
30 November 2017

Lyndsay Edwards - Psychic Predictions 2017 - A Look at what was right or wrong.

I had never heard of "psychic" Lyndsay Edwards until a forum member mentioned that she had published a load of psychic predictions for 2017. Well since we are now nearly at the end of 2017, I thought what better time would it be than to take a look at what she got right, and see if her claims of being a psychic are real or just a bunch of lies to make money.

She also has a helpful disclaimer
"All psychic predictions on this website are given to me by spirit and are not my thoughts/words/wishes."

In other words if they are wrong, you can blame the ghosties.
I will also note that I do not have a copy of these predictions from when they were written, plus the page has been edited many times, oh and guess what, the Wayback Machine has no archive copy of her predictions and the page it is hosting on, bizarrely was not even linked to from the main page of her site until September according to the archives.

If I miss something please leave a comment.

I have added my comments between each prediction in red.

  • 29/01/2017 Donald Trump will be assassinated
As of 30/11/2017 Donald Trump is still alive.
I can understand why someone who make such a prediction as there were a lot of threats made against him, even Madonna called for the White House to be blown up.

  • 25/03/2017 Theresa May will step down
As of 30/11/2017 Theresa May is still the UK Prime Minister.
Again with all the talk at the time, this was brought up a lot, but instead of stepping down, the PM went on to win an election.

  • 25/03/2017 Donald Trump will win the war against ISIS
Since 2017 according to Wikipedia there has been 27 separate attacks attributed to ISIS, 900+ dead, 7400+ injured. So clearly in March 2017 Donald Trump had not won any war, but he had said many times that he would wipe ISIS out.

However in the last few weeks of November, ISIS has lost all territory in Syria.

  • 16/05/2017 French President makes wrong judgement call & will have to publicly apologize
I searced the whole month of May for any action by Macron that would fit a "wrong judgement call" and apologise, but I could not find anything at all.

But most leaders will make a bad call and have to apologise, it is part and parcel of being a leader of a country.

  • 21/04/2017 Donald Trump sacrifices hostages lives 
In a blog post accompanying this prediction, Lyndsay Edwards made mention of a female hostage. 

The only possible thing that could fit this is when Trump dropped the MOAB on Isis militants in Afghanistan mid April. No Hostages were killed as far as I can see.

  • 12/04/2017 Theresa May sends troops into Syria to tackle ISIS – She did agree to send 100 more troops into Afghanistan on 9th May 2017.
The blue writing is an edit by Edwards.
And yes in May NATO had urged the PM to send more troops into Afghanistan to fight a Taliban come back.
HOWEVER the claim was to send troops into Syria to tackle ISIS. Wrong country and wrong enemy.

  • 06/04/2017 The ocean will explode and destroy parts of certain countries
The closest I could find a fit here would be the various Hurricanes that happened. But these happen every year. Of the big ones Hurricane Maria caused a lot of flooding and damage, this was in September, as was Hurricane Irma. Does this fit with an ocean exploding?

  • 12/03/2017 Justin Bieber meets new love in August 2017 and it gets pretty serious, it’ll be public with images in the media by October 2017 – Happened (See October news article here)
Yes Justin Bieber did indeed get photographed with a girl in October!
However he also got photographed with a different girl pretty much every month, he is consistently on/off with Selena Gomez.

So it is hard to take seriously a prediction that is so incredibly likely to come true regardless of when you say it will happen.

It is a bit like me predicting that Donald Trump will tweet something that will cause outrage in December. We all know it will happen, so is it really psychic?

  • 22/03/2017 London will be bombed from a plane above
Nope never happened. Although there was the Westminster attack in March whereby 52-year-old Muslim extremist Khalid Masood, drove a car into pedestrians on the pavement along the south side of Westminster Bridge and Bridge Street. Perhaps if Lyndsay Edwards had been a bit more vague, she could have got a hit here.

  • 25/03/2017 Women and children will be targeted during in terror attacks – Happened Manchester arena attack May 2017
Yes there was a terror attack in May, and Children were the intended target. However with the way that Terrorists work, this was pretty likely and only a matter of time before someone successfully bombed an event like this.

  • 25/03/2017 Italy will be attacked by ISIS
Italy has not had a single Terrorist attack in 2017. In fact their intelligence on the matter is one of the best in the world. Although many pundits have expected Italy to be attacked eventually. Everywhere else has.

