1 February 2019

REVIEW: Most Haunted - Hodroyd Hall Pt 1 - Airdate 01/02/2019

Imagine if you went on your podcast and you reported news about Most Haunted that you got from a parody twitter account with a few hundred followers, who in turn copied that news from BadPsychics, would that make you incompetent or pathetic? Just curious.

Also in unrelated news I am willing to go on ANY believer or pro psychic PodCast to be interviewed or just to give my opinion. You only need to ask. Trust me I am PodCast Gold!

And with that let's take a look at some sticky, dirty, nasty blurbage from those stuck up nerds at UKTV.

"Hodroyd Hall - an all-but-deserted manor house that boasts murder, death and intrigue among its history - becomes the setting for one of the most intriguing investigations to date."

First thing you will notice in the title of this review is that this is another multi-part episode, this time it is 1 of 3. Yes 3 episodes. Basically that means 3 times the money for a 3rd of the effort.

Yvette is showing off shoulders! YVETTE IS SHOWING OFF SHOULDERS!
The end is nigh, the end is nigh, all run away, the end is nigh.......

What a refreshing change to see Yvette in her summer clothes, although I expect she will don a hoody the moment Glen is around, he aint getting his hands on her naked shoulders, even with a thin layer of material to protect her. For a woman in her 50s, Yvette has a good figure, good for her. No jokes about the turn ups please, this isn't 1996.

Tonight they are in the Yorkshire dales at a place called Hodroyd Hall which according to Yvette is teeming with ghosts. (Spoiler: They don't find any ghosts)

She actually first wore this top a couple of years ago on This Morning.

Who needs Mel Crump when you have an over 50s Yvette Fielding in tight high waist jeans looking half her age?

As soon as Glen arrives Yvette quickly covers up. And now Glen is in a mood and refusing to even look at Yvette. He even wore his smartest sports casual jacket as he was hoping tonight would be the night. Oh well.

Yvette is talking about the place, and we have Ghost Monks, Nuns, Children, you name it this place has it all.

We are told the story of a maid who was pushed into a fireplace by someone and killed, and despite there being no proof of this, we are are being primed to believe that there will be a ghost maid on the show later on.

Glen has calmed down now, and he is doing his best chat up/lean pose. This is the one he gets all the ladies with.

The walk round is complete and the investigation begins.
I have mentioned before a number of times that episodes in general are filmed in a few hours. This idea that they are spending an whole night at a location is a lie. They arrive, they eat, chat, set up, film for a few hours, then leave. For a 3 episode run they need no more than 2 hours and 15 minutes of footage, and keep in mind they can film different people at the same time. So even a 3 episode investigation can be filmed in just over a couple of hours.

Anyway they switch night vision on and almost immediately something is thrown OFF CAMERA as they are leaving the room, Yvette Fielding screams and we have a little piece of brass or copper that has been thrown.

Just a reminder, ANYTHING and EVERYTHING that is thrown OFF CAMERA is NOT a ghost.
It is scientific fact that ghosts do not throw things unless a camera is filming them.

I re-watched the footage, and it would be Karl who chucked this, he was last as they left and he waited till the second camera was filming away from him. This will be a common trend throughout the episode.

It is in this segment that we get our first look at the returning Rick Fielding, (The brother of Yvette) he left the show after Series 4, so it has been a long time since he has appeared.

So in this new series we have had Yvette's daughter and now her Brother. Both working for free. They really must be skint.

Even Watson hasn't appeared yet.

I really cant remember if Rick was credible or not, anyone remember if he used to throw stuff when he last appeared.

Notice the huge light on the camera, just in case you thought they were really in the dark.

There is more pointless talking and then another bit of pipe is thrown, OFF CAMERA, and just behind Karl again. Not seen Stuart yet? Maybe they gave him the night off?

So again I know I repeat myself way too often, but real investigators, after the first thing was thrown, they would place cameras in all corners and cover 100% of the room. If you don't have enough proper cameras, you can use smartphones, of which everyone has.

Instead on Most Haunted they just keep on going, no controls, no camera coverage. Just the same old sillyness, and that is how you know the show is 100% faked. Because if it was real, what I suggested, is the first thing they would do every time.

We then get a hilarious scene as Yvette starts to look for Fred who has done a runner, and Yvette just repeatedly shouts FRED, FRED, FRED etc.

It reminded me of this.

They find Fred and he says he had to leave as he suddenly felt overcome with nausea.

I wonder if he tried to do that same trick he did once before whereby he pretended to pass out, but then no one bothered to find him, or when Yvette did find him, she never had the camera on her, so it was a pointless stunt. Also if you remember when he tried that before, his own camera exposed the whole thing as fake, which we showed, so that would be why he never had a camera on him this time.

Back to the investigation, and there is a sound of something being thrown OFF CAMERA, sounded like coins, they investigate, then the sound again and Yvette finds an old one penny.

Another coin is thrown OFF CAMERA, and again it is from behind Karl. So Karl is definitely the one throwing the coins, and remember we caught him doing this once before.

