
6 April 2014

A personal invitation for you to attend a private séance by Gary Mannion!

UPDATE June 17th: If you are looking for the videos showing Gary Mannion as he was secretly recorded faking in a physical mediumship seance you need to go to the following page


I was recently contacted by someone who had attended a physical mediumship seance performed by fake psychic Gary Mannion, some of you will remember him as the person who performed psychic surgery, but without any of the chicken guts, we offered him £50,000 to prove his claims, he declined. We even created an entire website which exposed his fraud at every single turn! Yet here we are years and years later, and he is still performing his act, he is still telling his lies, and he is still making money out of the naive and gullible.

Anyway the person who contacted me, told me about this seance, and what they experienced, unfortunately, they just sat there the whole time, and did nothing. Not to mention the fact they believe that Colin Fry is a real medium, and that they have witnessed real physical mediumship in the past so they know the difference between real and fake. For that reason I have decided against publishing their account since they obviously lack any credibility, and are just as deluded and idiotic as anyone who believes in physical mediumship.

They did however forward me the private invitation they received which included all the disclaimer and instructions for the event, and since it is quite funny I thought I would publish it here with my opinion interjected for your amusement.

But first here is my own disclaimer so that my position is clear and understood.

Everything in this article in the opinion of the Author, that being me, "Jon Donnis" it is my opinion based off of over a hundred years of credible scientific study by credible scientists, and historical evidence that any and all kinds of mediumship are fraudulent. That practitioners such as Gary Mannion are deliberate conmen. And I welcome any such person to meet me face to face and prove me wrong.

My comments below are those in RED BOLD, some parts of the material below have been removed to prevent the promotion of the event or their contact details, of which I have no interest in making public, and also some parts which have no connection to the seance have also been removed, basically bits about having cups of tea etc!

A personal invitation for you to attend a private séance on

SATURDAY 9th November 2013


Doors open 6:30pm
Bring the signed form (last page) with you if not previously handed in with payment

No admittance after 6:55pm

Pre-séance briefing 7:00pm
Séance starts 7:30pm

This event is strictly by personal invitation only.
Please do not forward it on.

Well you wouldn't want a skeptic like me getting hold of it now would you!

What to bring
It is advisable to wear dark, comfortable clothing for the séance bearing in mind that you may be sitting for two hours.

Dark clothes are better as they do not reflect light, so just incase someone smuggled a light source in, or external light somehow made its way into the room, there is less reflection and less chance the sitters would see all the trickery going on.

Temperatures can fluctuate from very hot to very cold at any time so it is advisable to wear layers. Footwear is not worn in the séance room. You may keep your spectacles on but be warned; our Spirit friends often remove them and put them on someone else! Ladies, hairpieces and hair fasteners have also been removed.

When they say spirit friends, they really mean either Gary Mannion or one of the associates walking around in the dark pretending to be a spirit.

We anticipate much, but can promise nothing
As with all events of this nature we are in the hands of the Spirit world. We ask them to work and to demonstrate as best they are able in the conditions we provide for them so come with an open mind and an open heart and trust in our Spirit friends.

Promising nothing, yet something always happens, otherwise you would have to give people their money back, it is a magic show afterall. As for "Open Mind", perhaps "Empty Mind" would be a better suggestion here.

What will it cost?
Places at the Séance cost £35 per person.
(Thirty five pounds)
Due to the nature of this event the number of places available is strictly limited.

I believe this particular seance included 10 paying guests, which means £350 for a couple of hours work, I wonder how much of that is declared to the tax man? Might be worth forwarding this on to HMRC

Cancellation Policy
Payment is non refundable and places are not transferable.

Surely any real psychic would know in advance if anyone was going to cancel?

Important Instructions and Information
Please read carefully as you will be asked to sign in agreement upon arrival.
Physical Mediumship is a rare form of Mediumistic Phenomena and few mediums subject themselves to this type of mediumship in today’s public arena. Mediums in the past have sustained serious injury and loss of life due to inappropriate conduct of persons during séances.

