Showing posts with label sally morgan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sally morgan. Show all posts

7 January 2017

Top 10 Sally Morgan Fails And Mistakes - A Psychic Medium Exposed

You may disagree, you have that right. 

More reading
Article on Sally.

Richard Bacon vs Psychic Sally Morgan

Sceptic Mark Tilbrook confronted and abused by family of "psychic" Sally Morgan.

6 January 2017

Classic Psychic Fail: Richard Bacon vs Fake Psychic Sally Morgan

Sally Morgan goes on Richard Bacon's radio show, and fails miserably. This is a classic case of cold reading gone bad! Huge respect to Richard Bacon for taking on Sally Morgan and making her look like a fool

29 June 2015

10 "Psychic" Sally Morgan Fails And Mistakes

We must never forget that Sally Morgan is not really psychic

28 March 2015

Review: Psychic Sally Morgan failed to see my disappointment

The following review was put up on "The Star" website and I thought I would share it hear as it amused me.

Was you at this show? Did you hear what the woman said when she came back from the toilets?


The Psychic Sally on the Road 2015 tour visited Doncaster - and turned into a bit of a car crash.

When I heard Sally Morgan was coming to the Doncaster Dome, I was very excited.

Having seen her at the same venue a few years ago, she had not just been entertaining but also very accurate, so it surely promised to be a great night out.

While helpful staff showed us to our seats, I looked around the venue and it was obvious that many people were looking forward to the night’s event.

Sitting back, I took a minute to soak in the atmosphere, a mixture of excitement, expectation, and hope.

Sally took to the stage and explained a little about what she did and then began by giving a name of a person in spirit.

People were looking around wondering who the fortunate person was, but it seemed no one knew the spirit who had come to say hello.

This seemed to be the mantra of most of the evening. Many names, dates and other details were given, but for the most part, things were not very accurate.

I wondered if mediums have off nights, because Sally Morgan was definitely having one tonight.

It was the total opposite from the last time I saw her.

The highlight of the evening came from a young woman in the audience who had her “message of love” picked out while she had decided to go to powder her nose. She returned to her seat to rapturous applause.

She told Sally that while in the ladies, as she looked into the mirror, she thought about her granddad who had passed away and what a lot of rubbish (not quite the words she used) this was.

It certainly made everyone laugh, but was it her granddad giving her a sign or was it just coincidence?

One thing I am sure of however is that I was not the only person going home somewhat disappointed.

By Diana Foster

20 October 2014

The Skeptic Weasel, A secret cassette recording, and the common denominator

Every day I have to go through the comments left on this site, moderate them, delete the spam, approve genuine comments and delete the violent threats and abuse.

However this comment caught my eye, which is why I will give it a post all on its own, and answer some things put to me, since they make some very direct accusations.

I will say that the name of the author an "Ed Stoner" is obviously a fake name. However I wonder if this really is one of Sally Morgans thug like family members, or just one of her misguided fans? Either way I invite them to publish whatever they claim to have on me and I will happily face the consequences. Although of course I know what they are saying is nonsense, I would never want to be accused of hiding things or lying about something in my past, say for example when Sally Morgan LIED about not knowing who Brian Dowling was on her TV show despite the fact she had given a reading to him a few years prior for a magazine! No I would never want to do that now would I?


Ed Stoner has left a new comment on your post "Does Sally Morgan's Husband John Morgan have a his...": 

Speaking of which, as a scientific group who partake in genuine study unlike your embarrassing mess, bought to our attention we are reliably informed that you made a series of racial slurs and homophobic hate speech when you was aged 23. Apparently one meeting was recorded and rusting away on an old cassette.

Hypocrisy springs to mind. After all we all say things we regret. Apologise to Sally and her team. Keep it civil. We know who was really behind it.

You are a Bad Skeptic and fraudster lapping it up from the big names of Colin Fry and Derek Acorah who you refuse to properly criticise unlike others. Not to keep them sweet, no the cat is out of the bag. We know why. The same reason you can afford to lounge abroad most of the year. You would never share the real reason or print this on your poxy blog.

Have you ever heard of the lowest common denominator? That person looks you in the face every morning you stare at the mirror.

You are commonly known as The Skeptic Weasel. You are a disgrace to genuine skeptics and scientists who are not in it for fame, money or immature kicks. 


Please do name this "scientific group" who claims to have a cassette tape of me at 23, you see at 23 I was not involved in skepticism in the slightest, in fact if memory serves me correct I was working in a Batley's Cash and Carry, full time, trying to save money so I could move out of my parents house!

As for racial slurs, as someone who grew up with a dark olive tan due to my ethnic group, I have had to deal with racism much of my life, I have even had racist abuse from psychics, and one such psychic even had the help of a "famous" skeptic who appeared on Most Haunted to try and cover up the racist abuse directed at me, and also threatened me too!

