31 August 2007

Charles Sibley Gives James Randi Tarot Card Reading

Originally Published 31st August 2007

By baronvon

Well…everyone’s favourite hapless “medium” Charles Sibley is back with a new string added to his (frankly useless) bow. The brittle string is question is tarot card reading. Now, old Charlie has mentioned them before in his other videos but it’s only been in recent weeks where videos of him demonstrating this “ability” have come to surface…not to mention the fact that yesterday I realised that he has FOUR youtube accounts…and that’s not even including the ones he uses to post false positive testimonials about his work.

Now, before we get started let me just make it clear that I don’t know the mechanics of how tarot cards “work” but seeing as the vast majority of “mediums” ask us to judge them on their results (which is surprising as the results are unanimously poor) I’ll just analyse Charlie’s findings rather the all the dubious, alleged spiritual mathematics he used in order to come to his conclusions.

The subject of this “tarot reading” is James Randi.

“Hello, this is Charlie, this is…to learn people the meaning of tarot cards and it’s also gives you an idea of certain celebrities. You know, mixed with numberology - the power of numbers because erm…your name and date of birth is no accident believe me…and all these tarot cards always fit to the people’s personality as you’ll see. And you look these tarot cards up anywhere and you’ll see that the meanings are there, it’s amazing how they work.”

Ok now this is just window dressing to make the process seem vaguely scientific, of course it’s not but adding a postfix to a word such as “ology” it gives the illusion to the audience that what the “medium” is saying has some tried and tested merit. 

Also it’s worth pointing out that by doing this “readings” for well known people isn’t exactly difficult as their personalities are in the free public domain for all to see. I could give a vaguely accurate “reading” of a well known person using no psychic powers whatsoever…come to think of it, nearly everybody could.

“Anyway, this one is to do with erm…James Randi and as you can see from his name there on the chart it adds up to, in numberology, it adds up to seven – which is a chariot. A chariot can represent a lot of things like all these tarot card can. It’s to do with trying erm…successing (??) in life, victory, to do with war, to do with opinions and one opinion against another…you know?”

So basically what you’re saying about James Randi is that he wants to be successful and that he has the odd clash of opinion with someone else. Blimey, that would apply to me as well. In fact it’d apply to most of the population. Uncanny eh?

“It also represents a lack of control and…erm…but it is to do with like successing (again - ??) in life and the horses on the chariot represent erm…control, balance…you know? Negative and positive and stuff like this…”

Ok, now this part is absolutely ridiculous. First he says that the chariot represents a lack of control and then goes onto say that the horses represent control. Talk about covering all bases…especially as the next thing he says is “Negative and positive and stuff like this…” It’s like me saying that someone could be a male or could be a female.

“But I would say that this card to chariots…I would say that even though he’s had a lot of success you know, he’s also had a lot of struggle to get that success”

Success is never easy…unless you’ve got absurdly rich parents and even then it’s not a guarantee. So far this reading is about as enlightening and profound as an episode of ‘Hector’s House’.

“Two frames of mind if you wanna put it that way, represented by the two horses, could never make his mind up or…but he gets a decision in the end like if it’s good or bad.”

Again…unbelievably general and vague from Charlie, although is it just me or is he trying to subtly have a dig at Randi’s stance on the paranormal with this statement?

“And his card is ruled by cancer…which cancer represent by the moon…cancer can represent slyness, erm…working in the night…if you know what I’m trying to say. You can use your imagination.”

Again he resorts to having sly digs at Randi’s alleged character which at times borders on defamation. The “use your imagination” comment is slightly amusing too, it’s like a desperate plea for the listener to rack their brains to try and make any sort of correlation with what he’s just said. Most “mediums” encourage you to do this but the majority of them don’t resort to blatant pleas like Charlieboy here.

“And they also represent the crab which, as you know, a crab doesn’t walk straight it walks round sideways you know? And erm…it sort of goes round things arse about tit (??) if you wanna put it that way.”

More absolute dross spouted by Charlie here…although bizarrely enough this statement would better suit “mediums” than James Randi. Afterall, Randi directly challenges “psychics” to prove their supposed abilities whilst the “psychics” tend to mess around (or scuttle around if you want to keep the crab analogy) in order to avoid taking the challenge. Pretty ironic really.


“Cancer’s can also be sly, President Bush has this in his reading and that says a lot if you look at his. And that does go with President Bush and this does go with James Randi as well. To get to this success that he got in life he basically erm…not all dishonest but the majority of it is.”

Again, more completely unfounded accusations about Randi’s personality and work. I’d ask him to back up his ridiculous claims with solid evidence but since he never responds to any of my questions I sent via youtube I doubt I’d get very far.

