
2 February 2017

An Analysis of Self Proclaimed Psychic Lisa Williams - Live in Adelaide - June 19th 2013

The following article is the opinion of the author and may not correspond with the opinions of

This article is for Entertainment purposes only, and/or for scientific experimentation

I am back again with some more analysis of pretend Psychic Lisa Williams.

Why? I hear you ask, well after I thoroughly debunked her readings performed as a guest on a chat show, I had her fans moaning at me. Excuses ranged from her being rushed because of time constraints, to her not being ready, one fan even said that she is much better than that in live shows, so here I am again, and as usual I am prepared to put my self on the line, so I found a ten minute clip from a Live show she performed in Adelaide from June 19th 2013. This is from her own show and filmed by someone in the audience.

Now unfortunately this is just random readings cobbled together, so not the pure raw unedited footage I would prefer, but we do what we can here.

I got the video transcribed, so as before watch the video first, and then after scroll down to see my analysis of each reading. Keep in mind usually after I expose a psychic, and debunk their methods, the video soon gets removed so they can hide it, but the transcript will remain as an accurate account of the reading.

I will interject my opinions in BOLD type, please leave your own comments and opinions in the comments section.

Readings start at 1 minute.

Transcript Key:
Lisa Williams

Before we start remember the techniques she did in the last reading I exposed, they usually go along the line of "ask question, get answer, repeat back to victim"

And you talk to your son in the car, correct?

All the time!

All right, because he keeps talking about you talking to him in the car now he is giving you the paper in some aspect so there is something about the newspaper, and I feel like its rolled up almost like the old you know throw the newspaper and stuff, whether he was a paper boy I don't know but I just keep being shown the newspaper for some reason. Would that make any sense? 

No not at the moment!

Do you always have the newspaper in your car?


Ok so we start off with her usual technique, ask a question, then repeat back to victim with added detail, this is classic and pretty obvious cold reading.

The funny thing she started off well with the talking in the car thing, which is a pretty easy thing to get a hit off, most people will talk to a dead loved one when in private, its part of the grieving process, but then Lisa Williams completely bombs, she even tried to twist what she said when she got it wrong from claiming the dead son was a paper boy, to there being a rolled up paper in the car.

Both totally wrong.

I'm going to leave it with you because I cant make it change. What I'm seeing is what I'm seeing don't worry about it.  Now he is just said dad I'm ok, he's absolutely ok - is his name followed on after you?


Alright because he is showing there is a following on with the name and I have to tell, sorry mum and sister I will deal with you in a minute alright, but this about dad - dad you may have sat on the fence and been a sceptic for a little bit of a time ok which is fine but he is showing me that you have a belief now, do you understand? 

Yes I do

thank you...And what he is actually telling me, and he comes in a dream.......

So she gets a hit on the question of if the child has taken his fathers name, notice the way in which she said it "followed on after you", now a normal person would say "he has your name" but of course that leaves things too specific, so by saying it the way she has, it leaves open the dead child having his fathers name as his first name, his middle name, hell it could even mean his surname!

My first name is also my dads middle name and my grandfathers first name, and my middle name is my dads first name, my surname is my great grandfathers first name, as well as my name day name.

I think you get my point when it comes to names.

Lisa Williams also has the cheek to tell this poor grieving man that he may have been a skeptic etc, well if he wasn't before he sure is now if he has any sense!

Lisa Williams is aggressive and unkind in her delivery, which is a common tactic of a failing medium, it puts the guilt on the person being read, which really is cruel.

Onto the next reading.


And he is not actually happy about the change of the dynamics in the family

I'm sure both of them aren't!

They're not, your mother is more vocal about it than your father. 

Remember the routine, ask a question, get an answer and repeat back what you have been told.

She clearly states "he is not happy", the victim replies that "both of them aren't" and Lisa's next line is "They're not..."

This is cold reading folks, she starts off with a small gold nugget, and with the feedback from the victim she turns it into a gold bar! Pretty much all of Lisa Williams readings I have seen go along this simple formula.

Ok, she is showing me that this needs to change and would this be between one of the brothers or two of the brothers?

Its between me and the disagreements we've got now between both brothers; I've decided that we don't see eye to eye at the moment so I don't want to see them and I told them that so, and I know my parents wouldn't be happy about that. 

Again Lisa is asking a question here, the victim gives all of the info. At the start all Lisa said was "he" was unhappy with the change of dynamics in the family, that's it! EVERYTHING else the victim has told Lisa which she has just repeated back, and added too.

No they're not. However, is there a disagreement over a house or a property?

There was, ermmm...

So Lisa asks a question, gets a reply, so we all know what comes next!
And you tell me who hasn't had disagreements about property when someone dies, or in life in general, this is one of the most common disagreements between family members anywhere!

Again The only thing Lisa actually said as far as this reading shows, from her own mouth was that the dead father was "not actually happy about the change of the dynamics in the family", everything else has come from the person being read, everything! It was both parents unhappy, and not just the father, the fact that brothers are disagreeing and arguing, all from the person being read.

All Lisa has done is ask very vague open ended questions and then repeated back the info given to her, how is this proof of mediumship? How is this real?

It's a joke, its really pathetic when you really look at what is going on, anyway back to the reading, and its the bit where she repeats back to him again!

Ok they're showing me the disagreement over the property and this may have started it or whatever but what they are showing me is that they would love it to come back together because they are telling me that this is something that needs to, well in their minds needs to happen. You're obviously a grown man you can make your own decisions but that's their side, ok, however your youngest brother the younger one of the two doesn't listen. 

No that's right!

So a younger brother doesn't listen! Wow! Ground breaking stuff! The man already told Lisa he was disagreeing and arguing with his brothers! 

and your mum is pretty much aware of this ok and they are actually aware of the fact that he doesn't listen, so he is the headstrong one not the other one!


ok and that's where the difficulties may lie.

So another terrible reading whereby she never actually gave any information of interest across, she repeated back everything she was told after she asked a question. This is no mediumship, this is fakery people!


That's alright but its just like he would wind you up, do you understand that, and often when they wind you up its because they like you, this is how they show me, but he really thinks the world of you, now were you not there at the funeral, 

Yes I was

Who wasn't there at the funeral then There's someone who wasn't there at the funeral

yeah 2 of his children

So she ASKS a question, that being if the woman was not at the funeral, Lisa Williams gets this totally wrong, so to fix this she then asks another question, so she can shift the target of the original question elsewhere, pretty much every funeral will have someone who cannot attend for various reasons, Lisa has simply asked two questions here, now can you guess what is coming next? Yep its Lisa now repeating back info she has just been fed from the victim! EVERY reading Lisa does is like this, yet people keep telling me she is the real deal! I am not hand picking these you know, they are ALL the same!

Ok because he keeps acknowledging the fact someone wasn’t there who should have been there who wasn’t but should have been there it doesn’t matter.

Has your mum crossed?


At a quick look the woman in the video seems to be in her early 50s I would guess, and going to see a medium, so its a pretty safe guess that a parent will have died, so Lisa does her classic ask a question routine, and again gets it wrong, next up Lisa will twist this negative answer from the victim, and use it as part of the message supposedly from the other side!

alright, in that case, he is saying …..

ah hang on I need more info about the mother,

Let me explain this, he actually wants to acknowledge your mum alright but its like he wants to say hi to mum. 

