
27 June 2015

A Quick Look At "Psychic Medium" Matthew James

In the past week self proclaimed Psychic Medium Matthew James has taken a bit of offence at me daring to question his claims. But my favourite claim he has made has to be this one.

Of course has has been asked to provide some evidence of these peer reviewed tests he has come through with flying colours, so far no response, and I doubt we will get one.

I will say I wasn't sure if I would give this guy any publicity on the site, since he is clearly very very deluded, and I wont give any links to his websites for that very reason.

I would however advise people to avoid him, I have taken a look at some of his readings on Youtube, and they are terrible, we are talking full on blatant cold reading. If you really want to give this guy your money, then you are a fool, and deserve to be conned, since he is so terrible.

I am sure he will now act the victim, since I have named him on BadPsychics, but the only true victims here Matthew James, are the people you have taken advantage of, the vunerable grieving people you have taken money from to pretend to communicate with their lost loved ones.

Hold you head in shame Matthew James, for you are a bad person, a greedy person, you have been called out, and you run like the coward you are. We are watching you, Your website is full of breaches of the law, and we will be going to the ASA to report you. And a time will come when one of our investigators will come to one of your "shows", and we will report you to Trading Standards, and we will have you prosecuted under the Consumer Protection Laws. It is only a matter of time.

You cant bully us, you don't scare us.

And if anyone has a complaint about Matthew James, then feel free to leave it in the comments, so that other people can see what he is like.


Matthew James said...
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Matthew James said...
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JD said...

That awkward moment when the pretend psychic doesn't understand the meaning of what PEER REVIEW means!

So in other words you are saying you passed all these mysterious 100% scientific controlled tests, but you did it in secret and no one can see the results!? Lol

Your video exposes you, and YOU chose to put it online! You revealed your own methods of cheating! You make things way too easy for a professional like me!

Who are these "undercover police fraud officers you keep going on about? And why would they investigate you unless they had received specific complaints about you in the first place! The police only investigate major criminals, so you are saying you are a major criminal then? Wow, you are digging the kind of hole for yourself that I have not seen a psychic dig in years!

You then say to me, I should only make claims I can prove. YOU are the one telling lies about passing peer review tests and not putting up a shred of evidence to be examined!

Why dont you give me these magical MP3 files, and I will show the world exactly how you cheat, much like I did easily on your own video!

I am waiting to receive the letter from your solicitors for your "defamation of character" lawsuit against me.

I look forward to it in fact.

You see I am quite happy to show the world EXACTLY step by step how you perform your readings.

Also It is quite clearly my OPINION that you are a fraud. Perhaps you need to scrub up on your legal knowledge. As for social media bullying. Nope, not said a single untrue thing about you. Only challenged you to back up your claims, something you continually refuse to do.

In fact in the very post above yours you say "Bring it on", YOU have continually told me to bring it on, and I have, and I have destroyed you at every step, and made you look like a prize numpty!

I have exposed your cold reading on your own video. I have caught you out telling lies about scientific peer review tests, and now you have threatened me with legal action, which you have yet to follow through with.

So now everyone will know that if you do NOT follow through with said language, it means EVERYTHING I have said is true, and that you are a coward, and scared of someone exposing you further.

I wonder what would happen if I delved deeper into your dealings, perhaps if you have being paying teh correct amount of tax.

Now if only I had a contact in Australia, oh wait I DO. Let me give a shout to Richard Saunders and the Australian Skeptics group. I wonder what they can find out about you!

Matthew James said...
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Matthew James said...
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Matthew James said...
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Matthew James said...
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JD said...

Interesting how you removed your earlier posts that made you look like a bit of a prat! Covering up stuff already!

How about your name the "scientist" who did tests on you, as well as the scientists who published the peer reviews too.

I hope you not going to start deleting more comments and backtracking on your claims are you?

JD said...

You have clearly realised that you cant outwit or outspeak me, most psychics figure that out a bit quicker, but you keep telling me you are not most psychics.

But I am a fair man, I can easily see through your act, your technique is glaringly obvious to anyone with even a limited knowledge of the tricks used by mediums.

So how about this, you admit that video you published is poor, I say it is terrible and exposes your methods.

So how about you post another video, unedited of you reading for strangers, a video you are proud of and believe shows you at your best.

I will then try to show the world exactly how you did it. If I cant then you win, but if I can, you admit you are a fraud.

Or perhaps you give me a reading, you keep saying you love to give readings to skeptics and you blow their minds, well how about you give a reading to the single most experienced & knowledgeable skeptic in the UK, that being me.

Oh and if you think you will be able to con me, think again. Actually go ask every psychic you know from the UK, who has heard of me, people like Colin Fry, Derek Acorah, Tony Stockwell, Gordon Smith and so on, ask them if they think you are good enough to convince me.

I have exposed ALL of them as frauds, none of sued me, or even come close.