And another coin, again OFF CAMERA and right by Karl.

I wonder if these are the exact same pennies he threw in a previous episode?

Someone needs to check Karl's pockets.
Worth noting that Glen doesn't appear to be in this scene at all.

And more coins thrown, OFF CAMERA.

Getting a bit silly now.

"I can barely hear it with me ears" - Beardy Bloke.

They seem to have moved on from the coins now, probably since Karl doesn't have any left and Yvette has pocked them all. So now we get the odd groan and tapping and so on. Usual rubbish.

Glen has re-appeared, and he seems to be in a different location with Beardy.
No coins for them, just really faint taps that could be anything.

Back with the gang, and more coins and bits are thrown, again OFF CAMERA, and from Karl's area.
No point commenting on this, you get the idea.

Thankfully just over 10 minutes left.

Glen, Fred and someone else have now gone down to the cellar, and now it is Fred who is throwing coins OFF CAMERA.

A real skeptic would instantly check everyone's pockets.

As they look around on the floor like idiots, do any of you remember when Yvette Fielding claimed that One Direction star Harry Styles sent her sex texts and wanted to have an affair with her, and then when she got called out on the claims she quickly backtracked and denied it all. If you don't remember this, the story can be read here.


More coins are being thrown OFF CAMERA.

Glen finds one and says the immortal line
"It's heads up, what are the chances?"

Well Glen, I can tell you right now, it is literally has a 50% chance of being heads up.

Just like the earlier segment of Karl throwing coins, now Fred is throwing them. And it just goes on for so long and is way too obvious.

And yes a few of them are landing heads up, but please note we NEVER see any of the coins thrown, it is all off camera, so there is nothing stopping Fred or anyone placing the coins heads up on the floor, and throwing something else to make the noise.

Clearly Rick hasn't forgot how to film himself on a ghost hunt.

And after a few more coins, the episode ends on a total anticlimax.

We get some preview footage of the next episode and that is it.

This was a bad episode, like really bad. The only thing that happened was Karl and Fred chucking coins OFF CAMERA, and Karl chucking some brass pipe bits at the start, that is it. Nothing else happened, what a complete and utter waste of my time.

So with that, for the complete lack of effort, I am giving the episode a MINUS 2 out of 10.

One of the worst episodes they have ever aired.

Review by Jon Donnis

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By Jon Donnis

25 January 2019

REVIEW: Most Haunted - Antwerp Mansion - Airdate 25/01/2019

It's that time of the week you all look forward to, no it is not your colonoscopy, or your smear test (both of which you should definitely have done if needed) no it is nothing as pleasant as either of those things, it is time for Most Haunted, and mores specifically my punishment due to crimes committed in a previous life, my review/recap of Most Haunted.

Before I start you may notice on Twitter (@TheBadPsych) I often moan about the fact that people like Karl Beattie, or his little Hauntie minnions like to brag that the show is "Trending" and I go to really small lengths to prove them wrong. And show how they are confusing UK Trends with "Trends for you". People seem to think that I do not want to admit the show is Trending, or that I am lying and so on. Well you may notice that I also use the #MostHaunted hashtag, so I am literally helping them trend. If Most Haunted does trend then that means more people will see my tweet, and read my review. I benefit, if the show really does trend. So there really is no reason for me to lie. I just want people to be honest.

The ONLY legitimate place to see if a show is trending is on Twitter itself, and specifically in the "Trending in the UK" place. Anything else is not a true Trend, but instead just things people associated with you are talking about. Learn the difference people.

Talking about imbeciles, here is the blurb for this weeks show.
"The team visits Antwerp Mansion in Manchester and are soon surrounded by unexplained activity - with at least two members of the crew pushed to their limits."

Let me start off by saying what a thoroughly nice blouse Old Yvette is wearing here. Makes a change from her Arsene Wenger coat she usually wears.

This week is a rare one off episode that is not a two or three parter.
They are at Antwerp Mansion, a place that has been a nightclub, a snooker hall, and best of all a "Gentlemen's Club"

As Old Yvette starts her first piece to camera, I notice a lot of cabling around the property, in the property, on the walls and so on. So instantly you know that any K2 Meters will be completely useless.

No sign of Watson so far which is a shame, Glen has appeared and already he has decided the place is not haunted, and he would be correct.

Yvette is already hearing tapping and banging, in this large empty building. It must be ghosts and not rats, mice, cats or other more likely living creatures.

Sadly Yvette has put her Managers coat on, and asks Glen how big his expectations are for this evening, he misunderstands, and blatantly exaggerates.

The walk-around is over and the investigation begins. And the first thing we notice is that there is no New Yvette! And instead we are stuck with Fred. I guess that means I don't have to refer to Yvette as "Old" any more. How sad. I quite liked New Yvette (Mary Beattie).

