17 January 2017

Skeptics Boot - A Trifecta Of Turgid Tabloid Toss! Ghost Actresses! Thermal Cameras! Elves!

I guess the British tabloid press is tired of Brexit and Trump news and has decided to "treat" its eager readers with a glut of genuine, "unquestionable paranormal phenomena" today (15/01/17). Let's take a look at three bar-lowering examples.

Our first story comes from the Sun (and various other tabloids) courtesy of ghost hunter Caroline Mezoian of EVP paranormal. The image (below) taken in Bidford City Theatre, Maine, purportedly shows the ghost of actress Eva Gray who died at the location in 1904.

The image was taken with an infra-red camera, and immediately presents two questions: "Is that it?" and "Was Eva Gray only a foot or so tall?". as the body of the alleged phantom stretches only a few steps in height. The team's facebook page features many other images taken with Infra-red cameras showing similar blurs which are taken to be human-like forms or phantoms. The example to the right was allegedly taken on
the same night.

The Sun declares breathlessly and without hint of ambiguity "Infared images taken at the theatre last month show a ghostly white figure in an evening dress standing on the stairs appearing to walk out of the building." I guess that settles it then!

Whilst many commenters have accused the team of faking the image, I'm feeling slightly more charitable. I think the images they are getting here are a result of one of two things, either a failure to properly maintain their IR camera, or a failure to understand how the technology actually works. In the first case, it's possible that the images could be caused by smudges on the camera lens, a fingerprint for example or a smudge on the lens. Far more likely is a common failure to understand how the IR technology works.

 It is intuitive to view images taken in the IR spectrum in the same way we view images in the visual spectrum. All we are talking about after all is a downward shift in the electromagnetic spectrum, but the whole reason IR cameras are popular in the paranormal field is because they will show things that aren't visible to the naked eye. Before we jump to the conclusion of something paranormal we have to eliminate more mundane things which can't be seen with the human eye. As IR cameras are presenting a picture made up by heat gradients, it's quite plausible that all we are seeing is an area that is slightly warmer than the surrounding environment. In a 2010 article for the Skeptical Inquirer, Ben Radford explains how mis-attribution due to a basic misunderstanding of this technology arises.

"Heat is of course far less transient than light; if we turn off a light switch in a closed room, the area goes dark almost instantly. But if we turn off a source of heat--including body heat--in an area or room, the heat may remain long after the source has been removed.... At an investigation I carried out last year for the TV show MysteryQuest, one of the ghost hunters used a forward looking infrared (FLIR) camera to detect a foot-long vertical warm spot on a pillar. No one in the room could explain what caused it; one person suggested it was a sign that a ghost had been watching us. In fact I had seen one of the ghost hunters leaning against the pillar a few minutes earlier, and the warm spot matched exactly the height and shape of the man's upper arm." Radford. 2010.
I think that's the explanation here frankly. As Caroline herself states in the article “’I didn’t really believe it at first, but when you look at the images how can you deny that’s not something?” I agree, but as often happens with paranormal investigation teams who closely emulate the methods seen on ghost hunting television shows, "something" can't be extrapolated to "something paranormal" without a much higher standard of evidence than these images present.

Which leads us into our second paranormal story, which shares some similarities and, I believe, can be explained in a similar way.

The Daily Mirror (15/01/17) reports on more images presented by a ghost hunting team, this time it's East Drive Paranormal. The team are presumably named in connection paranormal tourism location 30 East Drive in Pontefract, made infamous by various ghost hunting tv shows, most notably Most Haunted. You would be forgiven for suspecting that the named the team have selected indicates their inspiration in investigating the paranormal comes from such programming.

The Mirror tells us:
"The team were summoned to the Italian restaurant after scared staff reported seeing a glass flying off the bar. Jason (a psychic apparently) immediately sensed the spirit of a disgruntled man in his 50s, who had been disturbed by recent decorating work... " 
The only evidence we're given of paranormal activity prior to the team's visit, barring anecdote of course, is a glass falling across the bar and shocking a member of staff and patron chatting at the other end of the bar. Of course, we see no surrounding events to suggest why this should be unusual in any way. Things stacked improperly or in a precarious equilibrium can easily be disturbed, and the glass skitters across the bar simply because it initially bounces a little.

So what about the teams actually footage? Go and watch the video if you like, but I'm going to provide a couple of screen caps that show East Drive Paranormal really don't have a clue about the equipment they're using and conducting an investigation in general.

Image 1: So here we see vaguely human shapes formed on the infrared camera. Could it be a ghost, or is there a more obvious explanation.

Image 2: Our camera operator whips around presumably to see if he can capture the image of whatever the thermal camera is picking up. In doing so he reveals that the area being recorded isn't isolated in any way shape or form! In all likelyhood, the thermal images are a result of the body heat of the other occupants of the room. As Ben out lies above, the body heat remains after the team members move on.

 Image 3 and 4: As if to compound this massive cock up, we are shown an image of at least two people walking through the exact area where the thermal images were! In fact, there are so many people walking about I have to question if the restaurant is even closed! It's busier than in the footage we see whilst it's open for business.