“You look up the star signs or these tarot cards it does tell you that mean (??) and it’s amazing how it fits.”

Oh indeed, it’s absolutely amazing…amazing in its absurdity.


“And as you can see as it goes onto his birth…erm you add all that up and it comes to eight and the eight is a strength card. What’s so interesting about this one is if you look at his date of birth…well the strength card is represented by Leo cos that’s what James Randi is. And if you look at his star sign apart (??) from being a Leo, the ruler is strength. And when these cards repeat theirselves, if they repeat Leo twice and the strength card twice that tells a lot, you do have a lot more inflictions they are stronger. And erm, the strength card that represents self control or lack of self control…to do with a fighting life against other people or himself. Having willpower to do with whatever he wants to do…and it is very strong, he’s had a really…a lot of struggling in his life to do with a lot of things and I mean a lot of things. He had a lot of struggles and even a lot of enemies with the chariots and also this. I mean if you look at the picture in the tarot cards (unintelligible) the lion…it says a lot.”

Despite Charlie’s claims of “it says a lot” Charlie actually says nothing of any substance here. Again notice the “the strength card that represents self control or lack of self control” quote which once more covers all possibilities. It’s no wonder “mediums” get the odd hit, half the stuff they say can’t possibly be wrong whoever it supposedly applies to.

Also isn’t it funny how Randi’s only enemies seem to be the frauds he sets out to expose?

“and they’re very straightforward people…that’s what James Randi is. But he can be too straightforward. They’re that straightforward and have that much confidence and stuff like that but there’s a very negative streak there with Leo all the time. And Leos have a lack of judging situations wrong as well and they also make a lot of enemies because of their straightforwardness…they always say things which are later on…sort of regret what they say. They don’t always get it right before they open their mouth.”

Again, notice the sly attacks of Randi. Curiously enough Charlie seems to suggest that Randi regrets what he’s said about “psychics” in the past…which is absolute nonsense. He seems so intent of putting words into Randi’s mouth that it wouldn’t surprise me that when he eventually pops his clogs he’ll be “channelled” by someone like Charlie saying that he was wrong about mediums and spirits…sad but there are people out there who would attempt to piss on a dead man’s work and beliefs for their own personal gain.

“Well I said, it is very strong this Leo and the strength card is very strong indeed. He’s had a lot of problems in his life. You look at his name and birth added together as well which it adds up to fifteen if you work it out…the devil card and the lovers card put down to the number six. And erm…very interesting really that is as well, the devil is suffering to do with a lot of things. It represents some of the things that James Randi does and a lot of people think he’s a good man in one way and he’s not in another…but he is to some people but he’s got more enemies than he can handle.”

Just more nonsense here by Charlie, note how he associates the devil with Randi in another poor attempt to discredit him. I’d also say that the “more enemies than he can handle” statement is incorrect based on the facts that the vast majority of “mediums” seem absolutely terrified of him, Charlie included.


“I mean, James Randi will probably say “oh no, that doesn’t go with me, it’s a load of crap” but if you look at it and look it all up it makes a lot of sense”

Not counting the slyness and the other unfounded veiled accusations…I reckon he’d concede that some of it would apply to him. Why’s that you ask? It’s because some of the stuff Charlie has come out with is so general it’d apply to almost every entity on the planet. Those statements weren’t a result of mystical powers, just an incredibly basic grasp of human nature.


“and the type of person he is, I mean the devil…an evil, and I’ve always said he’s an evil man and a lot of people say and it’s amazing the way that fits him and strength, he’s had a lot of problems a really lot of problems in life and he’s made a lot of enemies…and the strength card really states that by repeating itself twice.”

Once more he reiterates that James Randi is an evil man and what does he base that accusation on? Well, nothing…aside from personal opinion (brought about from fear of being exposed most likely) masked under the guise of a “tarot reading”.


“And Leo…also repeats itself twice which makes it stronger again, he’s definitely a pure Leo. And cancer being in there…sly…the devil card being there…also says a lot you know? He’s had suffering himself and he’s also other people round him suffer.”

Yet again he makes tiresome claims about Randi being “sly” and such…although I’d say the only people he makes suffer are the charlatans who spend their lives conning people with the whole “psychic” charade…which I’d say is a good thing given the morality of these people.

So there you have it, another analysis of the one person who truly fits the title of “Bad Psychic”. We should be grateful he’s around really because his appalling attempts at “psychic readings” are so easy to pick apart it helps highlight the techniques used by more cunning “psychics” for all to see.

Incidentally, if Charlie ever reads he should feel free to send me (or anyone on the site for that matter) his “amazing evidence” of the afterlife he supposedly has. Although I suspect he’ll ignore that invitation just like he’s been ignoring my messages for the last couple of months or so.

