6 October 2014


If your goat has been got by a scam, fraud, or woo then please read on.

Some of you may have attended the Birmingham SitP talk by Michael Marshall of Merseyside Skeptics Society, and Project Director at Good Thinking Society.

For those who weren't there, amongst other achievements, Michael was instrumental in organising the 10:23 campaign, which successfully spread the word about the ineffectiveness of homeopathy.

You can find out more about Good Thinking at:


That talk inspired me to want to develop an idea that has been been running around in my head since I started attending SitP a couple of years ago.

Having taken part in a few skeptical activist activities myself (e.g. carrying out a survey of attendees at a Colin Fry show in London; campaigning against Gary Mannion , 'psychic surgeon'; and establishing a campaign in the U.K. to expose and help bring an end to the fake explosives detectors trade - see ADE651 and GT200; I am interested in setting up Birmingham Skeptics Activists as a spinoff from the main group.

B.S.A (Bull Shit Annihilators; just kidding!) will be a group of people who are prepared to take part in campaigns to combat the panoply of nonsense that surrounds us. It may be pseudoscience, quackery, 'psychics', or creationism in schools. One example that still resonates with me was the talk by one of the speakers at the first open mic night on cancer quackery, and how her dad was sadly taken in by people in the area offering false hope via quack 'cures'. Targeting, exposing and bringing people like that to justice is a compelling motivation. Campaigns may involve anything from emailing your M.P., protests, leafleting, blogging or other coordinated action.

I recognise that not everyone has the time or the inclination to take part in skeptical activism, but I am sure that some of you will want to get involved.

What we need:

What we need is a bit of your time every now and then.

What we don't need:

We're not after your cash, in fact we'll be looking to cover any expenses and you don't even have to be close to the centre of Birmingham as there are plenty of things going on almost everywhere. We're also not looking to drag you along to a load of committee meetings either.

Depending on the level of support, over the next couple of months we will look to establish Birmingham Skeptics Activists and agree how best to move forward with this initiative.

If you are interested please let me know. I will also be at next SitP featuring Chris French on the 8th of October, or feel free to email me on rgns(at sign)hushmail.me.

Richard Sutherland

5 October 2014

TV REVIEW Most Haunted Episode 10/10 (Saltmarsh Hall, Yorkshire) LAST IN SERIES - REALLY

Well its finally here, the last episode in the series of Most Haunted and potentially the last ever episode, with the ratings dropping, thousands of people switching off, could this be the last we will ever see of Most Haunted? Have ANTIX finally ringed the last drop of blood out of this stone? We know that the online version failed miserably, and UKTV only gave ANTIX a measly £5000 for the rights to show the series, so unless a miracle happens this will probably be the end.

So lets enjoy this final episode.

Most Haunted has failed with pretty much everything they have tried on this new version of the show, well all except one thing, that being the emergence of the now legendary Melanie Crump, to say a star has been born is a vast understatement. And despite the jealousy, the talking behind her back and so on, Melanie Crump has stood tall and come out of this series as the only credible character.

"Whatever it is, it's coming up the corridor" - Karl Beattie

This episode is the second part of the investigation into Saltmarsh Hall, Yorkshire, the first part was insanely boring and predictable, so I am hoping they saved extra fakery for this final episode in the hope that they may get a ratings boost with it being the final episode, and perhaps encourage UKTV to pay for another series or even the rumoured "movie length" version.

Quick update on Melanie Crump, she is wearing a nice tight denim pair of jeans, to go with her brown coat and green scarf, on any normal woman this wouldn't work, but on Mel it just all gels together.

As soon as the investigation starts Yvette hears a noise, Fred Batt is already getting a lot of screen time, and why not! He has paid for this nonsense you know!

Karl is wearing his ANTIX branded Leather Jacket again, I am sure he thinks he looks like the Fonz, but alas he doesn't.

Yvette declares "If I didn't know I had to come back here, there is no way I would come back here!"

As usual Yvette uses such incredible logic.

Quick reminder that there is no such thing as ghosts so any fear in such locations is completely irrational.

There is some knocking from the floor, the spirits (Stuart) are making their presence known.

Great to see Melanie Crump always aware of where the camera is, that is the sign of a true professional.

