4 January 2020

Derek Acorah has died - Our Official Statement

Early this morning Gwen Acorah (Derek's wife) posted the following on Facebook.

"Farewell my love! I will miss you forever! I’m devastated to announce that my beloved husband Derek has passed away after a very brief illness. Thank you so much to everybody who has supported me - I can never thank you enough. To the vile couple who hounded him for responses to their ridiculous campaign whilst he was in Intensive Care in a coma, I hope you have the decency to hang your heads in shame. I have things to deal with now but I won’t forget nor will I forgive what you have done!"

I had spoken to Gwen a few days ago with regards to the article about the Sunday Mirror that I published. She informed me that Derek was very ill, and asked I keep it quiet as she didn't want the media finding out. I wont reveal any more of what she told me, as it has not been made public outside of what she said in her statement. I offered to remove the article about the Sunday Mirror straight away and she said I should keep it up, and she even retweeted it from Derek's twitter account. I just wanted to make that clear, since I am getting a lot of abuse right now.

I would like to start off by saying that without Derek Acorah there would be no Jon Donnis, there would be no BadPsychics.com, to say this site would not exist without Derek Acorah is no understatement.

Year after year we went after Derek, we attacked him, we would expose things he said and did, spend countless hours investigating him. We did not make his life easy. You would think Derek and Gwen would hate me for this. In fact they were only ever nice to me.

I would like to share one example of that. Many many years ago someone contacted Derek as they had found out my home address, my full details, they gave those details to Derek, perhaps in the hope he would send his lawyers after me, or worse. Instead what happened was Gwen contacted me on behalf of Derek and told me exactly what had happened, and that someone was trying to get them to go after me. Instead they did the opposite, and gave me the heads up. Derek never sent his lawyers after me, instead he was being a nice guy.

I never forgot that. Here is me thinking the guy is the literal Devil, he gets a chance to come after me, and instead he does the good guy thing.

Now I am sure there were times when Derek cursed my name, probably shouted about me, complained about me to Gwen, and he would have every right to, after all I was attacking his career, his living. But personally Derek and his wife were always good to me, undeservedly so I admit.

As the years passed I always kept in contact with them. And I was invited to a show Derek was doing in West Bromwich one year to come meet him and say hi. To say I was a tad suspicious and worried was an understatement, I half expected to either get beaten up, or handed legal papers, instead Derek was super polite, shook my hand, took a photo with me, and we chatted for a few minutes.

While he performed his show I sat outside and chatted with his wife Gwen for a couple of hours, I asked her every question imaginable, about Derek, his beliefs, what she believed, poor woman probably felt like she was being interrogated, but she answered me best she could, gave her honest opinions, and although at the time I am sure she thought I would twist what she said and write an exposé of them, I kept my word and never revealed what we talked about and the answers she gave.

So here we are 2020, and Derek Acorah has "passed over".

Some people may think I would be happy about that, but the truth is I am sad, I am sad for Gwen and the whole family. Regardless of what I thought about Derek's professional life, personally he always treated me well and very fairly, anyone who knows me, knows how harsh and blunt I can be, yet Derek and Gwen were always just very nice to me.

Regardless of what anyone reading this thinks, understand that Derek was a huge part of my online life on BadPsychics. And on a personal level I will miss him.

I fear that much like when Colin Fry died, that we will now get an influx of fake psychics and mediums trying to use Derek's name to make money for themselves, claim that he is speaking through them, and so on, and when that happens (and it will happen) I will put a stop to that much like I did after Colin Fry passed.

As an entertainer Derek was Number 1 in his profession. No one ever really came close.
Without him, there would not have been a Most Haunted. There would be no Paranormal Investigation teams around the country.

And as the UK's Number 1 skeptic, I can only hope that Derek finds a way to haunt me.

Rest in Peace Derek.

By Jon Donnis.

2 January 2020

The Sunday Mirror going after Derek Acorah, but are they massive hypocrites? Yes, yes they are.

Happy New Year! And with a new year, and new decade, I find that journalism in the UK has not changed, it is full of fake news, and hypocrites.

But before I start I want to make a few things very clear.
1. If something claims it is free, then YOU and YOUR data is the payment.
2. NEVER give your name, address, email or phone number to a psychic.
3. 100% of psychics/mediums fail 100% of the time when the chance to cheat is removed in credible tests. No exceptions, no anomalies.