They hear a noise and run to investigate. They find nothing, and you hear quietly in the background someone say "they have security cameras here"

Yvette then reveals she is not worried about the ghosts and thinks it sounds like a real person!
So I wonder if this was an unexpected noise. Most likely an animal, but maybe a naughty human who knew they were filming. Remember Antwerp Mansion is in a busy built up area.

There is then a really weird sound, and it is revealed to be a mechanical noise coming from a security camera which the owners had told them do not work. (A likely story). So you now know nothing will happen anywhere, where the security cameras are.

Yvette in her big coat while other cast members in T-Shirts and thing cotton shirts.

They are still hearing noises, but clearly they could be anything since we now know various equipment is on. And they are also in a built up area, with traffic outside, other houses and so on.

Since Fred is in this episode, I am guessing this was either filmed before he and Karl had fallen out or after they had made up.

Karl, Stuart and Glen have a competition to see how can perform the Power Stand the best. Stuart wins, but that is mainly due to him wearing Wellies, despite being in doors.

And without even realising 19 minutes out of 45 have passed, so we are already nearly half way through the episode.

They play a replay of what they claim is a child humming, but it could be anything, it could be a crew member humming, the noise of a cat, anything.

Yvette is talking to the ghosts but not a great deal is happening other than the odd footstep.

Glen and Yvette has gone down to the cellar... ALONE.

Fred and Beardy are in another part of the basement. They are hearing noises which could easily be a cat meowing.

Karl is with Stuart, in another area. As expected there is a noise as something has been thrown OFF CAMERA.

Glen is very close behind Yvette with a filthy smirk on his face.

We cut to Stuart and Karl, and there is something dodgy going on here with the filming, I can't put my finger on what, but it doesn't seem to affect anything that happens, so I assume it was just a dodgy edit to match things up.

Yvette has found some balls on the floor left by other ghost hunters, so clearly this is a location that makes money from gullible idiots who sell ghost tours to even more gullible idiots.

They hear a hum, and Glen replicates it by getting very very close to Yvette, I can not say whether his jeans were up or down at this point as it is off camera.

Glen pulls up his trousers, and checks the laptop for EVPs.

Karl and Stuart are still hearing noises and things being thrown OFF CAMERA.

Glen has checked the laptop and it hasn't picked anything of interest up. So that was a waste of time.

Ok they go to Stuart and Karl and there is a blatant bit of fuckery going on here with the sound.
Stuart saying "It's either behind us or above us" has clearly been added in post production, as it is not on the same level as the rest of the audio, then as soon as he says it something is thrown OFF CAMERA.

My guess here is that as Stuart was throwing something, either he didn't deliver his line, or it sounded poor due to the action of throwing something hard enough to break, so they got him to rerecord it after.

Karl comes up with the ridiculous theory of "Audible Stone Tape Phenomena"

There is another noise OFF CAMERA. Stuart shouts, and then Karl is strangely silent, another dodgy audio edit there.

The problem they have is that they are in a relatively small place, so as they try to fake things, throw things etc there isn't much room to do so, and you need to be careful NOT to catch it on camera, which is making all their shenanigans come off poorly.

"It was almost something in the future" - Stuart Torevill.

Yes Stuart is alluding to ghosts making noises in the future that they are hearing in the present.

Here is a photo of Yvette for all you young teenage boys reading this.

You can have that for free!

Glen asks the ghosts to thrown a coin, and then we cut to Beardy and Fred, and suddenly coins are dropped OFF CAMERA. I assume by the cameraman who I have no idea who that is.

We get a few more bangs, steps and taps and so on, but nothing of note.

And with that the episode ends.
And what a boring investigation it was.
Nothing happened on camera. We only really got a few coins dropped by the cameraman and Stuart throwing something against a wall OFF CAMERA.

No Watson, No New Yvette. Just a very lazy episode which I imagine they filmed in about 2 hours or less. Small crew too which means more cost cutting.

I cant really give this episode even 1 point, nothing happened, and very little effort was put into faking stuff. I wonder if they were a bit worried about those security cameras which were supposed to be turned off as the only time anything did happen was in the basement where there are no security cameras.

I give this episode a 0/10

Review by Jon Donnis

If you would like to show your appreciation for my work and my bad attempts to amuse, then why not donate an Amazon Email Gift Voucher to me to show your appreciation. I do this for free and I will never try to get you to sign up to a Patreon or other monthly subscription, so the only way I get anything out of writing, or running this site is if people donate.


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This is the best way to show your appreciation for the work I do. So if you enjoy the site, then how about donating me a voucher, and I promise I will only spend it on good stuff like video games or whiskey! And if not that's ok. I will keep doing my reviews regardless.

After your donate feel free to drop me an email and I will say thanks.

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By Jon Donnis

18 January 2019

REVIEW: Most Haunted As-Live Eden Camp Museum Pt 2 - Airdate 18/01/2019

Before I start you may notice a few new google ads appearing on the site, I have them set to appear only on the right of the page, unfortunately some are appearing mid article, I am working on stopping that. Also I have blocked any and all ads that promote psychics, healing and any crap like that, so if you happen to see anything that promotes something like that, click on the X in the corner of the ad and report as inappropriate. I wish that I didn't have to have ads on the site, but sadly I am skint and I get virtually no earnings from this site, and although the ads only make pennies, it is better than nothing I guess. I will NEVER charge people for the content of this site, and I will NEVER put anything behind a paywall.