  • 25/03/2017 The Pope will be targeted
Nope, although it is the Pope, there are always threats against him.

  • 25/03/2017 Lightworkers coming together publicly
If anything people in the New Age / Spiritualist movements are more divided than ever.

  • 25/03/2017 Huge protest in London after the bombing/explosion
There was no "huge" protests as such. There has been various marches. But the only marches against Terrorism have been by groups like the EDL and events organised by Tommy Robinson, which to be far have had large numbers in the tens of thousands. So I will say this prediction is correct, but usually when there are terrorist attacks, people will protest them, its not a huge leap to predict this.

  • 04/05/2017 Donald Trump doesn’t get his own way with another country’s leader this month – Happened: Trump wasn’t happy with the Paris Agreement and so pulled out 
Donald Trump literally doesn't get on with another country's leader every week. Him pulling out the Paris Agreement was not even a disagreement with a leader. Plus it happened in June. So this is a real stretch here.

  • 04/05/2017 Donald Trump is having secret meetings with cash exchanges – Happened: Trump caught having secret meetings.
Now Lyndsay Edwards links to an article titled "Trump and Putin had 'secret' second chat at G20" It was so secret that every single mainstream media outlet reported on it at the time! It also had nothing to do with cash exchanges.

  • 19/05/2017 Madeline McCann was accidentally killed in the apartment that night by being slammed into the wardrobe, she hit her head and died instantly, her body was disposed of at sea and she has since been reincarnated.
Nope, none of that has been said or revealed. As far as the police are concerned it is still a mystery what happened.

  • 29/05/2017 Terror attack on a school in America
There has been no Terrorist attacks on schools in America in 2017.
Lots of random shootings as usual however.

  • 30/05/2017 Theresa May will WIN the general election 2017 – Happened 09/06/2017
Earlier on in these predictions Edwards clearly stated that Theresa May would step down. So I am guessing these predictions have been added to and edited as the year progresses as opposed to one long list added at once.

To predict that Theresa May would win the election was an easy one, as the whole point of the election was to increase the number of seats they had, there was never any chance of her losing.

The fact that Edwards already predicted she would step down makes a mockery of this prediction.

  • 01/06/2017 Gemma Collins will have a baby summer 2019 & is haunted by her past
She is 36 now, has no children, so it is likely she will want kids soon so this is an easy prediction to make. Will have to wait and see if it comes true.

  • 04/06/2017 Huge shoot down in Westminster between multiple terrorists and the police
She wrote this in June, the day AFTER the London Bridge attack.
The terrorists did not have guns, after running people over they went on a stabbing spree before they were shot by Police.

There has been no shoot out in Westminster.

  • 04/06/2017 Multiple unarmed police officers killed by terrorists in London
She is writing this the day AFTER the London Bridge attack.
I can only assume this is nothing to do with predictions but has added this here just to link to a blog post whereby she actually talks of a vision of Trump being assassinated with a bow and arrow!

  • 04/06/2017 Plane crash into Westminster or drops a bomb on it from above…

  • 04/06/2017 The use of nuclear weapons against ISIS

  • 25/03/2017 & 04/06/2017 One country having to start again from scratch

  • 09/06/2017 Theresa May will give the go ahead to the military to tackle ISIS alongside our American Friends
We have been bombing targets in Iraq and Syria since 2014.

  • 09/06/2017 Donald Trump is hiding something (evidence) connected to Obamacare
No. In fact he has tried to repeal Obamacare.

  • 14/06/2017 Spirit guide says terror attacks on Italy are currently being planned 
Terror attacks have been planned for pretty much every country. However Italy is one of the best at stopping them and as of 30/11/2017 They have not had a single attack carried out in Italy, although I suspect it is inevitable that they will miss one.

  • 16/06/2017 Terror attack at a music concert in the US near the stage area
The closest I could find to this is the Las Vegas shooting. It wasn't near the stage area, instead the shooter fired blindly into the crowd from a hotel window. Apparently not a Terrorist with an ideology. Official line is that he was a lone gunman with mental issues.

Personally I believe he was radicalised by watching the liberal US media and their demonisation of Trump and Republican voters, and he decided to take out his anger on these very people. Notice how the US media have not reported on this since it happened, and it is almost like it never happened. I hope one day the truth will come out, but sometimes the silence tells its own story. Anyway that is just my crazy conspiracy brain.

