Showing posts with label Psychic Fraud News. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Psychic Fraud News. Show all posts

10 June 2014

Psychic Fraud Exists - Sally Morgan, Theresa Caputo ect. (Psychic Fraud News S2E5)

Reports differ, but now I have spoken to people i know who have seen Sally, and they were not impressed, similar reports from normal people on the internet from people who have seen Long Island Medium and other probable frauds. 

a persons claim that Sally was not very good, interesting reading.­arrassing-night-for-psychic-sally-in-mid­dlesbrough/

the brown nosed article on Psychic Sally.

article on her not trying out to confirm she has a psychic skill.

another link you may find of interest as far as her ability on stage.


Sally Morgan claims to have worked with many famous people and even politicians, the best to come on screen are b list stars and lesser celebrates, yet at one point, years ago, she did a few readings for Princess Diana, and since Diana died Sally has been using this irrelevant fact to sell many books and get a multimillion pound television and theatre career. He predictions were never truly validated, including her 9/11 claim, most of her "predictions" are blown out of nothing After the fact, nothing more, and her claim to have predicted Diana's death is utterly unsupported and not in the least documented. Also she has been caught out for her lies in the past:

Theresa Caputo in this video is used to show that claims of proof in cases of unimportant incident are nonsensical, even more so if you consider she rarely offers Any insight into anyone's life or even gives clear information, cold reading, whether or not she believes her bullshit is a question only she can completely answer as a multimillionaire television show star who does shows mostly in the north east united states. In the clip she has a "skeptic", guy is just unsure, curious and unsure, not a critical thinker, a truth seeker, and something happens, the tape stops recording, but then starts, must be the "spirits", or gremlins in the works.
some claim the show is scripted, and I know that other psychic do use plants in shows, clients usually, some have been known to hire actors from time to time, I say consider it as a maybe:

The clip from The Atheist Experience is in reference to some loon who called up the show saying her could see the future, they made clear general stuff is lightly to end up being true sooner or later, and that James Randi, and the educational foundation(JREF) is willing to pay a million US dollars to anyone who demonstrates the paranormal under controlled conditions, as of yet no famous psychic dares do the test. The Atheist Experience of Austin are a non-profit organisation that does a great many feature length shows on religion and relating beliefs, mostly Christianity and other major belief systems.
James Randi, of the James Randi Educational Foundation, is one of a number of people who are willing to test things such as psychic paranormal claims, the key difference between the spiritualists and mystics and the JREF(and others) is that they do tests in controlled conditions, thus the odds of an error a very small and serious ability would be clear and obvious to the methods used.

The clip of a discussion between Richard Dawkins, the famous biologist and outspoken Atheist, and Derren Brown, the magician and freethinker, is on how psychics seem to be so good at giving information, yet it is not the medium who really does the work, it is the believer looking for information that fits or making it fit in place. Check out the full interview if you have not already done so, it is worth considering:

Lastly a few word on the small clip of Christopher Hitchens, his insights into the nature of faith is often featured in my video content, in this case a small clip of the deceased author from one of his books 'god is not great'. If you want to hear more the reason I used this clip was to express that although we can infer the failure of the belief by the actions of its advocates and officials who cannot be sure it is utterly false simply by the actions of those who are less than reputable characters. In Hitch's case it was about a Buddhist who takes offering left by believers and it not making Buddhism false, but the same logic may be offered to any belief system, it would on the merits of the belief system that it would be judged upon.

3 June 2014

Predictably Pathetic Prophecy (Psychic Fraud News S2E4)

The psychics and prophets who say to know the future make massive claims, yet only count the hits, and this is also effected by a bias in interpretation of predictions to make them fit the actual events that take place. So simply very general ideas and/or so many predictions that a few will hit to some degree or can be made to seem to fit somewhat.

