3 January 2013

CHRIS HARDWICK & BABA BOOEY at SDCC - StarTalk with Neil DeGrasse Tyson

StarTalk hosted by renowned astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson. Join Neil as he sits down with Gary "Baba Booey" Dell'Abate, The Nerdist himself Chris Hardwick, and astronomer Phil Plait during San Diego Comic-Con International 2012.

 Guests: Chris Hardwick, Gary Dell'Abate, Phil Plait

20 December 2012

Stephen Holbrook - ‘An Evening of Clairvoyance’

This is a summary of a performance by ‘one of Britain’s most gifted clairvoyants’ at North Tyneside on 30th May 2012.

It should be said that we planned to see his performance at Morpeth a few days earlier, but strangely he came on stage and spoke to the tiny handful of people there to tell them that ‘the energy wasn’t right’ and he didn’t think the spirits would come through. He gave everyone a refund. Strangely, we had let it slip that there were skeptics in the audience. Did that have anything to do with it? Did we create the ‘wrong’ energy? Who knows!

At  North Tyneside, the first 17 minutes of the show were taken up by Holbrook proclaiming his expertise and talent in communicating to the dead. He told the audience that it started when he was 15 and he was in a supermarket. On reaching into a freezer his hand touched another ladies by accident and he immediately heard a voice telling him to speak to the lady about a birthday. He did so and they both burst into tears. He went on to say that his doctor told him there was nothing he could do about these constant voices in his head and he decided to share his gift with the world. For a price, of course. He also enlightened the audience as to how this gift worked. He would get a message and if anyone could relate to it they had 10 seconds to put their hand up. He didn’t explain why the spirit couldn’t just say ‘I am Bert Smith and I want to speak to my wife, Hilda and tell her where the copy of the will is hidden’.  It was up to the audience to decide if some vague message fitted in with someone who had passed ‘into spirit’.

He touched on his spirit guide, Archie May, a hairdressing soldier in WW1 who had received a wound to his left arm. He then gave an excruciatingly embarrassing performance about how his hand was cold and blue and so on. It’s one of the oldest stage magicians tricks ever invented.  I really wanted to ask him to take his jacket off, but managed to resist the temptation.  The whole preamble was incredibly banal, not to mention distasteful and arrogant. The only bit that made sense was when he told everyone that the ‘big names’ were rubbish. That I agreed with. But never mind, the show started with an incredibly amateurish display of 5th rate cold reading. Or rather, started after he acknowledged several people who he recognised from previous performances and introduced Sally, who was going to draw pictures of the spirits. OK, here we go then.

H = Holbrook
AM = Audience member
M = My comments

His opening line was toecurlingly cringeworthy, but set the standard for what was to come.

H Somebody lost their mum last year to the spirit world. Who lost their mum. Please be quick.
A woman put her hand up

H Your mum liked the spirits. And you know what, sweetheart; she’s been back to your house to visit you. She knew there was something afterwards and if she knew it was so good she would have gone months before. She’s sending love to four of you.

H She had a swollen leg or a lump on her left leg.

AM It was her right

H But she’s alright now, she’s like Linford Christie

M He then went on to his standard routine about having a ring and in fact she says there are two and she wants them back. He comes out with this one every show. The reading continued:

H Have you got a locket, a loveheart necklace?


H (turning to the ‘artist’) who does this picture look like

AM Not like me mam

H (rather brusquely) remember what I said. Now who does it look like? Remember what I said.

AM (after 10 second pause) Could look like my aunty

H Keep looking at it, it’s someone who belongs to you. September, why is September significant to you

AM It’s my birthday in September

H That’s what the person on the screen is saying. They are here to say happy birthday.

H Have you got a son

AM Yes

H How old is he

AM 2

H You don’t know who Margaret is, do you? Who is Margaret?

AM I’ve got a friend called Margaret

H No, she’s passed away


AM Could be an aunt or grandmother (referring to the picture)

H You don’t know this person here


H You don’t know who Jean is do you?

AM Me mam had a friend called Jean

H Did she

AM I can’t remember what she looked like, quite short

H Jean was your mum’s friend who she was close to. It’s funny; we’ve got M and J here. Come down and collect. August.  Is August significant?

AM Yes, she died in August

H Do me a favour. Did you ever have a Jack Russell terrier

AM Yes

H He’s here (gasps from audience)

M. Lots more questions followed, not a single statement was given. 
Absolutely typical 5th rate cold reading. He’s on to a winner, though. His audience don’t need convincing, they are already convinced. It matters not that he isn’t giving any information out, they are here to witness him passing messages of staggering banality from beyond the grave and it simply does not occur to them that he is just making it up. No one questions the obvious – if the spirit can tell him they are called Joan, why can’t the spirit add one more word and say Joan Smith? After all, they can talk about jewellery and lockets, but can’t say their second name? The suspension of disbelief is spectacular.
Anyway, on to another victim.