Utter nonsense, no one has ever had any injury whatsoever from being in a seance, this is a myth spread to encourage people not to reach out and grab the cheesecloth, or grab the hand of the medium when he is pretending to be a ghosty.

The reason few mediums perform these ridiculous parlour tricks any more is because everyone who ever has done, has been exposed as a fraud! Its much easier performing simple mental stage mediumship, as not only is it easier to fool people like this, there is less chance of something going wrong, like say someone switching the light on in the middle of a seance while the medium is stood up waving a spirit trumpet around, (Colin Fry 1992)

All séances that are held by Gary Mannion, either by him or along with a hosting venue, are for the sole purpose of experimentation and entertainment; at no time will any member or agent of Gary Mannion or his hosting venue be held responsible in any way for the content of any séance.

This is probably the most important part of the entire thing. Gary Mannion is clearly admitting in this one sentence that he is a fraud, and everything he does is no more than an act.
Mediums will hide behind this disclaimer, but do so with a nod and a wink to the gullible paying public, and make out they are forced to do so by some imaginary EU law. That is all nonsense.
A real medium has no need to call it entertainment, or an experiment.

Mediums and their claims are the same as anyone else making a claim when it comes to selling a product. Consumers are protected under the Consumer Protection Act, which is what plumbers, Electricians, or pretty much anyone selling anything have to answer too if they do not provide the service they promise.

Since mediumship of any kind is impossible, 100% of mediums say what they do is entertainment, as it is the only way to protect themselves from someone suing them, because by its very description what they do is fraud. If a medium really could do what they claim, then there is no need for any disclaimer. Please remember that people the next time a medium claims they are forced to use such a disclaimer, the truth is they are not, they are just covering their own arse!

We request that you read and accept the following conditions. If you are unable to accept any of the conditions listed, we ask that you refrain from attending a séance conducted for or on behalf of Gary Mannion.

And here are all the rules you must follow, again all designed to protect the fraud, and to stop anyone taking them to court.

Careful procedures are taken to protect the medium. If you feel you are unable to follow the instructions given you MUST NOT attend the séance.

All séances are held in complete darkness (unless stated otherwise by the Spirit communicators or the Circle leader), and can last between 1-2 hours. If you have a fear of the dark (Nyctophobia) or are claustrophobic, you MUST NOT attend the séance.

All seances are held in the dark, this always makes me laugh, just imagine paying for a magic show where you cant see anything! At least Penn & Teller do their tricks whereby you can actually see whats going on! And whats great about that is even though I can see the trick, I still cant always figure out how exactly it is they do it!

Seances are literally magic shows done in the dark! It is akin to a ventriloquist wearing a closed motorcycle helmet while operating his dummy.

Any person who is, or may be, pregnant must advise Gary Mannion or his representative before booking into a séance. Unfortunately, we are unable to accept any responsibility for their well being, before, during or after a séance.

Well that is lovely isn't it! You lose your baby or have any kind of medical issue related to your pregnancy caused by the seance, and they accept no responsibility whatsoever! That is how much "spirit" cares!

But the reality of this is that if someone was to suddenly go into labour during a seance, the last thing they can have is a rush to put the lights on to help the pregnant woman, as it would mean the tricks being performed would be revealed. Again everything is to protect the con.

Individuals attending a séance MUST NOT use any unnecessary drugs or alcohol 24 hours before attending a séance.

I was told that at the seance in question, Gary Mannion was rather hungover after being very drunk the night before! I suppose the last thing they need is someone throwing up during the show!

All persons, including the medium, will be searched thoroughly before entering the séance room. All items listed must be removed before entering the séance room;

Lets make one thing very clear here, any search of the so called medium, is purely for theatrical sake, when a magician lets you search them, or check their props, the reality is the true magic of the trick is performed elsewhere, or someone else is involved.

