Showing posts with label Timothy Abbott. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Timothy Abbott. Show all posts

28 September 2015

The Psychic Scroungers BBC Program about convicted frauds, psychics Timothy Abbott and Janette Abbott

A husband-and-wife team working as psychics cite disabilities to claim hundreds of thousands of pounds in benefits, but they don't see the fraud team, and their antics are caught on camera.

Watch on the BBC iPlayer until the 7th October.
Click below to go to the BBC website to watch.

Also forum member Harry filled us in on the latest from within the SNU and their opinions on these convicted frauds.

"I'm told that many spiritualists are standing behind Tim Abbott and his wife. The Spiritualists National Union however have a bit more intelligence and have distanced themselves. This has caused a split.

The split goes right to the top of the SNU tree. Minister David Bruton is the current president of the SNU and is opposed to Tim and Janette being allowed to perform their mediumship in SNU churches. Unfortunately for Minister Bruton the SNU top brass cannot dictate to the churches who to book and who not to.

Tamworth spiritualist church, which is part of the SNU network of churches, booked Tim Abbott and his wife Janette to appear earlier this year (after Tim had been released from prison). But because Minister Bruton is the president of the national body he asked Tamworth church to cancel the booking since it would look very bad considering that Minister David Bruton does in fact live in Tamworth himself and is a long time member of Tamworth SNU church. The president of Tamworth spiritualist church ignored his pleas and went ahead with the booking, so Minister David Bruton cancelled his membership of the church.

THAT'S RIGHT, the PRESIDENT OF THE UK SPIRITUALIST NATIONAL UNION LEFT HIS OWN HOME TURF CHURCH because the local CHURCH PRESIDENT would rather give Tim Abbott and Janette Abbott, both convicted fraudsters, a booking! CRAZY huh?"

More info on the original story can be found at

6 March 2015

Fake psychic Timothy Abbott jailed for £170,000 Fraud!

You may recall that back in June 2014 I covered the story of Timothy Abbott and his wife Janette who claimed thousands of pounds in disability, council tax and housing benefit payments, saying they could hardly walk.

Read my original story By Clicking Here

Well they got caught out by those lovely people Department of Work and Pensions investigators, as you can see from the video below!

Well his 16 year fraud has cost him his freedom as on the 5th of March 2015 he was jailed for 8 Months, while his wife Janette was handed an eight-month prison sentence, suspended for 18 months.

A proceeds of crime hearing on June 30 will determine how much the couple must pay back as well as their jail sentences.

So justice has been done, sadly their fraudulent mediumship was not what they got caught on, but it is interesting to note that the SNU of the Midlands were still booking them for Church gigs and so on.

Yep thats the Spiritualist National Union booking FRAUDS for gigs knowing full well what they had been up to.

And lets not forget before all of this came out, they were two of the SNU's top Tutors at the Arthur Findlay college

The SNU employed them, yet not a single psychic/medium at the SNU could see they were frauds!
What does that tell you not only about the SNU, but about psychics in general.

Firstly no one saw this coming, and if they did, that means they condoned fraud!

Right now the SNU are doing their best to hush this all up, much like their arrests in the first place, but this is BadPsychics, and we tell the truth.

The funny thing is The SNU, used to have meetings about me, and work out how they could stop me, and close down this site, yet it seems their own Psychics are doing the job for me!

Lets hope that Timothy Abbott ends up in a nice rough Prison, and learns his lesson, because if he starts to "demonstrate" his fake mediumship when he gets out, we will make sure everyone knows he is a convicted fraud, and a criminal.

Enjoy porridge!