H Hello, can I speak to you

AM Yes

H All the time I’ve been speaking to Jean and everyone else, your mum has been waiting. She’s just sat here patiently waiting. She wanted to get in first, said she’s been here since two o’clock. Do you know what, she’s just sat there, wheezing. Let me tell you something, are you new to this


H You’ve been here before

AM Yes

H Tell her she likes her tattoo

AM Oh, that must be K****, my granddaughter, she’s just got one done.

M. Standard shotgun line. Everyone knows someone with a tattoo!

H Aww, bless her. Tell her she loves her tattoo

M. And so it went on. Absolutely dreadful stuff. Holbrook is a brusque and loud. His attempts at humour are childish and, although he got a few laughs and gasps, they were few and far between. His audience were willing to accept anything he said and there were several people obviously upset and tearful. No one asks the obvious questions, which seem to me to be what most people would instinctively want to know. 

Why are the messages totally inconsequential? I don’t want to know that someone had a Jack Russell Terrier; I want to know something more important than that. Why can’t I ask them a question? Why are you asking me things when, if it really is my mother’s spirit, she KNOWS my birthday is in September (or whenever).  Are you saying she is now so doddery and confused that she doesn’t know that September is my birthday, just that something  happens in that month? That’s not my mum, she loved me, and she never forgot my birthday. I wanted to remember her the way she was, not as some confused and senile person. Why do you get so many things wrong? I don’t know about any locket. Why would my mum mention something like that? Why doesn’t she tell me something important? Why, Mr Holbrook?

Most importantly, why do none of these audiences ask him ‘Why are you taking money off people under false pretences. Mr Holbrook?’

I struggle to think of anything more despicable, revolting and hideous than someone taking money from bereaved and vulnerable people. Forget the addicts and the groupies, I don’t care about them. They are welcome to it. Anyone stupid enough to believe this rubbish to the extent that they are followers and fans, so be it – it’s your money, throw it away however you want. It’s the people who go, having been taken in by his ridiculous advert, his sickly website or the credulous testimony of credulous people that I worry about. The ones who really think that they are going to be put in touch with their loved ones, who are distressed, vulnerable and grieving. Nothing in this world is so despicable than the utter scum who take money off them for false hope.

Written by BadPsychics Investigator and forum member "Northerner"

13 December 2012

Investigative Methods for the Skeptic

In this workshop from TAM 2012, a lineup of top paranormal investigators teach the best methods for examining extraordinary claims. Featuring JREF fellow Dr. Karen Stollznow, author Ben Radford, Bryan Bonner and Matthew Baxter of the Rocky Mountain Paranormal Research Society, Carrie Poppy and Ross Blocher of the "Oh No! Ross and Carrie" podcast, and Blake Smith of "MonsterTalk".

12 December 2012

Inside Out North East and Cumbria Investigate Psychic Stephen Holbrook

Chris Jackson reports on the man who says he can talk to the dead.

You can watch the video on BBC iPlayer at

Not sure how long it will be up for, so if anyone can copy the part of psychics and put it on youtube, please do and post a link in the comments section.


4 December 2012

Psychic Readings Live Gone Thanks to BP Forumite!

The last 30 minutes went with a whimper with 3 calls, a space of 20 minutes before the last caller at 02.04 and so it ended at 02.06, Irelands TV3 Psychic Readings Live turned off the green screen and went back under its rock with a few passing shots that might be regarded as breaches of the BAI code.

Speculation started yesterday at about 2pm yesterday when Flathan Huerter their golden boy posted

"My Friends and Fans in Ireland. I'am sad to inform you that tonight, is the last show Psychic Readings Live on the Irish TV..... "

later he updated it with

"The Broadcaster wanna change the concept of the show, to make the calls cheaper for the people, put the channel don't want it, so the broadcaster quit the contract! this is the information i get from the broadcaster. the broadcaster is the company i working for the psychic shows."

Wayne Isaacs posted

"Goodbye TV3 Psychic Reading Live Ireland tonight is the last show ;-(".

For the next few hours we were wondering was it real or another so called "last appearance" as it was still on the television listing on TV3 and RTE, also if true how was TV3 going to tell their side. We had a inkling something was going on with Danielle appearing on the forum and another new poster appearing that was suspicious, a possible TV3 plant or sympathiser a few days prior to this. At 8.30pm the Irish Times newspaper broke with "Psychic Readings Live cancelled" and had "The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland has so far upheld seven complaints against the show and results for the authority’s compliance committee are set to be published next week."

How did all this start? The show started on the 16th June and it was the 20th June I went into Twitter and saw all these tweets about some psychic show that was on TV3. Curious I switched on and ended up watching the remaining hour or so of what could only be described as car crash TV and I was hooked.