But anyway, is this a true indication of psychic powers...or is it just a thinly veiled attack on a certain individual created without the use of any paranormal abilities whatsoever?

That's up to you to decide I guess...although I'll be gobsmacked if you think it's anything other than the latter...

By baronvon

25 August 2007

Carla Baron

The Independent Investigations Group has been examining the public claims of Carla Baron – a self-proclaimed "psychic detective" who has solved fifty cases in the past twenty years.

The Full Report of her and her claims can be read on the IIG Site.


11 August 2007

Charles J Sibley Responds To James Randis Exposure Of Maureen Flynn

By Jon-boy Donnis
Our good friend Charlie boy is back, and although about 15 years late, he has decided to respond to a video we posted on here a while ago.

The video in question was Maureen Flynn On James Randis Psychic Investigator

Now lets take a look at Charlie boys response.
Again notice how he denies cold reading even exists!

Unfortunately Charlie removed his video but luckily forum member Baronvon has transcribed this whole video.

Hello this is Charlie: this is a response to James Randi and the Medium. Why I’m doing this video is to make people understand that there’s no such thing as cold reading, mediums work in the way they work and James Randi thinks that every medium is a fraud and there’s no such thing and there’s no convincing him and there’s probably no convincing a lot of people. What people don’t understand is a medium, there’s so many spirits around a medium and when a medium asks questions “can you take Doris?” or Jim or whatever, they’re just seeing if they’ve got the right thoughts and it’s not theirs…because it’s very hard you know to actually suss out the thoughts of spirits and the thoughts of yourself…and this is where some mediums do get confused, like I said, you’re seeing if you’ve got the right thoughts plus it starts the vibrations on if somebody says yes and then the rest of the information comes through. 

I mean, if you look at it logically, if you’ve got a room full of people, you must have been in that situation where you’re trying to tune into three people at the same time and they’re all making conversations with you and you can’t concentrate on one – it’s very hard. 

But that’s what…it’s even worse sussing out the thoughts of a spirit and the thoughts of yourself. But erm…anyway I’ll go through this video and I’ll give you an example.

See, Mrs Flynn starts of asking the audience if anyone could take the name Taylor – the lad said yes and after she’d done that she gave facts with that name and he died of a heart condition. She said “does it make sense?” and he said “yeah”. Now there you go but the thing is, at the end when they done the percentages to do with this name called Taylor, there was 30% of people who could have took the name Taylor and there was 55% who could actually relate to the condition of the granddad.. But the thing is, the percentage of Taylors…what James Randi didn’t do is he should have asked err…the names with Taylor is actually linked to do with a heart condition and he didn’t say that. Then there’s 55% of people who actually relate to the heart condition of someone dieing…doesn’t mean it’s the name Taylor so…you can go on forever.

And as it goes on he then…the lad couldn’t take any of the other names…you know erm…Doris and Jim or James…and what was happening there is basically she was picking up other spirits to do with the next erm…person and erm…that’s what was happening and that the spirit was butting in and like I said to you before that’s where some mediums get confused.

And as you can see as she goes onto the woman…she was very shocked. She was a non believer or slight non believer and she was picking up facts to do with that woman. And this is why it’s not cold reading, it’s nothing to do with names or anything, she was given facts to think over (unintelligible). She was actually…was shocked, she was very shocked at what she was getting. She was right again, so…where’s the cold reading? It’s nothing to do with that. But what James Randi didn’t do again…is he done a percentage on that lad, but he didn’t do it on that woman. I wonder why eh? Because…she was very shocked…(unintelligible) even though she had the erm, you know…there was less evidence to do with that lad than there was with that woman. You know…I’d like to hear off that woman err…just put her on the end of the video you could ask her what she thought. She could talk about that she was very shocked.

Like I said there’s no such thing as cold reading, there really isn’t…and James Randi and all…a lot of sceptic people, there’s people that’ll never believe…and like I said, why I’m doing this video is to make people understand, and it’s very sad really because spirits, believe it or not, try very, very hard to work through any human being so they can let their family know that their soul actually lives on. And this is where the sad part is and this is what makes me mad about it, that you can’t make everyone believe – this is why people should be open minded, you know…it is very sad and when there’s likes of James Randi and people like that…just imagine loads of spirits and they want people that’s upset down here at someone dieing…it’s very sad.

If they don’t want to accept it they should be open minded to the possibility…there is life after death, believe me, I know…and thousands of other mediums know…and there’s been surveys all over to world, to do with life after death and they know a lot more than James Randi, badpsychics.com…and loads of other people.