Shoes, Jewellery, wallets, purses, bags, head gear, belts, watches and ALL pockets must be emptied.
All metal objects must be removed,

In many seances similar to this, peoples bags, wallets etc which are left outside the seance room, are searched by the mediums associates, and information gathered which can be used in the future and/or added to the "Blue Book" Just think of all the info you may have stored in your wallet of phone, photos, names, addresses, receipts. All perfect for the fraud to gather info and use at a later time as if passed on from the other side!

ALL sources of light, mobile phones and any electrical equipment or machinery, i.e. Cameras / recording devices of any type will NOT be permitted at any time in the séance room without written permission from Gary and his team.

Purely to protect the trick,.
In 100% of cases whereby a light source has been brought into a seance room, it has shown fraud, no exceptions, that is every single time! Strange that!

In the old days of Helen Duncan they allowed cameras in, because they were new technology, and they simply didn't realise that it would show how the fraud was being conducted so clearly!

There is good reason why cameras not controlled by the medium aren't allowed in the seance room.

If any of this nonsense was real they could simply use a Zero Lux camera, and film the whole lot, but of course the frauds always find an excuse as to why such things cant be used.

ALL participants will be searched by a member of the same sex by hand and also by a metal detector and must agree to being searched. If piercings are left on your person they must be checked (by a person of the same sex) to make sure you are not concealing one of the items listed. Failure to comply with any reasonable request by persons conducting the search will result in exclusion from the séance.

So you will have your privacy invaded, and every inch of you searched just incase you have a mini torch hidden between your butt cheeks! Again they gotta protect the con! 

If you have any communicable diseases or illness, or a common cough or cold or flu-like symptoms we ask you NOT to attend without written permission from Gary Mannion.

If you feel you would become distressed or unnerved in any way by a Spirit person communicating verbally or physically at the event you must not attend.

It is advisable to only have a light meal 2 hours before a séance, so that energy is not used in digesting food.
Please refrain from wearing strong perfumes / aftershaves to the séance as they could mask smells produced by Spirit as well as causing discomfort to people suffering with conditions such as Asthma who may be affected within a confined space.

Sitters are asked not to make any unnecessary noise during the séance unless participating in the singing or forum–time.

In these types of seances, loud music and singing is used throughout as it masks the sounds of cable ties being cut, or the medium moving about when he should be sat. It always amuses me how believers are so quick to excuse these demands, and believe the explanations of raising the vibrations and other such nonsense, to a skeptic it is so obvious what is going on, but to the believer it all seems believable.

Gary Mannion or one of his representatives will give a talk on the séance protocols before the commencement of the séance; ALL participants must attend this pre-séance talk regardless of any previous attendances.

Once the séance room is sealed off and, depending on the level of trance state obtained by the medium, if anyone panics or feels uncomfortable and asks to leave the room, the séance may have to be terminated. All sitters are reminded that they have a responsibility to disclose any information that may cause the séance to terminate prematurely.

It is extremely important that guests come with an open mind to the séance. The success of the communication can come down to the positive vibration which those in attendance create. We ask that all worries and thoughts of our day to day lives are left outside and that we mentally or verbally analyse what takes place after the séance has concluded, as too much analytical thinking can impede communication. We are the only limitation to what can take place.

Once invited into the séance room, sitters are asked to sit where directed by Gary, or a designated representative. Where possible, new sitters will be asked to sit between those people who have sat in previous séances. Once seated, we ask you to minimize movements and at no time exchange seats with any other person.

In other words if they don't know you, they put you between two people who they do know, they then make you lock arms and feet with them, making it near impossible to try and grab the medium or the cheese cloth or any of the other gimmicks being waved about, again the seance is all about control, and to protect the trick.

All items made or adapted to create any type of light or energy in anyway including but not limited to light bulbs will be removed from the séance room. A red light generator may be used by the designated circle leader and is the only light source allowed at any time in the room.

