
15 September 2014

Most Haunted Ratings for First 3 Episodes!

So on the Karl Beattie Twitter page, I was told he had posted a photo of the ratings for Most Haunted, and how they were the Number 1 show on Really!

Unfortunately he never put the date and actual viewer numbers.

I thought I would see the ratings myself and give my thoughts on it and of course give the details he ignored.

Episode 1:

Well no surprise he, it was the first episode after so many years. Did very well, and i would like to congratulate them.

Episode 2:

This surprised me, since episode 1 was such an awful episode, but as I made clear in my review of Episode two, that this was the best episode in the series and I encouraged people to watch, and the ratings actually went up!

Episode 3:

And here is the final ratings available for viewing at the moment, and it is bad news for Most Haunted, as it drops to third place.

Episode 1 - 362,000
Episode 2 - 371,000
Episode 3 - 324,000

Now looking at these ratings, there may be cause for concern at Antix, as they lost roughly 50,000 viewers from episode 2 to episode 3, and remember Episode 3 was the second part of an investigation.

Now we don't know if this trend will continue, but it is worth noticing that the ratings for Ghost Adventures have actually gone up. This could actually be thanks to Most Haunted strangely enough, with people interested in the Paranormal first being brought to the channel by Most Haunted and then seeing the adverts for Ghost Adventures.

And their last episode that these ratings covered got nearly 70,000 more viewers than Most Haunted! This must be cause for concern, especially considering Episode 2 was the best episode of Most Haunted of all the episodes I have viewed so far (6).

So although the ratings are still relatively strong for Most Haunted, it remains to be seen if they can get back the 50,000 viewers they lost, or if the decline will continue.

Interestingly Karl Beattie has not tweeted an image of the most recent ratings, instead he claims Most Haunted is number one, and ignores the latest ratings!

Also another thing to consider is that Most Haunted used to be on Living TV which was not a freeview channel, and at their peak would get nearly 1 million viewers, but that slowly declined over the years. Now they are on Really TV and only getting 300k+ viewers. Hardly an amazing relaunch when you consider the numbers.

Leave your comments and opinions below.

By Jon Donnis
You can follow me on Twitter @JonDonnis

Official Ratings from BARB

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The only communication with the dead is those able to get a response from Antix seeing as the show is dead.

Even those once taken in don't believe this bullshit anymore, not do they care about the entertainment value.

300,000 viewers? Plenty of YouTube channels annihilate that in a single day!

So in essence it's a YouTube "investigation" to gain Yvette & Karl an extra bit of spending money for some fancy lampshades.

Message to Yvette, Karl & Stuart: everyone's onto you (your Antix). Get off the stage & muster a tiny glint of dignity.

Same goes for "Acorah's Angels" fanclub [gawd they must be embarrassed reflecting back on that] & the other liars/those demented who go around calling themselves lightworkers stating they work with spirit, doorkeepers, angels & tooth fairies.

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