I'd say "It doesn't get much more inept than this." but someone at the Daily Star would likely consider that something of a challenge. In fact, given this story they published today (15/01/17), they already have. In the story, reporter Jesse Bell tells us of a heated Reddit debate in which users debate whether the image on the right below represents an elf or a dwarf....

Jesse tells us
"One user said: “I’m picturing the black part as being the back of the head, kind of sloped upwards and maybe wearing a little hat.... Honestly the only thing I can see it as is a little elf.”.. Another wrote: “I’ve heard about dwarfs a bit growing up."...“They are on the paranormal spectrum and judging by the size and stature that's what I might take this to be.”..."
I suppose this should be funny, but it's not really. It's just awful and sad. I know not dealing with this critically makes me a bad skeptic, but....

So what have we learned from today's tabloid paranormal output? Some paranormal teams are inept, as are some journalists, and the Daily Star really doesn't give a flying pig what they publish.

Hardly news.

By Rob Lea

16 January 2017

Derren Brown: Miracles For Sale - Exposing faith healing

Derren Brown: Miracles For Sale.
Originally aired Monday 25th April, 2011 - 9pm, Channel 4.

Innovative entertainer Derren Brown returns to Channel 4 in a unique TV experiment lifting the lid on faith healing.

The one-off Easter Monday documentary special sees Derren go undercover to investigate the reality behind the faith healing phenomenon, in America, and the belief in faith-inspiring miraculous recoveries.

With the cameras in hot pursuit, Derren undergoes his toughest project yet, going in search of an unsuspecting member of the British public prepared to adopt the guise of a Pastor and miracle worker. His chosen one is then tasked with six months in which to learn the trade and flourish across the pond as a convincing Pastor.

The final phase of the volunteer's extraordinary challenge will see them attempt to perform faith healing miracles live in Texas - will Derren's new recruit be accepted as a faith healer or cast away as fake healer? Is the belief in divine intervention really justified or will Derren expose the industry as one giant hoax?

On his first TV pursuit into faith healing, Derren says 'You are about to see a world where greed and deceit raise their ugly heads, where lives have been needlessly lost and where hope, the most precious gift of all is pedalled at a price'.

Derren Brown: Miracles For Sale is produced by Objective Productions for Channel 4. Derren Brown, Anthony Owen, Andrew Newman and Shirley Jones are Executive Producers, David Vallance is Series Producer and Simon Dinsell is Director.

15 January 2017

Derren Brown and Martin Freeman Experiment with New Age Crystals

From Derren Brown: Trick or Treat, Series 1 Aired 4 May 2007
Martin Freeman, star of Sherlock, fails to deduce why he is so affected by the mystical crystals.

13 January 2017

Are The Psychic Twins (Terry Jamison and Linda Jamison) Frauds? - By "The Stray Cat"

Linda and Terry Jamison (born 1965) are a pair of American identical twins. They have worked as performance artists and as psychics. The accuracy of their predictions has been called into question.
The Jamisons widely claim to have predicted the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center during a November 2, 1999 interview on the Art Bell radio show. However, according to show transcripts, their actual statement was: 
"We are seeing terrorist attacks on Federal Government, excuse me, federal buildings, particularly South Carolina or Georgia, by July 2002 and also the New York Trade Center, the World Trade Center in 2002." 
The September 11 attack occurred in 2001, not 2002, and it was common knowledge that the buildings had been previously attacked by terrorists in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, calling into question the Jamison's claims. - Wikipedia

"Using grieving people's emotions against them is not fun, and it's not ok. I agree with James Randi when he says psychics are nothing more than charlatans, or snake oil salesmen. A free reading for entertainment purposes is fun, but paying double-digit prices per minutes is not acceptable. Just say no to phony psychics!"

Check out The Stray Cat on Youtube

"I've been a ghost hunter, I've written a book, I've traveled the country as a nanny, and you won't believe some of the things that have happened to me! I invite you to join me as I reminisce about terrifying, horrible, wonderful, sad, and amazing things in each of my storytime video blogs. I'll be talking about everything; aliens/extra-terrestrial, conspiracy theories, ghost/haunting/paranormal experiences and investigation, cryptozoological sightings and reports, dreams and nightmares, and even the scariest stuff like dating and romance, worst jobs and life in general!"

Disclaimer: The Views of "The Stray Cat" may or may not match with the opinions of BadPsychics, please watch her video and make up your own mind. Feel free to leave a comment under the video.

Further Reading
So Far, Psychics Are Batting .000 - By Leon JaroffTime.com 

12 January 2017

NP Paranormal Live - Are they credible?

I was recently given a link to look at, and the link was to a newbie group calling themselves NP Paranormal Live. I decided that instead of just dismissing them as just another Most Haunted wannabe group, that I would approach them and ask them to send me the absolute best evidence that they had ever found, in the hope that I would see something I could not explain, or something that could perhaps re-capture my interest in the genre. What happened next was them sending me some truly awful videos, and upon realising that I could see through their pathetic attempts, they tried to give me the run around, followed by just blocking me and being rude.