You see as a victim of racist abuse for many many years, to say I have made racist slurs is rather pathetic, but even more pathetic is to say you have a recording of me on cassette from 13 years ago! Please I am begging you, send me this recording and I will happily publish it here.

As for homophobic speech, well I am not gay, but I have many times spoke out in favour of Gay rights, just see my Twitter feed for that. Have I used derogatory words for gays in my time? Probably yes, when I was very young and at school, much like other kids in their early teens, I probably did call someone gay just for the way they looked, you see this is what CHILDREN do, NOT adults like John Morgan. Children say dumb things, ignorant things. Where as grown men working in a professional public capacity really should never say such things.

But I can categorically say I have never made a homophobic comment as an adult, and in a serious offensive manner. Although when I have visited Nightingales in Birmingham, with my friend Drew, I will admit to calling him a "big poof" when he strutted across the dance floor towards me with his feather boa flapping behind him.

So NO I will not apologise to Sally and her team, in fact I will keep making public times she has lied to the public, mislead people, and make unsubstantiated claims about her mediumship

Next you claim that I do not properly criticise Colin Fry and Derek Acorah! Do you know I am the WORLDS FIRST PERSON to fully expose Derek Acorah as a fraud! Yep the first person in the world to publish evidence of what he was doing.

Notice I just called his mediumship fraudulent, yet he does not sue me!

And Colin Fry, well here is another history lesson for you, when BadPsychics was first created the FIRST EVER ARTICLE was about Colin Fry and the Trumpet Incident, a story that had been hidden for over a decade I made public and got HUGE visitor numbers. Hell that article still gets big numbers.

I have written more about Derek Acorah than any one else on this site, so please don't say I give either an easy ride, just because I remain on talking terms with both, and can meet them face to face does not mean I do not criticise.

You also infer that somehow they are bankrolling me, or paying me off, how utterly ridiculous, I do not "lounge" about abroad most of the year. I am Greek, so I live in Greece. It is cheaper to live here than to live in England. Do your homework, we all know Sally Morgan does!

And on to your final comment, firstly I am not a scientist, never claimed to be one, have no interest to become one. So I couldn't care less what they think of me. As for the skeptical community, I have learned to accept and ignore their jealousy of me and my site, afterall I have done more for skepticism when it comes to exposing psychics and mediums than pretty much anyone else in the UK.

The skeptics I respect, respect me back, whether it is Derren Brown using my material on his site, or James Randi giving me a nice plug on his site. Do you really think I care of the opinions of jealous skeptics running tiny little websites desperately trying to copy me and then sending me abuse under assumed names? Water off a Greek ducks back!

As for being in it for the fame, didn't you already state that I dont show the real me? If I wanted fame my big ugly face would be plastered all over this site, if I wanted fame and money I would accept the weekly invites to appear on radio and TV shows. Did you know in the last 4 years I have agreed to only one interview, and even in that my face was not shown.

I have no interest in fame and money, My only interest is the message of education that I try to spread, that being how psychics and mediums do it.

But you did get one thing right, I do get a kick out of watching people who claim to be psychic fall on their arse, have their careers ruined and even watch as their own fans turn against them.

Anyway that's it from me for today, need to clean my yacht and collect my Gold bars from my private island.

By Jon Donnis
Follow me on Twitter @JonDonnis

16 October 2014

Does Sally Morgan's Husband John Morgan have a history of abusive and rude behaviour?

Hayley Stevens who runs the website, was watching Episode Six of Season Three of Psychic Sally On The Road on Pick TV, when she saw the following, it seems as if John Morgan has a history of being rude, despite Sally Morgan claiming in a statement "Due to the continual presence of Mark Tilbrook and John Morgan’s ever-growing concern for Sally, he reacted angrily and out of character."

Transcript from

Sally Morgan: ...and even though he is my husband... it doesn't give anyone the right to do... to be rude to anyone. I wont have it because I'm not rude to anyone, and I treat people how I want to be treated.
Daren Wiltshear: I agree BUT we kinda get talked down to by everyone - they don't realise who John is.
John Morgan: Daren kinda proved my point...
Sally Morgan: BUT what I'm saying to you love is that you've gotta be more politically correct, you've got to hold your tongue. Daren's here to take all the stress off of you, you don't have to do anything. Let Daren get into trouble, I don't want you getting into trouble.
John Morgan: I'm not in trouble
Sally Morgan: you were in trouble...
John Morgan: I'm not, it's all over inflated...

You can read more on this and other great articles at

Brighton Gays Say Shame on Sally Morgan!

Yesterday Brighton Gays put up the following posters telling Sally Morgan she was no longer welcome in Brighton, along with various Gay groups who contacted Sally Morgan regarding her husbands vile homophobic actions, this is why she "fired" him and her son in law.