But the spirit thought she was dead a second ago, now he wants to say hi? Make your mind up Lisa

That's what he was acknowledging here, now Im going to come back to the mother figure in a minute ok cos I do feel as though there is a female thats actually wandering in on this little jaunt thats going on. 

Lisa has now switched to a Mother figure, remember from the other reading how I explained that Mother figure is a term used by fakes, as it allows them to widen the net in the search for a dead person! So Mother figure could be, Mother, Mother in law, Grandmother, Grandmother in law, Aunty, Older Sister, work colleague, friend, and on and on and on.

Basically mother figure covers any woman older than you!

Now he is giving me a birthday but theres a feeling around a birthday but is obviously my birthday so I will take all the happy birthdays I can get even if they are dead but they always do they are like hey happy birthday! Do you want to eat the chocolate ive been given because trust me I'm going to be this wide otherwise! 

But what he is showing me is that there is a connection to a birthday either it someone’s birthday now or then eh passed it was around someone birthday 

It was when he passed it was around his daughters birthday

Because he is acknowledging the fact of the birthday Very important to acknowledge he wants you to know he know he is ok and can you tell my mum Im sorry...

No hit off the mother figure at all, so now she starts babbling on about birthdays, and then Lisa asks the question, is it someones birthday now, or then. It is always someones birthday now or then! Birthdays are a classic tactic used by fakes, because they sound specific but in reality are insanely easy to get a hit off.

Just look what Lisa has done, she has ASKED if there is a Birthday of ANYONE related to this person now, and also if there was a Birthday of ANYONE related to this woman near to the time of death! I don't need to point out the sheer number of people this question could fit, in fact if there wasn't a birthday in this time period, I would be more shocked!

So another terrible reading from Lisa Williams here, I hope her fans who are reading this and getting ready to send me angry tweets @JonDonnis are starting to see a a trend here in what she says, because once you are aware of her routine it really is so very easy to spot.


And he passed after your grandfather and there was a big gap and it was on your father's side 


Now in that case was your grandfather, sorry grandmother, on your mother's, sorry father's side, difficult when your grandfather passed.


Even I am confused listening to that, she throws out these things, makes deliberate little mistakes, so that she can easily twist any reply she gets.
All I can figure out from that is that someone was difficult when someone died!

Ok because what she is showing me is that she was more difficult once your grandfather passed and she was just hard work

Yes she was very sad and very alone and she would drink a lot

So Lisa is pointing out that a widow struggled and was difficult once her life partner and husband died! Maybe Lisa would also like to point out that The Pope is a Catholic, and that a Bear just did a poo in the woods! Just incase people didn't know of course!

It was heavy duty you know, I just keep seeing it as like hard work, she is laughing actually because she saw what she was like and she is saying that she is sorry and I feel as though she would talk the hind legs off a donkey and she would just talk talk talk. 

and my dads inherited that trait too 

Yeh right and this is how it is coming across, now let me go with this, the four of them in that case are actually quite friendly so they all knew each other there is a lot fun here. Ok now is your mum still with us?

Yeh yeh

Again repeating back what the victim has just revealed and then expanding on it so it seems like Lisa said it originally!

She finishes by asking another question, we saw in the earlier reading that regardless of a yes or no answer, Lisa can control and twist the reading any way she likes.

Why would any medium need to ASK if someones mother is still alive or not? Why wouldn't the medium already know if they were really communicating with the dead.

Alright who has had the cancer or who was.....

My auntie Ann that would be nanna's sister but she was actually 3 years younger than my mum so like sisters

Ann is she still with us or has she crossed.

No she's crossed so has nanna's other sister norma they both had lung cancer. 

Lisa asks question, victim answers, the victim gives Lisa all the information.

Ok I felt as though it was connected to someone like your mother that crossed through the cancer and I wasn't sure where this was where this was, ok 

That would be Ann 

That would be Ann its funny how the names if you notice the names sort of like come through and it all interlinks

It only interlinks because that is how a medium uses cold reading to give the appearance of speaking the dead, I think I have shown pretty clearly Lisa Williams methods here, and they are clear to see, she asks questions a lot of them, she repeats back answers that the people being read have given, she twists and turns readings to try and make things fit, and when she cant do that she just blames the spirits, leaves the victim feeling guilty and moves on.

Ok one more reading as truly this is a mind numbing experience, when it is the same thing she is doing over and over again!


I've got 2 son in laws that run their own businesses – oh, I had a business of my own

Right, and you no longer have that business do you


In the trade this is known as an open ended QUESTION, (What Lisa asked another question? Who'd have thunk it)

We know Lisa can react to a negative or positive reply to almost any question. This is why if you ever here any psychic/medium tell a victim to only reply yes or no, you know instantly that they are 100% a fraud, it is all about control, and if you can control the answers of your victim, you control the reading and can manipulate it in any way you want! This is what Lisa Williams does.

You don't have it any more because what he is showing me is that someone used to run their own business at this period of time, so it was you, and he showing me that you were very firm in what you believed and its like it was your way or the highway, it was your way or the highway in many respects. There is a lot of laughter over I have tell you , a lot of laughter,

So Lisa asked a question, got a reply from the victim, and now repeats it back while expanding and adding some extra bits that are guaranteed to hit.

Now is there also another gentleman, there is a lot of heartfelt emotion here I don't know whether there’s a husband or partner or someone

My husband

Another question from Lisa, asking if a Husband, a Partner or SOMEONE has passed recently! Husband is specific, Partner could be love interest or a business partner, or even a partner to the gym, to the coffee shop, and "someone" well that could mean anyone, Lisa has literally just asked her victim if ANYONE has died!

Whose crossed, yeah?

Just recently

She just has to make sure he is dead, again by asking the victim! Why wouldn't Lisa already know, why does she keep have to ask questions?

He's coming in and I tell you I love you and the emotion he is giving me is like this (sighs), the emotion of love and he has just walked in like this, ever so proud ever so proud, and like I cant explain it just this he said it broke his heart to leave you, 

Again keep in mind Lisa asked the question if someone had died, the victim revealed it was her husband, Lisa NEVER told her, her husband had died, the victim revealed that, Lisa then just tells the woman what anyone who had just lost a husband would want to be told.

that would be right

it broke his heart to leave you he said and you were his world. There was often talk actually in many respects about who was going to go first,

Yes that’s right we were both sick at the same time

Just think about this for a second, Lisa Williams is talking to a clearly very old woman, who has recently lost her husband, and she comes out with that, really sickening to me!

Who was going to go first and he is saying look at you fighting fit now, alright and he is showing me but he couldn't …. but you knew he was going to go somehow, there was something about it you just thought he is not going to do it he is not going to come through with this.


Ok thats fine, he is bringing me in a red rose here, now a red rose can often signify a birthday or anniversary it but I do feel as though the red rose was significant to you

It was an anniversary...

And that's the end of that. Now you have read my analysis, please go back and watch the video again, now you have a clear head and understand the techniques used by Lisa Williams, you should find it much easier to spot.

Remember, her method is simple.
Ask a question.
Get an answer
repeat back the answer adding some filler.

And that's it.