Because I am an idiot, I have wrongly been labeling Most Haunted season numbers 1 less than what they were, For example I had labelled season 23 as season 22. Luckily a few years too late, I now realise we are on season 24. I blame UKTV since they call this current season as "Series 9" which just complicates things even more. Therefore as a protest I have decided to no longer give a season and episode number and instead I will just put the UK airdate instead.

So with that bombshell, let's take a look at the blurb for Series 9 (or 24) episode 2 (or 3 since the first was a double episode).

"The investigation into Eden Camp continues. The team split into lone vigils, soon regretting their decision when souls that plague this living museum want to be known."

Before we get started, I just had a quick look on the UKTV website and in episode 4 which seems to have not been filmed in winter for once, Yvette is looking quite fetching in tight jeans and an off the shoulder top! Something for the nerds to look forward to.

In case you forgot, this disclaimer is telling you the show is faked.
You NEVER see this disclaimer in front of a serious documentary, the news, or even drama shows. They put this here because the show PRETENDS to be a serious investigation, and by law TV stations are forced to reveal if a show is a spoof as it can cause distress in low IQ people who may think it is real.

We start off where we left off in this "Most Haunted kinda maybe sorta as live but not really because we edit it and do retakes but you know dumb people will believe us so who cares". The team are all splitting off, and Glen gleefully follows old Yvette into the dining hall area, and sets up the laptop.

New Yvette has finally got her own camera to play with, and is doing her best Mummy impression.
Straight away there is a strange audio edit, so not sure if that was to edit out her swearing, or to edit in some narration.

Amazingly New Yvette has already blocked me on Twitter, I don't recall ever speaking to her, so I am guessing she had to seek me out just to block me.

I still think she is better than old Yvette, and I will still put her "over" on this site, until she does something obviously fake.

New Yvette starts calling out to the spirits. As she does the smoke machine goes off, you remember that, the thing that Karl said was switched off, but then everyone pointed out it was not.

Bizarrely Glen is not with old Yvette and he has buggered off outside for a mooch on his own, perhaps looking for a bush to hide in.

Beardy sees his shadow, which must be the highlight of his day.

We skip from person to person and we are led to believe that everyone has gone off at the same time on their own. This is a lie, as repeatedly it has been shown they only use 2 or 3 cameras. So again this is proof that their claim the show is "as live" is a lie. As they would have filmed segments while other people sat about and had cups of tea.

Stuart knocks on a wall, and there is a slight knock back. Of course that could have been anyone, and someone sat the other side of the wall could have just knocked back.

We go to Karl, and he lets slip something here.
He questions why he is going somewhere on his own when everyone else has.... And he cuts himself off realising that the viewer has been told people are supposed to be on their own. Whoops.

God this episode has started slow. Not a good way to start an episode.

New Yvette is doing her best Blair Witch Project impression. She is getting her self scared over every little thing. I think she has been watching too many old episodes of Most Haunted.

New Yvette is starting to realise that filming her own face from below is making all her double chins come out. Maybe that will encourage her to film the area where there might be ghosts! I know it sounds obvious to us, but to some people it is like rocket science.

Karl is going back and forth from inside to outside, almost as if he is waiting for something to happen. Suddenly there is a noise, nothing immediately obvious that has happened. Definitely setting up something here.

As expected a case of some sort has found its way into the doorway, of course this happened OFF CAMERA, because you know ghosties, they hate doing anything that would prove they actually exist.

So with a decent sized case moving by itself, the first thing Karl does is check the CCTV cameras that this museum has that covers every area. He then contacts everyone else, collects as many cameras, smartphones anything he can, and sets up cameras to film every single part of the location he is in, and suddenly the bag moves again, and we have 4 different camera angles, the prove without a shadow of a doubt it was paranormal.

Oh wait he did nothing of the sort, he just carried on. Oh well. I guess it wasn't really a ghost that moved it.

We go back to Stuart and he is in what looks like a maze of corridors, he hears a noise, has a little run about and nothing is found.

Now with Old Yvette and she reveals that she has 3 marbles in her pocket that Glen gave he, she then swears and turns the camera around and says hello to a ghost that is not really there.

Remember the two ladies who were sat in front of the static cameras from episode 1, well they are nowhere to be seen.

Old Yvette chucks a marble on the floor, waiting for a ghost to chuck it back. Let's hope Karl doesn't come in, step on a marble and go flying, that would not at all be funny!

With New Yvette now and she is still filming her own face. Now as someone you would assume is not used to being in this situation, she has clearly been told to film herself, which is a strange thing to tell someone to do on a ghost investigation.