Psychic predictions for 2014

psychic predictions for 2013

a prophecy website

an end-time prophecy website

a fortune telling website

22 May 2014

Refuting faith in Spirit Mediums (Psychic Fraud News S2E3)

In which ever form faith presents itself it is a movement away from rationality, to hold dear what you desire to be true over the facts is a very unwise mistake, no matter how you dress up your ignorance. The best you can say as far as mediumship is that it may be possible, but the evidence, in a scientific sense, has not be supplied. It may be wise to question your messages and consider weather your using your beliefs as a crutch, and if those who respect as mediums aren't as spiritually pure or true as your faith would move you to believe, there is no crime in being analytical, and surely if you want to trust a medium or a spiritualist church you should see if it is you filling in the gaps to make it work or an actual paranormal phenomenon.

14 February 2014

Psychic Fraud News S02E02 - Zeta Prophecy & Nancy Lieder (also Miranda Interview update)

So ZetaTalk are crazy, as if we didn't know Nancy Lieder was a nut, the claim is contactees who are given prophecy, but every time it fails, in fact the only times any prophecy seems to work its usually made to fit, just fabricated post event, or just a chance possibility. The communication is often telepathic in nature, or so they(believers) claim, so I have not gone too far from the mandate of this series, all prophets and mystics are fair game.

As far as Maitreya Miranda, she is very agreeable and welcomes to chance to share her beliefs, so all being well in May or June, weather depending, a new interview can take place, but I hope to interview others too.

4 February 2014

Psychic Fraud News 2014 S02E01 - Psychic News And Reporting And Hearsay

The Return Of Psychic Fraud News For 2014, Continuing My Series, For A New Season, On Psychics, Healers, Ghost Hunters, and Cult Leaders.

23 November 2013

Psychic Fraud News Report - Sylvia Browne Death Special

Sylvia Browne Death Special - Psychic Fraud News Report

Sylvia Browne was a fake, a con-artist, she has made many millions by playing on human weakness, getting prior knowledge for tv appearances, and doing cold reading for expensive telephone readings. Death is too good for this woman, what a shame her shame was not exposed better within her life time, what a shame she didn't have to do a real job instead tricking those who are very sad at a loss of a close loved one.

My message to Sylvia Browne's fans, move on with your life, don't make that fraud out to be a saint on earth, a holy woman, a great gifted soul who was a prophet, screw that, look past your little religious thinking into a fact based reality, where you are not encouraged to accept hearsay as evidence.

My message to haters of Sylvia Browne, time to move on, be critics, not haters, expose other charlatans by what you have learned, and do not let these sick people bring you down, one battle is over and yet the war on conmen is far from over.

A few thoughts for those who believe in tv psychics and tv mediums, every time we find trickery at work, every moment we glimpse where the mask slips, every error on the part of these people, we see evidence that they are not honest beings practising a greater truth or power, from this even you cannot assume they are as genuine as you may wish to believe.

Sylvia Browne's books will continue to gain her org more money, there are other psychics in her org, and the cult of Sylvia is surviving her death, but for how much longer I do not know.

Some reports on Sylvia Browne Suggest that something like 200 million was made by Sylvia Browne over the last three decades, most of this since she was regularly on the Montel Williams Show, she got a profile that flew her high enough to shift vast numbers of books, tickets to shows, CDs & DVDs, as well as her expensive telephone readings.

14 October 2013

6 October 2013

Psychic Fraud News - Episode 8 - Doreen Virtue and New Age Angels - 5th Oct 2013

Doreen Virtue's business is very well organised and all too often not based on the accounts of the religious idea of angels, more her own ideas and more often ones she has picked from other new age authors, she used nice art work to add class and as a result she makes massive amounts of money by imposing a new religious view of the ever helpful angels.

Understand that she is a guru much like David Icke minus conspiracy beliefs, the use of what seems to be an always right philosophy of basic perspectives seems very attractive because it seems to be very true to people who don't think beyond the simplistic questions.