Gary will be secured into his chair with cable ties and independent checkers will be invited to check the straps and bindings. An independent checker will be chosen to keep possession of the cable tie cutter at all times during the séance.

Again more controls to make you think that everything is above board, yet the reality is that someone else has a pair of scissors and replacement cable ties.

It would be so easy to put into place real controls, yet no medium ever allows it.

All exits to the séance room will then be closed and secured and a final light check will be conducted before the red light source is extinguished.

Sitters must remain as still and quiet as possible throughout the séance, unless instructed otherwise by the Spirit control or a circle representative. Over-exaggerated movement disturbs the séance room energy and unexpected ectoplasm contact can cause grave harm to the medium as the Spirit people are within the ectoplasm that is produced and exuded from Gary Mannion`s body. It is therefore a part of him and will recoil back into his body which may cause internal damage if inappropriately disturbed.

Utter nonsense. No such thing as ectoplasm, well not outside of Ghost Busters.

Sitters MUST NOT touch or grab levitated objects or Spirit entities, unless permission is expressly granted by a Spirit person or the designated circle leader.

An opening and closing prayer will be said before and on conclusion of each séance. This is not meant to offend, cause harm or distress anyone attending who may have other personal beliefs.

All persons, when instructed to do so, must hold hands and cross legs with each other; this is done to ensure that everyone is in their appropriate place and also to maintain the safety of the Medium during any type of phenomena that may be taking place within the séance room.

At no time will any person be discriminated against by any member or representative of Gary Mannion.

What a strange thing to bring up, but I am guessing they have obviously offended someone in the past, and are trying to cover themselves now.

All persons will be accepted to attend a séance by their own merit upon application. Any person refused entry to a séance at any point during the checking stages agrees not to disclose publicly any reasons given.

This is interesting, they are basically saying that if you are refused entry, maybe because you are a known skeptic who runs the worlds largest skeptical site exposing psychics, cannot tell anyone why they were refused entry! If you are refused entry to such a seance, I ask everyone to make it very public and tell as many people as you can!

I. Gary Mannion is a physical medium and, as such, is highly sensitive. Sitters/guests agree that they will not disrupt the event in any way because any disruption could cause serious injury to the medium.

Gary Mannion is NOT a physical medium, he is a performer, who makes claims he cannot prove in any way, he takes money from the gullible, he is a liar, and a fraud.

II. Gary Mannion cannot be exposed to ANY light whatsoever during the séance and, accordingly, all sitters/guests agree they will not do anything in any way whatsoever to interfere with the medium, with the conditions of the sessions, with the Spirit communicators or to introduce any light/cameras/recording devices whatsoever. I also consent to a physical search by a representative of the same sex from Gary Mannion's team.

Because any light would expose the whole thing as a trick, even though Gary already admitted it was all an act earlier on!

III. During the sessions the sitters/guests undertake to act with due responsibility and to respect the medium, Spirit communicators and all other persons present and to follow all instructions and / or directions given by the circle leader or representative of Gary Mannion

In English that means "Do exactly what Gary Mannion says or else"

IV. Gary Mannion and his authorized agents state that during the séance and / or trance event, Gary Mannion will be totally unconscious and has no responsibility for the effects of any communication which may occur during the séance or trance event.

This is another interesting part, we know Gary does not remain in any kind of trance, nor does he remain unconscious, and he IS responsible for the effects of the seance. This is a very direct and obvious lie, and one he cannot in any way prove, I wonder if this is in breach of any ASA rules?

Accordingly: I state that I am in a fit and proper condition to participate in this session and will not make any claim against Gary Mannion and his authorized agents or managers in relation to anything which may transpire before, during or after the session or as a result of it.

Wow! By attending the seance and signing the disclaimer you have to say you will not admit to having witnessed any fraud! How can anyone read this and not realise exactly what is going on!