‘Cos people will never believe really…but this reading really is…erm, a very good reading. What another thing people do not understand is when you’re doing a demonstration with an audience it’s a lot harder for a medium, it really is and there’s some that give demonstrations and they get, like that fella said at the end of this video that they can get 80% of whatever you know? I mean she got…I’d give her a rating of something like 80% out of 100 with that woman and that lad. Considering she give only two readings there, if she went on she’d probably give a better demonstration.

I mean if that woman…or even that lad was actually in a private reading on their own, people are better off with a private reading if they’re sceptic. It’s simple as that. (unintelligible) in an audience, it doesn’t mean you get what you want and people do think “well that could be someone else” and this is what James Randi’s working on.

I mean even the system to do with James Randi with ten people…erm, it could work. But you need the types of people who are from all different walks of life, it’s simple as that. I mean I’ve (unintelligible) some good private readings better than demonstrations and most mediums can…and most people who believe in life after death…usually have actually had a private reading, and that should say a lot.

I mean people go on about the James Randi challenge you know? But mediums won’t go in for it for a couple of reasons. And one reason anyone can wave a cheque in the air but even if there was evidence out of these ten people, James Randi’ll say “well you still can’t prove that this comes from dead people” ‘cos James Randi thinks that’s everything’s a trick that can’t be explained. He is an evil man, believe me, and that’s why mediums don’t bother with him. People say “well it doesn’t matter if he’s evil” but he hasn’t got the money anyway. There’s no such thing as cold reading whatsoever.

The only thing that cold reading, James Randi started it off or whoever did, is there is frauds around and you’ve got to suss out the bad from the good…and I’m doing all these videos because the mediums get slagged off, if you wanna put that way, on badpsychic.com and James Randi, he’s picking on the wrong people. You’ve got to suss out the bad from the good and James Randi and badpsychic.com will never do that because they don’t understand how mediumships work. And it’s even like him on badspsychic.com, I mean he said he went through a course and he’s a medium and he does understand it…but he’s lying! Because if he was a medium or he went through a course he wouldn’t be sceptic. You know what I’m saying? Doesn’t make sense does it? I mean James Randi and him are both liars. They really are.

But it is hard for mediums to working out spirit’s thoughts from their thoughts, it’s very hard, it really is. Like I just mentioned before, there’s no way this was a cold reading this video, she done a good demonstration, but all you people should be open minded and a lot of sceptic people say “well we are open minded” but they’re not.

At the end there was erm…a reading which she gave to a gentleman you know? James Randi said there was thirty seven names mentioned and he could only take nine out of that private reading. I agree with her where she said he was satisfied with the reading and a lot of stuff made sense…and it’s nothing to do with all the names she give. There’s reasons for giving all these names, when you pick up names, it doesn’t matter how it is, he could have a family history going back through a few hundred years and all them names could just come through because other people around him know them people. You put facts with them names what that gentleman got and he was satisfied.

Anyway, we’ll leave it at that, god bless.

Baronvon has also written a response to this latest offering by Charlie boy, and I am happy to publish it below.

By Baronvon
The great man of comedy himself, Charles Sibley, treats us to another delightful ramble about how sceptics are all liars that know nothing about anything and that James Randi is the anti-christ etc. However, whilst listening it did strike me that his “explanations” and “counter-claims” to sceptical criticism where pretty much textbook retorts as far as mediums go. Fair enough, his delivery is about as convincing as the tooth fairy myth and due to this lack of conviction he probably won’t convince anyone, but I saw it as a half decent opportunity to address these archetypal medium comebacks one by one and, as you can see, I’ve done so below.


“Why I’m doing this video is to make people understand that there’s no such thing as cold reading,”

Ok, lets just stop right there and address this straight away, there is such thing as cold reading, it’s well documented (Ian Rowland has written a comprehensive guide on it) and it’s a technique used by just about every medium as far as I can tell, including Charlieboy.


“What people don’t understand is a medium, there’s so many spirits around a medium and when a medium asks questions “can you take Doris?” or Jim or whatever, they’re just seeing if they’ve got the right thoughts and it’s not theirs…because it’s very hard you know to actually suss out the thoughts of spirits and the thoughts of yourself…and this is where some mediums do get confused, like I said, you’re seeing if you’ve got the right thoughts plus it starts the vibrations on if somebody says yes and then the rest of the information comes through.”

Mediums often tend to blame the “spirits” for these unclear messages, in fact they blame anyone but themselves. Curiously enough Charlie’s ‘spiritual explanation’ runs directly parallel with a basic cold reading technique whereby you chuck out various (often ludicrously common) names in the hope that the sitter or an audience member will be able to relate to it. If someone can lay claim to the “spirit” you can then proceed with the reading, often by spewing other general information. The confusing “spirits” explanation is pretty poor to say the least although unfortunately, believers in mediums will probably buy it.