In many ways Doreen creates a cult mentality around her belief, herself as an ever righteous guru, without the narcissism, instead a very inclusive ever positive perspective that is fine-tuned to create an appealing new age religious view. As a believer you are expected to accept what is said by a teacher/guru, if you don't the cult/group thinking is maybe your not ready for this knowledge and/or you holding on to past negativity, the cure for this negativity in new age is to accept without allowing yourself to question.

Funny how religion tries to say your dark, bad, broken, misshaped, undeveloped, lesser, negative, or even evil if you don't drink the kool aid without question, sadly in group instances our free will is surrendered to some degree and the group think may well impose rulings upon people to think in line with the others. I wouldn't call it a serious cult or dangerous, as most cults, whether religious or political, are not very dangerous, BUT the effect upon quality of life is impressed upon by the great force of blind faith.

If you believe angels, or any super-beings, will do things for you then you give thought to a thing which probably is not in existence, you may offer tribune to the imagination and not deal with that which you may be should, most people use the idea of super-beings to help themselves to achieve goals, sadly idols of worship can prevent people actually reaching out. Angels as an idea are very popular and make big bucks in many faiths, new age religious methods are so obvious in their business technique as to express nothing but the most blatant deceptions.

By Robert W Lester

30 September 2013

Psychic Fraud News - Episode 7 - conartists?

I think the psychics fit into three types, the faithfully deluded, the faithless trickster, and the tricksters who believes to some degree in their practices, back when I was into this crap I was like most followers, the first kind, deluded. I was a trainee healer & mediums, and I got to that point due to sadness over a few deaths in my family, depression, and so I was perfect for conversion, if my friend at the time, the guy who got me into spiritualism and new age, was a Catholic or Muslim instead of a spiritualist then my life would have been very different. I used to read the books for the famous psychics, I believed most of it, I often shared them in my local spiritualist church, but after my depression was less pronounced I realised the contradictions between psychics, mediums, and new age channellers, my rationality started to rise, but it took a while to get back to reality.
By Robert W Lester

27 September 2013

Psychic Fraud News - Episode 6 - Woo Woo

Any serious psychic who makes grand claims should do the James Randi challenge, or another equally as strict scientific test to confirm it's not a question of faith.

16 September 2013

Psychic Fraud News - Episode 4 - Pure Abuse

A dark episode, three truly horrid stories, proof of how this can be far worse than a few dollars for a simple reading. [all story links below] and excuse editing, I was rushed and didn't have time to start filming again, sorry for any derpy-ness that may effect you viewing pleasure.

...and any serious psychic who makes grand claims should do the James Randi challenge, or another equally as strict scientific test to confirm it's not a question of faith.

12 September 2013

Psychic Fraud News - Episode 3 - Psychic Crime? - 12th September 2013

This episode was delayed due to some technical problems, it must have been the ghosties, and I know I said I would do 5 minute episodes, but with so much going on I chose to make this one longer. should do shorter mid-week episodes in the future, saving the longer shows for the Saturday/Sunday main upload.

The first story is why I am so against cult leaders and the like, whether they call themselves psychic, or not, it is largely the same, the difference is the term used and the faith held.

The second story about ghost hunting psychics, it is common for quackery to be used, and if they get exposure, and as a result more money, they think it is fine to use simple trickery on the believers. I personally find it to be a scam, not unlike the Victorian spiritualist tricks that we of the same ilk, such as the Fox sisters and their bumps and bangs in the 1840s.

The final story, another scam, a con on the weak for cash, very common, selling nonsense for extreme prices, far beyond the average and fairly low prices of most alternative therapies and new age practices, but the desperate will spend their cash out of their desperation.

7 September 2013

Psychic Fraud News - Episode 2 - Predictions - 7th September 2013

Not all news, but due to the nature of psychic predictions and the constant effort to make it fit, it's old but news too.

3 September 2013

Psychic Fraud News - Episode 1 - 3rd September 2013

I uploaded this earlier than expected due to positive feed back from my friends on youtube, and I may well upload another by the end of the week.