I honestly think I have now categorically proven Lisa Williams is not a medium, or psychic or anything, her methods are very clear once you know what to look for, so next time you see her on Youtube, you know what to look out for.

Remember her TV shows are HEAVILY edited, what you see on her TV show is not a true reflection of what she does. I have done my best to show you how she performs her tricks, if you still believe she has magical powers, and can communicate with the dead, well there is no more I can do for you.

If what I have written has helped open your eyes then please share your experiences and thoughts either on the comments below, or on our forum we would love to hear from you.

Feel free to send your usual abuse to me on my Twitter account @JonDonnis or perhaps if I helped you understand better, maybe a little thank you would be nice.


Skeptik One said...

Lisa is a fraud. I saw her today, Sunday March 6th 2016 on Tv and found my way here. She makes me ill. She preys on the gullible to make money. Just like John Edward

JD said...

I hope that you will not watch her again, and avoid anything mediumship based in your life.
Do not buy from sponsors of her show or tour.

Unknown said...

I think he's referring to this video on facebook:

This woman is a charlatan and fraudster! I'd love to see you rip her apart, this "reading" was an epic fail :)

JD said...

If you prepared to do a transcript of the readings, I can debunk them

moonshadow said...

hi Jon
Why would anyone want to send abusive messages? For the life of me I cannot figure out how that would benefit anyone? I can understand if people wish to share that they may not agree with you, no harm with having different views. BUT not coming across in an abusive manner.

moonshadow said...

PART A -I found it very interesting to read all your comments and views, on the pattern used - ask question, get answer, repeat back... you must have spent some time analysing the patters of mediums. I can understand asking questions to seek clarification but you make a really good point, ( continued)

moonshadow said...

PART B - it's very interesting how she uses that information to actually completely change what she is saying, so to correct herself so that it appears she had a hit all along. Another point that you make that I found very interesting, why she needs to ask if someone is living or passed. Thankyou for sharing your interesting views, Dianne( moonshadow)

moonshadow said...

Oh and one more thing - People who supposedly have this wonderful gift, are MEANT TO SHARE IT TO HELP OTHERS, NOT use their gift to make money. Lisa Williams herself proclaimed ( that she needed to make a living but did not abuse her gift to make money).. continued

moonshadow said...

looking at Lisa William's website, charging $850 for ONE HOUR, $550 for HALF HOUR private reading is one HECK OF A LIVING ....definitely not abusing her gift to make money out of people there !!!

JD said...

A lot of people miss this tricks because they are done very well, and if you are not aware of them, then you dont know to look for them.

I have spent a long time analysing readings and learning the tricks they use.

JD said...

I find that there are 2 types of people who send abusive messages.
First type know its a scam and are trying to scare me off, and second type are people who believe but deep down have doubts and are scared that I am right

Unknown said...

Brilliant analysis of her fakery! In a private reading with my mum, she told her that my partner would die in 10 years time! I think that's pretty despicable. This was before she was famous and charging $850 dollars a pop!

Unknown said...

I noticed her along with others give the same patterns. I just laugh at their "scammed routine". They repeat the same words over and over. I caught on rather quickly. One medium repeatedly says I am getting a j or m. Lol.another well known one states I am getting something wrong with the leg. Sorry but mediums are for gullible and naive. They all seem phony to me

Cheri said...

People who have gifts should always charge for their time and energy
Comedians lawyers entertainers all charge for theit time there are actually some really great mediums and psychics out there but when people are always trying to attack them and make them look bad why bother do we analyze attorney mediums actors etc .

Do u get paid to go around discrediting people is that a real career? Nothing and no one else is perfect.everyone needs to use their own discretion for everything

Unknown said...

I am aware that she is charlatan,I must admit I am a Medium.and used to be member of Bad psychic forum before Jon Donnie gave up because of threats.which was disgraceful.because if you cannot speak of what you see! I know there are Genuine Mediums out there who do not want to be famous,but do help those grieving I have watched Lisa Williams for a while on you tube.I know fro
My experience that Mediumship is not matter of immediately contacting Spirit as she does I have said this on many videos That the Spirit world communicates not the OTHER way around,that is why I know she is not a Medium Genuine would have had most of their lives have experience of that happening!!All Genuine Mediums know of this we never know who is coming through until they connect with the energy field of the Medium. It is direct conversations not signs and symbols on that video she is not in direct contact with a Spirit person either compressing or the psychic element picking up from the aura and filling in blanks. In a communication there should be the characteristic,personality and idiosyncrasies of the Spirit person mongers only vague statements. By the way I have been slated on some vids about mediumship but to me it is not a game or pastime ,it is a sacred calling !There are a lot of so called "Mediums" who have financial rewards in mind!!

Unknown said...

That should never happened,no grin be Exponent of Mediumship would or say that ,that is a disgrace and completely wrong. I am sorry you suffered that anxiety !! I do know she will overstep her mark and she will be caught out.

Unknown said...

OMG !! I know that exclamation is over done but I mean it Those who are Claiming to be Mediums will not be tolerated either here or on other(There is a Spirit Dimension wether you care to know it or not) That amount is obscene, fees should be reasonable not extortion.

JD said...

People who are honest about what it is they are doing should charge I agree. The problem is that mediums are not honest, they are performing an act, and trying to convince people it is real. This makes what they do fraudulent. Simple

And no, I do not get paid for EXPOSING fake mediums. I do it because it is the right and honourable thing to do.

JD said...

You are a fraud, you do not speak to the dead in any way.
How about you prove me wrong? Cant? Ok, good bye then.

Unknown said...

I am aware that she is charlatan,I must admit I am a Medium.and used to be member of Bad psychic forum before Jon Donnie gave up because of threats.which was disgraceful.because if you cannot speak of what you see! I know there are Genuine Mediums out there who do not want to be famous,but do help those grieving I have watched Lisa Williams for a while on you tube.I know fro
My experience that Mediumship is not matter of immediately contacting Spirit as she does I have said this on many videos That the Spirit world communicates not the OTHER way around,that is why I know she is not a Medium Genuine would have had most of their lives have experience of that happening!!All Genuine Mediums know of this we never know who is coming through until they connect with the energy field of the Medium. It is direct conversations not signs and symbols on that video she is not in direct contact with a Spirit person either compressing or the psychic element picking up from the aura and filling in blanks. In a communication there should be the characteristic,personality and idiosyncrasies of the Spirit person mongers only vague statements. By the way I have been slated on some vids about mediumship but to me it is not a game or pastime ,it is a sacred calling !There are a lot of so called "Mediums" who have financial rewards in mind!!

JD said...

I am Jon Donnis, and I never gave up anything, I just took a break for a few years to do some undercover work.
The site is still going clearly since you are on it right now, and the forum still exists.

As for ANY claims of mediumship, yours included, they are all bogus

Unknown said...

You people that come on this site and start judging her for her profession makes me sick. You come on here and complain about the fees that are charged by all mediums. If you don't like it read a book and learn how to be a psychic your self! Wow are all you quick to judge go play on some other site.

JD said...

Hi Paula
Why does it make you sick that people call her out and expose her as a fraud?
I am willing to back up everything I say.
So if you have had a reading from Lisa Williams that you are convinced 100% is legit, let me see the recording and I guarantee you I can show you step by step how it was done, and if I cant I will delete this article and any other on her from the site.

