affected by the way the hospital or stroke government dealt with it, I don't know why I need to say government but I feel like you didn't have like a Claims Direct or anything like that back then but I know that it was a ridiculous amount of compensation or something like that do you understand?

I do understand.

Ok, can I be really cheeky and say that it was something like 26 pence or something like that?

I don't know.

You don't know, ok, but you do understand the scenario?

I do understand yes.

What a strange line of questioning here. Ask yourself why would the dead character be talking about something that the living relative doesn't really know? How does this prove their existence. Seriously, ask yourself why this line of conversation would come up in this way.

The relative seems to confirm they "understand" but they never actually say the medium is right with what they say, in fact the client says clearly they do not know.

I think here the client is desperate for the connection and is doing their best to just go along with the reading, however wrong it is. Again no names, just weird random half stories.

Ok I'm just aware of it and she is really not happy you know like with things like that so she is the kind of woman that if I've got a problem with my housing I need her fighting my corner because I can feel the arguments unfolding like she is ranting and raving down the phone and ‘I’ll go up there then I’ll go up, you will have to force me out’ so I've got that kind of scenario with her as well.  Again I feel that with her she's got this kind of change of life there, she seems to have a very difficult life young on as a young adult then it kind of settles down for her and things seem to be going alright but then I feel it fade away again so it's like her wishes and wants, she's got no time for silly things, she ain't got time for rubbish, you understand it, it's just very matter of a fact, a very black and white lady in that sense. You understand yeh?

I do.

And that is it, the end of that reading. Read it all back, what did Charlie Kelly actually say that was a genuine hit, something that he had no way of knowing?
Even his last paragraph is kinda vague, and goes back to what the client revealed earlier on about illness in their life. And everyone has ups and downs in life.

Another really poor reading by Charlie here and not sure how in the cold light of day if you heard that from an objective point of view, you would consider that a real connection with any dead person. No names given, no real details, just lots of repeating back what the client said, and generic vague comments.

I'm going to go to your message and I am worried so I'm sure you’re worried as well with what she is going to say!  Umm ok who have you brought with you?

My daughter who wanted a message from her actually.

Oh really, you wanted a message from her ​(yeh)​ you might be my safety net I might come to you directly after to soften the blow; so just your daughter, you only brought her.

And my friend.

Remember Charlie Kelly claims to have psychic powers, and he gets it wrong, sorry I thought that was funny.

And your friend ok, so so, I don't know what to say, I really don't know what to say, don't know how to address it. Ok so this is the bad bit of the job.  Ok so I am aware that with her I need to talk to either one of you, I’m not sure which one it is, where you are not voicing your opinion you’re not voicing it, you are trying to do it for the peace you’re trying to keep everything level in some way.  It feels to me in your world right now you need to not be keeping the peace you need to rock a few boats, you know it's there, you know it's happening but you are trying to stabilize everything,  I can feel it's going that way, you can understand that?

I do understand.

I read that about 3 times, and still don't really follow his waffle. Realy really vague here.

Ok. Now I feel that with you I don't need to tell you what she would do I don't need to, you know that, but I feel that with you I think it needs to be like boundaries set, feels like boundaries are being over marked or over set and liberties will start to come into play in some way, you understand that as well and I know that I need to not swear at them, she would, but I'm not suggesting you do that but with that kind of strength, with a smile.  She’s got this way of doing it and she has got a very sarcastic smile, you understand what I mean about that​ (yes)​ so she would sign off and soften the blow with a right cheeky grin about her and you know there’s no comeback I can’t get in she’s has wrapped it all up perfectly and that's what I need to give you right now to fix this scenario around you in that way. You appreciate I am on a public forum, public format, I don't want to go into personal life too much with that, you understand what I'm saying yeh?


So I am going to leave her character with you, thank you for working with me.

Huh? What? Is that it?
That is proof of the afterlife?
Are you serious?
I don't even know how to analyse that, Charlie Kelly just waffled for a few minutes, never gave any information whatsoever. And just leaves it.

Anyone want my tsunami victim yet, no?  Ok, I may be able to slightly change it, is there someone in from like that kind of distance so foreign lands in that way?

Surprised that Charlie went back to this after failing so miserably earlier, but he is gonna try and get some blood out of this stone regardless.
Now the fact he is now going to change it, is all you need to know about how to work as a fake medium.
Say something, get it wrong, change it and hope it fits someone.