The rest of the agreement includes a section to sign your name, to give your address, as well as providing a legally recognised photo ID/

*Photo ID
Please ensure you present a legally recognised form of photographic ID on the evening of the séance as valid proof of your identity, which matches your postal address upon the form. This is done to ensure that tickets are redeemed only by the person mentioned above who has been approved to attend the séance.

This is fascinating to me, as clearly this information can be used to research the person attending, as well as prevent naughty evil skeptics such as myself from getting into a seance and exposing it all!

And there you have it.
By attending a Gary Mannion seance, you agree to being searched, handing over all your personal information, allowing them full and free access to your wallets, purses, mobile phones and so on.

You agree that it is all entertainment, but with a wink and a nod, you agree that even if you witness fraud you cant say anything about it, and you agree it is all real and above board.

I am always amazed that anyone is stupid enough to believe in such things, but I can understand the desperation of a grieving person to speak to the dead, or even touch them one last time, unfortunately there exists frauds like Gary Mannion to take advantage of such people, and then that leaves people like me to try and warn everyone of the dangers.

My advice is to save your money, or even go and see a real magic show performed by a proper magician who will perform his tricks with the lights on!

By Jon Donnis


Woody said...

Hilarious stuff Jon ! I laughed with disbelief again and again too !
I like how in their own descriptions they often specify Gary Mannion, but they also use a lot of ' The Circle Leader', the 'group leader', 'the medium ... the 'agents'.
Not just covering EVERY one of their butts, it attempts to lend an official or properly registered glow to the whole thing.
Holy shit I had seen seance crap like this - the little dark rooms, gullible folks handing over money, not to mention the things they are carrying which will help the fraudulent showman fleece his gullible flock even further - as history, as a time being part of the common growth of the delusion.
That seemed just a very humorous thing in the past. Even Houdini exposed a lot of that stuff in his own day.
But obviously it's not just cold-readers standing on stage in front of thousands of paying 'customers', no, some still cling to the method of darkness and (seeming) stillness that fooled so many in the past.
Normally, the re-use of an old entertainment style I might welcome as a test of it's longevity and possibly a nostalgic smile for the old days. But mediums, they milk the psychic delusion which is not actually entertainment, it's dangerous and cruel to the bereaved, with in-built techniques to continue your belief, to strengthen your faith against rational, logical, scientific and common sense.
To keep the dirty fraud money rolling in.

Unknown said...

I have had many private readings with Darren Brittain over the years as well as attending his demonstrations and workshops and I have to say that I am totally shocked at the portrayal of his mediumship here.
As someone who has had several readings with him, I can say without hesitation that he is a very talented medium. Darren, on a number of occasions has picked up on things during readings that at the time I have thought to be untrue and far out of ever becoming true and then sure enough within 6-12 months it has happened. He has given names and dates and even places that have meant nothing to me at the time and have later been revealed to be of great significance and not common names and places either. Darren has also provided evidence of the spirit world without any second guesses and without gaining any information and clues from myself as I have always been one for sitting very quietly during my readings and never reveal anything.
I believe there are a lot of bad psychics out there but having had first hand experience with Darren, I have to totally disagree with this portrayal of his talents. The very best of mediums don't always 'gel' well with each and every client they see and read, as I have experienced myself and they aren't super human that they can perform to an amazing standard each and every day, just like a premiership footballer won't in each and every game he has played.
I don't usually comment on things online but I was so shocked and saddened to come across this article that I just had to say something to defend what I know to be true in Darren Brittain. I, myself have worked in television and know first hand how the media/television can manipulate and portray individuals in a certain way to suit, especially when it comes to such a taboo subject as mediumship. I respect everyone has their own opinions, however, as someone who has been read by Darren on many occasions I strongly oppose everything that has been said above about his gift and genuity.

JD said...

Hi Lucy.
Sounds like you are in denial.
Darren is a fraud, no doubt about that.