Today (January 2nd 2020) I received an email from John Siddle a "journalist" from the Sunday Mirror.

Here is his email.


Hi Jon,
I'm a reporter with the Sunday Mirror working on a piece about underhand practices by these so-called telly psychics. 
Wondered if I could have five minutes of your time.
Is there a number I could get you on? 
Thanks very much,
John Siddle


Now, you might think that I would jump at the chance of helping the media and getting my name in a paper read by millions. Unfortunately I have been burned so many times that I simply do not trust the media in any way or form.

Here was my reply.


I would love to help you, I really would.
Unfortunately your newspaper STOLE material from my site
and never credited it me, even worse you called it "an exclusive"
The journalist was Matt Roper and this happened a long time again.

Every single time i have helped journalists with an article they have screwed me over.
EVERY SINGLE TIME. No exceptions. The Mirror a few times, the Sun, Observer, Independent, pretty much every tabloid out there.

Either they have stole my work and not credited me, or they have lied about the nature of their article
and ended up PROMOTING the very thing or person I exposed as a fraud.

So please give me one good reason why I should help you?
The media have a 100% record in screwing me over.


Clearly I am not one to hold a grudge.

Amazingly he replied and still asked for help.


Hi, sorry to hear about your bad experiences in the past. 
I don't want to force you to help, but if you want to, that'd be great. 
I'm just looking for a couple of paragraphs reaction to this story that we're running at the weekend...

Telly psychics  - including Derek Acorah - who are using automated bots to  prey on social media users.
People are being offered ‘free readings’ in exchange for liking their social media page/posts. Messages are then sent to users saying, for example: ‘Hi [NAME], I sense unexpected news in the New Year. Text Derek to 85*** £1 per message. Max 3’
Recipients say they have been hounded with hundreds of the messages over Facebook, with some saying they are feeling suicidal as a consequence. They include the mum of a teenager who died less than a year ago. 

If you can help great - but no worries if you don't want to. 
Thanks, John.


It seems like a good article for him to write, so why wouldn't I want to help him? Well I decided I WOULD help him, and give him a couple of paragraphs for him to publish. What do you think? Will he dare publish this?


Ok here is my reaction. I doubt you will publish it, but lets see how brave you are. Or if you are a massive hypocrite.

"Derek Acorah is in the entertainment business, sadly he has seen that his touring work has slowed down and as such he has moved into the online market more and more. Derek Acorah simply sells his name to these companies who then use his fame as part of this robocall business. Derek has little to no technological knowledge he is not behind this, he is just taking a paycheck to promote something.

The Mirror does the exact same thing when they have horoscopes printed by Russell Grant, it is the exact same scam. You get people on a free reading and then link them to expensive phone charges, private readings and so on. Sadly as long as the media, and that includes The Mirror, promotes these kinds of charlatans, then there will always be a steady stream of victims to be taken advantage of."

Credit: Jon Donnis - BadPsychics.com

Now, the reason I have written this article and published my response, is because I highly doubt that John Siddle will ever print it. He will never admit that the newspaper he writes for, profits from the exact same thing he is attacking Derek Acorah for. I expect he may even cancel the article about Acorah after reading this.

So lets take a look at The Mirror.

They have Russell Grant offer "free" horoscopes. Whereby they also offer a free newsletter. First of all this is data collection, have no doubt about that, you give them your email, you can expect to receive more than just some nonsense horoscope. Remember what I said at the start of this article, "If something claims it is free, then YOU and YOUR data is the payment."

Under the Horoscopes on the Mirror they have links to Russel's site.

Notice how many times the word "FREE" is used.
Yet once you go to Russel Grant's site, everything costs.


Or how about "Email a Psychic"?

Ask a Short question for £13.95
Ask a Long question for £29.95

All money!

I could go through his whole site and give examples, the point is, is this any worse than what Derek Acorah is doing?

It is all a scam. It is all about getting money from gullible vulnerable people.

They collect your data through your email address, or through your phone number, and then they keep spamming you.

My advice is do NOT give you email, your name, your phone number or anything to a psychic, an astrologer, a mystic. And if you do, do not complain when you start getting spammed by robocalls and automated bots.

And my message to John Siddel at The Sunday Mirror, before attacking others, perhaps you should look at your own employers, for they are profiting from the very thing you are claiming to expose.