“See, Mrs Flynn starts of asking the audience if anyone could take the name Taylor – the lad said yes and after she’d done that she gave facts with that name and he died of a heart condition. She said “does it make sense?” and he said “yeah”. Now there you go”

And here is an example of a general statement that follows the name fishing. Charlie states that she not only pinpointed the name “Taylor” (which is an extremely common surname, not far behind the likes of “Smith and “Jones”) but also that the person in question died of a heart condition. Now, if you watch the video again you’ll see that not only did the sitter not specifically confirm that the heart condition was the cause of death (he seemed to confirm that the grandfather statement was correct which again, was not a hard guess for Ms Flynn to make) but Maureen also didn’t just state a heat condition, she also stated that the lungs might have had something to do with it. So in reality she said that an elderly man either died from any form of heart condition or something to do with the lungs. As usual with “psychic readings”, extremely general statements and not anywhere near as specific as Charlie makes it sound when he’s giving his analysis…


“at the end when they done the percentages to do with this name called Taylor, there was 30% of people who could have took the name Taylor and there was 55% who could actually relate to the condition of the granddad.. But the thing is, the percentage of Taylors…what James Randi didn’t do is he should have asked err…the names with Taylor is actually linked to do with a heart condition and he didn’t say that. Then there’s 55% of people who actually relate to the heart condition of someone dieing…doesn’t mean it’s the name Taylor so…you can go on forever.”

He then goes on about percentages but there no real point pointing out the flaws in his logic. They were all very general, could-apply-to-almost-anyone statements and the heart condition was never specifically confirmed by the sitter so Charlie’s argument doesn’t really have any real merit.


“And as it goes on he then…the lad couldn’t take any of the other names…you know erm…Doris and Jim or James…and what was happening there is basically she was picking up other spirits to do with the next erm…person and erm…that’s what was happening and that the spirit was butting in and like I said to you before that’s where some mediums get confused.”

Yet again, more excuses as to why it’s all the spirit’s fault when they totally flunk elements of their readings. Once again, Charlie doesn’t give a fair picture of what really went on in the video. Maureen threw out a variety of ‘D’ names such as “Doreen” and “Dorothy” to go with her “Doris” statement. You’ll notice that around the same time the woman claims Doris there’s also a bloke at the back of the audience with his hand up trying to claim it. However Maureen had already pinpointed her target so she pressed on with her although it’s a safe bet that she’d have spouted out the same statements regardless of which of the two people she chose. Despite what Charlie or any psychic will try and tell you it all smacks of textbook cold reading.


“And as you can see as she goes onto the woman…she was very shocked. She was a non believer or slight non believer and she was picking up facts to do with that woman. And this is why it’s not cold reading, it’s nothing to do with names or anything, she was given facts to think over (unintelligible). She was actually…was shocked, she was very shocked at what she was getting. She was right again, so…where’s the cold reading? It’s nothing to do with that. But what James Randi didn’t do again…is he done a percentage on that lad, but he didn’t do it on that woman. I wonder why eh? Because…she was very shocked…(unintelligible) even though she had the erm, you know…there was less evidence to do with that lad than there was with that woman. You know…I’d like to hear off that woman err…just put her on the end of the video you could ask her what she thought. She could talk about that she was very shocked.”

You can’t argue against that she looked a tad surprised but let’s look at things again. For a start the woman claims the name “Doris” only for the medium to then go on a completely different tangent altogether. She then does the typical trick of making veiled statements that are in reality very general but if any correlation can be made by the sitter, they suddenly seem pretty specific She not only didn’t state that it was her husband that died in an accident she also got the name wrong initially only for the sitter to make the correction to James which, although mentioned earlier, is still a very common name. 

Also if she really was talking to the dead then surely she wouldn’t have had to do all the “who’s Jimmy?” fishing beforehand and gone straight to the woman instead? But, seeing as to the untrained eye cold reading such as this can seem very impressive Charlie immediately capitalises on it as if it’s real evidence when that’s simply not the case. Remember, just because the woman was a “non believer” that doesn’t mean she clued up about cold reading techniques…


“Like I said there’s no such thing as cold reading, there really isn’t…and James Randi and all…a lot of sceptic people, there’s people that’ll never believe…and like I said, why I’m doing this video is to make people understand, and it’s very sad really because spirits, believe it or not, try very, very hard to work through any human being so they can let their family know that their soul actually lives on. And this is where the sad part is and this is what makes me mad about it, that you can’t make everyone believe – this is why people should be open minded, you know…it is very sad and when there’s likes of James Randi and people like that…just imagine loads of spirits and they want people that’s upset down here at someone dieing…it’s very sad.”