Also unconnected to the above posters a Facebook Protest event was started

"Stand against hate speech and bigotry by protesting the "Psychic Sally" Tour at the Theatre Royal, Brighton. By refusing to apologise for her family's homophobic tirade, Sally Morgan condones bigotry and hate speech. You have the power to stand against such behaviour and force change. There will be a silent and peaceful protest near to the Theatre Royal, Brighton on the 17th October (this Friday) at 7pm whereby people can protest the appearance of Sally Morgan. 

Remember that for every penny paid to Sally at the theatre, her family (who are also her paid staff) will receive a percentage. This means that you are actively handing money to bigots. We respect the right of the audience members to attend the show, we also respect the right of the theatre to allow their audience safe entry. There will be no attempt to disrupt the show, we will simply be a large and unmissable presence so that anyone attending the Sally Morgan show on Friday night will be made aware of the situation. 

Sally's PR team have chosen to remove any negative comments from her Facebook page and to leave only those that defend her family's behaviour. She feels that the behaviour was justified because she claims that she felt scared for her life. Thousands of people REALLY fear for their lives when confronted by bullies peddling hate speech as demonstrated by John Morgan and his son in law, Daren Wiltshear. We have heard nothing from these two men and we demand an apology. If you agree with these sentiments, we need to see you on Friday!"

It was only after this did Sally Morgan decide to "fire" her husband and son in law, but it seems some people will continue their protest.

14 October 2014

Official Statement from Colin Fry regarding Sally Morgan and her Husbands, Homophobic actions and Mark Tilbrook

We are getting plenty of opinion and statements from Skeptics and the Skeptical community, so I thought I would do something different and ask self proclaimed psychic/medium Colin Fry for his opinions. Here is what he had to say

"I deplore all forms of prejudice, and of course I have personal reasons for particularly detesting any form of homophobia. Every one is welcome to attend my shows of any race, gender , religion or sexual orientation, even skeptics! and my tour company operate a zero prejudice policy. 

Although Mark Tilbrook and i shall have to agree to disagree , as long as he does not harass my audience entering or leaving my shows his presence makes no difference to me at all.

It's not my place to attack or defend Mrs Morgan or her family this they must do for them selves."

Colin Fry 

Letter on behalf of Mark Tilbrook to Sally Morgan

The following was posted on the Good Thinking Society website

Today, 14 October 2014, Robert Dougans and Serena Cooke of Bryan Cave wrote a letter on behalf of Mark Tilbrook to Sally Morgan’s solicitor Graham Atkins. In a spirit of openness, the text of that letter is below:

Dear Sirs,
Your client: Sally Morgan
We have been instructed by Mr Mark Tilbrook and we understand that you act for Sally Morgan. We write further to the statement placed on Sally Morgan’s website at and facebook page at last Friday, 10 October 2014.
It appears that the statement is both misleading and inaccurate.  We set out the various sections of the statement which do not present an accurate or true version of events and request that the statement be amended accordingly.
Inaccurate/Misleading Statements
  1. The sentence “On several occasions theatre staff have had to call the police in order to get him removed” is both inaccurate and misleading.  Mark Tilbrook did nothing more than peacefully distribute leafets in public. Regardless of whether any individual did or did not call the police, he was never removed from one of Sally Morgan’s shows by the police.  In fact, Mark Tilbrook never once saw the police whilst he was peacefully and legally leafleting outside of Sally Morgan’s shows.  The statement is misleading because it causes a reader to infer that Mr Tilbrook was engaging in illegal activity which either warranted removal by the Police or did in fact result in his removal by the Police.
Please correct the statement immediately, and issue a clarification to those who have been misled.
  1. The statement “Given the abuse Sally has endured over the past three years, which have included severe death threats and incidences of stalking; Sally was left fearing for her own safety once again” is also misleading.  Whilst Sally Morgan may have endured such treatment, she did not endure it because of any action taken by Mr Tilbrook.  In the previous sentence the only individual referred to is our client who is referred to by name, and described as someone who “targets” your client’s shows and engages in behaviour which requires police intervention.  On any ordinary reading of the two sentences the failure of Mrs Morgan to identify any other perpetrator of such illegal activity would cause a reader to infers that Mark Tilbrook made death threats and stalked your client.  This is untrue and highly damaging. It is clear that this meaning has been inferred by numerous readers of the statement from the following comments (by way of example only):
NAME REDACTED “I can understand everyone is entitled to their opinion but this guy needs to take a step back and see what he is really trying to achieve by his actions. If you don’t believe make your point once and back off. She is not the only medium out there. I think he should of been done by police with a warning you can’t issue death threats to people.  19 hours ago
NAME REDACTED Sally u are a good woman u try to help people whose lost dear people in thier life …u give people a sense of direction . Your partner and son are only sticking up for you against a stalker. Big hugs to u and your family keep safe xx October 11 at 1:34pm
NAME REDACTED Sally Stalking is an offence please call the national stalking helpline for advice. No one should have to put up with this kind of targeted harassment. This is a serous matter and it can be stopped. I am a victim of stalking so I know how obsessed that person can get so please take care of both of you.  October 10 at 10:24am
NAME REDACTED Good on ya john nd we love u sally. People like this should b locked up for a long time specially wen the victim is in distress over their actions October 10 at 9:49am
NAME REDACTED How about apologizing for what he said and the threats he made? October 12 at 2:39pm
NAME REDACTED What a load of rubbish. This guy is clearly pushing all the buttons to wind this up ..then record it ( surprisingly) and now play victim.. I have heard people say this to people on nights out its through frustration … They have clearly had a gutful of his ridicules pathetic behaviours and threats . I can’t stand people that act this way then squirm and play victim. 19 hours ago
Please correct the statement immediately, and issue a clarification to those who have been misled.
  1. The statements refers to “several occasions”, “continual presence”, “persistent hounding” and Mr Morgan’s “concern for Sally” in relation to Mr Tilbrook leafleting outside of her shows, and puts all of this forward as justification for Mr Morgan’s behaviour. This is misleading to the reader.  Mr Tilbrook has never met Mrs Morgan or attempted to meet her.  However, Mr Tilbrook was approached and threatened by Mr Morgan at the very first show that he attended in March 2014 (a fact which is acknowledged by Mr Morgan in footage taken at the second show). The published video is taken from the third show that our client attended. Prior to these occasions, Mr Tilbrook had never contacted Mrs Morgan or anyone connected with her in any way.  It is therefore clear that Mr Morgan’s actions were not provoked by Mr Tilbrook’s “persistent hounding” as inferred by the context of the article.  It is clear that such conduct is being inferred of our client from the statement by the following comments:
NAME REDACTED The fact of the matter is that the person who filmed you has been provoking you and publicly slating you for a very long time and such a horrible man who has no idea about the ability that you have. 18 hour ago
NAME REDACTED I don’t agree with what was said but this bloke has harassed them for a long time n someone had to say something, just a shame it’s now affecting her whole life which is exactly what these people wanted x 19 hours ago
NAME REDACTED Everyone says things in the heat of the moment and he was actualy deffending sally.not saying what was said was right but by the sounds of it the guy has been harassing them for a long time so provocation is also a factor!!!! 19 hours ago
NAME REDACTED Firstly Sally is not a fortune teller nor does she predict the future to those of you saying she should have seen it coming…secondly Sally is not a physic she is a medium…and Lastly, this man has been hounding Sally for a long time, removed by the police on a number of occasions and harassed theatre staff and the members of the public…yes what they did was wrong but maybe John and Dean were at the end of there tether with this man. 17 hours ago
Please correct these statements immediately, and issue a clarification to those who have been misled.
  1. It appears that Ms Morgan or her employees are moderating the comments on her facebook page, since a number of comments have been removed (as referred to in by comments at 10:33am on 10 October, 2:07am on 11 October and 6:48pm on 12 October).  We are therefore surprised that the following comments have not been removed since they contain information which Ms Morgan knows to be false/inaccurate and/or misleading:
NAME REDACTED Good on john!! Everyone’s entitled to their own opinion,but trying to ram it down people’s throat,to the point of threats and possible violence,is not acceptable,john was just standing up for and protecting his love,he should be applauded! October 10 at 10:45am
NAME REDACTED this tilbrook person is clearly stalking sally,,her husband has shown amazing restraint imho after mths of tilbrooks harassment.
NAME REDACTED Looked at the video, obv years of this guy outside venues handing out leaflets and it’s came to a head, can’t blame them for being angry 18 hour ago
NAME REDACTED I have no idea what has gone on here but from your last post this guy been pushing your johns button a lot over 3 years he might have said something out of line through anger but he was trying to protect u my partner would have done the same plz don’t throw away your marriage cos of an idiot I’m sure like u said john would never normally do anything like this so it’s one off protecting the woman he loves very much same for your son in law xxx 19 hours ago
NAME REDACTED Sally I’m sorry to hear your feeling like this but I think you are being a little hasty! John and Daren did what any other husband and son in law would do after their family member taking years of stalking and unreasonable behaviour from someone like Mark and quite frankly any other husband would have knocked him out so fair play to John in having that restraint, don’t think my husband would have been so withdrawn on that matter. You need your family around you just now, don’t worry what the public thinks just remember, if it’s not broken don’t fix it, and your marriage is far from broken x 19 hours ago
NAME REDACTED after all the stress you have all been through with this guy sending you threats and following you round all your shows i dont blame the guys for using threatening or violent behaviour dont sack them for it. pat them on the back they were only doing it to protect you. and dont throw your marriage away because your husband was trying to protect you. thats uncalled for. 19 hours ago
Please explain why Ms Morgan has felt able to leave this material on the internet despite removing other material.
The effect of the above statements is to infer that Mr Tilbrook instigated the vile and threatening abuse he suffered, and that his conduct somehow warranted such behaviour by Mr Morgan.
We can only hope that Mrs Morgan did not intend for her statement to give rise to such misleading impressions about Mr Tilbrook’s behaviour. We accordingly look forward to Mrs Morgan setting the record straight as soon as possible before this spreads further on the internet.  We note that the Independent newspaper has today published an article which quotes Ms Morgan’s accusation of “persistent hounding” by Mr Tilbrook.
Our client’s rights are fully reserved.
Yours faithfully
Bryan Cave

