Showing posts with label Thomas John. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thomas John. Show all posts

28 March 2024

Exposing the "Seatbelt Psychic": The Unveiling of Thomas John in Operation Pizza Roll

Susan Gerbic, Thomas John, Mark Edward
Image: (Susan Gerbic, Thomas John, Mark Edward, -

By Jon Donnis

Time to revisit "Operation Pizza Roll" 7 years after the event. 17 Minute documentary at the bottom of the article if you want to scroll down to watch.

In the world of psychic phenomena, Thomas John gained notoriety as the "Seatbelt Psychic" for his purported ability to communicate with the deceased and offer insights into the future. However, his rise to fame was met with skepticism from some corners, leading to an intricate investigation by skeptics Susan Gerbic and Mark Edward. Their meticulous efforts, dubbed "Operation Pizza Roll," ultimately uncovered evidence suggesting that Thomas John's abilities were not as supernatural as he claimed.

The Rise of Thomas John:
Thomas John, born Thomas John Flanagan, gained prominence in the psychic community for his alleged gift of mediumship. He claimed to have the ability to connect with spirits of the deceased and deliver messages from the afterlife to his clients. His charisma and purported accuracy in readings garnered him a substantial following, with appearances on television shows and high-profile events enhancing his reputation as a psychic medium.

Operation Pizza Roll:
Skeptical of Thomas John's claims, Susan Gerbic and Mark Edward initiated Operation Pizza Roll in an attempt to scrutinize the authenticity of his psychic abilities. The operation, named humorously after Gerbic's fondness for pizza rolls, aimed to conduct undercover investigations into various mediums and psychics to uncover any fraudulent practices.

"Gerbic and Edward attended John's show using aliases, and John "read" them as a married couple. During the entire reading, John failed to determine the actual identities of Gerbic and Edward, or that they were deceptive during his reading. All personal information he gave them matched what was on their falsified Facebook accounts, rather than being about their actual lives." - Wikipedia Thomas John

Unveiling the Deception:
Gerbic and Edward employed a multi-faceted approach to expose Thomas John's alleged fraudulence. They utilized a combination of online research, undercover investigations, and critical analysis of his performances to reveal inconsistencies and potential methods of deception.

Online Research: Gerbic and Edward delved into Thomas John's background, examining his public statements, media appearances, and testimonials from clients. They sought to identify patterns or discrepancies in his claims that could indicate deception or manipulation.

Undercover Investigations: As part of Operation Pizza Roll, Gerbic and Edward attended Thomas John's live performances and private readings incognito. They observed his techniques, interactions with clients, and the accuracy of his readings to assess the validity of his psychic abilities firsthand.

Critical Analysis: Gerbic and Edward applied their expertise in skepticism and deception detection to analyze Thomas John's methods. They scrutinized his use of cold reading techniques, vague statements, and psychological manipulation tactics to uncover potential strategies for simulating psychic phenomena.

Exposing the Truth:
Through their exhaustive investigation, Gerbic and Edward amassed compelling evidence suggesting that Thomas John's claims of psychic ability were fraudulent. They documented instances of cold reading, vague statements, and reliance on cues from clients to construct seemingly accurate readings. Additionally, they uncovered inconsistencies in Thomas John's public statements and testimonials, casting doubt on the authenticity of his purported abilities.

Impact and Legacy:
The revelation of Thomas John's alleged fraudulence in Operation Pizza Roll sparked widespread discussion and debate within the psychic community and among the general public. It served as a reminder of the importance of skepticism and critical thinking when evaluating extraordinary claims, particularly in the realm of psychic phenomena.

While Thomas John's reputation may have been tarnished by the exposure, Operation Pizza Roll highlighted the significance of rigorous investigation and scrutiny in uncovering deception and promoting a greater understanding of the limitations of purported psychic abilities.


Footnotes and Further Reading:
Gerbic, Susan, and Mark Edward. "Operation Pizza Roll: Exposing Thomas John, the Seatbelt Psychic." Skeptical Inquirer, vol. 42, no. 4, 2018, pp. 28-33. -

Hyman, Ray. "Cold Reading: How to Convince Strangers That You Know All About Them." The Skeptical Inquirer, vol. 26, no. 2, 2002, pp. 42-46.

Wilson, Ian. "The Psychology of Spiritualism: Science and Seances." The Skeptic, vol. 21, no. 3, 2018, pp. 22-27.