I have contacted Derek Acorah for comment on this article and his involvement with Robocalls, and when I get a reply I will update this article.

By Jon Donnis

18 November 2019

If they were real, could a Psychic Be a Good Poker Player?

The world of supernatural phenomena is still unexplained today. What’s also unexplained is how some people are good at certain things. For example, poker players. Were they born with the skill of being good with cards or did they spend a lot of time learning those skills? Or did they have some kind of special aid? I have known of some poker players who claim to have psychic powers.

People who claim psychic powers exist today and the opinion about them is a dubious one and for good reason, in credible scientific tests, psychics fail 100% of the time, no exceptions. Some people claim that they’re just charlatans while others wholeheartedly believe in their powers. Nevertheless, having a psychic power would surely prove useful in a game of poker. Having telepathy at your disposal will let you know which cards opponents have but having clairvoyance will let you know which cards are going to be dealt. Having either of these powers would make you a poker god and you’ll never lose a game.

You could just go to any online casino and play any variant of poker and win effortlessly. You would do the most damage in a live poker game. Also, you could try out a scam site just so you could beat them before you check out the official website of a high-ranking casino.

Doyle Brunson was one heck of a poker player and he has stated that he believes in the existence of psychic powers. According to Sunil Padiyar, every person has a field of energy that envelopes that person. If that energy is activated then it could bring a lot of luck to that person and amplify intuition and foresight. As a person who’s written a lot on this subject, she certainly makes the case believable, if you have never investigated such things, and were to believe things at face value. Also, many universities have conducted studies to find out if there is any scientific backing to the theory of ESP and telekinesis. Despite their effort, there is hardly any evidence to support the claim. As I said earlier, 100% of psychics fail in credible tests when the chance to cheat is removed.

The rational explanation for this phenomenon would be in the subconscious. A lot of people watch all kinds of movies, TV shows, and fake documentaries so they might get the impression that a certain house is haunted or that someone has the power to move objects with their mind.

The subconscious is linked to intuition which is why some poker players have claimed to be psychics. A factor that influences their abilities would be the long years of practice they’ve had in poker. If they were professionals then they practiced shuffling decks and remembering the different variants of cards that could be dealt. Maybe they also learned how to assert dominance over their opponent and in that way influence their play.

The point is that there could be a rational explanation for all this, but people still believe in the existence of these powers.

Either way, hypothetically speaking a psychic would be a great poker player, but even if real, would you ever really admit it?

8 November 2019

REVIEW - HOUR 3: Most Haunted Live! Halloween 2019 - Accrington Old Courts

So I put off writing this review for a couple of days, such was the stress and hardship I put myself through for hour 1 and 2. But alas I am a man of my word, and I have to finish this, so here we are. Hour 3.

You can catch up on my previous reviews at...
Hour 1
Hour 2

A quick summary of what happened previously. The team opened a box with an angle grinder, risking the lives of every single person in the hall. They passed around a dybbuk box which was then forgotten about almost instantly. We had Sean who was the star of the show, despite being a believer he pretty much kept his cool. They wasted 30 minutes with a seance that achieved nothing, Karl did some dodgy acting. And that was it.

So let's get into hour 3.
So we are still with Karl talking about this big black shadow figure he saw OFF CAMERA. And despite the CCTV they have access to, we don't check back on the footage, and sod all happens.

We now have a good 5 minutes of them all stood about, not quite sure what to do next.

Yvette starts asking the ghosts to copy her and she makes the most annoying noise in human history.

There is a lot of chatter through the walkies, and through the ear pieces.

Then suddenly in a scene reminiscent of the famous "Karl pulled up the stairs by the rope attached to his waste" Karl pretends to be pulled back suddenly into the room directly behind him, this time he only moves a few inches, but it is ridiculous acting, even by Karl's terrible standards.

Fred and Karl then investigate the room, of course there is no one in there.
I think that Karl could have made more of an effort and gone to the floor.

If you notice, before Karl is about to do a stunt, he will fiddle with his wedding ring, this is clearly a nervous tick, which gives away when he is about to do something.

The more I watch this the more ridiculous it is. It is at roughly 2h 02m if you want to check it out.

And suddenly we have lost the feed, everything is black for a couple of minutes.
No explanation, no blaming the ghosts, just shitty equipment.

The black screen is easily the most entertaining part of Most Haunted Live so far.