I feel like someone's drowned maybe they are using it in my mind that way so someone drowned abroad or like in Thailand or something like that I'm over that way.

I had a friend that lived here, she’s has now moved to Peterborough but she is Thai, and of course the tsunami was at Thailand but whether that's her relative or not I don't know, I never knew none of her family.

Please not the desperation of the crowd now, they are actively trying to help the medium, by giving loose connections. This really is sad, but part of the mindset of the people who go to these shows.

No no no that's way too loose for me but thanks for speaking up.  You put your hand up.

My son’s friend died in the sea in Thailand but we don't know how or why?

Now someone else throws in a friend of their son died in the sea in Thailand. Nothing to do with the Tsnuami there that killed about 8000 people. Or even the 250,000 people who died in the Indonesian Tsunami. That is a lot of dead people.

That might be it eh?  You see what I mean, I’ve gone straight there, so what I’ll do is I will get more information on it and then I probably will come back to you for that ok.  I have no idea what I'm going to do with that to be honest with you but I’ll see what they say. No-one else? 

No one really wants to bite even if a few are trying

What you two discussing, dinner no? Do you have any relevance to it do you understand, do you understand it?

A relative in sorry?

Do you understand someone drowning abroad that would make me think that.


People are so bored in his show they are literally just talking between themselves now! Hahaha.
Charlie Kelly really is coming across desperate now, he might need to go back to one of his pre planned characters to get back on track.

No, you sure, your last chance.  We don't want to kill people off do we, let's just leave it there.  I will more than likely to come back to you in a moment once I understand what they want me to do with that.

He did live in Thailand.

He lived there as well.  We’ll see, So I will get them to get more information for me.

Someone lived in Thailand, that is the closest anyone has got to being killed in a Tsunami!

So in the meantime I will go with a young male, I need a young male here, this feels like a freak accident with him as well, there’s a one impact.

Ok lets keep on track of what he is saying.
A young man who has died in an ACCIDENT, and there is one impact.

 Now I don't know if I'm saying he has been punched and died or if there's an impact in a vehicle or something like that so bare with me something like that so bare with me but there is an impact for an individual,

Ok so could be a one punch knockout death, or in a "vehicle", but definitely an impact of some kind.

a young man, but everything about is screaming a freak accident for me. I know that he is a very charming young man so I know he's not into violence or into gang relation or anything like that, he’s been caught at the wrong place at the wrong time I’m very very aware of that. When I say young I think I'm in my 20s with him, quite an educated young man as well he’s got this feeling of wanting to do well for himself so I know that it's got this shock factor to it being caught up in something that you wouldn't imagine him to be in. Who understands that? This is quite hard work - one, two…. ok  So just to clarify with the two of you, is one of you an accident so that's you and one of you and yours is one with a one hit.

Possibly, more like murder.

So the medium clearly says an accident, and someone in the audience accepts that as murder. So not them!
Again desperation to connect from grieving people.

Ok and you again.

Yeh me again, my friend’s son was smashed by a car crossing a zebra crossing.

Remember Charlie clearly said this young man had died after being punched, and then from being IN a vehicle. From that we have an audience member saying their friend (who is not even in the room) their friends son was hit by a car on a crossing. None of that has anything to do with what Charlie first said, this is 100% the client trying to make things fit. The only thing Charlie has said that does fit is that it was a young male who died.

Ok let me work a little bit more with it so you three listen in and we will go from there I need to work with him I need to draw him closer I’m not wearing him enough yet. 

Yes he really did just say he is not "wearing him enough yet"

I know that with him he's got this good education to him I feel like he was always going to do well he was deemed he was going to be successful in some way you understand that,


I do feel I'm with you can I work with you


I do feel I'm with you so can I work with you, so for now I'm going to have to rule you two out just for the moment.  And you you told me it was a it was a murder, you told me that, then would you understand one major trauma with it?


Ok, that's what I want I know that with this it is not in relation to any of his activities.


It's in no relation whatsoever, and that's unusual because usually it's like a mark or a hit in that sense but he is totally unrelated to this in every way possible. You understand?


I know that with it he is actually a very very charming young man he’s almost like a gentleman in a young man’s body in that sense so I know that his manners are very good when in public you understand that.


And I know that with him he seems to have this like older head about him he can't be bothered with the young ones in that sense he just wants to get on with life.

Yeh I would say so.