Once again he makes the daft “no such thing as cold reading” statement but we’ll overlook that for now as he then plays the emotion card. He states how it’s a great shame that some people dismiss life after death when all the spirits are trying to do is tell their loved ones back on earth that they’re safe and happy. Citing the “comfort” argument is a pretty standard thing for mediums to do as they believe that this is something that sceptics can’t argue against. I’ll use personal experience to answer this one. 

My Grandma died prematurely when I was very young. Sadly I don’t have many memories of her as I was so young at the time and didn’t understand the magnitude of what had happened. I wish that she was still around, of course I do, and I wish I’d had the chance to get to know her better before she died. But that’s not to say that I’ll settle for some scumbag medium to make up a load of rubbish about her, pissing on what little, precious memories I have in the process. 

And what for? Comfort? Not for me thanks, I’d rather settle for real memories, not some fabricated nonsense that someone made up at the drop of the hat, I’d rather that her life was not cheapened. It’s heartless and exploitative of the medium if nothing else.


“If they don’t want to accept it they should be open minded to the possibility…there is life after death, believe me, I know…and thousands of other mediums know…and there’s been surveys all over to world, to do with life after death and they know a lot more than James Randi, badpsychics.com…and loads of other people.”

Surveys? So what? That doesn’t prove anything, it’s not verifiable and it’s certainly not valid evidence. I’ve noticed that Charlie often says that us sceptics “know nothing” on a very regular basis. He reminds me of an accused defendant, feverishly trying to convince himself that his prosecutors know nothing whist he awaits trial. He sounds pretty worried if you ask me…


“‘Cos people will never believe really…but this reading really is…erm, a very good reading. What another thing people do not understand is when you’re doing a demonstration with an audience it’s a lot harder for a medium, it really is and there’s some that give demonstrations and they get, like that fella said at the end of this video that they can get 80% of whatever you know? I mean she got…I’d give her a rating of something like 80% out of 100 with that woman and that lad. Considering she give only two readings there, if she went on she’d probably give a better demonstration.”

You think that was a good reading Charlie? I thought it was horrendous.


“and most people who believe in life after death…usually have actually had a private reading, and that should say a lot.”

Not really, people that have readings usually tend to believe in that sort of stuff to start with so that statement isn’t anything groundbreaking.


“I mean people go on about the James Randi challenge you know? But mediums won’t go in for it for a couple of reasons. And one reason anyone can wave a cheque in the air but even if there was evidence out of these ten people, James Randi’ll say “well you still can’t prove that this comes from dead people” ‘cos James Randi thinks that’s everything’s a trick that can’t be explained. He is an evil man, believe me, and that’s why mediums don’t bother with him. People say “well it doesn’t matter if he’s evil” but he hasn’t got the money anyway. There’s no such thing as cold reading whatsoever.”

Right, personal attacks on Randi really make me very angry indeed. He’s not an evil man, he comes across as a dedicated and genuinely caring man, just watch the video on youtube where he explains why he examines paranormal claims, that should show anyone that deep down he’s an inherently good man. 

Secondly, James Randi would be quite willing to believe in the afterlife and psychic ability providing he’s given solid evidence. I heard somewhere that he once said that it’d be worth paying a million dollars if it led to them finding a true psychic. And yes, he does have the money, he’s proved it so don’t give us that. The above is essentially a stereotypical reason “psychics” give as to why they won’t take the challenge…personally I think it’s because they’re all frauds.


“on badpsychic.com and James Randi, he’s picking on the wrong people. You’ve got to suss out the bad from the good and James Randi and badpsychic.com will never do that because they don’t understand how mediumships work.”

So you admit there are some bad mediums Charlie? Wouldn’t this disprove your claim that cold reading doesn’t exist? And, unfortunately for you, James Randi and the Badpsychics community know exactly how “mediumship” works.


“And it’s even like him on badspsychic.com, I mean he said he went through a course and he’s a medium and he does understand it…but he’s lying!”

I’m sure Jon is heartbroken by your accusations.

Reply by Jon: For the record I did indeed complete a mediumship course, so to call me a liar is in fact libellous. I have NEVER claimed to be a medium, so again you are misrepresenting me.
It is simple, I completed a mediumship course, top of the class, I NEVER cheated, and I never spoke to spirit. Is this plain enough for you?

I stood on a stage and gave readings, probably to more people than you do. I was SUCCESSFUL, but I never cheated.
Yes cold reading can be used, but self delusion and good old fashioned lucky guesses are all you need sometimes.


“You know what I’m saying? Doesn’t make sense does it?”