When we come back Fred is invoking Satan and talking to the spirits.

Yvette bangs a door 3 times, and then there is a super faint 3 bangs back, which could literally be any of the near 100 people at the location.

I hate it when they shout out "hello", as if either the ghost will reply, or the human fannying about will put his hand up and say "hey, that was just me slamming the door shut".

More weird noises, and as usual everything is OFF CAMERA.

God this is boring, I expect they will have to go back to the Ouija board nonsense to fill some time, unless Karl has a big stunt up his sleeve. Usually though when he has he tends to be off somewhere with Stuart.

Even Karl is getting bored now. Probably wishing it was only a 2 hour show instead of a 3 hour one.

Karl announces that the "talk back" is no longer working so they are going to have to "wing it" from now on.

I thought the whole show was supposed to be ad lib. The idea that perhaps they were following a script or instructions from someone else is rather interesting.

Of course it is all a lie, if they truly lost contact with the producer, they could be off air and not know it.

Karl finally blames the ghosts for the technical issues with the talk back system.

And then out of nowhere Stuart claims the cable to his camera is being pulled, OFF CAMERA.

They keep claiming the cable is tight, yet you can clearly see it is not.

So clearly all that has happened is when he has gone around the corner, the cable has snagged slightly and it went tight there, and when you go back the way you came the cable is loose. Naughty Stuart is telling lies again.

"Honestly I am not lying" - Stuart Toreville

I could literally be watching or doing anything else right now, and it would be more entertaining.
I am sat here, a man in my early 40s, watching two idiots, standing in a room, with a black and white filter on, pretending to talk to ghosts. I wonder sometimes who is the biggest fool, them or me.

Karl keeps banging a table with his fist asking the ghosts to copy, but alas whoever he asked to bang back cant hear him, maybe they are in the toilet?

Realising its getting a bit boring, Stuart again pretends someone is pulling his camera, they investigate and the cable is still loose around the corner. Jenny then tells Yvette through her ear they cant see anything on the CCTV. Remember a few minutes ago when Karl was pretending that the talk back wasn't working? Guess its fixed now.

Yvette decides they need Charlie Dimmock's box (aka. dybbuk box) and they can do a seance with it.

Karl duly runs off to get it.

Yvette reveals that someone in the audience has heard a hiccup in another room.
Yes apparently ghosts can get hiccups! Who knew!

Karl has recovered Charlie Dimmock's box and puts it on the seance table.

While Yvette sets that up, we cut to the forgotten crew, Beardy, Glen and the female audience member. They recall the various things that have happened to them, which is basically nothing.

In an usual step, Glen does NOT have his hands in his pockets, instead he has them under his arm pits to keep them warm.

Back with Yvette and Karl and Charlie Dimmocks Box.

Yvette starts the seance, interesting it is just Yvette and Karl around the table this time with Stuart filming, I wonder if they have a stunt planned, which is why they have got rid of everyone else.

Now if I was running the show, I would have gimmicked up a fishing line attached to Charlie Dimmock's box, and then had it levitate on camera. The lines in the wall behind would have hidden the line too making it almost impossible to see. Who wouldn't want to see Charlie Dimmock's box rise up in the air. Apparently there is a strong smell of piss emanating from Charlie Dimmock's box.

Yvette is convinced there is "something" in the room with them. That's not a very nice way to refer to Stuart.

With the fact the top of the table can spin, another trick I would have employed would be a long hair tied to the table, and you could pull it without the camera seeing it and the table would move. Also easy to dispose of.

Despite smelling of piss, I really hoped Charlie Dimmock's box would have done more, maybe make a noise, or had some kind of secretion? But no, it is just sat there on the table doing nothing.

Karl has fingered Charlie Dimmock's box, but Yvette refuses to put her finger in Charlie Dimmock's box, she says she doesn't know where it has been. Karl is quite enjoying the hairs on Charlie Dimmock's box.

After much cajoling Yvette Fielding does what we all wanted to see her do, she put her finger in Charlie Dimmock's box.

Ok it is not quite in the box, more on the outside, I am not really up on the terminology of the different parts of a box, I know there are a lot of names for things and in general men have a problem understanding or even finding all the different parts, where as women are the experts.

Karl claims he can hear a noise out of Charlie Dimmock's box, but the camera audio is not picking up anything. Yvette claims the box is moving but again I cannot see any movement.