13 October 2014

Sally Morgan fires her Husband John Morgan and Son in Law Daren Wiltshear

This week really couldn't get any funnier, as Sally Morgan has now "fired" her Husband and Son In Law from Sally Morgan Enterprises, and also claims she has no idea what will happen to her marriage!

You can read more about this story at the following link

12 October 2014

Robert W. Lester takes a look at Sally Morgan and her family threatening a critic outside event venue

BadPsychics full coverage of this

The Guardian article on this threats issue

Original Video

And thank you to the few people who sent me the links via twitter and facebook. 

Please look into the nature of psychic frauds and see if your psychic favourites are using tricks. 

My own history with Sally has involved a bunch of copyright claims but the cow does not dare take me to court.

By Robert W. Lester

10 October 2014

Skeptic Mark Tilbrook confronted and abused by family of "psychic" Sally Morgan

From Mark Tilbrook:

“As I explained in the Guardian on 7 October, 2014 (, I decided earlier this year to leaflet outside various psychic stage shows, encouraging members of the audience to ask themselves questions about psychic ability. My first three visits were to shows by Sally Morgan, and on each occasion her husband John Morgan approached me. I found him to be threatening and abusive. 

After being threatened during my first encounter with John Morgan, I felt it necessary to have a camera with me when leafleting, to record events and provide evidence of the threats I faced. This footage shows what happened on the third occasion, at the Shaw Theatre in London on March 30, 2014. I’ve subtitled the video as accurately as I can make out, and you can make up your mind about his behaviour after seeing it for yourself.

None of this has stopped me from being determined to continue leafleting at psychic stage shows. This is why I have been working with the Good Thinking Society to hand out more leaflets at psychic shows throughout October 2014. You can find out about 'Psychic Awareness Month' at the Good Thinking website (”

Homophobic comments by Sally Morgans husband

Here they directly libel Chris French by calling him a liar, and then use racist terms while trying to think of Simon Singh

During the video they also allude to Derren Brown and use disgraceful homophobic language too

Sally Morgan has released a statement, a rather pathetic one at that. Afterall isn't she supposed to be psychic? Didn't she see this all coming? Her racist, homophobic husband making these comments?

SME Statement
Sally Morgan Enterprises would like to apologise for any offence caused by the material. Since April 2014, Mark Tilbrook has targeted Sally Morgan’s live performances; handing out leaflets to audience members. On several occasions theatre staff have had to call the police in order to get him removed.

Given the abuse Sally has endured over the past three years, which have included severe death threats and incidences of stalking; Sally was left fearing for her own safety once again.

Due to the continual presence of Mark Tilbrook and John Morgan’s ever-growing concern for Sally, he reacted angrily and out of character.

Sally was not aware of the comments made in this video. She is very upset by the events, does not condone any of the behaviour and can only assume that this was the cause of persistent hounding that lead to this altercation.

Although the Psychic Awareness month hosted by Good Thinking Society has come to light in recent weeks, the original leaflet given out by Mark Tilbrook contained different information which both Sally and SME felt made targeted references to her and not psychics in general, hence why legal advice has been taken.

22 June 2014

The Amazing Atheist takes a look at Sally Morgan

The Amazing Atheist is a professional ranter who yells loudly in empty rooms, and puts videos of it on the internet. Occasionally he reads a book or watches a movie--but mostly he just yells about things for your amusement and/or disgust.

22 May 2014

A Rather Embarrassing Night for Self Proclaimed Psychic Sally Morgan in Middlesbrough 16/05/14

The following article has been reproduced here with full permission from Myles Power, please do not replicate it anywhere else without his permission.

I recently went to to see the ‘psychic to the stars’ Sally Morgan at Middlesbrough town hall, and if there was one word I could use to describe my night it would be ‘boring’. First off I feel I have to say that I personally don’t believe that psychics exist so, as you can imagine, I find people like Sally distasteful. This, however, was not the reason why I found the night boring as I do love this kind of thing and was genuinely excited to not only see her, but to gauge the audiences reaction to her show. The reason that it was boring was because the audience did not respond well to her after relatively early on in her performance, she showed the level of her psychic abilities.