Much like any magician when you dont know how the trick is performed then the magic seems real.

It sounds like you have put a lot of money in his pocket, so I can understand how you feel the need to defend him, afterall to admit he is a fraud is to admit you were duped and conned out of a large amount of money.

If you have a recording of a reading from Darren, video or audio, how about you give it to me to analyse, and I guarantee you i can show you exactly how he does it.

I am willing to put myself up for the challenge, are you willing to let your beliefs be challenged? And if I could show you exactly how he did a reading on you would you then accept that he is a fraud?

Future predictions of course are pointless, since the future hasn't happened yet, the fact he is trying that nonsense on you is very telling.

Also dont you think if he was the real deal he would have actually proven it in credible scientific tests?

Did you know that 100% of psychics/mediums who have ever been tested in credible scientific tests failed 100% of the time when the chance to cheat is removed! Funny that!

Anyway if you ever need any help with educating yourself as to the methods of these people feel free to just ask, I will even help you for free!

All I ask is that until you are fully educated as to the methods of the frauds, and I dont mean a quick 5 minute read of a wikipedia page either, that you do not pay another penny to frauds like Darren again.

Trust me in the long run you will appreciate this advice.

I look forward to the inevitable excuses you now come up with.

JD said...

PS> Lucy, this is a page about Gary Mannion, not Darren Brittain, but dont worry I know what and who you are on about. Gary is also a fraud dont you know

Unknown said...

Jon Dennis you come across as an ignorant prize knob. What is quite clear is that you have a limited understanding of physical mediumship and have little or no knowledge of the processes involved. Your counter arguments lack intellect and I would ask what deems you to be a judge of things that you patently have little knowledge of. A smile comes across my face at some of your reasoning. Indeed a small man in every sense of the word. Stick to subjects you have knowledge of. Pathetic

JD said...

Not sure who Jon Dennis is, but I will answer on his behalf.

How about this, I know MORE about physical mediumship and the secrets behind it than you do, and you know how I know that? Because I KNOW it is a scam, a trick, a con, and you I assume believe it is real.

So why not try me on my knowledge, why not show me some video footage of physical mediumship and I will tell you how it is done. Oh and no silly grainy dark video either, anyone with an ounce of knowledge that only FAKE mediums claim that light affects ectoplasm, and no reason not to use Zero Lux or Night vision cameras is there? (will he fall into my infra red trap?)

Anonymous said...

I have attended one of Mannion's seances and if he isn't a fraud then the Pope isn't catholic.

JD said...

Would you be interested in writing in detail about your experiences at his seance?

JD said...

Would you be interested in writing in detail about your experiences at his seance?

Anonymous said...

Hi Jon, I read the comment re Mannion and the Pope and I know this may sound daft, but I think it was me who wrote it. My memory is playing tricks and I recall not being sure that my comment had successfully posted. So yes, I can send you my detailed account of the séances that I attended with both Mannion, Milligan and Thompson. I've done a fair bit of research into this nonsense and I even helped to get the SNU to prepare a protocol for "physical mediumship", which makes it so hard for them not to get caught out cheating that they all turned uppity and refused to work at Stansted Hall again.

Matt said...

Well I think article is a load of rubbish. I have attended his seance and I did see and experience real phenomena. From a golf ball being passed through a bullet hole in the spirits stomach to that spirit allowing me to touch its stomach and place my hand over that stomach wound. 30 of us watched it grow really tall, back to normal height then make one arm extend to be about 2 mtrs in length.

I believe this article is about self-serving agendas and not at all an objective or subjective discussion on the experiences.

JD said...

Yes please do, sorry for taking so long to reply I missed the comment.
Go to the contact page and you can get my email from there.

JD said...

Ok Matt, you are claiming to have "seen" certain things.
How did you see these things? Was it in a fully lit room? Was it in a darkened room with red lighting? Was it in near pitch black?