Charlie Dimmock's box better move properly soon, or else this will have been a massive waste of time.

Karl claims there is a scratching sound coming out of Charlie Dimmock's box, he then decides to get his fingers right in there. Yvette gets angry and tells him to stop putting his fingers in Charlie Dimmock's box.

Karl thinks it is hilarious. And points out its just an old box with a load of old hair.

How dare he!

25 minutes left and I am loosing the will to live.

Someone needs to burn me up and put my ashes in Charlie Dimmock's box.

Yvette decides to swap places with Stuart, and then Jenny who I think runs one of their websites for them or something also comes to join them at the table.

They all place their fingers on Charlie Dimmock's box.

Not a great deal happens.

We cut to the other group and the audience member is now running a little seance. Seems a bit over confident. Knows her script well. I am not suggesting for one moment she is a plant.

Mary starts to do her best Yvette impression and makes noises for the spirits to copy.
Glen starts to whistle.

Nothing happens.

We cut back to Yvette and perfectly on cue, Yvette jumps up claiming someone has pulled her hood.
She then claims she cannot see, and has to sit down. All very over dramatic.

I watched the clip back and her hood does not move.
If she is not faking it, at worst it was a small spider that made her jump.

Yvette claims there was a film of grey come over her eyes. The one time I needed Glen to be there to make a joke and he is not!

Credit to Jenny here, she is not really playing along here, doesn't seem fussed by anything. I am guessing she has worked on the Most Haunted Experience tour things, and has seen all this nonsense before.

Just over 10 minutes left. Nearly there folks. Hold on a bit longer, you can do it.

Everything Yvette is experiencing if not acting can be put down to psychology, all of it. Not a single thing has happened in 3 hours that can not be explained by either deliberate fakery, or psychology.

Well apart from the ghost hiccuping, that is beyond science.

Karl looks like he is exposing himself to Charlie Dimmock's box.

They head back upstairs, and there is terrible feedback on the audio.

Yvette claims she can hear steps and tapping, and then hilariously someone just walks past the door in the corridor, and Yvette pretends to not even notice, and keeps listening out for the noises.

This guy! lol

One of the audience members who perhaps popped to the toilet.

Again a reminder there is nearly 100 people on this shoot, no real restrictions on what they can do or where they can go, no controls, nothing.

More taps and knocks, so they put the camera on the floor, but again while positioning it, you can clearly see one of the security or crew members in the background.

Yvette starts to single Twinkle Twinkle Little Star again. The ghost then tries to kill himself, but realises he is already dead.

And with that they decide to end things, lights come on, and they walk around to the front of the court room with all the virgins and middle aged housewives in it.

Yvette does a final piece to camera, and the show ends.

That was awful. Even Charlie Dimmock's box couldn't save this awful show.
No wonder it has been relegated to Youtube, no TV stations in the UK would be stupid enough to pay for this crap.

So I will give me final score. And it is another 1/10
The show over the 3 hours was consistently awful. Nothing really happened, the stunts were poor, the acting was naff, and I have wasted a chunk of my life I will never get back. The only brief ray of sunshine was the excellent Sean, who refused to play along.

So I will say it again for real this time. NEVER AGAIN!

By Jon Donnis

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By Jon Donnis

4 November 2019

REVIEW - HOUR 2: Most Haunted Live! Halloween 2019 - Accrington Old Courts

I survived hour 1, so now I have some motivation, I thought I would recap and review hour 2. If you haven't read my first review on Hour 1, you can do so HERE.

Let's quickly summarize hour 1.
They fannied about in some rooms and corridors, some things were thrown OFF CAMERA. Mary Beattie called out beardy boy for blatantly faking demonic noises. And that's about it.

Hang on, I could have just written that for my previous review and it would have been equally as accurate. Oh well, we live and learn.

We start off and Stuart is asking Mary if she has her K2 meter on her. Wasn't that the robot dog in Doctor Who?

Straight away it seems that Mary is being given a bigger role in hour 2.

They hear a noise, and Stuart decides they will "walk and talk".

Their K2 Meters are picking up the REM POD thing. [Sarcasm]Boy this is fascinating nonsense.[/Sarcasm]

Stuart, Mary and the other guy start talking about the REM POD and it quickly becomes clear that no one really knows how it works or what it does.

