
16 October 2014

Does Sally Morgan's Husband John Morgan have a history of abusive and rude behaviour?

Hayley Stevens who runs the website, was watching Episode Six of Season Three of Psychic Sally On The Road on Pick TV, when she saw the following, it seems as if John Morgan has a history of being rude, despite Sally Morgan claiming in a statement "Due to the continual presence of Mark Tilbrook and John Morgan’s ever-growing concern for Sally, he reacted angrily and out of character."

Transcript from

Sally Morgan: ...and even though he is my husband... it doesn't give anyone the right to do... to be rude to anyone. I wont have it because I'm not rude to anyone, and I treat people how I want to be treated.
Daren Wiltshear: I agree BUT we kinda get talked down to by everyone - they don't realise who John is.
John Morgan: Daren kinda proved my point...
Sally Morgan: BUT what I'm saying to you love is that you've gotta be more politically correct, you've got to hold your tongue. Daren's here to take all the stress off of you, you don't have to do anything. Let Daren get into trouble, I don't want you getting into trouble.
John Morgan: I'm not in trouble
Sally Morgan: you were in trouble...
John Morgan: I'm not, it's all over inflated...

You can read more on this and other great articles at


Peter said...

Seems the website was down for a while but is back up, including a page titled:

Sally & John - The Happy Couple ([url][/url])

Apparently their first date was at a pub called The Pig and Whistle.... Seems somehow appropriate.

Peter said...

So much for her efforts to disown her bigoted husband. So much for her
sacking him as her Manager. So much for her suggesting her marriage was
in serious trouble.
From her FB page.
news - we were at the Brighton show last night and saw John coming out
of the stage door with Sally at the end. They spoke to 2 ladies then
drove off together so seems they have worked things out between them.
Obviously a comment by a supporter given the "Good news..." prefix.
Just shows up her P.R. puffery.

JD said...

Is that a new page or has it always been there?

JD said...

Ok looks like an old page since the comp on there is for March 2014

JD said...

Well just like I said the firing thing was pure PR.

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