"Don't film the hallways love, just film your own face, as close as you can, trust me, it makes good TV"

With Glen and he is talking to the ghosts (remember he is supposed to be the resident skeptic), he then tells the ghosts not to pick on people, and clearly gives up his preferences, and New Yvette is the first one he tells the ghosts not to pick on, followed by old Yvette. He clearly has his sights on the new younger, fitter, stronger, sexier version of Yvette. He knows what he wants and he wont stop until he has it.

Glen has his K2 meter in his hand (makes a change), which is completely useless, and is waving it about. Luckily Stuart isn't nearby pressing the walkie talkie button, so it isn't going off.

Back with New Yvette and a door creaks behind her. She runs about, and even says she hopes she got it on camera, despite the fact she is filming her own face from about 3 inches away. And talking about 3 inches, we cross to Stuart who is still mooching about in the corridors of the museum.

Stuart whistles at the ghost and the ghost whistles back. And by ghost I mean Karl who is sat round the corner hiding, OFF CAMERA.

Finally beardy gets some camera time, and for some reason he has put the camera down to film himself doing something with his hands. He can hear tapping and dripping noises, perhaps it is a drip that is making the tapping? Now that is some out of the box thinking this show needs.

Half way through the episode and boy is this dull. Nothing has happened other than Karl moving a small empty case.

Something has flown over Karl's head. OFF CAMERA.

Karl is filming himself so you know something is about to happen. And a door has closed itself OFF CAMERA. A few unusual camera swings here and I suspect we just had an edit.

We get a few more small noises, but again nothing major, then there is a sustained noise, which to me sounds like dodgy plumbing.

Karl knocks the wall 4 times and hears 4 knocks back from the ghost.
Despite Karl trying to show the place is empty, Stuart could easily be hid away.

Back with Old Yvette and she has now lost her marbles, sorry I mean she is now chucking her second marble. It rolls about for a bit and nothing.

I would hope one of these marbles gets rolled back at her at some point, otherwise it is a waste of time.

Jenny and Louise (The camera girls who faked the door swing in Episode 1 are mentioned by Old Yvette, but we don't see them.)

This is one of those episodes you will find yourself quickly distracted by other things, it just not holding my attention at all.

No sign of the cat either from episode 1.

New Yvette still filming herself. For no apparent reason.

Under 10 minutes left and nothing of real note has happened, I really hope Karl has a decent stunt to end the episode with, otherwise it is a big fat dud of an episode.

Suddenly beardy gets scared when he sees Karl half naked and looking very freaky.

Karl asks the ghosts to do one last thing before he goes. He tries to build some tension, and we get a few minutes of him going back and forth between rooms, begging the ghosts to do something. They ignore him.

And we get our first look at the ladies watching the static cameras. This is the only sight of them the whole episode, and nothing of note is said.

Nothing happens where Karl is so we returns to everyone else, and Yvette announces they will do one last "Vidgual" around a table.

As Karl is walking back, he feels very patriotic and films the Union Jack fluttering in the sky.
He starts walking back and is talking about the dead soldiers who did so much for us. All very patriotic. I wont make fun of him here.

We cut to Old and New Yvette and they have clearly been doing the "Vidgual" at a table, but sodall has happened, so the episode ends.

This was a really poor episode, compared to the first part where they had some stunts set up, and a few obvious moments of fakery, this episode was a bit of a dud. Other than Karl moving a case OFF CAMERA, nothing happened.

No Watson, and even New Yvette has lost her sparkle. So I have no choice but to give the episode a very fair 0/10

Total waste of time.

Review by Jon Donnis

If you would like to show your appreciation for my work and my bad attempts to amuse, then why not donate an Amazon Email Gift Voucher to me to show your appreciation. I do this for free, you will never see a load of ads on this site, nor will I try to get you to sign up to a Patreon or other monthly subscription, so the only way I get anything out of writing, or running this site is if people donate.


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This is the best way to show your appreciation for the work I do. So if you enjoy the site, then how about donating me a voucher, and I promise I will only spend it on good stuff like video games or whiskey! And if not that's ok. I will keep doing my reviews regardless.

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By Jon Donnis

11 January 2019

REVIEW: Most Haunted As-Live Eden Camp Museum Pt 1 - Airdate 11/01/2019

If 2019 hadn't started off bad enough, it gets even worse with the launch of a new season of Most Haunted (And possibly the last to air on REALLY, I hear that UKTV don't want to pay for any more episodes after this run, and Antix will take the series to be an online only show)

Anyway lets jump right into the cesspool of debauchery with some filthy blurb.

"The team investigates Eden Camp. There are strange noises and something that wants to separate the team. Can they stay for the duration or will it prove too much?"

Bizarrely it seems like Yvette Fielding has her eye on the Arsenal job since Arsene Wenger has left the club. I wonder what Unai Emery will have to say about that.

We are introduced to a new suspicious team member called Mary.
Someone who looks incredibly like Yvette. Yes it is her daughter.
And just notice how Glen is looking at the new younger, fitter, stronger version of Yvette! While also holding his hands over his groin. This will not end well!