I offered them help on a genuine level, as someone who has done this for over 14 years, and as someone who has more experience and knowledge in this genre than pretty much anyone else around. I wanted to help them, and perhaps give them some credibility. Unfortunately it became clear to me that they are just another wannabe group, pretending to be professionals, and playing games in the dark.

Lets have a look at the first "unexplained" video they sent to me.
Now let me just say that the last thing I want to do is give them free publicity, but that is an unfortunate bi-product of writing an article on them, one of their most popular videos has only about 1000 views in nearly two years, so I really don't want to just embed their video here, as I would only help them, and that is not my interest here, so instead I have copied the part in question, and I publish it under fair use laws as part of criticism and review.

The first clip they sent me they claimed was proof of a manifestation caught on camera! No one on their team could debunk it, and they are 100% sure it proves the paranormal. The original video is over 2 minutes long, and contains a lot of bad language and not very interesting talk, so what I have done is cut the moment in question into a 20 second clip

The "unexplained manifestation" they refer to is clearly visible. Between the two men, we see what can only be described as the first signs of a spirit entering this world from the other side! Yes it is true! Hang on a second, oh no, I am mistaken, this miraculous spirit actually comes out of the mouth of the man on the right! Clearly he had been possessed by an evil entity, which decided to leave his body through his mouth. You know there are other things that can leave the body through the mouth, there is vomit, spit, air, erm.. if only I could think of something that comes out of the mouth, that kinda looks like an evil spirit, let me stop for a moment, have a quick puff on this cigarette no that is not helping me, hmmm let me try my vape machine. Nope still cant think of anything that could come out of my body that would match what is clearly a real manifestation of a dead creature.

Maybe one of my very intelligent BadPsychics readers/viewers can think of something?

Remember, this was the first video they sent to me as something they could NOT explain, and was an example of some of the best footage of the paranormal they have ever found. I literally pulled a Picard when I saw this video.

Next up NP Paranormal Live decided to send me an EVP, something that I have said time after time is evidentially worthless, since it is so very easy to fake, has no credibility, and even "EVPs" that are not obviously faked can easily be explained away. Anyway here is the video they sent me, again not the raw audio, but video of a digital recorder playing the EVP, how they cannot understand how stupid it is to present something in this fashion is beyond me, but then we aren't dealing with professionals here are we.

Have a listen.

The EVP bit is the bit at the end, you know the bit that sounds like someone breathing onto the microphone.
Now do you have any idea what the ghost is supposed to say? Nope, me either.
But this is where Auditory Pareidolia comes in. For those unfamiliar
"Pareidolia refers to the human tendency to attribute meaning to random stimuli"
So if I was to tell you what was being said by this supposed ghost, you would then be primed to hear it.

Highlight the following "it hurt" now listen again, and see if it works!

That is 100% auditory pareidolia, and not the voice of the dead. Please leave in the comments if you thought it said anything else. Now any experienced "investigator" would understand why EVPs are evidentially worthless, but not NP Paranormal, they present this as part of their evidence.

Now at this point NP Paranormal realised that they were not dealing with some run of the mill internet armchair skeptic. They have given me their 2 best pieces of evidence, which were frankly laughable and easily debunked. So at this point they start giving me the run around. But they did give me one more piece of footage that they could not explain.

I remind you all, that this is the kind of evidence that they bet their reputation on.
Again NOT raw footage, this time it is filming of a laptop screen, now I did ask for the live feed, which they did give me, but when I asked for a time stamp of when it happened, they refused to give me, and instead told me to sit and watch 40 minutes of their investigation to find the same point.
Sadly I actually did that, and I still could not find the matching part.
So all I am left with is the dodgy film of a laptop screen to go by.
If someone from NP would like to give me the time stamp, I will edit this article to include the clearer video.

They tell me to look at the floor.

Towards the end of the video, something moves infront of the camera, hard to tell what it is, but NP Paranormal seem to thing it is a ghostie, most likely it is just an insect, or artifact in the air. But to present this as evidence, to not even cut the clip from the original raw footage, well just shows how amateur this group is.

So there we have it, NP Paranormal have presented there 3 best ever pieces of evidence, and all 3 are a joke. They claim to be "Most watched investigation team on the @Livestream app", well I have never even heard of this app, their average video on youtube gets about 50 views.

Their website looks like it was knocked up in the 1990's by a 13 year old boy. They have only been about as a group for a couple of years, there is a lot of talk of them running paranormal events, ghost hunts and so on, but as far as I can see they have never actually run any such event, outside of their own little ghost hunts that they live stream. There "Tickets" page on their site is empty.

Have you heard of them? Have you gone on a ghost hunt with them, or are they just all talk?

Personally with the lack of intelligence and expertise of this group, I would be very weary of giving them any money.

My advice, based on my opinion of what they presented to me, if you are in Sheffield and you see them advertised. avoid them!

By Jon Donnis

Video Backups Below.