Just put this show into perspective for a moment, you have 6+ people in a room, listening to knocks on the floor and trying to work out what the spirits (that do not exist) are trying to say. And people at home are watching this and class it as entertainment! I wonder sometimes who is worst, the idiots on the show, or the people watching!?

As Fred goes first through a door and suddenly (off camera) a door handle is thrown (or dropped) sending Yvette into a panic of screaming, surely she knows it is Fred who dropped the Door Handle?

The team have a coffee break and leave Karl on his own with his camera, we then are presented with a few minutes of Karl filming his own face while we hear some footsteps.He puts the camera down and we get possibly my favourite shot of the series!

The footsteps are getting closer, Karl is breathing heavy, and is doing his best acting to date.

Now why would a ghost make footstep noises? They are a ghost, they have no physical body. Of course the gullible out there don't even consider that do they.

We now have a few minutes of Karl saying "crying out loud" while filming an empty corridor.

Still we can hear the ghosts (Stuarts) footsteps, but of course nothing is shown on camera, just lots of filming of his own face, until he finally decides to run away like a little girl! Well done Karl you big numpty!

Karl unscrews a panel, Yvette is literally pissing herself with excitement, and behind the panel is a corridor with some rubble. That's it. They then climb through the hole and get into the corridor that apparently no one has been in, in decades!

But the best moment is when Fred is struggling to climb up through the hole and we get this wonderful shot of Melanie Crump! Please take a moment to enjoy!

At this moment I would like to officially nominate Melanie Crump for the 2015 Rear of the Year trophy!


I hate to spoil this for everyone, but there is a thing in TV called Health and Safety, basically EVERYTHING has to go through compliance officers, as if someone was to get hurt, there could be a lawsuit. So when they say they are the first people in decades to enter this corridor this is a lie, they would have had a safety officer, possible even someone from the fire service check everything first.

Ok back to the investigation and we have a genuine Most Haunted worlds first, as they catch on camera an actual dead creature! unfortunately it is just the skeleton of a dead bird, but come on guys, get excited, other than Fred Batts personality, this is the first actual dead thing they have ever filmed!

So from the perfect arse of Melanie Crump to a dead bird, the good and the bad all in a matter of a minute!

I am expecting Stuart to fall at some point as been a while since he done a good stunt.

Worth also mentioning that I am missing the Chelsea v Arsenal game to do this review and I am also getting distracted by hunger pains, I've got a nice Chicken Souvlaki to cook and eat downstairs. Ok 15 more minutes, pull it together Jon, you can survive until then.

If Derek Acorah was on this show, he would have had at least 3 possessions by now, oh how I miss that Scouser master!

Anyway sodall happens so they start to exist the area through the hole, and we get this nice shot of Yvette.

And suddenly I am no longer hungry, Chicken Souvlaki goes in the bin, and I will have to eat later tonight instead as cant stomach anything now! Why couldn't they have filmed Mel coming down instead, now that would have been proper TV Gold!

They are now investigating another area, something gets thrown near Stuart and Karl, surprise surprise.

Suddenly a pool ball is filmed rolling on the floor, of course we never see the start of the roll, and as expected from by Karl. We then get a few groans, probably the collective sound of everyone watching.

This really is a disappointing ending to the series, just so mind-numbing and predictable, its the same old stuff over and over again. Even Melanie Crump cant save this show.

Yvette tells Karl she has had enough, she is worried someone is going to get hurt and wants to end the investigation. Stuart interrupts her saying he can hear a womans voice and talking, so they go down the corridor to have a look. Of course the idea it might be an echo doesn't cross anyone's mind, but then you need to have a mind to think of such bloody obvious things.

The show basically ends, we get another monotone analysis from Bret the Hitman Hart or John Callow as he is known by his friends.

And after a quick recap of the nights silliness, we are done.

Let us all forget this nonsense, and remember that at the very least we got a great shot of Melanie Crump's perfect arse.

Well that is it from me, you can follow me on Twitter @JonDonnis and also send me all your abuse there!

By Jon Donnis

Most Haunted
Last In Series
Thursday 16th October, 10pm
S1 E10/10. Saltmarsh Hall, Yorkshire

Yvette Fielding and the crew continue to explore Saltmarshe Hall in Yorkshire for more ghostly goings on in the last episode of the series. The owner of the 19th century Salthmarshe Hall is too afraid to walk through the house alone, which is not surprising after last week’s investigation, which saw Karl and Stuart running back through the abandoned cellar corridors in terror.