  • 16/06/2017 Terror attack and hostage situation in a Post Office in London

  • 18/06/2017 Kathy Griffin’s death threats are not real  Happened 
Edwards here puts "Happened" after this, but I can find no evidence that Kathy Griffin faked death threats against herself.
Kathy Griffin is a disgusting human being, and I am sure she got many threats for what she did. I see no reason why she would need to fake them

  • 19/06/2017 US music concert terror attack is currently being planned and they’re looking at Bieber concerts – Justin cancelled the rest of his world tour (phew! Although these insane people are still out there and yet to strike so it’s a worrying time and I pray security is stepped up for Justin and his fans)
Bieber did NOT cancel his tour because of any terror threats.
And since Terrorists are looking at big events to target, any big name singer could be a target, but as far as I can see Bieber has not been mentioned.

  • 26/06/2017 North Korea Leader Kim Jong-Un declares war & missile collides with U.S military aircraft   – Happened: North Korea declared ready for war against the US.
No North Korea missiles have hit any US Military aircraft. As for Kim Jong-un declaring war, he does this every week.

  • 29/06/2017 Terror attack on a shopping mall – open fire, Queen wants a leader who can get a grip on terrorism
She stated Dubai or the Trafford Centre in Manchester within her blog post, as of right now there has been no shopping mall terrorist attack.

  • 02/07/2017 NASA Rocket will be hit by Russia missile in November
Well unless it happens by midnight tonight, this is another fail.

  • 05/07/2017 Terror attack at a bowling alley & talks of attacks at Royal Variety Show & drive by shooting at police officers
It seems that she just picks out a popular location that a lot of people would attend, and states there will be a terrorist attack there. 

Of the 3 she mentions, none have happened. Although the cloest would be last month's Nuneaton bowling alley hostage situation, however it was not a terrorist but an ex-partner of an employee at the bowling alley who did it.

  • 07/07/2017 US Election was rigged and Russia were involved
Funnily enough this has been a constant speculation by the far left media in the States ever since the election and their candidate lost.

The irony is that the DNC Primary WAS rigged against Bernie Sanders, and the fix was in for Hillary to win.

As for Russia being involved in the election, despite constant attempts to blame the Russians for just about everything, there is not a single piece of evidence that Russia rigged any election. In fact if anything the Russians were helping Clinton with the fake dossier on Trump.

  • 10/07/2017 Love Island Couples Predictions: Dom & Jess will get married (They’re now engaged) and have a child, Jess is fame hungry Happened all over Instagram etc, Kem and Amber will move in together Happened, Marcel will propose to Gabby but they’ll split up, Camilla and Jaime will date for a short time outside of the villa, Chris will end it with Olivia for good – Happened 12/07/2017.
It is Love Island, a scripted reality show, I do not care. 
You can have anything Love Island related as correct predictions if you like.

  • 13/07/2017  Chris will go back on his decision about ending it with Olivia and then regret going back on it (Happened), Chris & Olivia will have another row but this time Chris will be shouting at Olivia for being so disrespectful (Happened), Mike pursue’s Tyla, Theo is at a loose end with the ladies in the villa with no one he feels he wants to really pursue (Happened).
Wow so much detail about a scripted reality show. Again I do not care.
Might as well predict who will win at Wrestlemania.

  • 16/07/2017 Donald Trump will break his arm, Someone will find hidden evidence in Trumps office related to the US election Russian scandal, Trump will be assassinated before any charges can be brought against him but the case will continue against his son.
Trump's arm is fine, he has not been assassinated. No evidence against Trump has been found in his office. Pretty much all of this prediction is just what she has been reading in left wing magazines and newspapers.

  • 19/07/2017 ISIS accidentally kill one of their own during killing hostages
They don't need to accidentally kill anyone, they just kill who they feel like.

  • 02/08/2017 Stephen Bear will propose to Charlotte Crosby in December 2017 and they’ll have a baby while engaged.
No idea who these people are, still a month to go, I assume they are an item and are in the magazines, so I suppose this is pretty likely so they can sell the story and make some money from a photoshoot.

  • 05/08/2017 Donald Trump to use prisoners to build wall 
I thought he was gonna be assassinated? Make your mind up!

As for Prisoners to make the wall, that is a good idea, I hope he does it.