You can screengrab this message to make sure I dont go back on it.

So what do you say, are you prepared to prove your side is right? Or will you make an excuse?

Mediums simply cannot do what they claim when the chance to cheat is removed. Lisa Williams is a provable fraud.

And yeah I learnt how to be a medium, I have stood on platform and given readings, I have a training lineage that goes back to Gordon Higginson, so yeah I really do know what I am talking about, I am not some armchair skeptic. I know how the tricks are performed!
And I will back up every claim I make every time.

Unknown said...

Why would I have to prove anything! So you had a bad reading or you don't get along with her deal with it.

Unknown said...

I myself personally do think you are an armchair skeptic!

Unknown said...

Jon, get a job and go to work..... Good day!!!

Unknown said...

One more thing Jon, sorry for all the screens... why are you so hell-bent on destroying this woman?

JD said...

I am not, I havent wrote about her in years! Where does your "hell bent" comment come from?

She is a fraud, I have exposed her. I have told the truth about her and educated people about her trickery. She has not sued me. That is all you need to know.

Also why havent you replied to my previous message?

JD said...

Well you came on my site moaning and attacking me and other people sharing an opinion, I challenge you and offer to prove everything I claim and back up everything I say, and now as expected you go all defensive.

JD said...

You can think that, you would be provably wrong of course, just like your belief in Lisa Williams is proveably wrong!

Anyway you are starting to troll the site now, so no more comments will be approved. If you want a conversation you can do it on the forum

Unknown said...

She hasn't sued you because it's probably not worth it. Life is too short my friend.

JD said...

You tell yourself that, but ask yourself how you found this article that is 3 years old!
I am guessing google right?
Now think how many thousands of people who have also found this article and then changed their mind about booking her!
Its cost her thousands!

On Google if you search for Psychic Lisa Williams. This article is 2nd! Right below her website!

Still think its not worth it?

She wont sue me because she knows she would lose, just like the thousands of other mediums we have exposed.

Even you, look how I challenged you, look how I offered to show you step by step how she does it, and you refuse! You refuse to learn the truth! That doubt in your head, that doubt is me and people like me who expose people like Lisa Williams!

And as long as you refuse, then that gives me hope, because deep down you know she is a fake, but you have deluded yourself, you have put all your balls in one basket, but one day the basket will break, and you will remember me. You wont be the first or the last, but the time will come when you will say "Damn that Jon Donnis was right, why didnt i listen to him, I could have saved myself a hell of a lot of money"

And if you come back to me, and admit that you were conned, I will welcome you with open arms, and I will even forget the nasty things you said about me, and I will HELP you get your money back from Lisa and people like her, Because that is what I do, I fight for the underdog, I fight for what is right, and I help victims of people who have been conned by mediums!

Unknown said...

another great debunk, they all have the same lame routine, if a spirit is talking to you then they are capable of saying who they are and what they want, simple as that.

L.S. said...

I have had spirits talking to me my whole life, questions to ascertain who lost who or who is who is totally not needed when the dead talk they love to give you tons of info to prove it who they are and that its really them and try to get me to give messages to their living family or friends. I wont pass on messages without heaps of personal info as proof before I am prepared to o
say any thing to the living otherwise you just sound like a crack pot. And thanks for pointing out L.W. tricks so obvious once you know what to look for. plus her audience payed to be there so dah there interested. I deal with people not even asking to speak to the dead its the other way around the dead pestering me to say something to the living, if they give me enough info sometimes I will speak for them.

JD said...

Any chance you would like to prove any of your claims? Perhaps by giving me a reading?

Rosie said...

Hi Jon Donnis,
I thought this site was aimed to warn people of fraudulent psychics but I read through some of your comments today and am I right to say that you believe all mediums are fraudulent? Meaning you don’t believe it’s possible for us (on earth) to communicate with the spirit world?

May I ask if you believe in life after death? Are you religious or atheist?

The reason I ask is because I’ve tested a few mediums following the passing of my husband. A few were clearly fraudulent but there were 2 mediums that got everything right, they knew such intricate details that would be impossible to guess (REALLY specific details). I tested them thoroughly, I gave a fake name, paid with a friends credit card so they couldn’t research information about myself or my husband.. the reading was over the phone so they couldn’t see my body language, I didn’t answer any questions but still they knew everything.

I’ve asked others to listen to the reading to see and they have said its impossible to debunk. I’m not afraid of knowing the truth. Would you be interested in listening to these readings to see if you can debunk them? I’d appreciate your insight.

my apologies if you’ve received this comment twice, I had a complication when posting initially.

Thank you

JD said...

What i believe does not matter, what does matter are the facts, and 100% of mediums fail 100% of the time when the chance to cheat is removed in credible tests. No exceptions, no anomolies, they always fail.

Now you say you have tested a few mediums, can I ask what qualifies you to be in a position to test them? I ask because clearly you are a believer, and as such I would assume that you are not aware of the tricks they use.

So I would be happy to listen to your recording and show you step by step exactly how it was done.

You can contact me directly through the email on the contact page, I look forward to hearing from you.

I ask only one thing in return from you.
I want you to promise that after I have shown you how the readings are done, that you never spend another penny on psychics, you never see another medium.

Keep in mind that just because mediums are not real, that does not mean that your husband is gone, as an Atheist I do not believe in an afterlife, but for me my loved lost ones live on in my memories, in the stories we tell about them to others. And as long as we remember and talk about them, they never truly leave us.

That is my belief, you are welcome to have whatever faith you like, whatever beliefs you like, but mediumship is a scam, it is not faith, it is a direct attempt to con people to get money.

Rosie said...

Phew, I was worried that you might be religious and believe that mediums are talking to Satan, whilst I respect everyone’s beliefs, I can’t relate to fear-based belief structures. But I can understand atheism since I was raised by atheist parents, in a completely atheist family.

Yes I’m a believer but I’m as equally sceptic until proven wrong. So sceptic in fact that I was simply not satisfied with having an opinion, a belief or faith, I needed to KNOW the truth from my own experience. So I learned how to leave my body and explore in spirit whilst my body sleeps. So I’m lucky enough to KNOW we survive the death of our physical body. I’m not suggesting that you believe what I’m saying, I’m not suggesting you have an opinion about what I’m saying, nor have faith in what I’m saying but I am going to suggest that you try out-of-body exploring yourself. See it, feel it, experience it for yourself and then YOU will know. Would you be willing to try it? It’s easy, completely safe and it’s the only way to know for yourself without having to believe others.

The issue I have with mediums is I have to believe what they are telling me and as a born sceptic, it’s just not that easy for me. But with one particular medium, she was able to tell me specific details about my husbands passing that even I never knew at the time. It wasn’t until I received the coroners report that I realised the medium was completely right about EVERYTHING in such fine detail. I asked the Police and they confirmed that the information had not been released in the public domain. It was simply impossible for a woman (the medium), who read for me over the phone, who is located 12,650kms away, could guess the things she told me. It’s just not possible. She is definitely getting the information from a non-physical environment but again, I can’t prove that it is my husband giving her this information.