Glen is in super show off mode trying to impress new younger Yvette, and we cut to a clip of them listening to groans he recorded earlier in private. I wonder what those groans could possibly be?

How funny would it be if New Yvette (Her official new name) is better than old Yvette.

We get a quick history lesson and then despite it being very light outside we have the black and white filters on and they are walking about outside and then into the Museum.

Keep in mind this Museum has CCTV, that covers all areas. Will we see the footage from the CCTV? No of course we wont, don't be silly.

Karl has farted and old Yvette is forced to cover her face. Makes a change for it not to be Yvette.

Yvette is already talking to the German ghosts and has them tapping answers out.
1 for yes 2 for no, 3 for Nein

(The preceding joke was supplied by Pete West @petewest1966)

"Do you know you are dead, 2 for yes, 1 for no?" - Yvette Fielding.

Beardy guy is claiming the floor is moving, (it is not).

They all have very squeeky shoes on which is making a racket on the smooth floors.

Glen is staying very close to New Yvette, definitely wants to keep her safe.

They have heard some noises, yet they have admitted that there is a live cat at the premises. No sign of Watson sadly. But I am guessing New Yvette is the new shiny toy for the group, and poor Watson has been relegated.

Karl has heard footsteps, yet the outside security light had not come on, and only came on when Karl came outside. Therefore these censors cannot detect ghosts. Lets keep that in mind in case they try to use that in the future.

"Can you talk to us using your voice" - Yvette Fielding

Keep in mind that despite them claiming this is "As Live" it will actually have retakes and edits

Yvette is getting Glen to whistle to the ghosts. I wonder, if there are German ghosts present, how will they understand Yvette?

The girls watching the cams have seen something, most likely it is just a bit of fluff near the lens. We don't get any replays since we are supposedly "As Live"

New Yvette hasn't done much yet, why not give her a camera and let her do some talking.

Karl says that it is a bit smoky in the one area they are in, but admits it is a museum affect. But they should all be off. But the fact there are effects available makes things more interesting.

The smoke machine is clearly on and working, but Karl keeps claiming it is off, but it is blatantly on.

The cat is making a lot of noise, which they then follow. The cat to his credit has done more in 5 minutes than Watson has ever done.

New Yvette has clearly stolen 1980s old Yvette's curly perm.

So there is a cat present that is meowing. So literally every noise they hear could be the cat. Could be a mouse the cat is chasing.

Karl is doing his usual "hear a noise, run back and forth" routine. Which gets boring quick.

Stuart has a K2 meter, which is completely useless. Stuarts K2 meter has gone off, and then gets Glen to confirm that Stuart's iPhone 6 is switched off, as if that is proof of ghosts. Despite the fact they have cameras on them, mic packs, walkie talkies, torches and so on. Stuart is convinced there is an energy with them. Yes it is the energy in those multiple electrical devices they have on them.

We then get a ridiculous scene of Glen asking the ghosts to make the K2 meters go to the red light.

Back with New and Old Yvette, and the smoke machine goes off again. Why they don't just unplug it I don't know.

Stuart and Glen are now walking outside and their K2 meters keep going off. They are baffled by this really basic technology.

I expect one of these chairs to move later. Pretty easy to set up with some fishing wire, and the cameras wont be able to pick up the wire so job done.

Everyone meets up again, and before you know it they have split up again. Karl and Stuart team up, so you know some shenanigans should occur soon.

Finally New Yvette is getting a bit more talkative, and while talking with Beardy, she refers to Karl as Dad! I am curious if New Yvette is "in on it".

Beardy reveals that New Yvette is the replacement for Fred. And they have a bit of flirty banter.
If you followed me on Twitter @TheBadPsych you would have heard me exclusively reveal that Fred and Karl had had a falling out. I wonder if they made up for Fred to appear in future episodes?

Stuart has found a ghost cup. Ok not a ghost cup, just a cup. But it might fly later if we are lucky.

The girls in the office hear a noise, the door opened a bit and they panic. They are more entertaining than the rest of the crew.

Of course the door opens OFF CAMERA. They hear another noise and panic even more, and the dark hair lady grabs the boob of the blond lady. Yes for real.

These two are definitely more entertaining than the rest of them. Can we just watch them all night instead?

As Dawn on Twitter @happydawn1 points out, there is a lot less screaming from the likes of Yvette which is a nice change.

Stuart is asking the ghosts to move something, then on cue a bike outside the door moves by itself.

So how does it move? Someone in the hall simply moved it. That's the most obvious explanation.

I have watched it a few times and the bike looks like it is jerked. Most likely with string or something. When they run out, notice how they film away, most likely so the string can be removed. They are also conveniently not on camera themselves, and the audio may have been added later.

The way they film it, I believe Stuart is the one who did it.

Stuart and Karl are trying to convince each other it was a ghost and not Karl who moved the bike, meanwhile Beady and New Yvette are sat on the floor. Beardy clearly taking advantage of the sitting position.