Wayne Isaacs was asking people to call a number at €2.44 per min for their "psychic" readings. Checking an Irish forum I found a thread on the program and that's where it really began. A group from a previous show take-down were there giving advice and links to look at on how to complain. I don't know how long into the show it happened as time disappeared like some alien abductees story but one of our trusty twitter people called in.

His question was about the Irish Soccer, if we would every win anything and what was going to happen to the team. Wayne dragged it out with vague answers and said that it looked like there would be 3 changes to the team. The sceptic I am I went onto google and started looking for answers and found a newspaper article about the team and that 3 members would re-evaluating their futures. Now it crossed my mind that he might have someone on the google machine looking for answers. Another caller come “I was just wondering what are the chances of you getting a BAI complaint for false advertising?”

Laughing at the pictures used for the psychics the hunt started and people were posting up the stock version of the pictures. Alan Rice wrote up a blog with the pictures and stock links, it spread like wildfire and his site was having problems keeping up with the traffic. It hit the news on the 26th June with "TV3 distances itself from Psychic Wayne TV broadcast", TV3 issued a statement to clarify that the Psychic Readings Live broadcast is an “infomercial window”.

The psychics also kept saying they were in Ireland and hunting on the internet found the producers and studios to be in Budapest Hungary. Wayne at one stage was on his Facebook page while he was presenting, showed him in Budapest, poor Erick kept getting mixed up one minute saying lovely in Ireland and next saying its late here in Budapest, another night Flathan posted on twitter about his dinner before the show of the vending machine with the time 1 hour ahead of Irish time. So that was out of the bag. Each time a new psychic would appear a hunt for information on them started and details posted.

All laughing aside on the 26th June the so called "Entertainment Service" showed it's true colours when Sue Hudd took a call from a lady wondering about her hospital results, she had breast cancer and was wondering if it was good. Sue tells the caller "what we've got here the 3rd card that I pulled for you and it's saying to you it will be a time of celebration, something for you to very proud of. So good news, good things happening to you, we don't need to keep our fingers and toes crossed because this is about you now being in the right space, so well done you."

I was disgusted that someone could give false hope to a vulnerable person and sent off a complaint to TV3 quoting the whole call. I said it breached code relating to health. Again on the 5th July Erik told a caller they make be suffering from depression, another complaint sent off.

In Ireland when you complain to the broadcaster they have 21 days to get back, if you are not happy with the reply you then send it off to the BAI (Broadcasting Authority of Ireland) , they get onto the broadcaster and this can take another 21 days. The BAI get back with another response and you have to reply with yeah or nay. This is then reviewed and if it is worth note they will take it up at their next meeting to see if it did breach code.

The first BAI meeting with the complaints was on 11th September and 3 complaints were upheld, 2 of those were of the cancer call and the depression call. At the same time complaining I was also posting videos of the calls including funny moments, trolls and slipping in the possible breaches. It became a running joke that if something funny happened with Flathan he'd say that's another Youtube video for Spookwoman.

The videos piled up and the complaints kept going in from the others on the forum and myself. While some others were enamoured by the "psychics" I was not, I saw them as leeches with no morals and no amount of flamboyancy would change that. I tried different areas to complain and even contacted Comreg about 1 caller who rang in 19 times over a few months. On the forum we had also started logging the calls, the time they came in, names and later estimated on air costs for the callers. We knew we were being monitored by the show and we wanted them to see we were also monitoring them. With my name already out there I didn't care and made public my distain for the show on Twitter often using #septicpsychics which was thought up by one of the forum members. Wayne would make comments at me then go into protected mode so I couldn't post back which shows the mentality of some of the presenters.

Slowly I started taking down the funny clips and leaving only the questionable readings along with a parody intro I made up called Psyick Readings Liv€, no rules were broken as it contained no actual PRL clips or anything linked to them. Not long after that I got the Youtube take down notice for my calls. TV3's replies to my complaints also changed tone saying I was complaining too much, I had an agenda and told me if I didn't like the show to switch off. Flathan even went on a rant about me on air at one stage. With all this I knew we were starting to get to them and I was rubbing my hands in glee. I scrutinized all calls and replies picking holes and backing it up with research, anything that added credence to the complaints.

Another BAI meeting on the 11th November found another 4 complaints upheld, 1 by me relating to pregnancy which TV3 said is not health related. Each time the BAI published their results the news got hold of it and published the details giving out more bad publicity. With the complaints upheld, bad press and having to broadcast BAI statements they would only follow the book for a few days before talking about health again. The Irish Times say there are another 10 complaints still to be processed and I know more are still being sent in. The show may be finished but we are still working with complaints so this does not happen again. If it wasn't for the forum or "Boardies" as we are known as by the psychics I would probably have gotten disheartened and bogged down with the process. It was a long and hard haul but we got there in the end even if some say it was canceled due to lack of interest.

Leah Burgess