No, you’re right. What you are saying doesn’t make any sense at all, mainly because it’s smells like the same as the excuses all mediums seem to make.


“but all you people should be open minded and a lot of sceptic people say “well we are open minded” but they’re not.”

Oddly enough the general definition of being “open minded” doesn’t mean that you unquestioningly believe any old nonsense that you hear about. It means you’re open to possibilities but, in the case of sceptics anyway, that you require evidence of something first.


“At the end there was erm…a reading which she gave to a gentleman you know? James Randi said there was thirty seven names mentioned and he could only take nine out of that private reading. I agree with her where she said he was satisfied with the reading and a lot of stuff made sense…and it’s nothing to do with all the names she give. There’s reasons for giving all these names, when you pick up names, it doesn’t matter how it is, he could have a family history going back through a few hundred years and all them names could just come through because other people around him know them people. You put facts with them names what that gentleman got and he was satisfied.”

A lot of stuff will have made sense to him because he wouldn’t have been educated on cold reading techniques. If she was really psychic she wouldn’t have such a poor hit rate. Charlie’s right though, there is a reason for giving all these names, it’s because they’re not really psychic and they need to throw out as many names as possible in the hope that the sitter will relate to one in some way. And the large family history excuse is so laughable it’s not even worth addressing.

So yes, that’s my analysis of a typical “psychic excuse”. Rather longwinded but Charlie seems to excel in long winded droning sessions. Maybe he just bores his subjects into submission they become too apathetic to disagree with what he’s saying. This isn’t a one man crusade against Charlie of course, his “mediumship” has provided us with many a laugh, it just so happens that he’s not exactly the most cunning medium around and therefore his excuses and “evidence” is rather easy to pick to pieces in order to educate to demonstrate how these people work.

So, before you consider going to see a medium…consider this first, and if that’s not good enough look at the other articles on this site.

You may just reconsider.

10 August 2007

The Worlds Second Worst Trance Medium - Summer Bacon

Originally published 10th August 2007

I received the following email from Karl Mullings The Director of Sales and Marketing for Summer Bacon.


This Web Site Does not have permission to use any of the copyrighted material of Summer Bacon ie. photos and quotes. Please take our material off your site ASAP.

Therefore I have removed the photo of Summer Bacon, and replaced it with a photo of Dr Peebles. 

(I have republished a photo of Summer Bacon, a photo that was found on google images, and in the public domain, if you would like me to remove this, please provide proof of copyright, and as soon as all photos of you are removed from google images, I will happily remove it as well. - Jon Donnis 16/08/2017)

As for the youtube video, it has been uploaded freely to youtube and I am allowed to use it under the T&C; of youtube.

As for the quotes, again I am covered by "fair use"

You can quote excerpts from a piece of original work in certain situations, including educational, research purposes and reviewing purposes.

When a movie or a book reviewer quotes material from the book or movie, they are not violating Copyright under the Fair Use Act. This is because the reviewer is using the material to exemplify the work. They are not reproducing the work in it's entirety, or alluding that the work may be their own. This provision also protects educational institutions. The Fair Use Provision makes it possible for professors to quote excerpts form a book at the beginning of class, or for librarians to photocopy certain sections of material.

Even under the Fair Use provision, however, you should always attribute the creator of the work you are citing. You should also be sure that you are only using as little material as needed to illustrate your point.

Therefore I do not need to remove anything else.

Published 9th August 2007
Firstly let me just confirm that her name actually is Summer Bacon, I am left wondering why her mother would give her the name of delicious seasonal snack. (thanks Bob)

Anyway, we all thought that we had found the worlds worst trance medium in Charley boy, but now there is a pretender to his rather de-shevelled crown.

Summer Bacon channels someone called Dr. James Martin Peebles (1822-1922), and no that is nothing to do with Stuart from Most Haunted.

Anyway for some strange reason Dr Peebles seems to talk like Southern US cattle auctioneer, all very weird.

Lets take a look

(Summer Bacon has since deleted all videos from her youtube channel, however I did find this one of her channelling Dr Peeble!)

On her site: www.summerbacon.com
it says
"Summer is considered to be the clearest and most authentic Trance Medium of our time."

Can I ask who by? Who exactly considers Summer to be the most authentic Trance Medium of all time? I know i don't, I know that everyone who has seen the video on our forum doesn't.

So I would suggest that it is Summer herself who declares herself to be the most authentic trance medium of our time.

It should also be noted that Dr Peebles himself while being channelled by another psychic, has claimed that he has 25 "channels" that he comes through in North America alone! Yep there are 25 psychics all claiming to channel the same guy! Suddenly Summer doesn't seem to be so unique after all.