For those who don’t know, psychic Sally Morgan is a British television and stage artist who claims to have (you guessed it…) psychic abilities. She believes that she inherited her abilities from her Grandmother who was affectionately known locally as the witch of Fulham. She has been the star of her own show and has an extensive list of clients including celebrities and royalty, and is currently on the road showing off her psychic abilities.

Sally came to Middlesbrough on Friday night and her show started off very well. Even though she was getting the vast majority of what she was saying wrong the audience did not seem to mind and seemed to be having a good time. The point at which the audience became disillusioned with the performance was quite specific. One aspect of the show is that audience members can submit photographs of dead loved ones, in the hope that Sally will select theirs, and give a psychic reading from it. Sally pulled out of a box on stage one of these pictures. She held the picture up to the camera and it was projected on the large screen behind her. The picture was of a middle-aged woman and by the clothes she was wearing and the quality of the image, I guessed it was taken some time in the 1990s. Sally immediately began to get communications from beyond the grave from a man holding a baby named Annabel……or was it Becky. Noticing that no one in the audience was responding, Sally asked the person who submitted the photo to stand up. A rather small chunky woman at the centre of the hall stood up and Sally once again began to get messages from the afterlife. She was informed that this man and baby were somehow linked to the lady in the picture. However the woman in the audience (who was now also projected behind Sally) disagreed and started to look increasingly confused as, presumably, nothing Sally was saying made any sense to her. Sally then decided to flat out ask her if the woman in the picture had any children who passed and, when informed that that she hadn’t, responded by saying “I will leave that then”.

Sally then became in direct contact with the woman in the photo who began to tell her that there was a lot of confusion around her death and that she felt it was very very quick. She later went on to say that the day Wednesday has a specific link to her death and that she either died on a Wednesday or was taken ill that day. As the woman in the audience was not responding to any thing Sally was saying, she decided to ask how the woman in the photo was related to her. It turns out the woman in the audience got the whole concept of submitting a picture of someone you wanted to talk to from the afterlife completely wrong – and for some unknown reason submitted a younger picture of herself.

The hall erupted in laughter, which quickly changed into disapproving mumbles that lasted the rest of the night. No matter how hard Sally tried, she was unable to get the audience back, who were becoming increasingly disgruntled with the number of ‘misses’ she was getting. Not only that, but the audience seemed to become more restrained when Sally was asking them questions. I also don’t think that they reacted well to some of the particularly offensive scenarios Sally was recreating. One involved her re-enacting a dead man flushing narcotics down a toilet to his immediate family, whilst repeatedly saying “flush it down”. Another was when she was talking to a teenage girl whose boyfriend had recently committed suicide by hanging himself. Sally told the girl that she can feel him hitting her leg and that he was, infact, re-enacting  swinging against a door as he was committing suicide.

I now think that the vast majority of people who walked out of Middlesbrough town hall that night feel as i do – that someone who is psychic should know if the person they are talking to is dead or not and that it’s quite a messed up thing for a person to pretend that they are in contact with a dead family member.

By Myles Power

You can read the original publication of this article at This Link

11 September 2012

Karl Pilkington vs Psychics

You can always rely on Karl Pilkington to tell it how it is.
The following image was created by Andy Appleton

And here is a couple I knocked up

30 October 2011

Testing Psychic Sally Morgan

A lot of people have asked me to write an article explaining why I am so against this latest publicity stunt by Merseyside Skeptics and Simon Singh, but to be honest I don't feel like writing an article criticising skeptics when my interest is more in psychics, but Hayley Stevens has written an interesting article which mirrors much of my opinions on this matter, so thought instead I would give you a link to her site and to read her article.

Remember if you want to hear a truly altruistic opinion from one of the original forerunners in modern skepticism then you can like me on facebook and follow me on twitter.

You can read her article at

27 October 2011

Interview with a "Psychics" Tour Manager

As part of my reintroduction into the world of Skepticism, I decided that I should do something never done before.

Recent months the main subject of interest has been the allegations made against Sally Morgan, now unfortunately Sallys people are on full alert and not speaking to anyone.

However I still wanted to get the opinion of someone who has worked with a famous medium and who could tell me a bit more about the whole process of putting on a mediumship show in a theatre.

I got in contact with Colin Frys tour manager to ask the tough questions, but I didn't realise when I started how interesting it would be, and how the conversation would develop.

This interview is brought to you by Jon Donnis, and remains full copyright of Jon Donnis any reproduction without prior approval is strictly prohibited.


1. First of all can you introduce yourselves to us, and explain to us briefly your job title, who you work with and what it is exactly you do?

My name is Tony Lewis & I'm tour manager & cameraman for Colin Fry, I work mainly with Colin but occasionally work with Derek Acorah.

As my job title suggests I manage the tour for Colin, this mainly consists of getting the production on stage.

In the days prior to us arriving at a theatre I will have sent a technical rider & talked to the theatre technicians about what is required regarding lighting & sound etc & also talked with the theatre regarding ticket sales, publicity etc. I will check all hotel details are are correct & send out a call sheet to the crew.


