Review: By Jon Donnis
So Most Haunted is finally back, after been relegated to being an online only show, they finally managed to convince a TV company to recommission it.
Sad to say it, but it is the same old nonsense only worse.
Gone are stones and pebbles being chucked by Stuart Torevell, only to be replaced by rolls of tape strangely! The first episodes revolves around rolls of tape being moved and chucked! How riveting!
A few knocks here and there, some noises, Yvette screaming, and lots of running around in the dark, and that's it!

He gets about 30 seconds at the end of the episode to drone on about things that have happened.
The biggest problem with Most Haunted is that we all know it is faked, it is a spoof, people who watch, do so because they want to be entertained, and since Derek Acorah left there is simply nothing left to be entertained by.
Watching middle aged uneducated people wonder about in the dark is just not entertaining, where is the showmanship, where is the excitement?
We ALL know its faked, so at least make it entertaining instead of pretending you have any credibility whatsoever.
Most Haunted may be back, but I suspect after this first episodes the ratings will tank. There is no credibility on the show, there is no entertainment, there is no science. Just people going through the motions to pick up a pay check.
Only good thing is that they got rid of that awful Cath Howe and replaced her with the lovely Mel!
Most Haunted Episode One I give it a 1/10
Most Haunted
Thursday 21st August, 10pm
1/10. The Royal Court Theatre – Bacup
Most Haunted is back with a spine-chilling new 10-part series where the team investigates purported paranormal activity in locations across the UK including The Royal Court Theatre in Lancashire and Sheffield’s National Emergency Services Museum. Yvette Fielding is joined by a crew made up from old and new faces; Chris, Darren and Karl on cameras,;Matt on sound; Stuart on lighting; hair and make-up Mel, and demonologist Fred. Together they explore brand new territories, as well as revisiting some old haunts and discover new phenomena that defy belief. With some gripping celebrity specials, including one with Ben Foden and the England Rugby Team, and the award-winning Welsh heavy metal band Bullet for My Valentine, it’s going to be the best series yet.
In the first programme of the new series, the Most Haunted ghost hunting team start in a small theatre with a supposed big problem… from negative entities to a plethora of ghost sightings, the Royal Court Theatre in Bacup has seen it all. The building is said to house so much activity that the theatre’s director asked Yvette and the team for help.
Originally an iron foundry, the building was ravished by fire in 1886. Seven years later in 1893 the theatre as it is now known was opened. In its time it’s been used as a bingo hall and a church as well as a theatre; with so many varied tenants it’s no wonder the little building is rumoured to have such a cast of ghosts waiting in the wings.
As the crew set about investigating the alleged haunted happenings in the theatre objects are thrown and strange smells sensed… when knocking seems to indicate a death happened in the building things start hotting up.
The atmosphere becomes tense as the team brings in a Ouija board - in an evening of sheer fright with apparent poltergeist activity, ghostly footsteps abound and scare after scare, the team set about trying to make it through the night.