I heard about this medium through word-of-mouth. Last month, this same medium helped homocide Police find a body. After the medium gave a reading to the murdered woman’s family, the family told Police that the medium knew where the body was. Whilst the Police were skeptics, they acted on the lead and found the body precisely where the medium said it was. The medium was even able to tell the Police what was in the murdered girls trouser pocket (a watch). It’s situations like this that make it more irrational to disbelieve, than to believe, because why would Police lie?

What makes me eligible to test a medium? Well, what makes anyone eligible really? I’m a CEO of a national company so I’m very rationally minded and I have a degree in psychology but aside from those qualifications, I think I’m the best candidate for testing an evidential medium who is giving a reading about MY husband because I’m the only person who can truly validate the messages.

I want to share the reading with you and I’d appreciate your opinion, I’m just worried about privacy on such a personal recording. I’m not suggesting that you’re untrustworthy by any means but I’d like to know how your privacy and confidentiality policies work?

Thanks Jon, I appreciate you taking the time to respond.

JD said...

I am not going to address the astral travelling stuff, as that has all been thoroughly debunked by science, 100% understood, and not really something of interest to me.

Also you anecdotes about the medium, again evidentially worthless, so no point in me responding to them, any more than I would respond to a tale of being abducted by aliens.
If I dont have something solid to analyse then it is pointless, as I would be arguing against thin air.

As for why you would be best qualified to test a medium, what if I told you that you were in fact the worst person to test a medium BECAUSE of the very reasons you gave.

So this brings us to the reading itself, if you gave permission I would prefer to have the reading, transcribe it, and then publish it on this site along with me showing step by step how it was done, that way it could help educate others in the methods used by not only this specific medium, but by many mediums.

Now if privacy is an issue, then of course I would not publish anything, but it then comes down to the point of me helping you.

I know 100% I can show you how it was done, no doubts in my mind, I have done this too many times (over 2500 readings), I know all of the tricks, and no one is more experienced in this field in the UK than me.

But for me to put in a load of time and work, but then not be able to publish it to help people, well obviously whats the point.

So what I can do is this. Send me the reading, I will have a quick listen, and I will see if I can pull out a couple of things just for you, that would go to show how they were doing it, and I can then point you in the general direction of what to listen out for to understand how they were doing it. So maybe i would take a few minutes, transcribe that, and show you how that little part is done, give you pointers and so on, That wouldn't take me long, and should be enough to help you.

I think that is fair, since I would be giving you my time.

I 100% guarantee you the reading is fake, you have been lied to, you are a victim.
Ask yourself, who told you about this medium helping police to find a body, who told you that actual story, did you hear it direct from the police? Was it published in a respected credible media outlet, or was it told to you by the medium themselves or one of their followers.

Who is the medium? Is there any readings done by them to others available online?
If so and I showed you that they were faking those readings would that help you?

Rosie said...

Hi Jon,

With all due respect, to say science has debunked out-of-body exploration is a very broad statement, and it’s also dated. It might also mean that your suggesting I’m lying when I say that I’ve explored outside-of-my-body? There are now many scientists who are proving the existence of a non-physical reality. Even main-stream science is slowly accepting this, conferences with hundreds of scientists are taking place regularly to discuss matters of this topic - when is the last time you researched this topic?

Have you seen the work of Swedenborg, Robert Monroe, Luis Minero etc? Luis Minero in particular is MUCH more educated in science than you or I are and he isn’t just scientifically proving the afterlife, he actual explores out of his body so he can back up his opinions with truth, with REAL experience, REAL proof.

May I ask you a question please? How do YOU know that an afterlife doesn’t exist? I don’t mean, what you’ve read, or what you’ve heard from others to form your “opinion/belief”. I mean what have YOU experienced, as REAL proof, that there is no afterlife?

For someone who spends so much time and effort telling the world that all mediums are fraudulent due to your own belief that there is no afterlife, I just can’t understand why you wouldn’t try out-of-body exploring yourself. If you’re so sure it’s not true, then why wouldn’t you try it? What have you got to lose? It’s so easy to do. Wouldn’t you feel better to be able to backup your claims to say you KNOW the answers, rather than just voicing your opinion?

The reason I stumbled across this site is because of the assumption that you are debunking the work of charlatans, as your website name suggests. But to discover that you are actually just staunchly unbelieving of any possibility of an afterlife actually makes you the worst candidate for testing mediums - You could have a believer test the same mediums and find evidence that they are good mediums. It’s all just opinion.

I’m not saying I KNOW for sure that mediums are genuine. How can anyone truly know? Actually I’m quite sceptic of mediums which is why I stumbled across your site. So to test this work efficiently, I will be studying mediumship myself in January. If I can see/hear/feel any sign MYSELF, then I can know for sure that’s it’s real. If I can not manage to learn how to do it, it won’t prove anything unfortunately, however it will probably strengthen my own sceptical opinion of it.

But as far as out-of-body exploration goes, I have experienced it, I am eligible to confirm that the spirit world exists.

You don’t have to believe me, you don’t have to believe anyone. Once you go out-of-body, you will see for yourself. BUT, in all honesty Jon, would you be willing to change your opinion, even if you saw undeniable proof that you’re opinion is wrong? It can be confronting initially but releasing yourself from the shackles (opinions) allows you to explore other ideas and truths that are otherwise unreachable from a limited mind who is stuck in a consensus based belief system.

Out-of-body exploration allows you to find the truth yourself. I can tell you a few techniques that will make it as easy as falling asleep. It’s 100% safe. Why not?

Thanks for taking the time to respond Jon, I hope you have a nice evening.

JD said...

Hi. Strange reply. I have no interest in out of body experiences. I've studied it, I understand it, I do not interest me.

You made a claim about a medium, I have said I can show you how they did it, why are you now ignoring that and changing the subject.

I can back up everything I say when it comes to mediums. The other stuff, OBE and so on, they do not interest me. I am not interested in getting into a debate about them, or people who claim they are real and so on. This site is called "BadPsychics" not "BadOBEs"

You say you are going to study mediumship. Guess what, I already did that, I spent 6 months at a mediumship college, I finished top of the class, without ever cheating, and without ever using any magic powers. My lineage goes back to Gordon Higginson. After achieving what I did, I wrote a 7 page featured article about those experiences which was published in a world renowned magazine.

When I say I am the UKs most experienced skeptic, it is not some armchair claim.

If you are interested in finding out how you were fooled, how you were conned by a psychic, then send me the recording and I will show you, and if I cant, if I fail, then I will delete everything on this site, and publish a full apology to everyone, and give a link to the worlds first real medium.

Now I want to help you, but you seem only interested in twisting the conversation.

Rosie said...

Hi Jon,

At the risk of sounding offensive, which I do not intend to by any means. I was VERY interested in getting proof from you as to whether mediums are able to receive messages from the afterlife, that’s why I asked for your assistance. However, I’ve now learned that your assistance would be based on your opinion and opinions are not enough for me, I need undeniable evidence in order to accept it as truth.

I respect that you have your own opinion but there are many ways to skin a cat, there are also many ways to interpret a medium reading. Whilst you offer a thorough opinion, it is still just your opinion. If you can not even accept the POSSIBILITY of an afterlife existence, then there is no possible way that you can believe mediums are genuine. So your opinion is not established on fair or correct foundations and you can therefore not assist me afteralll.

I KNOW an afterlife exists, I’ve witnessed it. I just thought you may be interested in witnessing it too. But I’ve learned that people need to be ready for that next step.