  • 10/08/2017 North Korea leader Kim Jong-Un to announce he’s ready and fully prepared for war against USA   – HappenedNorth Korea declared ready for war against the US.
He and his father have always said this, nothing new.

  • 27/08/2017 American troops taken out by ISIS due to incorrect intelligence being used Happened4 US soldiers killed by ISIS in a surprise ambush attack, intelligence showed it was unlikely they’d run into enemy forces, click here to read the full news article…
The Niger attack could fit this. Although if you look at the amount of places that US Troops are located around the world, and the amount of dangerous places they are, it was only a matter of time before this happened. So yes she gets this right, but it is more an educated guess than any kind of specific prediction I am sure everyone would agree.

  • 04/10/2017 Terrorist rams innocent victims with his vehicle near a beach/pier in the UK
Terrorists have been killing people by using vehicles, sadly this is now their preferred method. Although I don't recall any attacks near a beach in the UK, this is likely to come true eventually. 

  • 14/10/2017 Donald Trump is a good guy with good intentions for the American people
Again I thought you said he would be knocked off? 

  • 24/10/2017 Prince Harry will get engaged to Meghan Markle November/December time (Happened) but split up before any wedding takes place, Prince Harry will meet the girl he is going to marry not long after splitting up from Meghan.
Everyone was predicting this, it was nothing like a surprise, not in the least.

However the idea he will split up with her, that is one to look out for.
I believe they will indeed get married, have kids and live happily ever after.

  • 31/10/2017 Terror attack explosion/fire in winter time
Yes very likely. We get a terrorist attack on average every couple of months.

  • 27/11/2017 Justin Bieber will propose to Selena Gomez in 2018
Perhaps, it is kinda what young people do when they are in love. Hardly a bold statement.

And that is where we are upto.

I think you can agree that her predictions are a mix of completely wrong, and educated guesses, nothing psychic though. Nothing specific on the ones you could argue were right.

Please leave your comments below.

By Jon Donnis


Adrian Heath said...

Great work Jon, very informative. She's definitely a charlatan no doubt about that but if all she's doing is predictions like some kind of walking talking almanac then I have less of an issue with her than I do with mediums and psychics who take money to talk to someone's dead relatives. I do wonder though if her success is in no small part due to the fact she is very easy on the eye.

THE Help-Me Collective said...

You know how London wasn't "bombed from a plane above"? It wasn't bombed from one of those pesky underground planes either.

Unknown said...

Apparently psychic Lyndsay Edwards doesn't exist in real life. Nobody has ever set eyes on her. Just read the charlatan is canvassing reviews on Facebook by blog writers. No wonder the psychic predictions only came out after the events took place. Something fishy going on? Are you sure she's even the person in the photo?

JD said...

That is an interesting theory, is there anything to back this up?

Unknown said...

Lyndsay Edwards is a blog writer who started doing predictions in the last 12 months. Just read the bio on website the predictions are all backdated. Lyndsay failed to reveal the people who wrote glowing testimonials are also blog writers. Might explain why all of the psychic reviews are all blacked out to hide their real identities. Check this out.

JD said...

I dont deny the testimonials are faked, but what evidence is there that the lady herself does not exist and they are just using someone elses photos?

Unknown said...

I need to see evidence before you label her as a charlatan; a charlatan's predictions never come true and some of Ms.Edwards has come to pass; not all of them did but I wouldn't call her a charlatan!

JD said...

So because some of her vague guesses came true you think that is enough to label her as real, despite the fact the vast majority did not?
Wow you have a real low level for proof dont you. Perhaps this site is not the best for you, have you heard of CBBC? That would be a great place for you. Like minds and all that.

Adrian Heath said...

Massive facepalm, she is a charlatan if she is leading people to believe that her predictions are as the result of some special supernatural or psychic gift. I predicted liquid cooled computers and computers with quad core processors 10 years before they appeared but I'm not psychic I just used common sense and an understanding of Moores law and how processors work.

Loneseerious said...

I don't know how Lindsay Edwards can be psychic when she takes no responsibility in what she predicts through her tarot cards and crystal ball.

*Disclaimer – All psychic predictions on this website are given to me by spirit and are not my thoughts/words/wishes.

Mauve Maniac said...

Since Lyndsay has passed away, maybe you could take this down, please.

Anon said...

Do you have a source regarding her death?

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