This week, Yvette and the gang continue to venture into rarely used areas of the big, old house, possibly sensing more supernatural behaviour and exposing lost souls that perhaps should have remained hidden in the house’s creepy corridors.

4 October 2014

TV REVIEW Most Haunted Episode 9/10 (Saltmarsh Hall, Yorkshire)

Now before anyone moans, I know I have not reviewed Episode 8, if you remember from my previous reviews I said I wouldn't do any more reviews as it was so painful to watch the same old nonsense over and over that I would rather watch paint dry.

HOWEVER I've had such good feedback from my reviews, and how people prefer to read them than watch the actual show, that I felt compelled to at least finish off the series, so since it is a two part investigation I will do my reviews for episode 9 & 10, since it is likely that they may be the very last Most Haunted episodes ever aired.

But since I cant let down my millions of BadPsychics fans, here is a quick review of Episode 8 before we get onto Episode 9

Episode 8 Review:
Mel Crump looks fit, Yvette Fielding looks like she just been dragged through a thorn bush backwards. Karl throws something, Stuart Throws something, Fred wishes he had never believed Karl and paid for this series to be made. Mel is scared but is fit when scared. John Callow reads a card prompt, the end. Oh and Mel Crump is fit.

Right then peeps, on to Episode 9, and you better bloody appreciate this, I have legitimately lost over 10 billion brain cells watching this show.

So this week we are at Saltmarsh Hall, Yorkshire for this two part special. Apparently this place is one of Yorkshires best kept secrets, although not that secret if they agreed to be on Most Haunted, so I will assume they are desperate for tourism which is why they pimped out the Hall to this bunch of noobs!

Yvette Fielding doesn't half talk some nonsense, apparently they are going to do a worlds first and investigate a previously locked wing that even the owners are too scared to go in!

And it is revealed that the owner has invited many a paranormal group to investigate the location, which explains a lot. After this airs they will undoubtedly up any associated fees to investigate this blatantly NOT haunted location!

A lot of history is given for your history buffs out there, personally it bores me rigid, but I know some people like that kind of thing so for you guys you will be very happy.

Here is a picture of the "money cow" as Karl Beattie refers to him in private, Fred Batt

You can tell he pays for everything as he gets way too much air time!

God I miss Richard "Dickie Fingers" Felix, a genuinely nice man, who really is as enthusiastic in real life as he was on Most Haunted, anyway enough remembering of the good old days and the investigation is finally underway.

In Mel Crump watch, Mel has obviously listened to me, and has her hair down, flowing in the wind, every so often brushing against her rosy cheeks, as she skips through the meadow, with song birds singing, and roses blooming, a small bunny appears from behind a small rock, it appears to smile as Melanie Crump skips by, then quickly disappears.

But then the dark clouds appear in the sky, the air turns cold, and a dreadful stench blows through, enough to make even the dirtiest of trolls wretch uncontrollably, its Yvette Fielding with her fringe, and  scarf. And thousands of men watching around the country suddenly lose their erections, and are brought back down to reality.

In other news Karl is wearing a leather jacket with ANTIX branding!

Melanie is looking at Yvette with a look of pure distrust, she has obviously picked up on the jealousy from Yvette in my opinion.

And a stone is thrown and so it begins.

Here is an image that perfectly shows the importance of various members of the Most Haunted team

You have Mel Crump glowing, beautiful, a true presence on the screen, behind Yvette Fielding desperately trying to get in the frame and get attention, and lurking in the darkness behind looking creepy, Karl Beattie!

As the crew are "investigating" all 500 of them, noises are heard, knocks, stones thrown and so on. As expected no cameras pick up any activity.

A ghost of a white lady has been seen in the stables, I wonder what the likeliness is of the Most Haunted crew filming this White Lady? I would say 0%.

One way to know that Stuart and Karl are behind all incidents is that when something does happen, instead of instantly trying to film it, they instead point the camera at Yvette for a reaction shot.

Someone has thrown a stone at Stuart, and he claims he brushed his head, How any ghostie could miss his huge round dome is beyond me!

Karl and Stuart have gone off to investigate the cellars on their own! Lets hope they get locked in. Karl has now lost his leather jacket and is sporting a fetching woolly jumper.