Remember these are "professional paranormal investigators".
If you can gonna do this, and if you are gonna use completely useless nonsense equipment you paid £134 for off Ebay then at least read the manual, and pretend you know what you are doing.

Suddenly we awkwardly cut to Yvette and the rest of the gang back in the court with the Haunties, and by Haunties, I mean virgin males, and their deluded middle aged white female friends.

Yvette has a box, and is claiming she did not want to use this thingy. It is a dybbuk box.

"The dybbuk box, or dibbuk box (in the Hebrew language known as קופסת דיבוק, or Kufsat Dibbuk), is a wine box which is said to be haunted by a dybbuk. A dybbuk is said to be a restless, usually malicious, spirit believed to be able to haunt and even possess the living. 

Supposedly, if a dybbuk box is burned, the box will take a long time to do so. But as it is burned, the dybbuk is fully released. However, this is just a part of the horror story."

So clearly its a load of rubbish, so what better place for it to be used than on Most Haunted.
I am guessing she recently saw the film The Possessed, which featured such a box as part of the story-line.

Yvette however seems to be getting a few things wrong in her description of the box.

Behind Yvette is the burnt haunted doll, that Karl set on fire using a £10 fire starter he purchased from eBay.

Karl claims that the dybbuk box is complete hogwash. And he would be right.

Karl tells the story of how they got the box, and where it was found etc. Sounds like he made it himself at home and made up the story himself.

Then in a totally bizarre moment, Karl pulls out a working angle grinder and uses it to open the box. No gloves, no safety glasses, just cuts into the box. Now for health and safety reasons this would NEVER have been allowed on a legit TV show. If the wheel off an angle grinder were to break mid use it could fly off and literally kill someone present. But Karl doesn't care, since this is only youtube. I do wonder what the owners of Accrington Old Courts think of him using this piece of equipment with no safety checks put into place. It's a lawsuit waiting to happen.

He opens it and there is some crap inside, nothing specific looking, some hair, something red, who knows, Yvette claims there is a smell of ammonia

Karl then passes the box around the idiots in the audience, who all then handle it, smell it and basically prove it is a complete waste of time. I expect that this will be the last we hear of the box.

A good shot of the virgins and middle aged housewives in the audience. I bet if you asked them who believed they had psychic powers all of them would raise their hands.

Just remember when they tell you that they are in darkness, look at the size of the light on that camera.

We now have audio of Stuart and Mary, but video from the Court. Lots of insects flying about, so I am assuming the idiots watching were claiming there were lots of orbs.

How fancy they have multiple CCTV streams. Strange how they NEVER EVER use the CCTV on normal investigations.

Finally whoever is producing this, manages to get the picture from Stuarts gang up, and we are back to investigating.

Mary decides to go into a small room on her own and closes the door, notice how she refers to "Uncle Stu". Stuart then makes some misogynistic comments towards Mary. This little thing is instantly forgotten, nothing happens to Mary.

We switch to Yvette and she has one of the audience members with her.
She asks him if he is a believer, and of course he says yes, because why else would he be there.

They have a seance table set up. They take the audience member (Sean) into a cell next door, and give him a copper rod to hold, and then they leave him on his own and go back to the room with the seance table.

The seance table has a Hasbro Ouija Board on it, and is surrounded by copper tubing, and a wire that goes outside and connects to the tube that Sean is holding.

Glen convinces Yvette to sit right up close to him. We all know why.

The table can also spin around as well, so it is clearly a very well gimmicked table.

The three of them touch the glass, and Yvette blatantly starts pushing it about.
As I have said many times, this is all bullshit. You can instantly prove that a Ouija Board is nonsense by blindfolding the people touching it. Suddenly the ghosties can no longer spell if you do.

There are other ways you can prove it is people pushing it, just remove friction between their fingers and the planchette (upturned glass), that can be done with a small piece of silk cloth. Whatever you do, 100% of everything that happens with a Ouija Board is nonsense, nothing to do with ghosts and was invented by Hasbro as a board game in the 19th century. Seriously, google it if you don't believe me, it was nothing to do with speaking to ghosts either.

Darren, Stuart, Karl and Mary join in the nonsense at the table.

Sean is still sat peacefully on his own in the next room like an absolute noob holding his piece of copper.

They are all now touching pinkie fingers.

Poor Sean looking like something out of The League of Gentlemen.