 I know that with him there would be, would you understand, and it keeps coming into my mind and maybe it's Charlie getting in the way, is this like a mistaken identity was it released as a mistaken identity.


So to clarify we have moved onto the murder victim. Again this was not a character that Charlie came up with, this is someone that the client said 100% of the information.

Now Charlie is trying to role with it, but is getting the info wrong with the mistaken identity thing.

My apologies for that; I can't quite clear up what he is trying to show me there I’ll just have to say as I'm seeing it. I'm seeing him walk down like a pathway ​(yes)​ and it feels totally unprovoked in some way so like it's in, it doesn't feel like a very public way you wouldn't walk that way of norm.

At that time no you wouldn't.

The client said he was murdered, Charlie says it was unprovoked purely because no grieving person is going to admit that their dead son provoked someone to murder them. 

Ok, so you understand what I feeling there and I apologise I'm not getting close enough for you but I am with that.  He must have been carrying a bag as well at that time would you know that?

I think he might have had a present in it.

Ok but for me the bag’s not with him it's further away it's like not beside him it's further down the road, it's like it's been found in a bush or on a grass verge.

Anything could have happened that night.

So wrong, this client is very easy on the medium, not calling him out on anything. Nice and vague all round.

Ok so you are unsure of that.  Ok so, wow when you say a present, see you got me looking see you got me inquisitive you see I'm so nosey, so so nosey so I am assuming that it is someone's birthday now.

His birthday.

.It is the murdered boys birthday, and the medium had no idea. Dont you think if you were this poor murdered boy, you would tell the medium "hey its my birthday, that will help them know it is me here"
Again no names from Charlie at all.

Oh damn (in whisper) I had this earlier on in the day this one, this happened to me earlier on today.

??? (inaudible)

Yeh, yeh, that's the joys of the spirit world eh it's just he is letting you know he is there that's all that is.  So ok, and it's this whole state of confusion I've got around it I’m not sure whats going on here I really don't understand.  I feel like he is meant to be somewhere he’s meant to make somewhere but he doesn't make it and I’m not making that generic I feel that he is meeting people to go on out or to go home, I'm meeting people does that make sense?  I am aware of that and I am really sorry I'm not delivering this the way I would like to.  What I am also aware of is there is more than one person involved in this attack you would understand.


Basically the character that Charlie has built up here is a young man, walking home at night, get attacked by a gang, but he doesn't want to get too specific as that is where you can fail, so lots of questions, assumptions, vague comments etc.

But, It feels to me like not all three are not in trouble for it.

They got off quite lightly.

Note the client gave the information of 3 people did this, Charlie had no idea! But after the event, I bet this person remembers it as Charlie telling them.

Also in any kind of attack like this, you usually have one person who gets the harshest sentence, and the others get off lighter, it is sad, but happens often.

Ok so that it was down charged or wasn't quite in that way.

Other mediums have referred to it as a gross miscarriage of justice

Now this is the point that saddens me the most.
Here we have a grieving parent admitting they have seen "other mediums"
This is why the grieving process must be left alone, this parent will forever be seeing mediums, desperate to find out more details of what really happened and why. Never really accepting their loss, hoping for one more message, this is how addiction starts. And like it or not Charlie and people like him take advantage of this, take the money, and keep on doing it.

Yeh, ok and I am aware of that and for me it felt like not everybody was fully apprehended so what your statement just was there does just fit what I'm saying but I think there is a little bit more to it than that, a little bit more complex in the story in that way. 

Hang on, he wasn't aware of any of it at all.
He started off my talking about a young man who died in an ACCIDENT, from a single hit, or from being IN a vehicle. He had no idea there was 3 attackers, all of the info has come from the client and not from Charlie, now Charlie is talking like it all fits what he had been saying, when realistically he said nothing! But this kind of talk goes into peoples head, and helps them mis-remember the reading.

 I think a lot of missed evidence is involved in this as well in some way, we can't pin it down exactly you understand ok. So now I don't know, he is making me aware of colder months as well I want to be in the colder months for some reason but this feels like an anniversary so I'm not saying it's his birthday in the colder months but there’s an anniversary there that I need to be going to, I can see the breath coming out of my mouth and he is drawing me to this time, he very much enjoys that I think I'm in November .  So you understand November?

Not really no.

He took a guess at November, he got it wrong. As far as I know these readings all took part in October 2016. Either way he is wrong, and if he was a real medium, really communicating with the dead he would not get such a thing wrong.