I know I have mentioned this before but it is worth mentioning again, Stuarts head is perfectly round!

I've just realised that they have been bleeping out any swear words, now because I am watching promo copies of these episodes I do not always know exactly what airs, do they usually bleep stuff out as on previous DVDs there has been no bleeping? Someone let me know.

As expected things start to happen as Stuart and Karl investigate, its very formulaic, and predictable. You could probably fast forward through the whole middle section of this episode featuring Karl and Stuart, as you have seen it a hundred times before.

This show would be so much better if they replaced Stuart with Karl Pilkington, afterall they both have perfectly round heads!

A good ten minutes of the show is wasted on Karl and Stuart, and not in a good way at all, I can see a lot of people channel surfing during the middle of the episode, which is not good news for a show that has lost over 100,000 viewers from episode 1 to 5!

An hour of Mel Crump would set the ratings soaring! so pay attention UKTV!

Interesting fact: Stuart and Karl both wear size 9 boots!

FINALLY we go back to the girls and Darren, about bloody time.

Here is an image of Yvette looking jealous and doing the wank hand
gesture behind Mels back!

Although she might just be holding her torch!

Have you ever noticed how full and perfect Mel Crumps lips are? She could do commercials for lip gloss or lipstick!

Well I hate to say this but this is an incredibly boring episode, I am guessing they will keep any big fakery for episode 10 the second part of this investigation, but I am sure they will lose a hell of a lot of viewers from this episode alone.

You know they are desperate when Yvette starts singing, humming or whistling.

We finish off with Mr Personality John Callow, who is looking more and more like a 1990's Bret Hart by the day.

Only one episode left for me to review and then I can happily forget about Most Haunted forever!

You can follow me on Twitter @JonDonnis and send me your usual abuse there too!

For now that's me signing out!

By Jon Donnis

Most Haunted
UK Premiere
Thursday 16th October, 10pm
S1 E9/10. Saltmarsh Hall, Yorkshire
Yvette Fielding is back with another brand new, creepy ghost hunt and to end the series there’s a special, two-part episode from Saltmarsh Hall in Yorkshire.
Saltmarshe Hall is a mysterious, haunted house of complete contrasts. Beneath the property lies a network of corridors and cellar rooms and the abandoned North Wing has sat empty for over 70 years, apart from the ghosts said to wander the corridors and rooms.
The team uncovers two levels of the house that even the present owners have never ventured and what they find will frighten them beyond belief.

3 October 2014

Sarah Stanga Cold Reads Jon Donnis

So A week or so ago I got a random email from someone called Sarah Stanga, I have never heard of her. She was basically trying to stitch up another fake psychic called Dean Michael Ryan, and wanted me to do the hard work. Of course I told her to stick it, as I wasn't interested in their silly little arguments and that I didn't want to get involved or be used by one fake psychic to attack another one.

So I sent her on her way.

But then today she replied, and started to try and cold read me. But she also revealed some other things which I thought I would respond too.

Her email to me is in BOLD and my opinions are in RED and anyone who knows me will know that if I am being accused of something I like to defend myself and my site in public as I have nothing to hide. The start of her email is after I told her not to waste her time trying to cold read me etc...

I am sorry but I cannot take back what was said. I can only give you what spirit offer me in the form of visuals, emotions and feelings.

There is no such thing as Spirit, they have not given you any psychic visions, emotions or feelings, in my opinion based on what you have said, you are not psychic, you are not a medium and you have no magical powers.

Your site was a front under the guise of scepticism when in reality it was a vehicle to cash in on donations given to you worldwide.

Well I do love my 3 BMWs and 2 Aston Martin supercars! Seriously though, my site was never a front for anything, did we once receive donations? yes we did, the odd £10 here, hell we even got the odd £50 too! However the costs of running the site far outweighed any donations we got, not to mention the thousands of hours work I put in, which I never got paid for. 

You were challenged and changed the wording to a beer fund. 

Yes that is correct, although all money I received did go to pay the server bills for the site, domain names, and also helped expand to BadGhosts and BadReligion sites, I was criticised by people for saying I was making money off of the victims of psychics, as without these victims I wouldn't have a site. So I deliberately changed the wording of any donation, so it would be very clear that any money donated would go to my beer fund, of course this was rarely if ever the case, but I felt that by saying that there would be no confusion, and no accusations of me claiming the money went anywhere other than me. For the record I have not had a single Beer Fund donation in well over 4 years, and I do not ask for donations either, I do this because i WANT TO, that is it.

