
21 August 2020

Why can't Psychics gets The Lotto Numbers? - A Commentary by Rob Lester

Blame karma or blame the intentions of the psychic and the ever-shifting energies of the universe, but never get close to admitting that you might just not be psychic or your skills might be extremely poor.  And even if psychics were real, most aren't doing a good job and maybe the best they can do is normal intuitive stuff, not really displays of extrasensory skills. 

And if you were good and selfless, why wouldn't the universe want to make you better off so you can help others? 

Karma or fate or whatever on this, it's nonsense.  You just don't have the ability, and the new age movement needs excuses for believers and frauds to say why they aren't building new-age philosophy schools based on lotto wins.

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