And it feels a female as we so the anniversary is of a female, I need to be there.

His mum.

So again more guesswork, changes to some female connected to the murdered boy, the client reveals his mother has some kind of anniversary?

So you understand it that's absolutely fine.  So why is he coming for you why is he here for you, and you are dad I assume?


You’re not dad.

I know the family.

Even I assumed it was the murdered boys parent! But this is a HUGE fail for Charlie, and inside he must be so pissed off he went down this route and got so many things wrong, and then he is not even with the parent of the boy!

Ok then you would understand and this is going to be hard what I am going to say so I don't want to offend you in any way ok, so it's like they can't let it go in any way, and don't get me wrong I have children and I totally understand that stance, but it cannot be dropped in any way at the moment, do you understand that with the family there?

Mum is the worse one.

Yeh, ok and with that I feel and again a very harsh statement but it's almost like she is willing her own life away through the way she is responding.

100% you’re spot on.

So despite how many things Charlie has got wrong, he makes a comment about the mother of the dead boy (who is not even there) cant let go of their murdered child, and now this person in the audience is responding with "100% you're spot on"

That one line there is what people in the audience here, what they remember, this is the psychology of the matter. And all it took was Charlie to say something so blindingly obvious like the mother cant let it go that her child was murdered. 

And I know that the only reason he is in here to day is to let the vengeance go to let it go in some way and continue her life in the way she needs to, I know, I know, I have friends and family that have encountered the same thing and so you are just to pass the message on in that sense so please do the lad a favour and pass it on in whichever way you can.

Not easy.

No, I totally understand. Thank you very much, I thank you for him.  Thank you.

Now honestly tell me, am I being too harsh? Did I miss something?
This was a terrible reading, it wasn't even vaguely good cold reading. No names, no real info, lots of guess work, all the main info was given by the client. Charlie didn't even realise the person being read was not even related to the murdered person!

This is not me cherry picking bad readings, every single reading he has given has been terrible, and I doubt anything will change if I carry on. If I am wrong tell me. Dont tell me about your experiences with Charlie, as unless you have a recording, your memory cannot be trusted, because I am sure you gave Charlie all the info he needed just like the people at this event!

I am only about half way through the recording and this is so tedious, so bad. So for now I will leave it here and see what peoples opinions of this are.

If needed I will analyse the rest of the readings, but please understand this is incredibly time consuming and very tedious especially when a medium is as terrible as Charlie Kelly.

Please leave your comments and opinions, remember if I am wrong about something or missed something out tell me. But please no stories of how great Charlie is unless you can provide me proof with a recording.

By Jon Donnis

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This article is the opinion of the author, any media used, is used under fair use laws for criticism/parody.


Unknown said...

awful truly awful

JD said...

Try sitting through it and writing about it!! Lol

Woody said...

Well said, Susan.
Well said, Jon.
I've coughed-up scarier, more supernatural stuff than that!

All the best,

jonnyboy said...

Superb analysis Jon - I laughed out loud several times - he seems to be firing a waffle gun - my main observation is in this type of reading, the medium NEVER gets any of the 3 blindingly obvious facts that might give an indication of the afterlife (once the connection is established)
1) the name of the spirit person
2) the name of the audience member
3) the connection between 1 and 2 above

And of course, any single useful detail EVER

Keep it up

JD said...

Hi, thanks for your kind words. I am glad you can see the blindly obvious, you would be amazed at the reaction of "Cathy" the woman who encouraged me to look at him, she refuses to accept the blindly obvious and has used every excuse in the book to ignore the facts

Anonymous said...

Just come across yur site after becoming incensed with a Charlie Kelly demostration in Ware good friday spiritulist Fair, and no he did not read for me and neither would i let him do a reading for me. Charlie does not do private readings i wonder why?Yeah he is rubbish and not a true medium I thought he was on a physcic level but to be frank after reading your comments on a previous reading he did and redoing what you where descibing he is a cold reader no doubt i hete this as i do belive and it is my belief system and there in my opinion good reasons for this however we are on about false mediums. and Charlie is looking for fame and fortune.I have had a few private readings and belive me i do not voulenter info at all, they read and i listen i will not even confirm what they are saying until they are finished However please keep up the good work Mike.

JD said...

Thanks for your comments.
If you have read my recent articles, I would love for you to share one of your private readings, the transcript etc, I would love to show you exactly how they do it, step by step.

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