2. Working with Colin Fry for many years, you are obviously there at every show working behind the scenes and making sure everything runs smoothly, how would you describe the general run up to a live show, with regards to once you turn up to a theatre for example?

You are right that I have been working for with Colin many years, about 8 in fact. I'm freelance & Colin is my major client. I started with Colin as a cameraman on 6ixth Sense & the tour & about 4 years ago was asked to be Colin's tour manager, a job I really enjoy. I continue to work as a cameraman on other tv shows & productions.

On the day of the show I will check with the hotel that everything is ok regarding our stay & call the theatre to confirm our get in time, which is usually 1pm & check everything is ok at the theatre end.

In the afternoon I set up the show, assisted by Colin's PA Kevin. This will entail, setting up & plotting lighting states, setting up & testing microphones & setting up my camera & screen. This set up usually takes about 2 hours, after which I will check everything is ok with Colin's dressing room. For example, that tea & coffee is available. It's not a rock tour, so that's all we require really.

After set up, we'll check into the hotel, where I'll spend a hour or so doing work for the tour & having a bite to eat before returning to the theatre at around 6pm.

We'll then do a sound & lighting check with Colin. We thoroughly check all the audience mics with Colin, Colin is hard of hearing & has to wear hearing aids ( I assure you they are only hearing aids! ), so it's very important that Colin hears the audience clearly through the stage monitors.

I will then discuss the running of the show with the theatre duty manager, Colin's show is 2 x 1 hour halves with a 20 minute interval, I discuss late comers, our no alcohol in the auditorium policy & the logistics of Colin doing an autograph signing after the show.

The show usually starts at 7.30pm when I will introduce Colin on stage from the stage wings. I then operate the camera during the show, putting the people who are receiving messages up on the big screen.

Once the show has started it is purely Colin interacting with the audience & nothing else.

After the show, we derig all our gear & load it into the van before going front of house to be with Colin at the signing. After which we return to the hotel for a couple of well earned drinks.


3. In recent months, questions have been brought up with regards to how mediums work while on stage, when Colin is performing, does he receive any instructions from anyone off stage, and if so what instructions are these, and how does he receive these instructions?

I assume you are talking about a medium who has admitted wearing an earpiece on stage, for which she says she receives stage direction only. The only direction Colin receives is from me, I'm on stage with him as I operate the camera, the only direction Colin receives from me is a hand signal to tell him he has 10 minutes left & another signal to tell him when it's time to wind up the half. There is absolutely no need for Colin to receive any other stage directions, it's his show & he doesn't need telling what to do.


4. If someone was to see Colin on stage and the fact he wears a hearing aid, this could easily be confused as an ear piece, would you and Colin be prepared to allow me to inspect his hearing aid, and verify it is only a hearing aid and in no way an ear piece?

Colin makes a point of telling the audience that he wears hearing aids & offers to let anybody see them. He has made more of a point of since the recent controversy. But, he is as deaf as a post without them. He would be happy for you to inspect them & we would also be happy for anybody to have a scanner in the audience to prove they are only hearing aids.

5. Why do you film Colin on stage? is it purely for a live big screen feed for people in the theatre to watch, or do you keep copies of each show?

It is purely for screen so that the rest of the audience can see what is happening. We do not tape the show as I feel it would be not be good to keep such personal information. However, I get asked by people who have received messages if I have filmed it as they would like a copy. The only time we tape the show is for tv or DVD & the audience are informed beforehand.

6. One of the known methods for fake psychics is to have people hang around in the foyer before shows and listen in on peoples conversations, this info is then gathered and passed onto the psychic, either through notes on a pad which the psychic quickly memorizes, or even fed to them live during a show through an ear piece. As tour manager, who has access to Colin apart from you before a live show, and how can you make sure that Colin does not implement such methods regardless of your belief or trust in him?

Only myself & Kevin, Colin's PA have access to Colin before the show. Darren is front of house, selling merchandise, but he has no access to Colin before or during the show. I make a point of not going front of house so that people can't have such suspicions. Another example is, Colin will often have mail from the public delivered to venues. I take all mail, read it & don't allow Colin to see it until after the show, to make sure, again, nothing suspicious is happening. Also, should an audience member start telling Darren why they are there, Darren will ask them not to say anything as it may spoil the message should they receive one & because we don't want anything to look like information could have been fed to Colin.

7. If we put to the side the laws regarding what a psychic can and cannot claim, entertainment only disclaimers, scientific experiment disclaimers and so on, would you be prepared to state professionally and on your own reputation that no hot reading, no prior research in any way is performed by Colin, and that as far as you are concerned when Colin steps on stage to perform he has no prior knowledge of anyone in the theatre, and that no information reaches him other than through his own claims of mediumship?