New Yvette is just like Old Yvette and she gets scared by Beardy breathing.

Glen and Old Yvette are still looking at the laptop. Hopefully Glen has his secret folder behind a password.

Hmm a camera is set up to film the door, and low and behold just as the brown haired lady walks off camera the door swings open, almost as if someone pulled it open using a string hidden off camera.

Of course the camera is set up in such a way as to not show the full length of the door.
The doors are clearly very light and swing very easily, so would not take much to do this.

My only issue here is that these girls do seem quite genuine, but the door clearly was pulled open, and it wasn't a ghost. So it had to be them, there is no other explanation.

Karl and Stuart are still talking about the bike.

Looks like Twitter thinks as I did with regards to how it was done.

Stuart and Karl are in the kitchen and there is a firm knocking which they suggest is coming from the door, but is probably Karl just knocking the table or another door OFF CAMERA.

Again they could simply set up a second camera filming both of them and instantly prove they were not behind the knocks.

I really am curious as to how anyone can believe that it is really a ghost?

Old Yvette and Glen are still at the laptop, listening to noises. They are taking it easy this evening it seems.

It is 22:23pm and I thought I would check to see if Most Haunted is trending on Twitter as you know Karl always like to claim it is, and clearly is is NOT trending. Remember Karl will always use the "Trends for you" and then screenshot that, that is NOT the same as UK Trends. Trends for you is literally trends that people who follow you are using, and of course people who follow Karl will be tweeting about Most Haunted.

Back with Karl and Stuart, and they wasting time with the K2 meters again.
Remember when in a previous As Live Karl used his walkie talkie to set off the meters. Just a clue as to how they do it.

Both of them on camera and suddenly everything goes very quiet. Strange that.

There is a noise and a door is closed OFF CAMERA while Stuart is filming in the dark at the sofa.

Suddenly Karl blatantly moves towards where Stuart is and kicks over a bike that is resting against the wall, he then moves back and claims he is at least 6 foot from it.

Again I hate to repeat myself, but a second camera filming them both would instantly prove that Karl didn't just kick it over.

Karl and Stuart are now using the K2 meter to measure how haunted the house is.

They get bored and leave the little bungalow they were in and head back to the main building.

As the episode is nearly over, for some reason they are still filming in black and white despite the fact all of the lights are on.

The 2 ladies are describing their experience with the door opening. Yvette looks very suspicious. I wonder if they told her before hand what they were going to do.

Karl is describing his and Stuart's experiences and is finding it hard to keep a straight face as he tells his story of the bike moving.

They all finish telling their stories, and then describe where they will all go next. And with that the episode ends.

To be fair to them the episode did entertain, but perhaps I am blinkered since I have not seen an episode in a while.

Good points:
New Yvette is an interesting addition to the show, Yes i know it is yet another family member, but she replaces Fred so that can only be good, plus they save money as they don't have to pay her.
The two ladies watching the cams, again they are something different so I like them. Also I highly doubt they were paid, so it is more free crew members.
The cat had some fun and made some noises.
Stuart and Karl made an effort and did some half decent fakery.

Bad points:
No Watson, again Watson is relegated and kept away.
More new people inevitably means more people to fake.
Still the same old same shit type of investigating.
K2 Meters are totally pointless. As are EVPs.
No cutlery or cups were thrown.

So overall there was more good than bad.
I will give this episode a strong 3 out of 10.

Review by Jon Donnis

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By Jon Donnis

28 October 2018

REVIEW: Most Haunted - Series 22 Episode 10 (28th October 2018) - Leopard Inn Part 3

We are nearly there, one episode left, then freedom. Let's hope this is a cracker, with lots of tricks, stunts and fakery, otherwise it will just be me bored out of my head.

First up lets take a look into the dark devious world of Yvette and Karl and see what kind of blurbage they have for us.

In the final part at the Leopard Inn, the team experience strange sounds and ever-increasing poltergeist activity. Can they stay until the morning? Only time will tell.

"That without a shadow of a doubt has to be paranormal" - Karl Beattie

We hear Karl say this in a voice over right as the episode starts. Take a close look at those words, without a shadow of a doubt. That means every angle must be covered, there is NO DOUBT, Literally, no doubt, no other explanation.

So I wonder why they have suddenly decided to change 22 series of bad investigating techniques and suddenly do things properly? Well lets wait and see.

Titles roll and we get the usual "Previously on...." segment to fill a few minutes of air time.

We start off with the cliff hanger. Karl hears a giggle that he adds in post production, he turns around the corner and a doll has been placed on the floor OFF CAMERA.

Karl is pretending to be scared so he leaves the area, instead of setting up static cameras on the doll.

Yvette is now hearing things. Glen hears something so runs towards the stairs, asks Yvette if they should go up to investigate, Yvette gives the game away and says they need to stay where they are as Karl is upstairs.

We flit from one group to another, all are hearing noises but everything is OFF CAMERA as usual.