Thanks again for your time.

Lastly, I was just reading the news and the link below was the 3rd article listed, I found it quite ironic to see an article, in main-stream media, regarding scientific evidence of life outside of this planet, just as I received your message. Times have changed, science has changed, the truth is coming out.

I’d still love to know how or why you are so sure that an afterlife doesn’t exist but I understand why you may not be able to answer that.

All my best,

JD said...

Didn't I already say that my opinion was worthless, and that it didn't matter? I am sure I already stated that the only thing that matters is the facts.

So lets try this again. MY OPINION DOES NOT MATTER!

All that matters are facts, things that can be proven.

When I analyse a reading, something you are now unsurprisingly refusing to provide to back up your claims, I do not interpret things, I do not manipulate things, I break it down, step by step, I show the stats, I show how the reading was done. My opinion does not come in to it.

As for if an afterlife exists or not, for what seems the millionth time my opinion or belief on that does not matter, all that does are the facts.

And much like how mediums fail 100% of the time in credible scientific tests. There also exists no evidence of an afterlife outside of the anecdotal.

If I was a born again Christian, still my opinion on heaven or an afterlife does not matter.

Not sure how much more clear I can be about this.

Anyway I am getting the impression now this was a set up from the beginning and you didn't realise how knowledgeable and experienced i was in this whole thing when you started, and now you do, you are panicking and trying to change the subject.

You are welcome to join the forum at if you want to discuss the universe and so on.

But if you are not going to back up your claims, then I have no interest in allowing you to further hijack this comments section for an article on Lisa Williams.

So any replies will not be published going forward, unless they are specifically about Lisa Williams and this article.

My offer still stands, I will show you step by step without opinions or interpretations exactly how you were conned by a medium, if you send me the reading.

If you chose not to, then I think we can all understand the reasons why you refuse to back up a single thing you claimed.

I look forward to receiving your email. Do NOT reply to this post.
And it is my OPINION that you will never back up your claim, for fear of being proven wrong. Whereas myself I love being proven wrong, it is the ONLY reason I do what I do, and despite you being incapable of understanding that, and trying your best to pigeonhole me I will wish you all the best.

Unknown said...

I love that I stumbled upon this! The irony in John's strong comments and convictions in his posts about being 100% correct and the rest of the world is wrong is amusing and shoots him down as having any credibility as a true skeptic or scientist whatsoever. But certainly entertaining! What i can share is I'm a PHD engineer who bases everything in life on science and data. I don't claim that there aren't a lot of scam artists out there or know anything about the legitimacy of supposed "famous" mediums. What I do know, for fact, based on personal data and direct experience, is that there is irrefutable evidence that some mediums have a gift of some extrasensory ability. I don't know if they are talking to dead people or can read minds, but they are doing one of the two. I've had multiple data experiences that confirm this, but in my last experiment, I actually asked a deceased friend a very specific question I wanted answered at a local medium event sponsored by the fire department. I got no input all night and then the alleged medium picks me out and starts talking about my friend without any Q&A from me. Eerie details about how he died and his funerals exact setup and very specific phrases\slang the two of us us to use. Creepy stuff. Before ending he says, oh, and you asked about blank blank? He says...Needless to say he answered the exact question I asked the night before, basically to the air in my bedroom. Sorry to say man, no cold reading, no techniques, no magic, no house bugging (the event cost$10, this person was not trying to scam anyone not could they afford to bug my bedroom if they wanted to). He was either talking to a ghost or was able to see into my brain.

So, you are certainly wrong and an equally guilty fraud if you claim to know if all. As I said, I don't claim to know how this guy did what he did, but it most certainly happened without any help from this engineers mouth. This is one experience/test out of 3 similar experiences I've had. I've also seen total B.S. ones. Bottom line is, engineers and scientists have to look at all data and it is clear youre solely focusing on a limited data set through your selective eyes. If you can solve my mystery with any other logical explanation than I'm hopeful you can also find a cure for cancer.

JD said...

I dont think I ever said I was 100% correct and the rest of the world is wrong, so unless you can back up that claim and show an exact quote of mine whereby I say that, then you instantly lose all credibility.

Next you say
"What I do know, for fact, based on personal data and direct experience, is that there is irrefutable evidence that some mediums have a gift of some extrasensory ability."

You literally just accused me of something and then do exactly what you accuse me of.
Ok you say you have "data" that is irrefutable evidence that some mediums have abilities.

I BELIEVE YOU! I believe your claim, however my beliefs are worth nothing, all that maters is the facts. And since you claim you have "Data" that means you have something that can be analysed, examined, replicated, peer reviewed, and so on.

So I invite you to share this "Data" that is "irrefutable evidence" so I can publish it on this site for the world to see. Does that sound fair?
I want to be fair,

I always admit that my BELIEFS may be wrong, my BELIEFS I would NEVER claim are 100% correct, I am not so arrogant. So lets have a look at the data and see what it says.

I WANT to try to solve your mystery, so present your data, and I will see what it is.

Of course as a Phd engineer you understand that stories, anecdotes and so on is not classed as irrefutable evidence, and that data in itself needs to be something that can be analysed.

As a Phd engineer I am sure you would never just accept someones word that something works without actually seeing the hard facts to back it up.

So I would LOVE to see your data and irrefutable evidence, and I would be happy to publish it in full on this website for the world to see.

I look forward to hearing from you.
If you go to the contact page, you will see a way to contact me, that way you can send me your irrefutable evidence, whether that be a recording of a controlled reading, video and so on. Also you stated that there was "no cold reading, no techniques, no magic, no house bugging", so I would also be interested to see the DATA that shows what controls you put into place to prevent any of this, as well as the experts who set up these controls, and the experiment was conducted, and with which mediums.

I am excited to learn something new, to expand my knowledge based and change my OPINION on the abilities of these mediums.

Again a Phd in Engineering is a very impressive qualification, taking years and years of very exact study, almost scientific in its accuracy and knowledge, so I have high expectations of the data and irrefutable evidence that you have to present.

You would be surprised at how many complete and utter amateurs who just come to me with a nice anecdote or story, and expect me to accept that as evidence, so really happy to hear that as someone with a Phd in Engineering that you have the experience and knowledge to not just expect me to believe a few internet tales, but instead have real data and irrefutable evidence to back up everything you claim.

I look forward to hearing back from you.

Unknown said...

Well I must admit I am moderately impressed with your response and you seem fairly educated; so I will entertain you with another response. First I will apologize for not reading ALL of your responses and jumping to the conclusion that you believe you are 100% right all of the time. My conclusion came from skimming through anecdotes such as:" 100% of mediums fail 100% of the time when the chance to cheat is removed in credible tests. No exceptions, no anomolies, they always fail."

