
10 February 2016

Fake TV psychic Paula Barstow aka Lillyanne sends almost identical readings to dozens of customers

"A WELL-KNOWN psychic sent identical “letters from heaven” to dozens of bereaved customers who paid her to contact their lost loved ones.

Karen Brannigan handed £38 to medium Lillyanne in the hope she could contact her late mother.

She got a letter back with a message that the psychic claimed had come from the dead woman.

But Karen found out other customers had received the same message.

She said: “I knew right away that something was wrong. It just didn’t ring true.”

Lillyanne’s representatives claim an administrative error meant one letter had been copied and sent to multiple customers.

But Karen, who lost her mum five months ago, is furious and she fears many more vulnerable people could have been ripped off."

Read Full Story at

Here is the fake cold read she sent to multiple people in the hope they would never find out!


Very angry said...

People like this are just disgusting. I hope she is brought to justice. If she was truly in contact with this Mother then surely she would know if it was Cancer that took her. By saying that she feels cancer or very similar took her mother she shot herself in the foot. Hate these scum praying on Vunrable people.

Woody said...

Indeed, Unknown, I hate these scum, too.
It wouldn't surprise me that they can be caught giving the same reading to multiple 'customers', rather than imagining an original story for each of them, that would be too much effort for fraudulent scum.

I remember that an ex-girlfriend of mine, during our first few weeks together, told me that a 'psychic advisor' she had visited told her that she had two men in her life at the time. One was rich, one was poor and that she should not choose the rich one. I was quite well-off at the time and assumed that she was telling me this to illustrate her devotion to me.
Weeks later at work, I was having a smoke out the back when I heard two of my female co-workers talking about a 'psychic advisor'.
One was telling the other that her 'psychic' had told her that she had two men in her life at the time. One was rich and one was poor and that she should not choose the rich one.
Clearing my throat I politely interrupted to warn the woman that she may well have received an off-the-shelf reading, identical to that given to my girlfriend, because her 'psychic' wasn't feeling inventive and just wanted to take her money and send her away with a tailor-made reading. Their reactions were subtle and showed a little surprise but I could tell that they already fully believed in this shit and weren't swayed by the identical reading given to my ex.
Oh dear.

All the best, folks,

JD said...

Well articles like mine, and this kind of publicity will effect her, as people will google her and find it.
She is doing damage limitation right now, blocking on social media anyone that criticises her, just waiting for her lawyers to contact me now.

JD said...

Well if you are already conning people, it makes sense to do whatever it takes to make that con as easy as possible, and similar readings are an easy way to do that

Adrian Heath said...

Jon you do remarkable work exposing these swine I have hated so-called psychics for over 30 years they do a lot of damage and I feel sorry for anyone not bright enough to realise they are ALL fake

JD said...

Thanks for the kind words Adrian, I appreciate it

Adrian Heath said...

One look at this woman should tell you she is a slightly mentality unbalanced freak, you don't need a diploma in psychiatry to see it in the mad staring eyes

Presley35 said...

What iv never understood is why charge so much. I get its a con. But if it was all real. If I could talk to the dead I wouldn't be charging stupid amounts. Why make money out of someone's grief!! You don't need to charge 30£ plus for half hour. That's why it's obvious it's all a con.

JD said...

One simple word to answer you. "Greed"

Adrian Heath said...

I hope that her business really suffers but there's one born every minute so I'm not holding my breath.It would be so cool if she went bust though, she would actually have to go out and find a proper job lol.

Unknown said...

Doesn't seem to have made any difference to her or her business. Play the victim for awhile and wait for it all to blow over then carry on as normal.

JD said...

Yes that is true, rarely does make a difference, but this article will come up high on google searches for her name, so it will put some people off, and perhaps people will be more willing to share readings going forward.

Adrian Heath said...

Its just so wrong on all levels, if this gruesome freak was running any other sort of business she would have been run out of town. It seems to me that the change in UK law placing mediums in the entertainment category gives them total protection and vulnerable victims none at all.

JD said...

That's why the only answer is education.
The government allow people to do this, and even if sanctions were put in place, they would just use religion as a way to practice.

Adrian Heath said...

I just don't understand how everyone cannot see its bunch of ridiculous woo its just so f#*king obvious its a load of crap. I understand cognitive dissonance but really its as plain as the nose on my face. Its enough to make you lose faith in humanity.

JD said...

I know the feeling, but you have to understand that some people simply dont have the natural critical thinking skills of others, sometimes people get conned. We must try to help these people.

Adrian Heath said...

I really want to help them Jon but I don't know how short of smashing the smug shitty faces of these so called psychics which would cause more harm than good to our movement. I just want to see at least one of these c#*ts brought to justice. As a nurse I see the effects of psychics firsthand on a regular basis and professionalism prevents me from doing anything. My anger is huge towards them.

JD said...

Ok, so lets take your knowledge and experience and do something with it.
Why not write an article talking about what you see, from your perspective as a nurse.

I can publish it here, and people will read it. Education is a slow process, but we should never stop trying, however hard it may seem

Adrian Heath said...

That's not a bad idea Jon although I just realised my previous post was written in present tense when it should have been past tense no doubt the result of the couple of glasses of wine I had, (not a big drinker I'm a bit of a light weight I'm afraid) as I changed career about ten years ago. I still remember everything quite clearly though,the psychiatric secondment was a real eye opener in to what happens when you artificially halt the grieving process long term.

JD said...

I am interested in that, so write about it! People need to know why the grieving process is so important

Unknown said...

I have just been blocked for saying my negative opinions on her site

Unknown said...

I have just watched oive séance of lilly it was so fake

Unknown said...

I have just been blocked for saying my negative opinions on her site

Adrian Heath said...

Good for you Kirsty personally I would consider it a badge of honour. If this lady (and I use the term lady very loosely) was genuine she wouldn't need to block anyone she could just prove herself her operation is a huge greedy money making sham.

Unknown said...

Is this the liilyanne on facebook that has glasses and looks a bit older says she is in the soul and spirit magazine..i asked her a question just now and she read it out..i said is anyone in the room with you looking at peoples fb page as you tell them what they want to hear..she said no one is in there with her but 5 mins earlier asked a man to plug in her computer laptop as it had not much battery life

JD said...

Yes that's her

Unknown said...

She should be ashamed of can see straight away this is a con!..How to make money out of grieving people..she should be arrested for fraud!

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