I do not hide, I do not back down, I have taken on the biggest names in the industry, and I have won EVERY SINGLE TIME. Because I KNOW how the trick works!

I dont think you are better than any of the names I mentioned, and I destroyed all of them with ease.

So I say to you, BRING IT ON! You want to make a name for yourself, how about you convince the most CREDIBLE and knowledgeable skeptic in the UK! Because one thing is for sure, no other skeptic has done what I have done, no other skeptic even comes close.

But wait I am getting a vision of the future, its a vision of you moaning, coming up with an excuse, deleting your posts, and running away and hiding.

Bit off more than you can chew aint ya mate!

JD said...

You deleted your posts! Hahaha!
This is just so easy.

Still waiting to hear from your Solicitor.
My email is on the site.

JD said...

You deleted your posts! Hahaha!
This is just so easy.

Still waiting to hear from your Solicitor.
My email is on the site.

Matthew James said...
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Matthew James said...
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Matthew James said...
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JD said...

Yes it is a trick as your own video proved!

If you really hear voices, then you are suffering from a form of psychosis, as any doctor will tell you.

Email me. Prove to me you are legit and not like the rest. Tell me something about me that there is no way you could know?

As for your little stories, evidentially worthless as you well know. Anecdotes the lowest form of evidence in a court of law.

And John Edward another proven exposed fraud. Lisa, fraud, exposed her too. James Van Praagh, yep another exposed fraud.

Do you know any mediums who have not been caught cheating at least once?

Colin Fry got exposed by his own peers. Trumpet anyone! lol

JD said...

Of course you wont admit it, why would you, you have idiots paying you to pretend to talk to the dead. You even admit on your website what you do is entertainment only!

JD said...

If what you do is no con trick, then why from the first video I watched, were you using every con trick in the book? It was textbook cold reading.
Ask a question, get an answer, repeat the answer back to the victim. Over and over.

Who was it who once said "the smarter someone thinks they are, the easier they are to fool"

Any magicial will tell you that it is easy to fool a copper, politician etc, it is harder to fool a child, as they wont do what you expect!

Your reputation is worthless to me, since you are clearly cold reading and I have yet to see any evidence that would suggest otherwise.

How do you defend the FACT that a video YOU uploaded to promote yourself, shows you cold reading, 100% obvious blatant cold reading!

I am not attacking you out of anger, or jealousy or anything like that.
You published a piece attacking me, you took my private photo and published it on your website, So of course I am going to start to question your claims, and so far in 100% of what I have seen, you are exactly the same as every other dodgy psychic out there.

You have load of stories of passing tests, and so on, yet there is no evidence at all. You have all these wonderful anecdotes, yet where are the recordings of these readings?

You are all talk!

I can back up 100% of what I say, so far you have backed up 0% of what you have claimed.

And I dont call you deluded, as the methods you use in readings do not equate to that of a deluded medium. Your methods are very clear, very deliberate, and very obvious, that would suggest you are far from deluded, and are deliberately pretending to communicate with the dead.

Like I said, feel free to prove me wrong, email me, tell me something, give me something, anything.

Because so far out of the hundreds of mediums I have exposed, you are literally the most pathetic and easy to see through. Not even a challenge.

Woody said...

Indeed Jon, well designed and well controlled testing can show us so much. One who knows how to assess a scientific test, mostly by how it is designed, can tell us what we already knew. Wonderful powers that work so impressively everywhere except in controlled tests join the group of magical crap that only exists in the minds of the believers. Those of us who would learn, who are rather curious about the results of good testing upon the claim, we are left unconvinced.
I've heard things I can't explain logically, I've seen things that made no physical sense at the time. Hell, one day I'll describe the entire event about when I saw something seemingly impossible high in the sky above a desert town. If by chance, the power is set up to show its reality to us only in casual, unrecorded manner, I wonder why? Is it a part of the mystical, enchanting reality of this smoky, ethereal power? I've stopped hoping for positive test results for many claims. Now they would have to explain WHY it never worked in controlled testing before! Must we carefully examine the testing establishment? The testers themselves?
Holy Shit !!

JD said...

Woody. We can only go by the facts, and the facts are 100% of psychics/mediums fail 100% of the time when the chance to cheat is removed in credible scientific tests.

We live in a world of the smartphone, cameras on every corner, yet no real proof of ghosts.

If we lived on as spirits in an afterlife, great scientists like Einstein would surely work out the science of their continued existence, and give this information to the living. Instead they remain silent, and we get idiots like Mathew James pretending to pass on a message from your Aunty Elsy about some important papers in an old biscuit tin. This is not mediumship, this is bullshit.

As for what you saw in the sky above a desert town, again we live in a smartphone era, yet all these sightings have stopped, and at most all we get is grainy dodgy or photoshopped images.

The Universe is amazing enough without having the find the need to make stuff up.

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