Now I ask can I see the video footage of this amazing thing happening please?
Of course you will be well aware that the stories of light affecting ectoplasm are utter nonsense, and not based in any science, and of course we have zero lux night vision cameras too that can record in pitch black.

Again Ultra Violet light is EVERYWHERE! So that of course could not be an excuse not to film right?

You talk about self serving agendas, ask yourself, was you searched when you went into the seance? Did you have to leave any bags etc outside? Ask yourself why that was.

Did they use cable ties to attach Mannion to his chair? And if so were the scissors kept in one of his associates pockets to free him later? Did that associate stay in the room too?

What you watched was a magic show conducted in the dark, a well rehearsed 100% explainable magic show, you paid your money and you got fooled.

Now I am guessing you will either ignore my questions or come up with all manner of excuses as to why what you saw was real.

But I am telling you with 100% certainty and knowledge of exactly how these tricks are performed, you are wrong, you were fooled, and you wasted your money.

Gary Mannion was a fraud 10 years ago when I exposed his bogus healing claims, and he is a fraud now performing ridiculous magic acts in the dark now.

Listen to me, I am calling him a fraud, as a statement of fact, he can sue me you know if I was lying. Yet he hides away.

Matt I challenge you to prove me wrong, show me the footage of the seance you took using your phone? Remember you claim you saw and experienced real phenomena, the only way that claim could be true is if you saw it in a fully lit room, not a dark room.

(ps. Ask yourself why they play such loud music, and get everyone to sing along, its nothing to do with raising vibrations you know!)

Rachel said...

For people like me who do on some level, experience psychic thoughts, feelings, occasional hearing significant things, there is no magic involved, no way to make things happen. They just do. Some people do have real ability. Anyone who does it fraudulently to make money from people are a disgrace and should be named and shamed of course, I'm sure there are many of them too.

JD said...

Rachel you are mistaken, you have no psychic powers, no magic abilities, you are just misunderstanding your completely normal experiences and giving them paranormal meaning.

Rachel said...


Rachel said...

I totally understand that people who have never experienced any of this are quite liable to be sceptical. Only people who have experienced these things can say one way or the other for real. It isn't easily explainable. People who have seen me using my abilities in the past in front of their faces can't deny there is something out of the ordinary going on. I was called a ghoul once by my totally non-believing sceptical brother, before he ran off, because he was freaked out, because I read his mind straight off. There was no magic or trickery involved. These may be normal experiences in that it is quite possible for all humans to do this, but many can't, so don't understand or believe it is possible.

JD said...

No you are not following me.
I have no doubt you are telling the truth and have experienced things, my point is that you have assigned these experiences a paranormal explanation due to your own lack of knowledge on the subject and the true causes of such experiences.

If you displayed your "abilities" in front of my face, I have no need to blindly deny them, instead I could 100% explain exactly what was going on, using non paranormal explanations.

I have seen over 200 mediums face to face, I have analysed over 2500 readings given to others, I can explain every single one, from the end of the peer psychic, to the world famous stage medium.

There is no skeptic in the UK who has the knowledge and experience that I have in this field, no one. Not a brag, a proveable fact.

I am sure you are sincere in your beliefs, but realistically if you had any real abilities, not only would it be easy to prove them, but you would also be the worlds first psychic/medium IN HISTORY!

You would literally be the next evolution of the human race, and the single most important human being on the planet.

Instead you are posting on my forum. So somehow I dont think anyone will be handing you the Nobel Prize any time soon.

IN fact just 30 minutes with me, and I would leave you in tears with the realisation that everything you thought you knew was wrong.

Rachel said...

Another thing is that, realistically, real abilities aren't always provable at a named time and place. I certainly would never make claims or charge people money to do any of this. They don't often happen on demand, though sometimes they might. Things happen when they happen, being a natural sort of thing. I couldn't claim to be able to do this thing over and over again on any given day. I do know it just worked on several occasions when I was younger. In front of people. Sometimes on demand. Incidentally I was good at the card stuff when I was a teenager, this was years ago. They aren't just times where I've forgotten what really happened. These things you remember. There are people in the world, people in the north of England who can vouch for what I could do.

