21 March 2014

14 February 2014

Psychic Fraud News S02E02 - Zeta Prophecy & Nancy Lieder (also Miranda Interview update)

So ZetaTalk are crazy, as if we didn't know Nancy Lieder was a nut, the claim is contactees who are given prophecy, but every time it fails, in fact the only times any prophecy seems to work its usually made to fit, just fabricated post event, or just a chance possibility. The communication is often telepathic in nature, or so they(believers) claim, so I have not gone too far from the mandate of this series, all prophets and mystics are fair game.

As far as Maitreya Miranda, she is very agreeable and welcomes to chance to share her beliefs, so all being well in May or June, weather depending, a new interview can take place, but I hope to interview others too.

6 February 2014

Bill Nye Debates Ken Ham - HD

Is creation a viable model of origins in today's modern, scientific era? Leading creation apologist and bestselling Christian author Ken Ham is joined at the Creation Museum by Emmy Award-winning science educator and CEO of the Planetary Society Bill Nye.

Starts at 13 minutes 

4 February 2014

Psychic Fraud News 2014 S02E01 - Psychic News And Reporting And Hearsay

The Return Of Psychic Fraud News For 2014, Continuing My Series, For A New Season, On Psychics, Healers, Ghost Hunters, and Cult Leaders.

1 February 2014

Bad Alternative Medicine - new age medicine, essences, quack cures, natural cures ???

Bad Alternative Medicine - stuff that promises cure or at least help and does very little or nothing.