I have no idea what the tests you are referring to, but surely you have not evaluated every "credible" test and I also speculate, but could be wrong, there is an inherent malady in your definition of credible. The biggest disconnect between our viewpoints are that there are two major types of data. Quantitative and Qualitative. Therefore, your statement of "Of course as a Phd engineer you understand that stories, anecdotes and so on is not classed as irrefutable evidence, and that data in itself needs to be something that can be analysed." is NOT correct in the legitimate science/engineering and legal world. Both are equally important, credible, and have their role in their relative tests, design, study, etc. I work in the environmental protection industry and qualitative data (data that does not rely on a specific number or can measured or analyzed by an instrument but is verbal testament by past site workers, material experts, etc). is 100% credible and permissible in engineering design and the court of law. I have only seen a few medical journal articles in my day, but from what I have seen, it is also permissible in medical studies as interview of patients with respect to "pain", "side effects", "personal life" is ALL qualitative and subjective to individual interpretation, but essential and credible to the study. When there are no quantitative tests available to address/define/solve a certain problem; it's the ONLY credible data. In my case, and I would speculate in most cases with respect to any kind of extrasensory perception, all data is qualitative. I don't have enough of an interest nor the time to search what quantitative tests are available for evaluating this problem statement so I am ignorant on the issue; but I would have to speculate the answer is none. However, if not a single test/medium has been proven credible through such tests as you suggest; that means the test methods themselves aren't credible either. In order for a quantitative test or method to be credible, there always needs to be a positive control/reference to calibrate the test to. Again, I have no idea what the tests are you are referring to so that comment may not be valid. And its fine if there are no credible tests, sometimes the science just isn't there yet. In my field, we are constantly discovering new contaminants, new procedures, etc. with new science and instruments; almost every day. When you look at the big picture of life, earths technology boom doesn't even show up on the timeline of the planet - think of what it will be in 1,000 years from now!

Unknown said...

All of my tests are related to my own procedures and protocol with the credibility of my tests being subject to those who choose to take my word as the truth or not. Asking a question to "the air, universe, dead person, whatever the hell is out there" and having that question positively, unequivocally answered without ambiguity or discretion in interpretation, is a positive result to me. I've had that test returned positive two times out of six (yes, I get dragged to these more than I'd like to by my girlfriend). My other experiences that I consider "positive" results were related to two random strangers coming up to me and speaking about recently deceased people with exact specifics and no room for ambiguity in the facts they provided me. But I won't even bother discussing those because a debunker could easily speculate that those people somehow tracked my life and that of the deceased and knew exactly what to say to me. In terms of "physical data" to share with you, you're certainly not getting my home security camera footage that confirms there was no way someone planted something in my house; nor are you speaking to my girlfriend:).

So I could absolutely just be someone looking to bust your chops; or I could be someone who just happened to stumble on this website trying to find a xmas gift related to "Lisa Williams" for his girlfriend and elected to share his test results with the public/jury for them to decide themselves. Keeping in mind if your statement that 100% of the tests you reference have come back negative, which puts speculation on the test procedures themselves (and I speculate that you have not read or reviewed every piece of data in the world; keeping in mind that material witness testimony IS data); than my experience/data, with lack of 3rd party/peer review, but consistent with permissible data rules in situations where no formal methods/tests exist, have equal validity. And if there is an ASTM standard I'm missing for testing of mediums, please pass along!

JD said...

So just to clarify, you have no actual data, no recordings, nothing tangible that can be analysed, nothing at all, just your word.

Ok hate to tell you this but that is not proof.

You also talk about qualitative v quantitative.

To answer that, because you come from a non scientific thinking background, a million people seeing the same exact thing does not make that thing real, not when all the examinable evidence shows it as wrong.

To prove my point. You could line up 1 million people side by side in a straight line, and they could all look to the horizon, and every single one of them would say that the moon looks bigger than normal. Every one of them. 1 million people stating the exact same thing. Does that mean that the moon is bigger than normal? Well you should know that it is impossible. But we have 1 million people witnessing first hand that the moon is bigger. Science tells us this is impossible.

You have 1 million people telling you one thing, but 1 scientist saying they are all wrong. Who would you believe?

Is the moon bigger than normal?

This is the moon illusion, a well understand optical effect that fools pretty much 100% of people. There is however a couple of simple ways to expose this illusion. Tell people to bend over and look at the moon from between their legs, (so upside down). Suddenly the moon appears the normal size.

Another way is to get a toilet roll, and hold it up, and look at the moon through the hole, again the moon is normal size.

So 1 scientist, no actually one idiot who has read this very post, can prove catagorically 1 million people 100% wrong.

When I talk about credible tests this is what I am talking about.

It is the difference between looking at the moon and being convinced, and looking at the moon and eliminating the illusion.

This is what I do.

You have made a claim. You cannot back it up. You offer only your word as proof, but just like those 1 million people looking at the moon, I can prove you wrong if you provide me just one reading.

My opinion does not matter, your stories do not matter. All that matters are the facts. And when I talk about 100% of mediums failing in credible tests etc, these are the facts.

The word "credible" is very important.

Lets say I tested those one million people looking at the moon, I checked that all of them have 20/20 vision. I give them all lie detector tests (Yes i know they can be fooled but for the sake of argument here). I put in controls so that they do not know who else is being tested, double blind controls even, hell triple blind controls. I put every control in possible, yet all 1 million still say the same thing. Is that a credible test?

"But they were double blind tests"
"The results were overwhelming"

Clearly all it takes is one idiot who knows how these things work, and the whole test is debunked with ease.

Now I am sure you believe you know all the tricks, I am sure you believe you are an expert, and that there is no way someone as smart as you can be fooled, therefore it must be right. But sometimes, just sometimes, people cannot see how the illusion is done. 1 Million people cant see how an illusion is done. Doesn't make it real.

Anyway, since you have no actual tangible data, nothing I can analyse, or show you how it was done. I will consider this the end of the discussion as it is pointless going on.

I have tried my best to explain why your thinking is wrong, upto you now to go read other articles on this site, see how i break down psychic readings from some of the best known psychics in the world, and how I expose them. Try to read up and learn the techniques, and one day you will figure out that if you simple hold a toilet roll up to the sky, the moon is normal size again.


JD said...

PS. if you wish to debate further you can do so on the forum

This is a comments section for Lisa Williams article, so I prefer not to have long debates on here.

Any more posts that you make will not be approved and just deleted, if you suddenly find you have real tangible data to share, feel free to post on the forum, and i will happily show you how it was done, and if I cant i will happily admit that too.

Unknown said...

Ok Jon - i have some questions for you, as i've been to shows with her. I dont have videoes, so you'll have to take my Word for it, but how does she know the names of the passed ones? Ive see her tell very strange names of loves ones to people who been read, names she couldn't have "guessed".and that was not to find people to read, but when she had found the person she was gonna read, she told them the love ones names. That happened many times. How come she knew this? i've been read by her myself, i was very quiet with ansering anything she said, she told my dads personality accurate, although he was no thypical caracter of a man. She also told me about his strange habits, habits none Else has or knows about besides us in the family, like taking one krones coins and placing it on a cobber white to make a necklace... She told me about My Sister inlaw who was my Brothers fiansey, and i didn't know too much about her, so i could neither confirm or deny what she said about her, but asked my Brother when i came home and even he who dosent believe couldn't believe what i told him about his passed fiansey.. Things that was accurate and not things that you just can think everyone does, but that was something only she did. How did Lisa know her habit on balancing on everything she came over costed her her life, when not even i knew the detail of her death? How did she know accactly what she wore that night, and how did she know about the white ses? How she got found and carried by a winch up from the water? And how many days it whent before she was found? I had to "open her case" cause i was to young to remember, but everything was accurate. When i couldn't confirm it, how could lisa scam me? Im just wondering how this can be.. Im open for your idea, all though i find it hard to believe as i didn't give her any details, at least not about my Sister in law, and my fathers personality and his strange habbit i didn't say a Word about, cause i had read a lot about people leading false mediums to the truuth about their loved ones. I gave her some yes and no's, but thats it. And nothing about what i wrote here.. So please try to enlighten me about this.. I wish i had a video, but as you might know your not aloud to film in secions, so i didn't.