Of course like any psychic of her ilk, it all comes down to money, and Summer has an endless stream of it, selling DVDs, a book, and other merchandise, as well as her open workshops where she charges people to teach them various things.

What is even stranger is that just a couple of days ago Summer wrote a sceptical article regarding an Anti-Aging Remedy.

I would like to quote one small part of her article.
A fool and her money are easily parted, and I was just about to be the fool

You see Summer here is being a hypocrit, she is attacking a bogus anti aging cream for being nothing more than propoganda and false hope, when she herself deals in the exact same thing.

Shame on you Summer.

My advice for anyone thinking of wasting your money on a psychic, take that money and spend it on your family, on yourself, buy yourself something nice, it will make you feel much better, and you will have something tangible at the end of it.

Or you could just donate it to charity.

8 August 2007

Exposed Psychic "Goldy" Attacks Sceptics Over Madeleine McCann Psychic Whores

The following article was originally published 8th August 2007.

Recently on this website we have attacked the psychics who have in a desperate attempt at self publication, travelled to Portugal and tried to get involved in the Madeleine McCann case.

People like Diane Lazurus and Ben Murphy, as well as Amanda Hart who have released press releases telling of their psychic predictions and so on.

To this day NO psychic has been able to find Madeleine, or offer the police any help whatsoever.

(10 years later in 2017 as I republish this, the above statement still stands as a statement of fact)
Well now we have a PROVEN FRAUD in Goldy, a psychic who was exposed as such on BBC's The Bullshit Detectives cheating, attacking us sceptics for daring to critisise these media whores.

On Goldys latest MySpace Blog she writes:


The skeptics have yet again criticised the 3 british psychics who at their own expense went to Portugal to see if they could pick up links or clues to finding madeleine. The skeptics once again came to their own conclusion these psychics were going to make a name for themselves and for no other reason.

We came to this conclusion due to the FACT that the psychics named released public press releases to the newspapers, and also due to the fact they have NOT actually found Madeleine or offered any REAL help to the investigation.


Genuine psychics dont need to make a name for themselves they already are established.

Not a single psychic in history has been able to prove they are genuine, you especially, in fact you are a proven fake.

As for the psychics mentioned, the very fact they released press releases should tell you that their only interest was that of publicity.


Did the thought that people really care about others not cross their mind, did the thought that if any of the psychics were able to find a clue that would lead to whereabouts of maddie that a child just may be reunited with her parents?

There is nothing more I would like than for Madeleine to be found alive, but if it does happen, it will be the hard work of the Portugese police and foresics, as well as the British detectives working hard.

It wont be because of 3 self proclaimed psychics contradicting each other, and releasing PR info to the media.

Ask yourself Goldy why they didn't just find Madeleine, and quietly be happy with their acheivement, instead we had this self promotion off the back of a very sensitive case.

For the record the family did NOT ask for any psychic help, and in fact due to their Catholic backgrounds would be very strict against the use of psychics.


why do skeptics not give psychics the benefit of the doubt before they jump on the so called band wagon so they could in turn say 'told you so;! did these skeptics put their hands together at any time and pray for this missing child?

We don't give these frauds the benefit of the doubt because they do not deserve it. They are self proclaimed unproven Acorah wannabes, people who go to every Audition for a psychic on TV, trust me I know I have seen them.

As for saying a prayer, well who should I pray to? God? I would be more interested in asking YOUR god why he would allow Madeleine to be taken in the first place.


doubt it cos whilst they are writing about what they have no knowledge about someone out there really cares enough to pray and get involved in physically doing something genuine to help.

And what exactly have you done Goldy?
In the past 40 years of your horrid little life, what have you ever done to actually help solve a crime?

On the BadPsychics team we have real police officers, people who have worked on serious cases, helped solve real crimes with real detective work.

You throw stones, when in fact you should be ashamed of yourself.


does it matter what type of person visits the scene of the crime if it brings a result?

Yes, it matters if that person is giving false hope, sending police on wild goose chases, upsetting the parents and so on.


whilst its healthy being a skeptic its sick knocking others for doing something they believe in, at the same time, without skeptics challenging us there would be no science.

What is sick is trying to make your name off of the back of the abduction of a young child, releasing press releases just to get your name in the papers in conjunction with a missing child case. That is sick Goldy, and you are sick for supporting these people.


I lay my hat off to the 3 british psychics who have laid their name on the line to help find a little girl taken from her parents. I wish you every success and all the love in the world in accomplishing such a difficult psychic and physical task.

You lay your hat off? I am sure that will mean a lot to them.

Personally I feel physically sick that there are evil scum out there who would committ such a heinous crime like abducting a child, I really don't give a shit about the feelings of a couple of frauds trying to make their name off of the back of such a crime.