What you collected is far from the truth or will ever admit. T.J. Higgs told everybody at the show after a question and answer session.

Ah so now the truth comes out, failed business woman and a psychic I have exposed is talking about me! Naughty Naughty Miss Higgy!

As for what I collected, it was never a secret, I never received thousands of pounds, I LOST money!
Let me give you an example of one time I lost money.
I hosted a video of something, I don't recall what, but something Space related, Richard Wiseman in his infinite wisdom, liked the video I had uploaded, and being the nice man he is he linked to it from his site, as a way to help spread the word of the video and to help me and my site out.

Now the problem was the video went viral, and I received over 200,000 visitors in less than 12 hours to my site, now that would not be a problem usually but for the fact every single one of them were watching and downloading a video. This completely blew my bandwidth restrictions on the server, and because of my settings, instead of my site going offline, it stayed online and I had a nice hefty bill to pay.

Now I never asked anyone to pay that for me, I paid for it myself.

In fact sometimes my site would be too popular, and was getting too many visitors, and was a victim of its own success, as the more visitors I got, the more it would cost me to host.

Now remember I could not use Google Adsense to make money, because of the fact I had the word "Psychics" in the title of the site, so every ad that would come up would be a bloody psychic ad, which of course I dont want, so the only ads I had were for Amazon, which kick back about 4% of a sale (Non Marketplace). So yes I did get donations, some nice ones, some small ones, but they were never anything like what some people claim. And I turned down many people who wanted to donate too! You see unlike fake psychics like TJ Higgs, I don't like taking money from poor people, victims, or the vunerable. But it is nice to know that you are still talking about me! I might just have to re-open my file on you!

Colin Fry says that you are a shit stirrer. The real reason you closed the main site was because you had been rumbled and was destroying evidence.

Now Colin Fry is right, I am a shit stirrer, I happily admit that, however I doubt very highly that Colin ever said I closed down the site because I had been rumbled, I know Colin and have his personal email address and have spoken to him many times.

UPDATE: Since Colin Frys name was mentioned here, I decided to ask the man himself, he has told me directly he never said those thinks, that he has never heard of Sarah Stanga, and he also confirmed that despite us both being opposite ends of a scale privately we have always been very civil, and that he is annoyed when people like this try to stir up trouble. Colin then wished me the very best with the site.

As for me destroying evidence, what evidence? The main site was closed down, but pretty much everything was just copied over to the forum, it is all still there!

This new incarnation of the site that you are reading right now, has NEVER been closed down! IN fact go see the dates on the archive!

So sorry Sarah Stanga, you are wrong yet again!

I am prepared to forgive and forget your actions if you would just give a little back. That is what spiritualism is all about.

No please you do not need to forgive and forget anything I have done, for I stand by everything I have ever said or done.

I am calling you a fake psychic, I await the letter from your solicitor!

Your grandfather was a caring man. He used to take you fishing or had some involvement with water.

Anyway here is where the cold reading begins.
Yes both Grandfathers were caring, but hate to say this, I have never been fishing in my whole life! I hate fish, don't have them as pets, don't eat them, don't catch them, and both Grandfathers lived in cities in the middle of their respective countries, so no involvement with water! So that's another failure, even your cold reading is useless!

Always worked to the bone but always took time out to appreciate the beauty around him including his grandson.

My one Grandfather I hardly knew, and we couldn't communicate due to a language barrier, my other Grandfather worked hard, like anyone of his generation, and enjoyed his family, so hardly earth shattering revelations here.

He called you Jay as a little one or someone did around him.

Nope, never been called Jay in my life, infact as a "little one" I was only ever called by my Greek name. So Wrong again Stanga!

He did not always see eye to eye with family and friends but was never somebody to hold a grudge.

He got on with everyone, both Grandfathers did, never even swore. So again wrong.

He was a stern lovable character and was overwhelmed with the love everyone showed after his passing.

Lol, no he wasn't he was dead, either one couldn't care less, because they were dead!
And neither Grandfather could be called Stern, not at all a family trait.

I have a connection to Kythera and drinking parties. Also something you hold dearly of his, the number 7 and the NEC.