From trude anabell

JD said...

I am genuinely curious, did you read the article you have actually replied to?
In that article we show exactly how she does readings.

Now, you want me to explain an anecdote. a story that is completely from memory.
Do you have any idea how difficult that is?

I am not saying your memory is wrong, but you are 100% remembering things in a way that support your beliefs.

I have spoken to people who were beyond certain of an event a reading etc, incredible recall for detail. Yet when we have listened to the recording they are astounded at how many things they got wrong, or mis-remembered.

You were convinced by her. Yet i know 100% she is a fraud. I have shown time after time how not only her, but any medium, how they do their readings. I have a 100% record, I have never once been proven wrong about a single medium.

So without actual evidence, there is no way I can just explain a specific reading when I am only hearing one side of it, the side of the paying client.

Join our forum at

Share your stories, and we will try to help you, to educate you.

Also go to the Big Bad Psychics List and read through various articles and analyses I have written about various psychics, try to understand the methods that fakes use. How they ask questions, how they word things in a certain way, and how more often than not it is the client that gives the information and not the psychic.

Also I have an open challenge to anyone. Find an unedited recording of a medium, that you are 100% convinced is real, and I will show you how they did it.

Unknown said...

As you say, as i dont have any evidens, i cant prove im right, but who are you to say im not? ;-) im a born sceptic. I was when i where there, if you did not read my story. And im telling it just as it was. Its nothing's wrong with my memories, and i can asure you that if she was just a fraud, i would be the first to know.. Im not sying shes not a fraud, but im sying shes not all a fraud, cause there us truth to some of her tells. I was where you are, and i had to see it for myself, and so she accually prove me wrong.

And if it was so that she was a fraud and only a fraud, who are you to steal peoples peace of mind after "readings"? If thats what they need to get some peace ans move on, who are you to takw that away, eventuelt if its just a story?

Just sayin'..

Unknown said...

Ill take your challenge. Go on YouTube and search for Lisa Williams and joannas Reading. Explane how she did that, cause this girl didn't give Lisa that infomation. PLEASE take on that challenge, from start to end of the Reading - if your as good as you say you are!

JD said...

The problem is Trude that you are comparing yourself when you were an inexperienced, unknowledgeable skeptic, to me. The UK's single most knowledgeable and experienced skeptic.

My position now, is not the same as yours before you were convinced. You cannot compare us. You have NEVER been where I am, because NO ONE in the UK has been where i am, with regards to knowledge and experience.

So when I say that someone is faking it, it comes not just from the position of some arm chair skeptic, but from a position of ultimate knowledge and authority.

And yes she IS a fraud, but you ask a fair question, who am I to tell the truth to people who have been conned, if they have peace of mind (I have made it a bit clearer what you had said).

The reason why is because there is no peace of mind after a psychic cons you. The very fact you are on this site desperately trying to argue your side PROVES there is no peace of mind, you have doubts and those doubts are eating you alive.

The grieving process is very well understand, and we have psychologists, grief counsellors etc who study for years to know how best to deal with people grieving and to help them through it. Psychics HARM this.

Psychics are no more than grief drug dealers. They give you something you should not have, one last chance to speak to the dead, but the problem is that is an incredibly addictive feeling. To speak once again to your murdered child, or your mother or whoever, A psychic offers that drug, and who can refuse that, and once you get a hit of that drug, the emotions that brings, you want more, and more, Rarely if ever does someone just have one reading from a medium, and then have their comfort and never go again.

People spend thousands of pounds going from one medium to another.

And that is why I try to HELP people see that it is all a scam, because when they do realise it is a scam, the grieving process than start properly and people can get on with their lives.

JD said...

That is an edited reading from a TV show, it is not a fair representation of one of her readings. I always make it clear, if you want the truth and to truly see how they do it, then I need an unedited reading, not something that has been heavily edit, produced to make her look as good as possible for a TV show.

This very page, the article you are commenting on. That is a true representation of Lisa Williams and how she gives readings, that is unedited, and i have catagorically shown how she does it.

And now you want me to try to expose a highly edited tv show reading? Come on, that is not fair on Lisa Williams, or the person she read in that video.

Why dont you read this very article, the one you are commenting on. That is how she does it.

333 said...

Its a sick sick business,praying on the desperate and devastated family's of people passed on..I really appreciate what you do jon..If only those that doubted you had the wealth of knowledge you have on this subject they would without a doubt think differently..People have a whole myriad of reasons for there unrelenting faith in mediums and the thought of them being bogus and there loved ones gone for good is to much to take..Watching lisa Williams live was just about the funniest thing I've ever seen!! (but equally made my blood boil,strange combo)I do not consider myself particularly smart but its so so transparent what the likes of lisa Williams and marisa ryan do,why do people need it proving to them? I don't get it..So obvious..

Have faaith said...

I went to see a local medium. I booked the appt and only supplied my first name, no address and no phone number. He never asked me any questions at all, he only spoke and I listened. I had never met him in my life before but he gave me my fathers name, my mothers name, my one sisters name and age and also mentioned my brother who took his own life and my sister who died of cancer, and where she had it and also her name. Tell me how he got all that information correct. Not all mediums are fake. I only spoke after the reading, with the exception of saying hello at the start.

JD said...

I can easily tell you exactly how he did it, Provide me with a recording of the reading and I will show you step by step easily how he did it.
I assume you dont just expect me to take your word, that it happened as you claimed.
I am sure you believe it did, but human memory is really bad, and even in a court of law, it is the lowest form of evidence.

So yes ALL mediums are fake. And when you know the tricks, it is easy to spot.
I hope you will let me show you how he did it, and once I do, I hope you will never waste a penny on these frauds again

Unknown said...

So if they want to help with giving closure since they have the gift last I knew help was free.

voici_je said...

i cant remember what year it was...but she came to and my sister were at her second show...i sincerely believed in her...but it ended that was so full of shit...she go on telling a woman to not finish the show...go home to her husbannd...because there is 2 babies in waiting...can you believe it??...that was it...

Unknown said...

As far as I am concerned they are all a bunch of frauds. I went to see John Edward and he kept the audience He waiting 40minutes beyond the start time, then came on stage and did five random readings and then it was over. The standard “I am getting an M or an N and it’s coming from this area (indicating the entire middle section of the arena)” not surprising hundreds of hands went up. Then “I”m getting a problem with this area (indicating the body area from neck to pelvis) - again lots of hands going up. I kicked myself for wasting the money on the ticket so when LW came onto the scene was dubious and still can’t believe that people didn’t see through her. Maybe having the televised celebrity readings in LA provided the distraction away from really listening to what was being said And of course the clever editing. I don’t know why these frauds are not prosecuted like otherS who commit fraudulent activities. Thanks for your step. Y step dissection of the cold and hot reading techniques.

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