I'm more than happy to say professionally that no hot reading takes place. As far as I'm concerned Colin doesn't do any prior research, we have no access to box office details of the audience, Colin doesn't scour the obituaries or walk around the local cemetary. There simply isn't time to do any this! I can confirm that Colin steps onto the stage with no prior knowledge of the audience. Of course, there are occasions when there are people Colin or myself know in the audience. However, should Someone we know wish to claim a message, then Colin will inform the rest of the audience that he knows this person & then say that the message is not for them.


8. You mentioned that Colin is very open to his audience with regards to his hearing aids, but the question remains why does a medium need to wear hearing aids at all? One of the known methods used by fake psychics is that they rely on feedback from the person giving a reading, wouldn't it be more impressive if Colin could not hear the person getting the reading at all, and that he only make statements, would Colin, do you think be prepared to try an evenings mediumship whereby he has no hearing aids on, and infact ear plugs put in to prevent any hearing at all, and also some kind of partial blindfold so that he could not see anyone in the audience at all, but could for example see his feet so he doesn't walk off the edge of the stage, feel free to ask Colin that one yourself, as I don't think such an experiment has ever been done like this before and it would make for a fascinating demonstration.
It would make a very interesting demonstration if Colin was blindfolded & wearing ear plugs, but you hit the nail on the head when saying Colin must be able to see his feet as knowing his total lack of direction he would be bound to walk straight off the front of the stage.

I must disagree though as I think Colin does need to hear the responses from the audience for a couple of reasons. Firstly, to know that the message is with the right person & secondly, to know that the information is correct. However, I do know of mediums who will move on to another message if they get 3 no's in a row.


9. But surely any feedback only facilitates the potential for cold reading, either Colin is speaking to spirit or not, he shouldn't have to rely on feedback from someone in the audience at all, the very nature of someone saying yes or no means that he is receiving feedback which in turn could direct the reading in different directions.

Surely if Colin ever wants to satisfy those who doubt him, he must give readings without any feedback, making only direct statements. After all isn't his conversation supposed to be with spirit and not the person he is giving the reading to? So are you stating in your professional opinion as tour manager that without the feedback from the person getting the reading Colin would be unable to successfully give readings to a room full of people?

In my professional opinion I think it's important to have feedback from the recipient of the message so that the rest of the audience can hear whether Colin is correct in the information he is giving, otherwise it could be a very boring show. My job is to make sure it's a good show for all of the audience & not just the recipient of the message. I also think Colin believes that spirit are speaking to him rather than the other way round. Colin is not worried what those who doubt him think, he's more concerned with those who believe. But, I do think that without feedback Colin could give successful messages.


10. Surely Colin should be most concerned with providing proof of survival, instead of giving a good show. I happen to believe that if a medium is genuine he does not need any feedback whatsoever, the fact that Colin relies on the person for feedback opens him up to a world of criticism, when simple controls could be put in place to prevent any accusations of Cold Reading. Also it could also be said that if Colin received 0% feedback during a show and still was accurate that that would be much more impressive, and the people visiting the show would be more impressed. The only feedback any medium should receive is at the end of the reading, not before or during. Anyway I look forward to seeing Colin work first hand whereby I can better judge what is going on. My final question relates to the state of professional mediumship in the UK right now, would you agree that there has been a steady decline in the past few years, and if so what would you blame this on? Usually in times of economic and social problems, the reliance on mediumship increases, but it seems that professional mediumship these days is "dying on its arse" with the exception of a few of the top names.

I'm sure Colin is more concerned with providing proof of the afterlife, whereas I, being Tour Manager want to provide a full evening for all of the audience.

I think over exposure on television may be the answer to your final question. In recent years Derek Acorah became the 1st Medium to become famous through television, closely followed by Colin. In very recent years Sally Morgan has become very famous through television. However, I think some small satellite tv channels thought they could jump on the bandwagon & produced some poor tv shows. With so many mediums & psychics appearing on tv, lot's of so called psychics thought, "I can do what Colin Fry does & I want to be famous". So, they get a few cards printed & call themselves a psychic medium. If you look around lots of psychics claim to have been on tv & they think this gives them credence. They then approach a few theatres & think they can do a tour like ours & can't understand when they don't sell any tickets. In other words there is far too many psychics who want to be famous rather than wanting to help people. There are lots of very good people out there that do very good work, but there is also a lot that don't.


I would like to thank Tony for this interview and for answering some pretty tough questions.
I very much look forward to seeing Colin Fry work in person, and perhaps I can convince him face to face to eliminate the need for feedback during his shows.
Jon Donnis

18 September 2011

Radio Show that Exposed Sally Morgan as a fraud

As you will know by reading my previous blog post, Sally Morgan has recently been exposed, well now we have the radio interview.

Remember these were NOT skeptics, these were Sally Morgan fans, believers. How you can listen to this and not question Sally's claims is beyond me.