With Karl and a door is slammed behind him and OFF CAMERA. As he turns the camera to film himself, a door that was in front of him slams itself OFF CAMERA.

With Stuart now and something has been thrown OFF CAMERA.

Yvette is trying to get the ghost children to play, but they don't care and ignore her.

Yvette keeps chucking a doll down a hall way hoping the ghost will throw it back, SPOILER, it doesn't.

Back with Karl and more doors are slamming OFF CAMERA.
A chair is dragged behind Karl and OFF CAMERA.

Back with Stuart and there is now a hilarious scene.

There is a noise maybe a door slam, and Stuart runs into one room, and the terrified beardy cameraman runs into another shitting his pants. Its so pathetic, but it is quite funny.

Yvette has chucked the doll and is asking the ghosts to drag it into the nursery, this is the perfect shot to have a bit of fishing wire and Karl pull it from an OFF CAMERA position, will they do it?
Sadly no, they just go past the doll and check Glens laptop.

Yvette chucks the doll again and asks the ghosts to chuck it back. Nothing happens.
They check the laptop for EVPs which as we all know is a waste of time.
Straight away they have picked up a noise and Yvette admits that it sounds like a cat, we then get a few replays and Yvette now says it could be a child.

It sounds like a bird to me.

We get a good few minutes of EVP checks, all a bit boring.

Back with Karl and he admits that "nothing will show itself if it is on bloody camera"
Yes Karl we know, because you only have 2 cameras, and you are the one making the noises and throwing things!

Another door slam, cue swearing from Karl, everything OFF CAMERA of course.

About half way through the episode now and there is a definite trend of things happening OFF CAMERA. Getting boring now.

Karl is making scared noises like a small child.

Another door slams, OFF CAMERA.

Instead of investigating and setting up multiple cameras to cover the various doors, he just decides to leave.

And at this point he delivers his line about it being without a shadow of a doubt paranormal, yet he has not actually done any investigating, he has walked up and down a bit, doors have closed OFF CAMERA. So the reality is there is a HUGE amount of doubt as to the nature of the doors slamming. And to declare this as paranormal is utter amateurish nonsense.

With Stuart and Beardy, and they are still trying to convince us that we are seeing night vision, they even turn off the big light on top of the camera as if to say this is what they can see, and then puts the light back on as if that is the night vision. Sorry but the picture is too clear to be night vision. It is such a lie.

True night vision in true low light conditions is grainy. Their images are almost crystal clear, and you can even see where the light of the camera is pointing. Night vision shows everything, but their fake night vision only shows where they are pointing.

They claim that this chair has been thrown, but off course it was OFF CAMERA.

Yvette and Glen are still looking at the EVPs on the laptop, desperately trying to find anything vaguely interesting.

So far this entire episode has just been a repeat of the first two parts.

Why do idiot paranormal investigators turn all the lights off then use torches to see where they are going? Just a thought of how ridiculous this whole genre is.

Still no sign of Fred, I am sure they previewed him talking at the end of the last episode.

It amuses me how when they hear a footstep or a noise they walk in the general direction saying "hello, hello"

Karl doesn't know what to do next, eventually decides to go back and see the others. Stuart thanks the ghosts as they leave.

Yvette is with Glen and getting all scared, Glen is loving it as Yvette is creeping up all close on him.

You can tell Glen is feeling all manly right here.

Glen is now fully erect, he has not had this much close contact in years.

Yvette is convinced there is a ghost, but of course the cameraman is filming them instead of where they are looking, which means if anything did happen it would be OFF CAMERA.

Glen leads Yvette into the darkness. Where anything could happen and he could just blame the ghosts!

They finish crawling from wherever they are, and suddenly beardy makes a HUGE admission as he says "oh hello daylight"

So despite what they claim, they have now admitted this was filmed during daylight hours.
Very surprised Karl missed this in the edit.

To finish off the episode they decide to have a group seance in what was believed to be the children's nursery.

Such a small lightweight table. I am sure everyone has seen magicians do much more with much bigger tables.

The claim the table is shaking, but you cant see it on camera.
The table starts to twist ever so slightly, but you cant see everyone's feet, so could be anyone doing it.

Looks like Karl is pushing the table with his left leg which is clearly pressed against the table leg. He moves his knees back and the table the moves some more, this time it is Karl's foot moving it, if you watch really really closely you can just about make it out.

The table moves a bit but ONLY when someone is firmly touching it. And then the episode ends.

No evidence of the paranormal. Nothing caught on camera. Another waste of an episode.
More lies exposed.

I will admit it was a somewhat entertaining episode. But it got very repetitive and tedious quite quickly.
Over the 3 episodes at the Leopard Inn, the only thing of note that happens was the doll being chucked from an OFF CAMERA position. And even that was not really looked at much other than a couple of replays.

A poor ending to what has been a very poor series.
But at least now I can have a break from watching this crap. Maybe I should go do an investigation of my own!

1 out of 10.

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By Jon Donnis