I actually had to google "Kythera!", You see I may refer to myself as Greek, but I am actually Greek Cypriot, which is a different country, now Kythera is a Greek Island, I have never been there, know no one from there, and hell up until about 20 seconds ago had never even heard of the place!

I am a bit old for drinking parties! The Number 7 has no meaning to me. And I have been to the NEC maybe once in my life that I can recall?

You see this is the problem when fake psychics try to google me, they pick up "Greek" and "Birmingham" and then try to connect the dots and fail miserably.

He shows me Brylcreem, pipe and slippers as memory links. 

Well both Grandfathers were bald or balding, neither smoked, you don't have slippers in Cyprus, and my other Grandfather always wore shoes in the house! So wrong again!

Also a picture of you together. He wants you to display that this evening and reflect on the despicable things you have been doing to innocent people. 

I have no photo of me with either Grandfather at the moment, as for reflecting on despicable things I have done, I am not the one pretending to talk to the dead, trying to con another person by using their dead relatives as a way to emotionally con then.

Sarah Stanga you really are quite a disturbed person, and I really do hope your fans read this so they can see what kind of person you are.

You took a wrong turn in life through no fault of your own but all is forgiven now and you can build on your character spiritually and by doing good for others.

As an altruistic skeptic, I do good every day, I work with charities (unpaid), I help the victims of fraud. I am pretty happy with my character right now.

I would like to invite you to one of the churches I attend so we can show you the evidence and comfort we provide. There is a workshop I am involved with next weekend if you would like me to add your name. Places are limited and transport can be organised.

Well unless you want to pay for a flight to the UK for me, and hotel accomodation, it might be a little difficult for me to attend, a real psychic would have realised that I am not in the UK at all! But if I do come to the UK, I would love to attend, and see you face to face try and spout more of your nonsense my way.

Blessings, love and light.
Sarah Stanga.
Medium to infinity.

Bollocks, Beer and Shabba Ranks
Jon Donnis
To Infinity and Beyond!

Most Haunted Ratings Update - Episodes 4 & 5

So I received a lot of criticism for my coverage of the ratings for the first 3 episodes of Most Haunted. Fans of the show pointed out that ratings for any show go up and down all the time, and all that matters is that Most Haunted was still one of the top watched shows on REALLY TV!

And they have a fair point.

From Episode 1 to Episode 3 they lost roughly 40,000 viewers, but were still in the top 3 shows behind Ghost Adventures.

So now we have the ratings for episodes 4 and 5, so first lets remind ourself of the ratings for the first 3 episodes for comparison.

Episode 1 - 362,000
Episode 2 - 371,000
Episode 3 - 324,000

So how did Episode 4 do?

So in case the image doesn't load that is
Episode 4 - 318,000

But back to number 1!

How about Episode 5?

Down to second place with the following
Episode 5 229,000

So lets compare all of the first 5 episodes of the series.

Episode 1 - 362,000
Episode 2 - 371,000
Episode 3 - 324,000
Episode 4 - 318,000
Episode 5 - 229,000

Now again I am sure the fanboys and fangirls will point out that the show is still in the top two, but there is a very obvious trend here,  other than episode 2, every episode has lost viewers, Most Haunted has lost over 130,000 viewers!!!

This is a brand new long awaited for series, and people are turning off in their droves, and the funny thing is that Ghost Adventurers seems to be suffering a similar fate, although they seem a bit more stable.

At this rate no one will be watching Most Haunted by the time the final episode airs.

Now I spoke to a contact at UKTV who said that despite the public claims of them being happy with Most Haunted, privately there is great disappointment at how badly the show is losing viewers. The only good thing for UKTV is that they only paid about £5000 for the rights to show the episode.

UKTV did NOT commission Most Haunted, despite what some have claimed.

So with the ratings plummeting this must be bad news for ANTIX as this was their last chance to squeeze some money out of the Most Haunted name. Bankruptcy has knocked in their door a few times and they have managed to find a way out.

I wonder how long Fred Batt will be prepared to bank roll Most Haunted and trust in the promises from Karl Beattie?

If things don't improve soon, this could very well be the end of Most Haunted for ever!

And even the gorgeous Melanie Crump wont be able to save this sinking ship!

As always leave your comments below, and you can send your abuse to me on Twitter