Inside the Secret Sting Operations to Expose Celebrity Psychics.

27 June 2019

Did we catch Thomas John: Manhattan Medium posting a faked testimonial?

With Thomas John currently in the media after he was exposed by Susan Gerbic, I thought I would re-publish our article that was originally published on 12th April 2018, whereby we exposed the fact that he had published a fake testimonial. Enjoy


I had an interesting email from someone concerned about Thomas John, they believed that he had printed a faked testimonial. So I checked it out.

Click the image to see it larger.
The original post was posted here.

Now when you click that link you get.

Luckily I copy and pasted it before he removed the fake testimonial.
I received a marvelous e-mail today from a woman I gave a reading to about 6 months ago. What an amazing transformation because she was open to messages from Spirit!
Dear Thomas, 

About 6 months ago, I had a reading with you. My sister had gifted it to me. It was by the phone---I'm not sure if you remember, I was the one who had just come back from Ireland, and we spoke about Ireland. 

When you gave me my reading, I have to be honest, listening back on the tape, I was very difficult with you and I am not sure why I was like that. I noticed that you were getting very specific details and I was not being helpful to you at all. I am sure you don't like people to tell you lots of extra details, but I truly felt my energy I was being difficult intentionally. 

The focus on my reading was speaking to my daughter, who passed away at 19 years old. She was my only daughter and we were VERY close---like best friends.
There were so many amazing things you validated! To be honest, I was skeptical. My mind went to a million places---did he Google me? Did he guess things? Did my mother tell him things? Does he have a way to spy on me? YES....I went crazy for a second! Lol! 

When we ended the reading, I had so many emotions---validation, happiness, sadness, excitement, curiosity. I will even admit that I "Googled" you and I saw you had some trouble in your past. This made me MORE skeptical. 

However about a month ago, I decided to listen to my reading again and the most amazing thing happened to me. While I was listening to the reading, you said, "I see a purple bear with a bow on it." I didn't validate it, but you said, "I literally see you finding it in the weirdest of places!" The day before I re-listened to my reading, I was going through my daughters items and I came across a purple bear. It was inside of her coat pocket. To be honest, I have no idea how or why it got there. I am not sure. I am attaching a photograph. 

Another amazing thing happened. You told me about a "plastic rectangle thing, two of them, attached together, with hearts on them." Again, when you said this to me, I was like WTF......two days ago, FOUND those in my daughters stuff! Yup! Exactly as you said......attaching pics of both!!!!!!! 

Thomas, I will forever be a believer in you and I know that you have a gift that is beyond anything I have ever experienced. Thank you for continuing to share and please, keep up your amazing work. You have healed the heart of this very sad Mother!
Thank you so much, Carin S.
West Bloomfield MI

Before I posted this article, we knew that as soon as I did, he would delete the post as he would have been found out, and then he will simply deny all knowledge, and/or block anyone who questions him about it. So we thought it might be worth sending private messages to some of his followers, letting them know what he had done, so they could see for themselves. Of course the risk being one of them challenges him and he removes the testimonial, and that is what he did.

But so far I have not actually proven the testimonial was faked have I? Well read on....

Now the testimonial itself is the typical thing that mediums publish as if to prove what they do is real. But us skeptics, we know better don't we!

Well the person who emailed me regarding this pointed out the bear picture is actually from an Ebay listing.

But what about that bookmark?

Well a quick reverse image search on google, and it is literally everywhere, loads of posts on Pinterest.

So what does this tell us?

Well there are two possibilities.

1. Thomas John just made up the testimonial, found those two unconnected photos, made up a nice little story to fit them together, and published them as proof of his magical powers.

2. Someone emailed Thomas John pretending that he had given them a spot on reading, and found photos that would match up to what he told them.

Personally I suspect number 1, as that is the most obvious, but even if it is number 2, that would only show that Thomas John has no idea when someone is lying to him, and that he has no problem posting a faked testimonial if it makes him sound good.

Either way it would suggest he has no psychic powers. For he either made it up himself, or he could not tell when someone had made up a story about him being correct in a reading, and therefore the original reading was also fake.

In future any time you see any testimonial that a psychic/medium posts, be skeptical.

We will let you make your own minds up as to how this effects Thomas John's claims of being a medium. Personally I believe he had no real psychic abilities, and that he cannot communicate with the dead.

By Jon Donnis

This article is purely the opinion of the author, and may or may not represent the opinions of