Yvette is trying to get the ghosts to communicate, the table top starts to spin slightly, as you would expect it to with so many people touching it, and with it being gimmicked so heavily.

Although I do not believe Sean is a plant, he was not just randomly picked out of the audience, there are legal things that need to be signed, so he would have been chosen earlier. Again not a big deal, happens all the time on TV just for time saving purposes.

Sean is shivering, but its definitely not because of the cold and the fact he has just a T-Shirt on under an open jacket, at what would have been 10:25pm on a cold October night.

Suddenly the cameraman does some acting and claims the camera cable was pulled. Of course this happened OFF CAMERA despite the fact they have CCTV covering that exact area. Will we see that footage? I highly doubt it.

Instead we hear crappy audio replay from Glen's computer that proves nothing.

Karl swaps positions with Sean.

They restart the seance, the K2 meters on the table are flashing, which is definitely the ghosts and not all the electrical equipment, copper tubes, mic packs and so on all around it.

After being told through his ear piece he is on camera, Karl pretends that he gets a shock from the copper tube, of course this never happened when Sean was holding it.

They try to blame static. They mooch about a bit, Yvette claims she has heard a growl. Karl re-positions with the copper tube.

They restart the seance.

Hilariously they hear a growl and for the first time in Most Haunted history someone (Sean) admits it was his stomach, a clearly disappointed Yvette says there most be something wrong with him. Yes Yvette it is called HONESTY!

Karl claims he can hear a whisper, however the audio is clearly picking up little squeaks which would suggest mice or rats or even a small bird, which would make sense in an old abandoned building.

This hour is dragging. I am struggling here folks.

On the seance table and they are all pointlessly pushing the glass about.

Karl is in the other room swearing at the imaginary ghosts.

Just think if an alien was watching this, he would think what utter idiots humans are.

Karl claims something pushed him back against the wall.

We don't actually see the "push" on camera, as the feed was showing the seance room, so all we see as the camera cuts back is Karl holding his chest, at first I thought he was going to pretend he was having a heart attack, maybe he was then realised he was holding the wrong side of his chest!

Glen points out that it happened just as Yvette had asked the ghost to do something, we then get a lovely bit of dishonestly as Yvette claims she was speaking quietly so Karl wouldn't have heard her, but hang on a moment, Karl and Yvette both have ear pieces in so they can hear each other and the producer. Whoops!

Yvette decides to swap with Karl, proving that she doesn't believe Karl is telling the truth, because if you believed that someone had received firstly a shock from the copper tube, and then a forceful push against a wall that hurt him, the last thing you would do IF YOU BELIEVED, would offer to try it yourself.

Will Yvette finally use her acting credentials to do something interesting? (Spoiler: No)

They start the seance again and Karl is calling the ghost a piece of shit.

This whole segment is mind-numbingly boring. This is a good 30 minutes or so you can fast forward through.

Yvette finally gets bored and they all get up and leave the seance table. So that was a massive waste of time.

Nothing happened to Sean, nothing happened to Yvette, and Karl did some bad acting OFF CAMERA.

Yvette is back in the court room and talks to Sean who is now sat down, she tries to push him to say he experienced things, at best he says he got a bit trembly.

Some other people claim they could hear footsteps in the room. Worth noting there is 50 odd people in that room, plus the security people and other people involved in the "Most Haunted Experience" gig.

The middle aged women are exaggerating their experiences in the court room to impress Yvette.

Yvette takes one of the women and asks her to join them on the next part of their investigations.

We cut to Karl and he is moaning that he saw a proper big geezer (ghost) stood at the other end of the corridor, and it scared him and Darren. All OFF CAMERA of course.

Everyone is re-positioning, the woman who has joined them is called Rachel.

It all goes very amateurish now as they are trying to sort out what to do next, moving cameras and cables about. And with that I decide that that is enough for me for today, almost at the end of the second hour, so I will finish off the review/recap another day.

Hour 2 was better than Hour 1, they made more of an effort, but the whole seance room thing just dragged and dragged and dragged.

The star of Hour 2 was definitely Sean, who sat quietly and did nothing, easily the most credible person to ever appear on the show.

I will give Hour 2 the same score I gave Hour 1, and that is 1/10

Nothing really happened, I lost interest a few times, and there was a general lack of effort from the ghosts to entertain me.

By Jon Donnis

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By Jon Donnis