JD said...

So now you are making excuses for when every single medium in history has failed when tested, we are talking a 100% failure rate in 100% of credible scientific tests.

Do you see how ridiculous that sounds?

No medium in history has EVER done anything that couldn't be explained, they have never passed a single credible test.

100% failure, and your excuse is "real abilities aren't always probable at a named time and place"

If a man said he could cure cancer, but never when tested by scientists, and never in front of a person about to die from cancer, would you just accept he was telling the truth and make excuses for him? That is what you are doing now.

You do not have magic powers, you are not psychic, you do not communicate with the dead. You are wrong, and provably so.
You like every other medium in history fails 100% of the time when the chance to cheat is removed.

Rachel said...

100% fail is not correct. As I said I have already proved in front of people I can do this stuff. No cheating. Up front, in front of people. It's not making excuses, it's just how it happens for people (not just me) who can do it. When it it real it doesn't happen all the time, just sometimes. No one can do this 100% of the time. Unless they are cheating.

Rachel said...

Prove I'm wrong. I bet you can't.

Rachel said...

You haven't explained here how I could possibly have done what I did if I am not psychic. I did explain to you what I have been able to do but I think it's been missed off here. What is going on here? What is the non paranormal explanation? I am a bit disappointed as you are the world expert on this subject, and I love this stuff, it's really interesting.

Rachel said...

I am not wrong, and you can't prove it.

Rachel said...

Please could you put on here what I have explained to you about what I have been able to do, and explain how it works, in the non paranormal way. Honestly I am really wondering how I can know stuff, how it got into my brain, how I knew what cards people were picking, with no 'normal' way of knowing. They just sort of appeared in my brain. No one showed me or told me or whispered, I could not see them. So how does this work if it is not 'paranormal'? You have only stated your opinion so far but no actual scientific explanation, or proved that I am wrong. Maybe it is because there is no 'normal' explanation, and it doesn't fit with your sceptical beliefs so you won't put it on here for other people to make their own mind up. Or maybe you just need more thinking time.

JD said...

First join the forum at and I will 100% prove to you that your claims are false. It is a bit hard to reply on here, and find your posts every time you reply.

Again you have never ever proved what you claim is real, yes you may have CONVINCED people, but you have never proven it, these are different things.

As for your comments of "I am not wrong, and you can't prove it." etc, that is exactly how my 6 year old niece would argue, and you think you are the next evolution of the human race! Come off it.

I can 100% prove everything you claim is not paranormal, but you have to give me an actual example, not a story or anecdote.

Rachel said...

Haha you are the one who mentioned me being the next evolution of the human race not me. I'm just an everyday normal northern lady who has had some out of the ordinary things happen. Who knew. I will look at your board. I did nothing to convince anyone of anything because there was no convincing going on or even attempted. What happened really happened. I had no idea each time if I would be correct but on various occasions I was correct. In front of people. How else can you prove anything? No trickery involved at all. Just real situations.

JD said...

But you are not claiming to be an every day normal Northern lady.
You are claiming magic Jesus like powers, you are claiming things that break the laws of physics. You are literally comparing yourself to the myth of Jesus!

Pardon me if I am a tad skeptical of your claims, afterall I have not seen your face plastered on BBC News, CNN, and so on.

People have been convinced by what you have done, that does not make it real, it either makes you a conwoman, or the people you convinced as gullible.

There is no proof there.

Being correct on various occasions still does not make you the new Jesus Christ. It just makes you deluded.

I have approved you on the forum.

Ok, no more replies on here, I look forward to seeing you on the forum.

Unknown said...

The Garry Mannion video has surfaced again. The full video this time.

JD said...

How long before that gets deleted?!

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