
18 October 2014

Most Haunted Ratings Update - Episodes 6, 7 & 8 - Updated

So we are back with our Most Haunted Ratings Update!

First lets remind ourselves for the ratings for the first 5 episodes

Episode 1 - 362,000
Episode 2 - 371,000
Episode 3 - 324,000
Episode 4 - 318,000
Episode 5 - 229,000

It was quite clear for anyone to see that there has been a steady decline. So how have episodes 6, 7 and 8 done, did Most Haunted grab back its audience or continue to lose them?

Episode 6

Well its good new for Antix and Most Haunted fans as the ratings are way up from Episode 5.

In fact Episode 6 gained roughly 55,000 viewers compared to Episode 5.

Could this be a case of old fans coming back and giving the show one more chance?
Finally Most Haunted may have turned the corner, and finally start to fight back against the dominance of Ghost Adventures which is clearly the UK's number 1 paranormal investigation show! Well the only way to find out is to look at the ratings for Episode 7, and I have them right here! So get ready!

Episode 7

And it's disaster.

Despite fans coming back for Episode 6, they obviously were not impressed as Most Haunted Episode 7 lost the 55,000 fans they gains for Episode 6, and then lost another 30,000 views! Ouch! That has got to hurt!

What about Episode 8?

Well the good news is they move back up into second place, the bad news is they lose another 3000 viewers/

Episode 1 - 362,000
Episode 2 - 371,000
Episode 3 - 324,000
Episode 4 - 318,000
Episode 5 - 229,000
Episode 6 - 286,000
Episode 7 - 199,000
Episode 8 - 196,000

So lets look at the ratings overall.
One theme is common here, fans were willing to give Most Haunted a chance, and time after time they feel let down and leave in their thousands!

From a ratings high for Episode 2 of 371,00, Most Haunted has lost 172,000 viewers!

That is a huge amount to lose, but more embarrassingly for Most Haunted is that they are being trounced by Ghost Adventures, a show which in itself is just a copy of Most Haunted, only done better. Dont get me wrong, that show is just as faked and as much of a spoof as Most Haunted, but it is clearly more interesting to the viewers and not only have they stolen Most Haunted viewers they are keeping them too!

My source at UKTV tells me that they would be willing to pay only £5000 for another series of Most Haunted, which is the same amount they paid for this series. So the question remains will Fred Batt be prepared to bankroll another series of Most Haunted? Or will he finally cut his losses and leave Antix to go Bankrupt? Only time will tell.

But one thing is clear, Most Haunted simply doesn't have the pull it once did.

Although perhaps you cant blame Most Haunted totally for that, you see when Living TV which was then purchased by Sky, ended Most Haunted, they only handed back the name "Most Haunted" to Antix, the format and pretty much everything they used to do is still owned by Sky, that is why the show was forced to change, meaning no mediums, which like it or not was one of the main attractions of the original show. Also no skeptic on the investigations. And the biggest one is that Most Haunted Live is also still owned by Sky, so no Live show like we all remember.

Is this the end for Most Haunted? It is looking that way, but in the world of TV you just never know, but if I was UKTV I would be looking at the ratings and wondering do I really need Most Haunted when I have Ghost Adventures which is superior in every way?

By Jon Donnis
Follow me on Twitter @JonDonnis

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