30 December 2013

Bullshit Hypnosis - Very Critical Review Of Wendi.com

Response to a woman called Wendi Friesen, who appeared on P&T Bullshit!

Hypnosis, and appeared on other TV shows a few times, she is one of a growing breed of pseudo-scientists. She is a Hypnotherapist who creates CDs and downloads to do that which hypnotherapy just can't seem to do, but because she is making big money she is happy to advertise breast enlargement hypnosis, if you gotta a problem she would have an audio therapy session to help you, help you to give her a big income.

In the Penn & Teller episode on hypnotherapy she said her site makes millions, and that show was made over 5 years ago, so how much money is she making now? [I dread to think!]. I chose to critique her works due to her lack of scientific standing and her radical claims, I'm sure she is a nice gal and yet I just can't let such quackery pass without serious criticism, it's not personal, it's just business. I find it interesting how her work covers everything you may need, the claim are great and yet a great deal of loose language means she is covered legally within alternative therapy, and still the great claims draw in millions of people and have made her quite rich.

Video has been removed. Sorry

14 December 2013

Pretend Psychic Tony Stockwell criticised by Charlie Brooker on You Have Been Watching

Clip from You Have Been Watching, a great clip criticising a load of crap psychic quackery.

11 December 2013

Meet the Amazing TAMers: Michael Shermer

Joel Guttormson, Outreach and Event Coordinator for the Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason and Science interviews speakers from TAM 2013 presented by the James Randi Educational Foundation.

Dr. Michael Shermer is the Founding Publisher of Skeptic magazine, the Executive Director of the Skeptics Society, a monthly columnist for Scientific American, the host of the The Skeptics Society's Distinguished Science Lecture Series, and Adjunct Professor at Claremont Graduate University and Chapman University. His latest book is, 'The Believing Brain'.

The Skeptics Society & Skeptic magazine: www.skeptic.com

JREF: http://www.randi.org

Secrets Of Psychics Revealed - documentary [low quality audio]

A great show that really shows how cheap enough tricks can create great results, and most psychics are not as good as the most basic demonstrations by the mentalists and magicians involved with this program.

Psychic Pseudoscience

I will be doing many more vids on psychics and religious thinking in the future, it is my hobby
By Robert Lester