
2 January 2020

The Sunday Mirror going after Derek Acorah, but are they massive hypocrites? Yes, yes they are.

Happy New Year! And with a new year, and new decade, I find that journalism in the UK has not changed, it is full of fake news, and hypocrites.

But before I start I want to make a few things very clear.
1. If something claims it is free, then YOU and YOUR data is the payment.
2. NEVER give your name, address, email or phone number to a psychic.
3. 100% of psychics/mediums fail 100% of the time when the chance to cheat is removed in credible tests. No exceptions, no anomalies.

Today (January 2nd 2020) I received an email from John Siddle a "journalist" from the Sunday Mirror.

Here is his email.


Hi Jon,
I'm a reporter with the Sunday Mirror working on a piece about underhand practices by these so-called telly psychics. 
Wondered if I could have five minutes of your time.
Is there a number I could get you on? 
Thanks very much,
John Siddle


Now, you might think that I would jump at the chance of helping the media and getting my name in a paper read by millions. Unfortunately I have been burned so many times that I simply do not trust the media in any way or form.

Here was my reply.


I would love to help you, I really would.
Unfortunately your newspaper STOLE material from my site
and never credited it me, even worse you called it "an exclusive"
The journalist was Matt Roper and this happened a long time again.

Every single time i have helped journalists with an article they have screwed me over.
EVERY SINGLE TIME. No exceptions. The Mirror a few times, the Sun, Observer, Independent, pretty much every tabloid out there.

Either they have stole my work and not credited me, or they have lied about the nature of their article
and ended up PROMOTING the very thing or person I exposed as a fraud.

So please give me one good reason why I should help you?
The media have a 100% record in screwing me over.


Clearly I am not one to hold a grudge.

Amazingly he replied and still asked for help.


Hi, sorry to hear about your bad experiences in the past. 
I don't want to force you to help, but if you want to, that'd be great. 
I'm just looking for a couple of paragraphs reaction to this story that we're running at the weekend...

Telly psychics  - including Derek Acorah - who are using automated bots to  prey on social media users.
People are being offered ‘free readings’ in exchange for liking their social media page/posts. Messages are then sent to users saying, for example: ‘Hi [NAME], I sense unexpected news in the New Year. Text Derek to 85*** £1 per message. Max 3’
Recipients say they have been hounded with hundreds of the messages over Facebook, with some saying they are feeling suicidal as a consequence. They include the mum of a teenager who died less than a year ago. 

If you can help great - but no worries if you don't want to. 
Thanks, John.


It seems like a good article for him to write, so why wouldn't I want to help him? Well I decided I WOULD help him, and give him a couple of paragraphs for him to publish. What do you think? Will he dare publish this?


Ok here is my reaction. I doubt you will publish it, but lets see how brave you are. Or if you are a massive hypocrite.

"Derek Acorah is in the entertainment business, sadly he has seen that his touring work has slowed down and as such he has moved into the online market more and more. Derek Acorah simply sells his name to these companies who then use his fame as part of this robocall business. Derek has little to no technological knowledge he is not behind this, he is just taking a paycheck to promote something.

The Mirror does the exact same thing when they have horoscopes printed by Russell Grant, it is the exact same scam. You get people on a free reading and then link them to expensive phone charges, private readings and so on. Sadly as long as the media, and that includes The Mirror, promotes these kinds of charlatans, then there will always be a steady stream of victims to be taken advantage of."

Credit: Jon Donnis -

Now, the reason I have written this article and published my response, is because I highly doubt that John Siddle will ever print it. He will never admit that the newspaper he writes for, profits from the exact same thing he is attacking Derek Acorah for. I expect he may even cancel the article about Acorah after reading this.

So lets take a look at The Mirror.

They have Russell Grant offer "free" horoscopes. Whereby they also offer a free newsletter. First of all this is data collection, have no doubt about that, you give them your email, you can expect to receive more than just some nonsense horoscope. Remember what I said at the start of this article, "If something claims it is free, then YOU and YOUR data is the payment."

Under the Horoscopes on the Mirror they have links to Russel's site.

Notice how many times the word "FREE" is used.
Yet once you go to Russel Grant's site, everything costs.


Or how about "Email a Psychic"?

Ask a Short question for £13.95
Ask a Long question for £29.95

All money!

I could go through his whole site and give examples, the point is, is this any worse than what Derek Acorah is doing?

It is all a scam. It is all about getting money from gullible vulnerable people.

They collect your data through your email address, or through your phone number, and then they keep spamming you.

My advice is do NOT give you email, your name, your phone number or anything to a psychic, an astrologer, a mystic. And if you do, do not complain when you start getting spammed by robocalls and automated bots.

And my message to John Siddel at The Sunday Mirror, before attacking others, perhaps you should look at your own employers, for they are profiting from the very thing you are claiming to expose.

I have contacted Derek Acorah for comment on this article and his involvement with Robocalls, and when I get a reply I will update this article.

By Jon Donnis

1 comment:

Beryltheperyl said...

That's an extreme way of Derek getting out of answering you.....

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