Sylvia Browne Death Special - Psychic Fraud News Report
Sylvia Browne was a fake, a con-artist, she has made many millions by playing on human weakness, getting prior knowledge for tv appearances, and doing cold reading for expensive telephone readings. Death is too good for this woman, what a shame her shame was not exposed better within her life time, what a shame she didn't have to do a real job instead tricking those who are very sad at a loss of a close loved one.
My message to Sylvia Browne's fans, move on with your life, don't make that fraud out to be a saint on earth, a holy woman, a great gifted soul who was a prophet, screw that, look past your little religious thinking into a fact based reality, where you are not encouraged to accept hearsay as evidence.
My message to haters of Sylvia Browne, time to move on, be critics, not haters, expose other charlatans by what you have learned, and do not let these sick people bring you down, one battle is over and yet the war on conmen is far from over.
A few thoughts for those who believe in tv psychics and tv mediums, every time we find trickery at work, every moment we glimpse where the mask slips, every error on the part of these people, we see evidence that they are not honest beings practising a greater truth or power, from this even you cannot assume they are as genuine as you may wish to believe.
Sylvia Browne's books will continue to gain her org more money, there are other psychics in her org, and the cult of Sylvia is surviving her death, but for how much longer I do not know.
Some reports on Sylvia Browne Suggest that something like 200 million was made by Sylvia Browne over the last three decades, most of this since she was regularly on the Montel Williams Show, she got a profile that flew her high enough to shift vast numbers of books, tickets to shows, CDs & DVDs, as well as her expensive telephone readings.

Welcome to BadPsychics, your trusted resource for uncovering the truth behind fake psychics and debunking supernatural claims. We are committed to promoting skepticism and critical thinking, providing you with clear and factual information about the paranormal and pseudoscientific practices. At BadPsychics, we celebrate the power of science and rational inquiry. Our mission is to expose fraudulent psychics and unverified supernatural phenomena, empowering you with knowledge.
23 November 2013
21 November 2013
Message from D.J. Grothe on Sylvia Browne's death
Written by D.J. Grothe
The JREF sends our condolences to Sylvia's family and loved ones. No one celebrates her death, but skeptics do criticize how she lived.
Her dismal track record at predictions she confidently predicted she would die at 88, not 77, for instance would merely be laughable if they did not hurt so many people. Remember Sean Hornbeck. Or Amanda Berry.
The number of people she hurt with her pretend supernatural abilities is nearly as high as the number of her failed predictions. It is sad that it took death to stop Sylvia Browne.
D.J. Grothe is president of the James Randi Educational Foundation
The JREF sends our condolences to Sylvia's family and loved ones. No one celebrates her death, but skeptics do criticize how she lived.
Her dismal track record at predictions she confidently predicted she would die at 88, not 77, for instance would merely be laughable if they did not hurt so many people. Remember Sean Hornbeck. Or Amanda Berry.
The number of people she hurt with her pretend supernatural abilities is nearly as high as the number of her failed predictions. It is sad that it took death to stop Sylvia Browne.
D.J. Grothe is president of the James Randi Educational Foundation
James Randi on Sylvia Browne's death
When Sylvia Browne died, Montel Williams offered this sappy eulogy:
And she let 10+ years go by yet never tried for the JREF million-dollar prize, as she’d agreed to do when we both appeared together on Larry King Live so many years ago…
I agree with JREF President D.J. Grothe that we do not celebrate her death, even as we criticize the way she lived. But I’ll be quite frank with you, I cannot mourn at Browne’s passing — she really hurt far too many people, and always so unapologetically.
It's unfortunate that she only stopped hurting so many people by dying.
A beacon that shined [sic] for so many was extinguished today, but its brightness was relit and will now shine forever for many of us from above.To explain to this apparently dense man where his judgment has reverted to the level of a 5-year-old, I’ll point out that Browne was not at all funny "ho-ho" but frightening – to anyone with any compassion. She fed eagerly on the insecurities, the grief, the need and desperation, of her victims. They turned to her for help, at great cost -- $850 for a 20-minute telephone chat as she squatted before the TV camera like a taloned Jabba the Hutt confronting Luke Skywalker – played by Montel – and graveled out anything-but-funny, unfounded, useless, and damaging pap that added to their confusion and pain – but which made Montel and his sponsors ecstatic, because they could hear those cash register sounds as their products slid off store shelves.
And she let 10+ years go by yet never tried for the JREF million-dollar prize, as she’d agreed to do when we both appeared together on Larry King Live so many years ago…
I agree with JREF President D.J. Grothe that we do not celebrate her death, even as we criticize the way she lived. But I’ll be quite frank with you, I cannot mourn at Browne’s passing — she really hurt far too many people, and always so unapologetically.
It's unfortunate that she only stopped hurting so many people by dying.
20 November 2013
Sylvia Browne is Dead - Robert Lancaster will need a new hobby!
Robert S. Lancaster of fame has announced that he was contacted and told Fake Psychic Sylvia Browne is dead!
Sylvia Browne WAS a vile disgusting witch of a woman, who made a fortune from pretending to speak to the dead and making future predictions, including one that predicted the death of James Randi 12 years ago!
Who is still alive by the way!
She also predicted that she would die aged 88, she was only 11 years off in that prediction, so a fraud all the way to the end!
I hate to speak ill of the dead, but this is one occasion whereby I am happy to say good riddance!
And just incase any of you feel a tinge of sympathy for her, here are some of her most despicable acts
Sylvia Browne WAS a vile disgusting witch of a woman, who made a fortune from pretending to speak to the dead and making future predictions, including one that predicted the death of James Randi 12 years ago!
Who is still alive by the way!
She also predicted that she would die aged 88, she was only 11 years off in that prediction, so a fraud all the way to the end!
I hate to speak ill of the dead, but this is one occasion whereby I am happy to say good riddance!
And just incase any of you feel a tinge of sympathy for her, here are some of her most despicable acts
18 November 2013
Meet the Amazing TAMers: DJ Grothe
Joel Guttormson, Outreach and Event Coordinator for the Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason and Science interviews speakers from TAM 2013 presented by the James Randi Educational Foundation.
D.J. Grothe- He is President of the James Randi Educational Foundation. He has lectured widely on topics at the intersection of education, science and belief at universities such as Stanford, Harvard, Yale, UCLA, UC Berkeley, and dozens of others. Formerly a professional magician and mentalist, he has special interests in the psychology of belief and processes of deception and self-deception.
He currently hosts the radio show and podcast For Good Reason.
D.J. Grothe- He is President of the James Randi Educational Foundation. He has lectured widely on topics at the intersection of education, science and belief at universities such as Stanford, Harvard, Yale, UCLA, UC Berkeley, and dozens of others. Formerly a professional magician and mentalist, he has special interests in the psychology of belief and processes of deception and self-deception.
He currently hosts the radio show and podcast For Good Reason.
Meet the Amazing TAMers: Karen Stollznow
Joel Guttormson, Outreach and Event Coordinator for the Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason and Science interviews speakers from TAM 2013 presented by the James Randi Educational Foundation.